]> andersk Git - scripts-static-cat.git/blame_incremental - StaticCat.hs
Clean up range outputting.
[scripts-static-cat.git] / StaticCat.hs
... / ...
1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ViewPatterns #-}
2{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -Wall #-}
4import Control.Applicative
5import Control.Exception
6import Control.Monad
7import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
8import Data.Dynamic
9import qualified Data.Map as M
10import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
11import Data.Time.Format
12import Network.CGI
13import Numeric
14import System.FilePath
15import System.IO
16import System.IO.Error
17import System.Locale
18import System.Posix
19import System.Posix.Handle
21encodings :: M.Map String String
22encodings = M.fromList [
23 (".gz", "gzip"),
24 (".bz2", "bzip2")
25 ]
27types :: M.Map String String
28types = M.fromList [
29 (".html", "text/html")
30 ]
32throwExceptionCGI :: Exception e => e -> CGI a
33throwExceptionCGI = throwCGI . toException
35catchExceptionCGI :: Exception e => CGI a -> (e -> CGI a) -> CGI a
36a `catchExceptionCGI` handler =
37 a `catchCGI` \e -> case fromException e of
38 Nothing -> throwCGI e
39 Just e_ -> handler e_
41data MyError = NotModified | Forbidden | NotFound | BadMethod | BadRange
42 deriving (Show, Typeable)
44instance Exception MyError
46outputMyError :: MyError -> CGI CGIResult
47outputMyError NotModified = setStatus 304 "Not Modified" >> outputNothing
48outputMyError Forbidden = outputError 403 "Forbidden" []
49outputMyError NotFound = outputError 404 "Not Found" []
50outputMyError BadMethod = outputError 405 "Method Not Allowed" []
51outputMyError BadRange = outputError 416 "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" []
53checkExtension :: FilePath -> CGI ()
54checkExtension file = do
55 let (base, ext) = splitExtension file
56 ext' <- case M.lookup ext encodings of
57 Nothing -> return ext
58 Just e -> do
59 setHeader "Content-Encoding" e
60 return $ takeExtension base
62 case M.lookup ext' types of
63 Nothing -> throwExceptionCGI Forbidden
64 Just t -> setHeader "Content-Type" t
66checkMethod :: CGI CGIResult -> CGI CGIResult
67checkMethod rOutput = do
68 m <- requestMethod
69 case m of
70 "HEAD" -> rOutput >> outputNothing
71 "GET" -> rOutput
72 "POST" -> rOutput
73 _ -> throwExceptionCGI BadMethod
75httpDate :: String
76httpDate = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
77formatHTTPDate :: EpochTime -> String
78formatHTTPDate = formatTime defaultTimeLocale httpDate .
79 posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac
80parseHTTPDate :: String -> Maybe EpochTime
81parseHTTPDate = (fromInteger . floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$>) .
82 parseTime defaultTimeLocale httpDate
84checkModified :: EpochTime -> CGI ()
85checkModified mTime = do
86 setHeader "Last-Modified" $ formatHTTPDate mTime
87 (requestHeader "If-Modified-Since" >>=) $ maybe (return ()) $ \ims ->
88 when (parseHTTPDate ims >= Just mTime) $ throwExceptionCGI NotModified
90checkIfRange :: EpochTime -> CGI (Maybe ())
91checkIfRange mTime = do
92 (requestHeader "If-Range" >>=) $ maybe (return $ Just ()) $ \ir ->
93 return $ if parseHTTPDate ir == Just mTime then Just () else Nothing
95parseRange :: String -> FileOffset -> Maybe (FileOffset, FileOffset)
96parseRange (splitAt 6 -> ("bytes=", readDec -> [(a, "-")])) size =
97 Just (a, size - 1)
98parseRange (splitAt 6 -> ("bytes=", readDec -> [(a, '-':(readDec -> [(b, "")]))])) _ =
99 Just (a, b)
100parseRange _ _ = Nothing
102checkRange :: EpochTime -> FileOffset -> CGI (Maybe (FileOffset, FileOffset))
103checkRange mTime size = do
104 setHeader "Accept-Ranges" "bytes"
105 (requestHeader "Range" >>=) $ maybe (return Nothing) $ \range -> do
106 (checkIfRange mTime >>=) $ maybe (return Nothing) $ \() -> do
107 case parseRange range size of
108 Just (a, b) | a <= b -> return $ Just (a, b)
109 _ -> throwExceptionCGI BadRange
111outputAll :: Handle -> FileOffset -> CGI CGIResult
112outputAll h size = do
113 setHeader "Content-Length" $ show size
114 outputFPS =<< liftIO (B.hGetContents h)
116outputRange :: Handle -> FileOffset -> Maybe (FileOffset, FileOffset) -> CGI CGIResult
117outputRange h size Nothing = outputAll h size
118outputRange h size (Just (a, b)) = do
119 let len = b - a + 1
121 setStatus 206 "Partial Content"
122 setHeader "Content-Range" $
123 "bytes " ++ show a ++ "-" ++ show b ++ "/" ++ show size
124 setHeader "Content-Length" $ show len
125 liftIO $ hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral a)
126 outputFPS =<< liftIO (B.hGet h (fromIntegral len))
128serveFile :: FilePath -> CGI CGIResult
129serveFile file = (`catchExceptionCGI` outputMyError) $ do
130 checkExtension file
132 checkMethod $ do
134 h <- (`catchExceptionCGI` \e ->
135 if isDoesNotExistError e then throwExceptionCGI NotFound
136 else if isPermissionError e then throwExceptionCGI Forbidden
137 else throwExceptionCGI e) $
138 liftIO $ openBinaryFile file ReadMode
139 (`catchCGI` \e ->
140 (liftIO $ hClose h) >> throwCGI e) $ do
142 status <- liftIO $ hGetStatus h
143 let mTime = modificationTime status
144 size = fileSize status
145 checkModified mTime
147 range <- checkRange mTime size
148 outputRange h size range
150main :: IO ()
151main = runCGI $ handleErrors $ serveFile =<< pathTranslated
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