yaml_parser_s Struct Reference
[Parser Definitions]

The parser structure. More...

#include <yaml.h>

Data Fields

const unsigned char * start
 The string start pointer.
const unsigned char * end
 The string end pointer.
const unsigned char * current
 The string current position.
struct {
   const unsigned char *   start
 The string start pointer.
   const unsigned char *   end
 The string end pointer.
   const unsigned char *   current
 The string current position.
 String input data.
FILE * file
 File input data.
 The beginning of the buffer.
 The end of the buffer.
 The current position of the buffer.
 The last filled position of the buffer.
unsigned char * start
 The beginning of the buffer.
unsigned char * end
 The end of the buffer.
unsigned char * pointer
 The current position of the buffer.
unsigned char * last
 The last filled position of the buffer.
 The beginning of the tokens queue.
 The end of the tokens queue.
 The head of the tokens queue.
 The tail of the tokens queue.
int * start
 The beginning of the stack.
int * end
 The end of the stack.
int * top
 The top of the stack.
 The beginning of the stack.
 The end of the stack.
 The top of the stack.
 The beginning of the stack.
 The end of the stack.
 The top of the stack.
 The beginning of the stack.
 The end of the stack.
 The top of the stack.
 The beginning of the list.
 The end of the list.
 The top of the list.
 The beginning of the list.
 The end of the list.
 The top of the list.
Error handling
yaml_error_type_t error
 Error type.
const char * problem
 Error description.
size_t problem_offset
 The byte about which the problem occured.
int problem_value
 The problematic value (-1 is none).
yaml_mark_t problem_mark
 The problem position.
const char * context
 The error context.
yaml_mark_t context_mark
 The context position.
Reader stuff
 Read handler.
void * read_handler_data
 A pointer for passing to the read handler.
union {
   struct {
      const unsigned char *   start
 The string start pointer.
      const unsigned char *   end
 The string end pointer.
      const unsigned char *   current
 The string current position.
   }   string
 String input data.
   FILE *   file
 File input data.
 Standard (string or file) input data.
int eof
 EOF flag.
struct {
   yaml_char_t *   start
 The beginning of the buffer.
   yaml_char_t *   end
 The end of the buffer.
   yaml_char_t *   pointer
 The current position of the buffer.
   yaml_char_t *   last
 The last filled position of the buffer.
 The working buffer.
size_t unread
struct {
   unsigned char *   start
 The beginning of the buffer.
   unsigned char *   end
 The end of the buffer.
   unsigned char *   pointer
 The current position of the buffer.
   unsigned char *   last
 The last filled position of the buffer.
 The raw buffer.
yaml_encoding_t encoding
 The input encoding.
size_t offset
 The offset of the current position (in bytes).
yaml_mark_t mark
 The mark of the current position.
Scanner stuff
int stream_start_produced
 Have we started to scan the input stream?
int stream_end_produced
 Have we reached the end of the input stream?
int flow_level
 The number of unclosed '[' and '{' indicators.
struct {
   yaml_token_t *   start
 The beginning of the tokens queue.
   yaml_token_t *   end
 The end of the tokens queue.
   yaml_token_t *   head
 The head of the tokens queue.
   yaml_token_t *   tail
 The tail of the tokens queue.
 The tokens queue.
size_t tokens_parsed
 The number of tokens fetched from the queue.
int token_available
struct {
   int *   start
 The beginning of the stack.
   int *   end
 The end of the stack.
   int *   top
 The top of the stack.
 The indentation levels stack.
int indent
 The current indentation level.
int simple_key_allowed
 May a simple key occur at the current position?
struct {
   yaml_simple_key_t *   start
 The beginning of the stack.
   yaml_simple_key_t *   end
 The end of the stack.
   yaml_simple_key_t *   top
 The top of the stack.
 The stack of simple keys.
Parser stuff
struct {
   yaml_parser_state_t *   start
 The beginning of the stack.
   yaml_parser_state_t *   end
 The end of the stack.
   yaml_parser_state_t *   top
 The top of the stack.
 The parser states stack.
yaml_parser_state_t state
 The current parser state.
struct {
   yaml_mark_t *   start
 The beginning of the stack.
   yaml_mark_t *   end
 The end of the stack.
   yaml_mark_t *   top
 The top of the stack.
 The stack of marks.
struct {
   yaml_tag_directive_t *   start
 The beginning of the list.
   yaml_tag_directive_t *   end
 The end of the list.
   yaml_tag_directive_t *   top
 The top of the list.
 The list of TAG directives.
Dumper stuff
struct {
   yaml_alias_data_t *   start
 The beginning of the list.
   yaml_alias_data_t *   end
 The end of the list.
   yaml_alias_data_t *   top
 The top of the list.
 The alias data.
 The currently parsed document.

Detailed Description

The parser structure.

All members are internal. Manage the structure using the yaml_parser_ family of functions.

Field Documentation

Error type.

Error description.

The byte about which the problem occured.

The problematic value (-1 is none).

The problem position.

The error context.

The context position.

Read handler.

A pointer for passing to the read handler.

const unsigned char* yaml_parser_s::start

The string start pointer.

const unsigned char* yaml_parser_s::end

The string end pointer.

const unsigned char* yaml_parser_s::current

The string current position.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::string

String input data.

File input data.

union { ... } yaml_parser_s::input

Standard (string or file) input data.

The beginning of the buffer.

The end of the buffer.

The current position of the buffer.

The last filled position of the buffer.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::buffer

The working buffer.

unsigned char* yaml_parser_s::start

The beginning of the buffer.

unsigned char* yaml_parser_s::end

The end of the buffer.

unsigned char* yaml_parser_s::pointer

The current position of the buffer.

unsigned char* yaml_parser_s::last

The last filled position of the buffer.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::raw_buffer

The raw buffer.

The input encoding.

The offset of the current position (in bytes).

The mark of the current position.

The number of unclosed '[' and '{' indicators.

The beginning of the tokens queue.

The end of the tokens queue.

The head of the tokens queue.

The tail of the tokens queue.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::tokens

The tokens queue.

The number of tokens fetched from the queue.

The beginning of the stack.

The end of the stack.

The top of the stack.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::indents

The indentation levels stack.

The current indentation level.

The beginning of the stack.

The end of the stack.

The top of the stack.

The stack of simple keys.

The beginning of the stack.

The end of the stack.

The top of the stack.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::states

The parser states stack.

The current parser state.

The beginning of the stack.

The end of the stack.

The top of the stack.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::marks

The stack of marks.

The beginning of the list.

The end of the list.

The top of the list.

The list of TAG directives.

The beginning of the list.

The end of the list.

The top of the list.

struct { ... } yaml_parser_s::aliases

The alias data.

The currently parsed document.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Sun Dec 28 01:19:28 2008 for yaml by  doxygen 1.5.6