
Data Structures

struct  yaml_node_pair_s
 An element of a mapping node. More...
struct  yaml_node_s
 The node structure. More...
struct  yaml_document_s
 The document structure. More...


#define YAML_NULL_TAG   ",2002:null"
 The tag !!null with the only possible value: null.
#define YAML_BOOL_TAG   ",2002:bool"
 The tag !!bool with the values: true and falce.
#define YAML_STR_TAG   ",2002:str"
 The tag !!str for string values.
#define YAML_INT_TAG   ",2002:int"
 The tag !!int for integer values.
#define YAML_FLOAT_TAG   ",2002:float"
 The tag !!float for float values.
#define YAML_TIMESTAMP_TAG   ",2002:timestamp"
 The tag !!timestamp for date and time values.
#define YAML_SEQ_TAG   ",2002:seq"
 The tag !!seq is used to denote sequences.
#define YAML_MAP_TAG   ",2002:map"
 The tag !!map is used to denote mapping.
 The default scalar tag is !!str.
 The default sequence tag is !!seq.
 The default mapping tag is !!map.


typedef enum yaml_node_type_e yaml_node_type_t
 Node types.
typedef struct yaml_node_s yaml_node_t
 The forward definition of a document node structure.
typedef int yaml_node_item_t
 An element of a sequence node.
typedef struct yaml_node_pair_s yaml_node_pair_t
 An element of a mapping node.
typedef struct yaml_document_s yaml_document_t
 The document structure.


enum  yaml_node_type_e {
 Node types. More...


int yaml_document_initialize (yaml_document_t *document, yaml_version_directive_t *version_directive, yaml_tag_directive_t *tag_directives_start, yaml_tag_directive_t *tag_directives_end, int start_implicit, int end_implicit)
 Create a YAML document.
void yaml_document_delete (yaml_document_t *document)
 Delete a YAML document and all its nodes.
yaml_node_tyaml_document_get_node (yaml_document_t *document, int index)
 Get a node of a YAML document.
yaml_node_tyaml_document_get_root_node (yaml_document_t *document)
 Get the root of a YAML document node.
int yaml_document_add_scalar (yaml_document_t *document, yaml_char_t *tag, yaml_char_t *value, int length, yaml_scalar_style_t style)
 Create a SCALAR node and attach it to the document.
int yaml_document_add_sequence (yaml_document_t *document, yaml_char_t *tag, yaml_sequence_style_t style)
 Create a SEQUENCE node and attach it to the document.
int yaml_document_add_mapping (yaml_document_t *document, yaml_char_t *tag, yaml_mapping_style_t style)
 Create a MAPPING node and attach it to the document.
int yaml_document_append_sequence_item (yaml_document_t *document, int sequence, int item)
 Add an item to a SEQUENCE node.
int yaml_document_append_mapping_pair (yaml_document_t *document, int mapping, int key, int value)
 Add a pair of a key and a value to a MAPPING node.

Define Documentation

#define YAML_NULL_TAG   ",2002:null"

The tag !!null with the only possible value: null.

#define YAML_BOOL_TAG   ",2002:bool"

The tag !!bool with the values: true and falce.

#define YAML_STR_TAG   ",2002:str"

The tag !!str for string values.

#define YAML_INT_TAG   ",2002:int"

The tag !!int for integer values.

#define YAML_FLOAT_TAG   ",2002:float"

The tag !!float for float values.

#define YAML_TIMESTAMP_TAG   ",2002:timestamp"

The tag !!timestamp for date and time values.

#define YAML_SEQ_TAG   ",2002:seq"

The tag !!seq is used to denote sequences.

#define YAML_MAP_TAG   ",2002:map"

The tag !!map is used to denote mapping.


The default scalar tag is !!str.


The default sequence tag is !!seq.


The default mapping tag is !!map.

Typedef Documentation

Node types.

typedef struct yaml_node_s yaml_node_t

The forward definition of a document node structure.

typedef int yaml_node_item_t

An element of a sequence node.

An element of a mapping node.

The document structure.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Node types.

YAML_NO_NODE  An empty node.

YAML_SCALAR_NODE  A scalar node.

YAML_SEQUENCE_NODE  A sequence node.

YAML_MAPPING_NODE  A mapping node.

Function Documentation

int yaml_document_initialize ( yaml_document_t document,
yaml_version_directive_t version_directive,
yaml_tag_directive_t tag_directives_start,
yaml_tag_directive_t tag_directives_end,
int  start_implicit,
int  end_implicit 

Create a YAML document.

[out] document An empty document object.
[in] version_directive The YAML directive value or NULL.
[in] tag_directives_start The beginning of the TAG directives list.
[in] tag_directives_end The end of the TAG directives list.
[in] start_implicit If the document start indicator is implicit.
[in] end_implicit If the document end indicator is implicit.
1 if the function succeeded, 0 on error.

void yaml_document_delete ( yaml_document_t document  ) 

Delete a YAML document and all its nodes.

[in,out] document A document object.

yaml_node_t* yaml_document_get_node ( yaml_document_t document,
int  index 

Get a node of a YAML document.

The pointer returned by this function is valid until any of the functions modifying the documents are called.

[in] document A document object.
[in] index The node id.
the node objct or NULL if node_id is out of range.

yaml_node_t* yaml_document_get_root_node ( yaml_document_t document  ) 

Get the root of a YAML document node.

The root object is the first object added to the document.

The pointer returned by this function is valid until any of the functions modifying the documents are called.

An empty document produced by the parser signifies the end of a YAML stream.

[in] document A document object.
the node object or NULL if the document is empty.

int yaml_document_add_scalar ( yaml_document_t document,
yaml_char_t tag,
yaml_char_t value,
int  length,
yaml_scalar_style_t  style 

Create a SCALAR node and attach it to the document.

The style argument may be ignored by the emitter.

[in,out] document A document object.
[in] tag The scalar tag.
[in] value The scalar value.
[in] length The length of the scalar value.
[in] style The scalar style.
the node id or 0 on error.

int yaml_document_add_sequence ( yaml_document_t document,
yaml_char_t tag,
yaml_sequence_style_t  style 

Create a SEQUENCE node and attach it to the document.

The style argument may be ignored by the emitter.

[in,out] document A document object.
[in] tag The sequence tag.
[in] style The sequence style.
the node id or 0 on error.

int yaml_document_add_mapping ( yaml_document_t document,
yaml_char_t tag,
yaml_mapping_style_t  style 

Create a MAPPING node and attach it to the document.

The style argument may be ignored by the emitter.

[in,out] document A document object.
[in] tag The sequence tag.
[in] style The sequence style.
the node id or 0 on error.

int yaml_document_append_sequence_item ( yaml_document_t document,
int  sequence,
int  item 

Add an item to a SEQUENCE node.

[in,out] document A document object.
[in] sequence The sequence node id.
[in] item The item node id.
1 if the function succeeded, 0 on error.

int yaml_document_append_mapping_pair ( yaml_document_t document,
int  mapping,
int  key,
int  value 

Add a pair of a key and a value to a MAPPING node.

[in,out] document A document object.
[in] mapping The mapping node id.
[in] key The key node id.
[in] value The value node id.
1 if the function succeeded, 0 on error.

Generated on Sun Aug 30 22:52:14 2009 for yaml by  doxygen 1.5.8