Welcome to zcommit. zcommit allows you to send zephyr notifications by sending an HTTP POST request to a URL. Currently zcommit supports POST-backs from github. If you would like it to support another form of POST-back, please let us know (zcommit@mit.edu). == URL structure == The URL you post to is structured as follows: http://zcommit.mit.edu/$type/$key1/$value1/$key2/$value2/.... So for example, the URL http://zcommit.mit.edu/github/class/zcommit/instance/commit is parsed as having type github, class zcommit, and instance commit. Using this information, zcommit figures out how to form a useful message which is then sends as a zephyr. == Types == ==== Github ==== Set your POST-back URL to http://zcommit.mit.edu/github/class/$classname, followed by any of the following optional key/value parameters: * /instance/$instance * /zsig/$zsig * /sender/$sender