'; foreach($dropdbs as $dbname) { $msg1[] = 'Are you sure you want to drop `'.$dbname.'`? '; } echo ''; } ?>


getBytes(); $usage = $bytes['nBytes']; $total = $bytes['nBytesHard']; if (!count($myDBs)) { echo ''; } else foreach($myDBs as $db) { echo ''; } if ($total>0) { $percentage = $usage/$total; } else { $percentage = 0; } echo ''; echo ''; ?>
You have no databases. Add one below.
'; if ($total>0) $percentage = $db['nBytes']/$total; else $percentage = 0; echo printBar($percentage, $db['Name'], str_replace(' ', ' ', sprintSize($db['nBytes']))); echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo printBar($percentage, 'TOTAL USED', str_replace(' ', ' ', sprintSize($usage).' of '.sprintSize($total))); echo '


Manage Data

One interface we recommend for managing SQL data is phpMyAdmin. Feel free to use it after you've created your databases.