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107$^$@0#isupper ^44 111$^$@0#isxdigit ^45 115$^$@0#tolower ^46 118$^$@0#toupper *7 (Struct tag) ^47 119@120#@lconv *1 (Constant) ^48 5$#LC_ALL#LC_COLLATE#LC_CTYPE#LC_MONETARY#LC_NUMERIC#LC_TIME *4 (Function) ^54 123@6@5@1@0@0@0@s1,g24@6@0@1@s1,g24@19@3@0#setlocale ^55 127$^@3@0@0#localeconv *3 (Variable) ^56 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#DBL_DIG ^57 17|@1|6@0@0@0@1#DBL_EPSILON ^58 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#DBL_MANT_DIG ^59 17|@1|6@0@0@0@1#DBL_MAX ^60 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#DBL_MAX_10_EXP#DBL_MAX_EXP ^62 17|@1|6@0@0@0@1#DBL_MIN ^63 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#DBL_MIN_10_EXP#DBL_MIN_EXP#FLT_DIG ^66 16|@1|6@0@0@0@1#FLT_EPSILON ^67 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#FLT_MANT_DIG ^68 16|@1|6@0@0@0@1#FLT_MAX ^69 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#FLT_MAX_10_EXP#FLT_MAX_EXP ^71 16|@1|6@0@0@0@1#FLT_MIN ^72 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#FLT_MIN_10_EXP#FLT_MIN_EXP *1 (Constant) ^74 5$#FLT_RADIX *3 (Variable) ^75 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#FLT_ROUNDS#LDBL_DIG ^77 18|@1|6@0@0@0@1#LDBL_EPSILON ^78 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#LDBL_MANT_DIG ^79 18|@1|6@0@0@0@1#LDBL_MAX ^80 5|@1|6@0@0@0@1#LDBL_MAX_10_EXP#LDBL_MAX_EXP ^82 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174$@0@@1@p0$@0#setjmp ^127 176@6@0@5@0@0^$@0#longjmp *1 (Constant) ^128 5$#SIGABRT#SIGFPE#SIGILL#SIGINT#SIGSEGV#SIGTERM *0 (Datatype) ^134 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@177#sig_atomic_t *1 (Constant) ^135 181$#SIG_DFL ^136 185$#SIG_ERR ^137 189$#SIG_IGN *4 (Function) ^138 202@6@5@1@0@0@0@s1,g24@6@0@1@s1,g24$@0#signal ^139 204@6@0@5@0@0$$@0#raise *0 (Datatype) ^140 20@+@+@0@0@0@0@205#va_list *4 (Function) ^141 207$@0@@1@p0$@0#va_start ^142 209$@0@@1@p0$@0#va_end *0 (Datatype) ^143 20@+@+@0@0@0@0@210#FILE ^144 20@+@+@0@0@0@0@211#fpos_t *1 (Constant) ^145 5$#_IOFBF#_IOLBF#_IONBF#BUFSIZ#EOF#FOPEN_MAX#FILENAME_MAX#L_tmpnam#SEEK_CUR#SEEK_END#SEEK_SET#TMP_MAX *3 (Variable) ^157 212|@1|6@0@0@0@1#stderr *4 (Function) ^158 214$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,g24$@0#remove ^159 216$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,g24$@0#rename ^160 219@6@5@1@0@0@0@s3@1@s3@3@0@0#tmpfile ^161 222$@0@s1@1@tp0,s1@19@3@0#tmpnam ^162 224$@0@g24@6@0,s3@1@tp0,g24,s3$@0#fclose ^163 226$@0@g24@6@0,s3@1@tp0,g24,s3$@0#fflush ^164 229@6@5@1@0@0@0@s3@1@s3@18@0@0#fopen ^165 232@6@5@1@0@0@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@tp2,s3,g24@3@0@0#freopen ^166 234$@0@s3@1@s3,tp0,tp1$@0#setbuf ^167 236$@0@s3@1@s3,tp0,tp1$@0#setvbuf ^168 240@6@0@1@1@0@0@s3@1@s3,tp0$@0#fprintf ^169 242@6@0@1@2@0@0@s3@1@s3,tp0$@0#fscanf ^170 245@6@0@1@1@0@1@g20@6@0,s3@1@s3,tg20$@0#printf ^171 247@6@0@1@2@0@1@g19@6@0,s3@1@s3,tg19$@0#scanf ^172 250@6@0@1@1@0@0@@1@tp0$@0#sprintf ^173 252@6@0@1@2@0^$@0#sscanf ^174 254$@1@g20@6@0,s3@1@s3,tg20$@0#vprintf ^175 256$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp0,p2,g24$@0#vfprintf ^176 258$@0@@1@p0$@0@W:bufferoverflowhigh#Use vsnprintf instead##vsprintf ^177 260$@0@@1@p0$@0#vsnprintf ^178 262$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp0,g24$@0#fgetc ^179 265@6@5@1@0@0@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp0,tp2,g24$@0#fgets ^180 268$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp1,g24$@0#fputc ^181 270$@0@s3@1@s3,tp1$@0#fputs ^182 272$@0@s3@1@s3,tp0$@0#getc ^183 274$@1@g19@6@0,s3@1@s3,tg19$@0#getchar ^184 277@6@5@1@0@0@1@g19@6@0,s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp0,tg19,g24@3@0@0@W:bufferoverflowhigh#Use of gets leads to a buffer overflow vulnerability. Use fgets instead##gets ^185 279$@0@s3@1@s3,tp1$@0#putc ^186 281$@1@g20@6@0,s3@1@s3,tg20$@0#putchar ^187 283$@1@g20@6@0,s3@1@s3,tg20$@0#puts ^188 285$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp1,g24$@0#ungetc ^189 287$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp0,tp3,g24$@0#fread ^190 289$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp3,g24$@0#fwrite ^191 292$@0@g24@6@0@1@tp1,g24$@0#fgetpos ^192 294$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp0,g24$@0#fseek ^193 296$@0@s3,g24@6@0@1@s3,tp0,g24$@0#fsetpos ^194 298$@0@g24@6@0@1@g24$@0#ftell ^195 300$@0@@1@tp0$@0#rewind ^196 302$@0@@1@tp0$@0#clearerr ^197 304$@0@g24@6@0@1@g24$@0#feof ^198 306$@0@g24@6@0@1@g24$@0#ferror ^199 308$@1@g24@6@0,g157@6@0,s3@1@s3,tg157$@0#perror ^200 310$^$@0#atof ^201 312$^$@0#atoi ^202 314$^$@0#atol ^203 318$@0@g24@6@0@1@tp1,g24$@0#strtod ^204 320$@0@g24@6@0@1@tp1,g24$@0#strtol ^205 322$@0@g24@6@0@1@tp1,g24$@0#strtoul *1 (Constant) ^206 5$#RAND_MAX *4 (Function) ^207 324$@0@s1@1@s1$@0#rand ^208 326$@0@s1@1@s1$@0#srand ^209 329@6@5@1@0@0^@2@0@0#calloc ^210 332@4@5@1@0@0^@2@0@0#malloc ^211 335@6@5@1@0@0@0@@1@tp0@2@0@0#realloc ^212 337$@0@@1@p0$@0#free *1 (Constant) ^213 5$#EXIT_FAILURE#EXIT_SUCCESS *4 (Function) ^215 339@6@0@6@0@0^$@0#abort ^216 341@6@0@6@0@0^$@0#exit ^217 347$@0@s1@1@s1$@0#atexit ^218 350@6@5@1@0@0^@19@3@0#getenv ^219 352$@0@s3@1@s3$@0#system ^220 359@6@5@1@0@0^@18@0@0#bsearch ^221 365$@0@g24@6@0@1@tp0,g24$@0#qsort ^222 367$^$@0#abs *7 (Struct tag) ^223 368@369#@!2 *0 (Datatype) ^224 368@-@-@0@0@0@0@370#div_t *4 (Function) ^225 372$^$@0#div ^226 374$^$@0#labs *7 (Struct tag) ^227 375@376#@!3 *0 (Datatype) ^228 375@-@-@0@0@0@0@377#ldiv_t *4 (Function) ^229 379$^$@0#ldiv *1 (Constant) ^230 63$#MB_CUR_MAX ^231 5$#WCHAR_MAX#WCHAR_MIN ^233 66$#WEOF *4 (Function) ^234 381$^$@0#btowc ^235 383$@0@s3@1@s3,tp0$@0#fgetwc ^236 387@6@5@1@0@0@0@s3@1@s3,tp0,tp2$@0#fgetws ^237 389$@0@s3@1@s3,tp1$@0#fputwc ^238 391$@0@s3@1@s3,tp1$@0#fputws ^239 393$^$@0#fwide ^240 395@6@0@1@1@0@0@s3@1@tp0,s3$@0#fwprintf ^241 397@6@0@1@2@0@0@s3@1@tp0,s3$@0#fwscanf ^242 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473@6@5@1@0@0^@3@0@0#wcsstr ^274 475$@0@@1@tp1$@0#wcstod ^275 478@6@5@1@0@0@0@@1@tp2@3@0@0#wcstok ^276 480$@0@@1@tp1$@0#wcstol ^277 482$@0@@1@tp1$@0#wcstoul ^278 484$@0@@1@tp0$@0#wcsxfrm ^279 486$^$@0#wctob ^280 489@6@5@1@0@0^@3@0@0#wmemchr ^281 491$^$@0#wmemcmp ^282 494$@0@@1@tp0$@0#wmemcpy ^283 497$@0@@1@tp0$@0#wmemmove ^284 500$@0@@1@tp0$@0#wmemset ^285 502@6@0@1@1@0@1@g20@6@0,g24@6@0@1@g24,tg20$@0#wprintf ^286 504@6@0@1@2@0@1@g19@6@0,g24@6@0@1@g24,tg19$@0#wscanf *0 (Datatype) ^287 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@505#wctype_t ^288 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@506#wctrans_t *4 (Function) ^289 510$^$@0#iswalnum ^290 513$^$@0#iswalpha ^291 516$^$@0#iswcntrl ^292 519$^$@0#iswctype ^293 522$^$@0#iswdigit ^294 526$^$@0#iswgraph ^295 529$^$@0#iswlower ^296 532$^$@0#iswprint ^297 535$^$@0#iswpunct ^298 538$^$@0#iswspace ^299 541$^$@0#iswupper ^300 545$^$@0#iswxdigit ^301 549$^$@0#towctrans ^302 552$^$@0#towlower ^303 555$^$@0#towupper ^304 557$^$@0#wctrans ^305 559$^$@0#wctype ^306 561$^$@0#mblen ^307 563$@0@@1@tp0$@0#mbtowc ^308 565$@0@@1@tp0$@0#wctomb ^309 567$@0@@1@tp0$@0#mbstowcs ^310 569$@0@@1@tp0$@0#wcstombs ^311 573$@0@@1@tp0$@0#memcpy ^312 576$@0@@1@tp0$@0#memmove ^313 580$@0@@1@tp0$@0#strcpy ^314 583$@0@@1@tp0$@0#strncpy ^315 586$@0@@1@tp0$@0#strcat ^316 589$@0@@1@tp0$@0#strncat ^317 591$^$@0#memcmp ^318 593$^$@0#strcmp ^319 595$^$@0#strcoll ^320 597$^$@0#strncmp ^321 599$@0@@1@tp0$@0#strxfrm ^322 602@6@5@1@0@0^@3@0@0#memchr ^323 605@6@5@1@0@0^@19@2@0#strchr ^324 607$^$@0#strcspn ^325 610@6@5@1@0@0^@19@2@0#strpbrk ^326 613@6@5@1@0@0^@19@2@0#strrchr ^327 615$^$@0#strspn ^328 618@6@5@1@0@0^@19@2@0#strstr ^329 621@6@5@1@0@0@0@s1,g24@6@0@1@tp0,s1,g24@19@2@0#strtok ^330 625$@0@@1@tp0$@0#memset ^331 628$^@19@3@0#strerror ^332 630$^$@0#strlen *1 (Constant) ^333 5$#CLOCKS_PER_SEC *0 (Datatype) ^334 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@631#clock_t ^335 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@632#time_t *4 (Function) ^336 635$@0@s1@1@s1$@0#clock ^337 637$^$@0#difftime ^338 639$^$@0#mktime ^339 642$@0@@1@tp0$@0#time ^340 645$@0@g24@6@0@1@g24@19@3@0#asctime ^341 648$^@19@3@0#ctime ^342 651@6@5@1@0@0^@19@3@0#gmtime ^343 654@6@5@1@0@0@0@g24@6@0@1@g24@19@3@0#localtime ^344 656$@0@@1@tp0$@0#strftime *0 (Datatype) ^345 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@657#int8_t ^346 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@658#int16_t ^347 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@659#int32_t ^348 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@660#int64_t ^349 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@661#uint8_t ^350 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@662#uint16_t ^351 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@663#uint32_t ^352 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@664#uint64_t ^353 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@665#int_least8_t ^354 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@666#int_least16_t ^355 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@667#int_least32_t ^356 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@668#int_least64_t ^357 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@669#uint_least8_t ^358 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@670#uint_least16_t ^359 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@671#uint_least32_t ^360 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@672#uint_least64_t ^361 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@673#int_fast8_t ^362 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@674#int_fast16_t ^363 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@675#int_fast32_t ^364 13@-@-@0@0@0@0@676#int_fast64_t ^365 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@677#uint_fast8_t ^366 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@678#uint_fast16_t ^367 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@679#uint_fast32_t ^368 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@680#uint_fast64_t ^369 24@-@+@0@0@0@0@681#intptr_t ^370 25@-@+@0@0@0@0@682#uintptr_t ^371 15@-@-@0@0@0@0@683#intmax_t ^372 14@-@-@0@0@0@0@684#uintmax_t *1 (Constant) ^373 5$#INT8_MIN#INT16_MIN#INT32_MIN#INT64_MIN#INT8_MAX#INT16_MAX#INT32_MAX#INT64_MAX#UINT8_MIN#UINT16_MIN#UINT32_MIN#UINT64_MIN#INT_LEAST8_MIN#INT_LEAST16_MIN#INT_LEAST32_MIN#INT_LEAST64_MIN#INT_LEAST8_MAX#INT_LEAST16_MAX#INT_LEAST32_MAX#INT_LEAST64_MAX#UINT_LEAST8_MAX#UINT_LEAST16_MAX#UINT_LEAST32_MAX#UINT_LEAST64_MAX#INT_FAST8_MIN#INT_FAST16_MIN#INT_FAST32_MIN#INT_FAST64_MIN#INT_FAST8_MAX#INT_FAST16_MAX#INT_FAST32_MAX#INT_FAST64_MAX#UINT_FAST8_MAX#UINT_FAST16_MAX#UINT_FAST32_MAX#UINT_FAST64_MAX ^409 63$#INTPTR_MIN#INTPTR_MAX *0 (Datatype) ^411 0@+@+@0@7@0@0@685#mnull ;; Library constraints vsnprintf pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 r 2 2 Param 63 1 ;; end precondition constraints post: ;; end precondition constraints fgets pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 5 1 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 r 2 3 0 C 0@1@1 l 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 5 1 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints calloc pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@4 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 0 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints malloc pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@4 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 0 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints realloc pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 1 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints memcpy pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 20 0 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 2 e2 2 3 -1 C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Param 20 1 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 2 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints post: ;; end precondition constraints memmove pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 20 0 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 2 e2 2 3 -1 C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Param 20 1 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 2 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints post: ;; end precondition constraints strcpy pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@4 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 C 0@1@4 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 C 0@1@4 l 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 ;; end precondition constraints strncpy pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 2 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@1 l 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 r 2 2 Param 63 2 C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 ;; end precondition constraints strcat pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 r 0 1 e1 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 e2 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@4 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 0 1 e1 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 e2 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 ;; end precondition constraints strncat pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 r 0 1 e1 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 e2 2 2 Param 63 2 ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 r 0 1 e1 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 e2 2 2 Param 63 2 ;; end precondition constraints strchr pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 2 3 0 C 0@1@1 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 C 0@1@1 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 2 3 0 ;; end precondition constraints strrchr pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 2 3 0 C 0@1@1 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 C 0@1@1 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 2 3 0 ;; end precondition constraints strstr pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 1 C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 2 3 0 C 0@1@1 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 C 0@1@1 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 1 1 2 2 Param 23 0 C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 2 3 0 ;; end precondition constraints memset pre: C 0@1@3 l 1 1 2 2 Param 20 0 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 2 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@3 l 1 3 2 2 Param 20 0 r 0 1 e1 2 2 Param 63 2 e2 2 3 -1 ;; end precondition constraints strlen pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@4 l 2 2 Result r 1 3 2 2 Param 23 0 ;; end precondition constraints asctime pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@4 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 2 3 25 C 0@1@4 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 2 3 25 ;; end precondition constraints ctime pre: ;; end precondition constraints post: C 0@1@4 l 1 3 2 2 Result r 2 3 25 C 0@1@4 l 1 1 2 2 Result r 2 3 25 ;; end precondition constraints ;; Modules access lltX_bool#1@ types#1@ standard#9@ null6#11@ ;;End