Source files are .c, .h and .lcl files. If there is no suffix, Splint will look for .c and .lcl. Use splint -help for more information Topics: annotations (describes source-code annotations) comments (describes control comments) flags (describes flag categories) flags (describes flags in category) flags all (short description of all flags) flags alpha (list all flags alphabetically) flags full (full description of all flags) mail (information on mailing lists) modes (show mode settings) parseerrors (help on handling parser errors) prefixcodes (character codes in namespace prefixes) references (sources for more information) vars (environment variables) version (information on compilation, maintainer) Finished checking --- no code processed Source files are .c, .h and .lcl files. If there is no suffix, Splint will look for .c and .lcl. Use splint -help for more information Topics: annotations (describes source-code annotations) comments (describes control comments) flags (describes flag categories) flags (describes flags in category) flags all (short description of all flags) flags alpha (list all flags alphabetically) flags full (full description of all flags) mail (information on mailing lists) modes (show mode settings) parseerrors (help on handling parser errors) prefixcodes (character codes in namespace prefixes) references (sources for more information) vars (environment variables) version (information on compilation, maintainer) Command Line: Unrecognized option: asdf A flag is not recognized or used in an incorrect way (Use -badflag to inhibit warning) Finished checking --- no code processed Warning: setting +boolint redundant with current value Finished checking --- no code processed D I S U abstract accessall accessczech accessczechoslovak accessfile accessmodule accessslovak aliasunique allblock allempty allglobs allimponly allmacros alwaysexits annotationerror ansi89limits assignexpose badflag bitwisesigned boolcompare boolfalse boolint boolops booltrue booltype bounds boundsread boundswrite branchstate bufferoverflow bufferoverflowhigh bugslimit casebreak castexpose castfcnptr charindex charint charintliteral charunsignedchar checkedglobalias checkmodglobalias checkpost checkstrictglobalias checkstrictglobs codeimponly commentchar commenterror compdef compdestroy compmempass constmacros constprefix constprefixexclude constuse continuecomment controlnestdepth cppnames czech czechconsts czechfcns czechmacros czechoslovak czechoslovakconsts czechoslovakfcns czechoslovakmacros czechoslovaktypes czechoslovakvars czechtypes czechvars debugfcnconstraint declundef deepbreak deparrays dependenttrans distinctexternalnames distinctinternalnames dump duplicatecases duplicatequals elseifcomplete emptyreturn enumindex enumint enummembers enummemuse enumprefix enumprefixexclude evalorder evalorderuncon exitarg expect exportany exportconst exportfcn exportheader exportheadervar exportiter exportlocal exportmacro exporttype exportvar exposetrans externalnamecaseinsensitive externalnamelen externalprefix externalprefixexclude f fcnderef fcnmacros fcnpost fcnuse fielduse fileextensions filestaticprefix filestaticprefixexclude firstcase fixedformalarray floatdouble forblock forcehints forempty forloopexec formalarray formatcode formatconst formattype forwarddecl freshtrans fullinitblock globalias globalprefix globalprefixexclude globimponly globnoglobs globs globsimpmodsnothing globstate globuse gnuextensions grammar hasyield help hints i ifblock ifempty ignorequals ignoresigns immediatetrans impabstract impcheckedglobs impcheckedspecglobs impcheckedstatics impcheckedstrictglobs impcheckedstrictspecglobs impcheckedstrictstatics impcheckmodglobs impcheckmodinternals impcheckmodspecglobs impcheckmodstatics impconj implementationoptional implictconstraint impouts imptype includenest incompletetype incondefs incondefslib indentspaces infloops infloopsuncon initallelements initsize internalglobs internalglobsnoglobs internalnamecaseinsensitive internalnamelen internalnamelookalike iso99limits isolib isoreserved isoreservedinternal iterbalance iterloopexec iterprefix iterprefixexclude iteryield its4low its4moderate its4mostrisky its4risky its4veryrisky keep keeptrans kepttrans larchpath lclexpect lclimportdir lcs legacy lh libmacros likelybool limit linelen lintcomments load localprefix localprefixexclude longintegral longsignedintegral longunsignedintegral longunsignedunsignedintegral loopexec looploopbreak looploopcontinue loopswitchbreak macroassign macroconstdecl macrodecl macroempty macrofcndecl macromatchname macroparams macroparens macroredef macroreturn macrostmt macrounrecog macrovarprefix macrovarprefixexclude maintype matchanyintegral matchfields mayaliasunique memchecks memimp memtrans misplacedsharequal misscase modfilesys modglobs modglobsnomods modglobsunchecked modinternalstrict modnomods modobserver modobserveruncon mods modsimpnoglobs modstrictglobsnomods moduncon modunconnomods modunspec mts multithreaded mustdefine mustfree mustfreefresh mustfreeonly mustmod mustnotalias mutrep namechecks needspec nestcomment nestedextern neverinclude newdecl newreftrans nextlinemacros noaccess nocomments noeffect noeffectuncon nof nolib noparams nopp noret null nullassign nullderef nullpass nullptrarith nullret nullstate nullterminated nullterminated numenummembers numliteral numstructfields observertrans obviousloopexec oldstyle onlytrans onlyunqglobaltrans orconstraint overload ownedtrans paramimptemp paramuse parenfileformat partial passunknown portability posixlib posixstrictlib predassign predbool predboolint predboolothers predboolptr preproc protoparammatch protoparamname protoparamprefix protoparamprefixexclude ptrarith ptrcompare ptrnegate quiet readonlystrings readonlytrans realcompare redecl redef redundantconstraints redundantsharequal refcounttrans relaxquals relaxtypes repeatunrecog repexpose retalias retexpose retimponly retval retvalbool retvalint retvalother sefparams sefuncon shadow sharedtrans shiftimplementation shiftnegative showallconjs showalluses showcolumn showconstraintlocation showconstraintparens showfunc showscan showsourceloc showsummary singleinclude sizeofformalarray sizeoftype skipansiheaders skipposixheaders skipsysheaders slashslashcomment slovak slovakconsts slovakfcns slovakmacros slovaktypes slovakvars specglobimponly specimponly specmacros specretimponly specstructimponly specundecl specundef stackref statemerge statetransfer staticinittrans statictrans stats strictbranchstate strictdestroy strictlib strictops strictusereleased stringliterallen stringliteralnoroom stringliteralsmaller stringliteraltoolong structimponly supcounts superuser switchloopbreak switchswitchbreak syntax sysdirerrors sysdirexpandmacros sysdirs sysunrecog tagprefix tagprefixexclude temptrans timedist tmpcomments tmpdir toctou topuse trytorecover type typeprefix typeprefixexclude typeuse uncheckedglobalias uncheckedmacroprefix uncheckedmacroprefixexclude uniondef unixlib unixstandard unixstrictlib unqualifiedinittrans unqualifiedtrans unreachable unrecog unrecogcomments unrecogdirective unrecogflagcomments unsignedcompare unusedspecial usedef usereleased usestderr usevarargs varuse voidabstract warnflags warnlintcomments warnmissingglobs warnmissingglobsnoglobs warnposixheaders warnrc warnunixlib warnuse whichlib whileblock whileempty whileloopexec zerobool null --- misuses of null pointer nullderef --- possible dereferencce of null pointer nullpass --- possibly null pointer passed as formal with no null annotation nullret --- possibly null pointer returned as result with no null annotation nullstate --- possibly null pointer reachable from a reference with no null annotation nullassign --- inconsistent assignment or initialization involving null pointer usedef --- use before definition mustdefine --- out storage not defined before return or scope exit uniondef --- at least one field of a union must be defined compdef --- parameter, return value or global completely defined fullinitblock --- initializer sets all fields initallelements --- initializer defines all array elements initsize --- initializer defines extra array elements impouts --- pointer parameters to unspecified functions may be implicit out parameters incondefs --- function, variable or constant redefined with inconsistent type matchfields --- struct or enum type redefined with inconsistent fields or members fcnderef --- dereferencce of a function type realcompare --- dangerous comparison between reals (dangerous because of inexact floating point representations) unsignedcompare --- comparison using <, <=, >= between an unsigned integral and zero constant ptrarith --- arithmetic involving pointer and integer nullptrarith --- arithmetic involving possibly null pointer and integer ptrcompare --- comparison between pointer and number strictops --- primitive operation does not type check strictly bitwisesigned --- a bitwise logical operator does not have unsigned operands shiftnegative --- a shift right operand may be negative shiftimplementation --- a shift left operand may be negative sizeoftype --- sizeof operator has a type argument sizeofformalarray --- sizeof operator has an array formal parameter argument fixedformalarray --- formal parameter of type array is declared with size incompletetype --- formal parameter has an incomplete type formalarray --- formal parameter is an array booltype --- set name of boolean type (default bool) boolfalse --- set name of boolean false (default FALSE) booltrue --- set name of boolean true (default TRUE) likelybool --- type name is probably a boolean type but does not match default boolean type name, "bool", and alternate name is not set boolcompare --- comparison between bools (dangerous because of multiple TRUE values) boolops --- primitive operation (!, && or ||) does not has a boolean argument ptrnegate --- allow ! to be used on pointer operand predassign --- condition test (if, while or for) is an assignment predbool --- type of condition test (if, while or for) not bool (sets predboolint, predboolptr and predboolothers) predboolint --- type of condition test (if, while or for) is an integral type predboolptr --- type of condition test (if, while or for) is a pointer predboolothers --- type of condition test (if, while or for) not bool, int or pointer abstract --- data abstraction barriers impabstract --- assume user type definitions are abstract (unless /*@concrete@*/ is used) accessmodule --- allow access to abstract types in definition module accessfile --- allow access to abstract types by file name convention accessczech --- allow access to abstract types by czech naming convention accessslovak --- allow access to abstract types by slovak naming convention accessczechoslovak --- allow access to abstract types by czechoslovak naming convention accessall --- set accessmodule, accessfile and accessczech mutrep --- representation of mutable type has sharing semantics mustfreefresh --- freshly allocated storage not released before return or scope exit mustfreeonly --- only storage not released before return or scope exit mustfree --- fresh or only storage not released before return or scope exit (sets mustfreefresh and mustfreeonly) usereleased --- storage used after release strictusereleased --- element used after it may have been released compdestroy --- all only references derivable from void pointer out only parameter are released strictdestroy --- report complete destruction errors for array elements that may have been released deparrays --- array elements are dependent storage branchstate --- storage has inconsistent states of alternate paths through a branch strictbranchstate --- storage through array fetch has inconsistent states of alternate paths through a branch memchecks --- sets all dynamic memory checking flags (memimplicit, mustfree, mustdefine, mustnotalias, null, memtrans) compmempass --- actual parameter matches alias kind of formal parameter completely stackref --- external reference to stack-allocated storage is created memtrans --- memory transfer errors (sets all *trans flags) dependenttrans --- dependent transfer errors newreftrans --- new reference transfer to reference counted reference onlytrans --- only storage transferred to non-only reference (memory leak) onlyunqglobaltrans --- only storage transferred to an unqualified global or static reference (memory leak) ownedtrans --- owned storage transferred to non-owned reference (memory leak) freshtrans --- fresh storage transferred to non-only reference (memory leak) sharedtrans --- shared storage transferred to non-shared reference temptrans --- temp storage transferred to non-temporary reference kepttrans --- kept storage transferred to non-temporary reference keeptrans --- keep storage transferred inconsistently immediatetrans --- an immediate address (result of &) is transferred inconsistently refcounttrans --- reference counted storage is transferred in an inconsistent way statictrans --- static storage is transferred in an inconsistent way unqualifiedtrans --- unqualified storage is transferred in an inconsistent way staticinittrans --- static storage is used as an initial value in an inconsistent way unqualifiedinittrans --- unqualified storage is used as an initial value in an inconsistent way readonlytrans --- report memory transfer errors for initializations to read-only string literals passunknown --- passing a value as an un-annotated parameter clears its annotation readonlystrings --- string literals are read-only (error if one is modified or released) memimp --- memory errors for unqualified storage paramimptemp --- assume unannotated parameter is temp allimponly --- sets globimponly, retimponly, structimponly, specglobimponly, specretimponly and specstructimponly codeimponly --- sets globimponly, retimponly and structimponly specimponly --- sets specglobimponly, specretimponly and specstructimponly globimponly --- assume unannotated global storage is only retimponly --- assume unannotated returned storage is only structimponly --- assume unannotated structure field is only specglobimponly --- assume unannotated global storage is only specretimponly --- assume unannotated returned storage is only specstructimponly --- assume unannotated structure field is only aliasunique --- unique parameter is aliased mayaliasunique --- unique parameter may be aliased mustnotalias --- temp storage aliased at return point or scope exit retalias --- function returns alias to parameter or global globalias --- function returns with global aliasing external state (sets checkstrictglobalias, checkedglobalias, checkmodglobalias and uncheckedglobalias) checkstrictglobalias --- function returns with a checkstrict global aliasing external state checkedglobalias --- function returns with a checked global aliasing external state checkmodglobalias --- function returns with a checkmod global aliasing external state uncheckedglobalias --- function returns with an unchecked global aliasing external state exposetrans --- exposure transfer errors observertrans --- observer transfer errors repexpose --- abstract representation is exposed (sets assignexpose, retexpose, and castexpose) retexpose --- abstract representation is exposed (return values only) assignexpose --- abstract representation is exposed (assignments only) castexpose --- abstract representation is exposed through a cast redundantsharequal --- declaration uses observer qualifier that is always true misplacedsharequal --- declaration of unsharable storage uses sharing annotation mods --- unspecified modification of caller-visible state mustmod --- specified modification is not detected modobserver --- possible modification of observer storage modobserveruncon --- possible modification of observer storage through unconstrained call modinternalstrict --- possible modification of internal storage through function call modfilesys --- report undocumented file system modifications (applies to unspecified functions if modnomods is set) modunspec --- modification in unspecified functions (sets modnomods, modglobunspec and modstrictglobsunspec) modnomods --- modification in a function with no modifies clause moduncon --- possible modification through a call to an unconstrained function modunconnomods --- possible modification through a call to an unconstrained function in a function with no modifies clause globsimpmodsnothing --- functions declared with a globals list but no modifies clause are assumed to modify nothing modsimpnoglobs --- functions declared with a modifies clause but no globals list are assumed to use no globals globstate --- returns with global in inconsistent state (null or undefined) globs --- undocumented use of a checked global variable globuse --- global listed for a function not used internalglobs --- use of internalState internalglobsnoglobs --- use of internalState (in function with no globals list) warnmissingglobs --- global variable used in modifies clause is not listed in globals list warnmissingglobsnoglobs --- global variable used in modifies clause in a function with no globals list globnoglobs --- use of checked global in a function with no globals list or specification allglobs --- report use and modification errors for globals not annotated with unchecked checkstrictglobs --- report use and modification errors for checkedstrict globals impcheckedspecglobs --- assume checked qualifier for unqualified global declarations in .lcl files impcheckmodspecglobs --- assume checkmod qualifier for unqualified global declarations in .lcl files impcheckedstrictspecglobs --- assume checkmod qualifier for unqualified global declarations in .lcl files impcheckedglobs --- assume checked qualifier for unqualified global declarations impcheckmodglobs --- assume checkmod qualifier for unqualified global declarations impcheckedstrictglobs --- assume checkedstrict qualifier for unqualified global declarations impcheckedstatics --- assume checked qualifier for unqualified file static declarations impcheckmodstatics --- assume checkmod qualifier for unqualified file static declarations impcheckmodinternals --- assume checkmod qualifier for unqualified local static declarations (for internal state modifications) impcheckedstrictstatics --- assume checkedstrict qualifier for unqualified file static declarations modglobs --- undocumented modification of a checked global variable modglobsnomods --- undocumented modification of a checked global variable in a function declared with no modifies clause modstrictglobsnomods --- undocumented modification of a strict checked global variable in a function declared with no modifies clause modglobsunchecked --- undocumented modification of an unchecked checked global variable noret --- path with no return detected in non-void function emptyreturn --- empty return in function declared to return value alwaysexits --- loop predicate always exits loopexec --- assume all loops execute at least once (sets forloopexec, whileloopexec and iterloopexec) forloopexec --- assume all for loops execute at least once whileloopexec --- assume all while loops execute at least once iterloopexec --- assume all iterator loops execute at least once obviousloopexec --- assume loop that can be determined to always execute always does evalorder --- code has unspecified or implementation-dependent behavior because of order of evaluation evalorderuncon --- code involving call to unspecified function has undefined or implementation-dependent behavior infloops --- likely infinite loop is detected infloopsuncon --- likely infinite loop is detected (may result from unconstrained function) casebreak --- non-empty case in a switch without preceding break misscase --- switch on enum type missing case for some value firstcase --- first statement in switch is not a case duplicatecases --- duplicate cases in switch deepbreak --- break inside nested while or for or switch looploopbreak --- break inside nested while or for switchloopbreak --- break in loop inside switch loopswitchbreak --- break in switch inside loop switchswitchbreak --- break in switch inside switch looploopcontinue --- continue inside nested loop whileempty --- a while statement has no body whileblock --- the body of a while statement is not a block forempty --- a for statement has no body forblock --- the body of a for statement is not a block ifempty --- an if statement has no body ifblock --- the body of an if statement is not a block allempty --- an if, while or for statement has no body (sets ifempty, whileempty and forempty allblock --- the body of an if, while or for statement is not a block (sets ifblock, whileblock and forblock) elseifcomplete --- if ... else if chains must have final else unreachable --- unreachable code detected noeffect --- statement with no effect noeffectuncon --- statement with no effect (except possibly through call to unconstrained function) retval --- return value ignored (sets retvalint, retvalbool and retvalother) retvalother --- return value of type other than bool or int ignored retvalbool --- return value of manifest type bool ignored retvalint --- return value of type int ignored nullterminated --- misuse of nullterminated allocation bounds --- memory bounds checking (sets boundsread and boundswrite) boundsread --- possible out of bounds read boundswrite --- possible buffer overflow from an out of bounds write fcnpost --- display function post conditions redundantconstraints --- display seemingly redundant constraints checkpost --- unable to verify predicate in ensures clause implictconstraint --- generate implicit constraints for functions orconstraint --- use limited OR expressions to resolve constraints nullterminated --- misuse of nullterminated allocation showconstraintparens --- display parentheses around constraint terms showconstraintlocation --- display location for every constraint generated mts --- load meta state declaration and corresponding xh file statetransfer --- storage has been transfered with invalid state statemerge --- control paths merge with storage in incompatible states macroredef --- macro redefined macrounrecog --- unrecognized identifier in macro macroconstdecl --- non-parameterized macro without prototype or specification macrostmt --- macro definition is syntactically not equivalent to function macroempty --- macro definition for is empty macroparams --- macro parameter not used exactly once macroreturn --- return statement in macro body macroassign --- assignment to a macro parameter macroparens --- macro parameter used without parentheses (in potentially dangerous context) macrodecl --- macro without prototype or specification (sets macrofcndecl and macroconstdecl) macrofcndecl --- parameterized macro without prototype or specification sefparams --- a parameter with side-effects is passed as a sef parameter sefuncon --- a parameter with unconstrained side-effects is passed as a sef parameter constmacros --- check all macros without parameter lists as constants fcnmacros --- check all macros with parameter lists as functions allmacros --- sets fcnmacros and constmacros libmacros --- check all macros with declarations in library as functions specmacros --- check all macros corresponding to specified functions or constants macromatchname --- macro definition does not match iter or constant declaration nextlinemacros --- the line after a constant or iter declaration must be a macro definition iterbalance --- iter is not balanced with end_ iteryield --- iter yield parameter is inappropriate hasyield --- iter declaration has no yield parameters namechecks --- controls name checking without changing other settings czech --- czech naming convention (sets accessczech, czechfunctions, czechvars, czechconstants, czechenums, and czechmacros) czechfcns --- czech naming convention violated in a function or iterator declaration czechvars --- czech naming convention violated in a variable declaration czechmacros --- czech naming convention violated in an expanded macro name czechconsts --- czech naming convention violated in a constant declaration czechtypes --- czech naming convention violated in a user-defined type definition slovak --- slovak naming convention violated slovakfcns --- slovak naming convention violated in a function or iterator declaration slovakmacros --- slovak naming convention violated in an expanded macro name slovakvars --- slovak naming convention violated in a variable declaration slovakconsts --- slovak naming convention violated in a constant declaration slovaktypes --- slovak naming convention violated in a use-defined type definition czechoslovak --- czech or slovak naming convention violated czechoslovakfcns --- czechoslovak naming convention violated in a function or iterator declaration czechoslovakmacros --- czechoslovak naming convention violated in an expanded macro name czechoslovakvars --- czechoslovak naming convention violated in a variable declaration czechoslovakconsts --- czechoslovak naming convention violated in a constant declaration czechoslovaktypes --- czechoslovak naming convention violated in a user-defined type definition macrovarprefix --- set namespace prefix for variables declared in a macro body macrovarprefixexclude --- the macrovarprefix may not be used for non-macro variables tagprefix --- set namespace prefix for struct, union and enum tags tagprefixexclude --- the tagprefix may not be used for non-tag identifiers enumprefix --- set namespace prefix for enum members enumprefixexclude --- the enumprefix may not be used for non-enum member identifiers filestaticprefix --- set namespace prefix for file static declarations filestaticprefixexclude --- the filestaticprefix may not be used for identifiers that are not file static globalprefix --- set namespace prefix for global variables globalprefixexclude --- the globalprefix may not be used for non-global identifiers typeprefix --- set namespace prefix for user-defined types typeprefixexclude --- the typeprefix may not be used for identifiers that are not type names externalprefix --- set namespace prefix for external identifiers externalprefixexclude --- the externalprefix may not be used for non-external identifiers localprefix --- set namespace prefix for local variables localprefixexclude --- the localprefix may not be used for non-local identifiers uncheckedmacroprefix --- set namespace prefix for unchecked macros uncheckedmacroprefixexclude --- the uncheckmacroprefix may not be used for identifiers that are not unchecked macros constprefix --- set namespace prefix for constants constprefixexclude --- the constprefix may not be used for non-constant identifiers iterprefix --- set namespace prefix for iterators iterprefixexclude --- the iterprefix may not be used for non-iter identifiers protoparamprefix --- set namespace prefix for parameters in function prototype declarations isoreserved --- external name conflicts with name reserved for system or standard library cppnames --- external or internal name is a C++ keyword or reserved word isoreservedinternal --- internal name conflicts with name reserved for system or standard library distinctexternalnames --- external name is not distinguishable from another external name using the number of significant characters externalnamelen --- set the number of significant characters in an external name externalnamecaseinsensitive --- alphabetic comparisons for external names are case-insensitive distinctinternalnames --- internal name is not distinguishable from another internal name using the number of significant characters internalnamelen --- set the number of significant characters in an internal name internalnamecaseinsensitive --- set whether case is significant an internal names (-internalnamecaseinsensitive means case is significant) internalnamelookalike --- lookalike characters match in internal names protoparamname --- a parameter in a function prototype has a name protoparammatch --- the name of a parameter in a function prototype and corresponding declaration must match (after removing the protoparamprefix protoparamprefixexclude --- the protoparamprefix may not be used for non-declaraction parameter identifiers topuse --- declaration at top level not used exportlocal --- a declaration is exported but not used outside this module exportheader --- a declaration is exported but does not appear in a header file exportheadervar --- a variable declaration is exported but does not appear in a header file fielduse --- field of structure type not used enummemuse --- member of an enum type not used constuse --- constant declared but not used fcnuse --- function declared but not used paramuse --- function parameter not used typeuse --- type declared but not used varuse --- variable declared but not used unusedspecial --- unused declaration in special file (corresponding to .l or .y file) declundef --- function or variable declared but never defined specundef --- function or variable specified but never defined specundecl --- function or variable specified but never declared in a source file newdecl --- report new global declarations in source files needspec --- information in specifications is not also included in syntactic comments nolib --- do not load standard library isolib --- use normal standard library strictlib --- interpret standard library strictly unixlib --- use UNIX (sort-of) standard library unixstrictlib --- use strict version of UNIX (sort-of) library posixlib --- use POSIX standard library posixstrictlib --- use strict POSIX standard library whichlib --- show standard library filename warnposixheaders --- a POSIX header is included, but the POSIX library is not used warnunixlib --- warn when the unix library is used usevarargs --- non-standard included dump --- save state for merging (default suffix .lcd) load --- load state from dump file (default suffix .lcd) singleinclude --- optimize header inclusion to eliminate redundant includes neverinclude --- optimize header inclusion to not include any header files skipsysheaders --- do not include header files in system directories (set by -sysdirs) gnuextensions --- support some gnu (gcc) language extensions noparams --- function declaration has no parameter list oldstyle --- old style function definition maintype --- type of main does not match expected type exitarg --- argument to exit has implementation defined behavior shadow --- declaration reuses name visible in outer scope incondefslib --- function, variable or constant defined in a library is redefined with inconsistent type overload --- library function overloaded nestedextern --- an extern declaration is inside a function scope redecl --- function or variable redeclared redef --- function or variable redefined imptype --- variable declaration has unknown (implicitly int) type tmpdir --- set directory for writing temp files larchpath --- set path for searching for library files (overrides LARCH_PATH environment variable) lclimportdir --- set directory to search for LCL import files (overrides LCLIMPORTDIR) sysdirs --- set directories for system files (default /usr/include). Separate directories with path separator (colons in Unix, semi-colons in Windows). Flag settings propagate to files in a system directory. If -sysdirerrors is set, no errors are reported for files in system directories. skipansiheaders --- prevent inclusion of header files in a system directory with names that match standard ANSI headers. The symbolic information in the standard library is used instead. Flag in effect only if a library including the ANSI library is loaded. The ANSI headers are: assert, ctype, errno, float, limits, locale, math, setjmp, signal, stdarg, stddef, stdio, stdlib, strings, string, time, and wchar. skipposixheaders --- prevent inclusion of header files in a system directory with names that match standard POSIX headers. The symbolic information in the posix library is used instead. The POSIX headers are: dirent, fcntl, grp, pwd, termios, sys/stat, sys/times, sys/types, sys/utsname, sys/wait, unistd, and utime. sysdirerrors --- report errors in files in system directories (set by -sysdirs) sysdirexpandmacros --- expand macros in system directories regardless of other settings, except for macros corresponding to names defined in a load library I --- add to C include path S --- add to spec path exportany --- variable, function or type exported but not specified exportfcn --- function exported but not specified exportmacro --- expanded macro exported but not specified exporttype --- type definition exported but not specified exportvar --- variable exported but not specified exportconst --- constant exported but not specified exportiter --- constant exported but not specified linelen --- set length of messages (number of chars) indentspaces --- set number of spaces to indent sub-messages showcolumn --- show column number where error is found parenfileformat --- show column number where error is found showfunc --- show name of function containing error showallconjs --- show all possible types impconj --- make all alternate types implicit (useful for making system libraries expect --- expect code errors lclexpect --- expect spec errors partial --- check as partial system (-specundef, -declundef, -exportlocal, don't check macros in headers without corresponding .c files) lh --- generate .lh files lcs --- generate .lcs files warnflags --- warn when command line sets flag in abnormal way warnrc --- warn when there are problems with reading the initialization files badflag --- warn about bad command line flags fileextensions --- warn when command line file does not have a recognized extension help --- -help will describe flags f --- read an options file (default ~/.splintrc not loaded) i --- set LCL initilization file nof --- do not read options file commentchar --- set marker character for syntactic comments (default is '@') controlnestdepth --- set maximum nesting depth of compound statements, iteration control structures, and selection control structures (ANSI89 minimum is 15; ISO99 is 63) stringliterallen --- set maximum length of string literals (ANSI89 minimum is 509; ISO99 is 4095) numstructfields --- set maximum number of fields in a struct or union (ANSI89 minimum is 127; ISO99 is 1023) numenummembers --- set maximum number of members of an enum (ANSI89 minimum is 127; ISO99 is 1023) includenest --- set maximum number of nested #include files (ANSI89 minimum is 8; ISO99 is 63) ansi89limits --- check for violations of standard limits (controlnestdepth, stringliterallen, includenest, numstructfields, numenummembers) based on ANSI89 standard iso99limits --- check for violations of standard limits (controlnestdepth, stringliterallen, includenest, numstructfields, numenummembers) based on ISO99 standard D --- passed to pre-processor U --- passed to pre-processor unrecogdirective --- unrecognized pre-processor directive supcounts --- The number of errors detected does not match number in /*@i@*/. limit --- limit consecutive repeated errors syntax --- syntax error in parsing trytorecover --- try to recover from parse error preproc --- preprocessing error type --- type mismatch stringliteraltoolong --- string literal too long for character array stringliteralnoroom --- string literal leaves no room for null terminator stringliteralsmaller --- string literal is smaller than the char array it is assigned to enummembers --- enum members must be int values formattype --- type-mismatch in parameter corresponding to format code in a printf or scanf-like function formatconst --- format parameter is not a string constant (hence variable arguments cannot be typechecked) formatcode --- invalid format code in format string for printf or scanf-like function forwarddecl --- forward declarations of pointers to abstract representation match abstract type voidabstract --- void * matches pointers to abstract types, casting ok (dangerous) castfcnptr --- a pointer to a function is cast to a pointer to void (or vice versa) charindex --- char can be used to index arrays enumindex --- enum can be used to index arrays boolint --- bool and int are equivalent charint --- char and int are equivalent enumint --- enum and int are equivalent floatdouble --- float and double are equivalent ignorequals --- ignore type qualifiers (long, short, unsigned) duplicatequals --- report duplicate type qualifiers (e.g., unsigned unsigned) ignoresigns --- ignore signs in type comparisons (unsigned matches signed) numliteral --- int literals can be reals charintliteral --- character constants (e.g., 'a') can be used as ints relaxquals --- report qualifier mismatches only if dangerous relaxtypes --- allow all numeric types to match charunsignedchar --- allow char and unsigned char types to match matchanyintegral --- allow any intergral type to match an arbitrary integral type (e.g., dev_t) longunsignedintegral --- allow long unsigned type to match an arbitrary integral type (e.g., dev_t) longintegral --- allow long type to match an arbitrary integral type (e.g., dev_t) longunsignedunsignedintegral --- allow long unsigned type to match an arbitrary unsigned integral type (e.g., size_t) longsignedintegral --- allow long type to match an arbitrary signed integral type (e.g., ssize_t) zeroptr --- tread 0 as a pointer zerobool --- treat 0 as a boolean repeatunrecog --- do not suppress repeated unrecognized identifier messages (instead of only reporting the first error) sysunrecog --- report unrecognized identifiers with system (__) prefix unrecog --- unrecognized identifier annotationerror --- annotation is used in inconsistent location commenterror --- inconsistent syntactic comment warnuse --- warn when declaration marked with warn is used bufferoverflow --- possible buffer overflow vulnerability bufferoverflowhigh --- likely buffer overflow vulnerability implementationoptional --- declarator is implementation optional (ISO99 does not require an implementation to provide it) legacy --- legacy declaration in Unix Standard multithreaded --- function is not reentrant portability --- function may have undefined behavior superuser --- function is restricted to superusers toctou --- possible time of check, time of use vulnerability unixstandard --- function is not required in Standard UNIX Specification its4mostrisky --- most risky security vulnerabilities (from its4 database) its4veryrisky --- very risky security vulnerabilities (from its4 database) its4risky --- risky security vulnerabilities (from its4 database) its4moderate --- moderately risky security vulnerabilities (from its4 database) its4low --- risky security vulnerabilities (from its4 database) nocomments --- ignore all stylized comments noaccess --- ignore access comments unrecogcomments --- stylized comment is unrecognized unrecogflagcomments --- stylized flag comment uses an unrecognized flag tmpcomments --- interpret t comments (ignore errors in lines marked with /*@t@*/ lintcomments --- interpret traditional lint comments (/*FALLTHROUGH*/, /*NOTREACHED*/) warnlintcomments --- warn when a traditional lint comment is used continuecomment --- line continuation marker (\) in comment before */ on same line slashslashcomment --- use of // comment nestcomment --- comment begins inside comment quiet --- suppress herald and error count usestderr --- send error messages to standard error (instead of standard out) showsummary --- show summary of all errors reported and suppressed showscan --- show file names are they are processed stats --- display lines processed and time timedist --- display time distribution showalluses --- show sorted list of uses of all globals hints --- provide a hint the first time a particular warning appears forcehints --- provide a hint for every warnings bugslimit --- set maximum number of bugs detected before giving up debugfcnconstraint --- debug function constraints grammar --- debug parsing keep --- do not delete temporary files nopp --- do not pre-process input files showsourceloc --- display the source code location where a warning is produced