/* ** Copyright (C) University of Virginia, Massachusetts Institue of Technology 1994-2001. ** See ../LICENSE for license information. ** */ /* ** flagMarkerList.h */ # ifndef flagMarkerList_H # define flagMarkerList_H typedef /*@only@*/ flagMarker o_flagMarker; abst_typedef struct { int nelements; int nspace; /*@reldef@*/ /*@relnull@*/ o_flagMarker *elements; } *flagMarkerList ; extern /*@only@*/ flagMarkerList flagMarkerList_new (void) /*@*/ ; extern /*@unused@*/ /*@only@*/ cstring flagMarkerList_unparse (flagMarkerList p_s) /*@*/ ; extern void flagMarkerList_free (/*@only@*/ flagMarkerList p_s) ; extern void flagMarkerList_add (flagMarkerList p_s, /*@only@*/ flagMarker p_fm) /*@modifies p_s@*/ ; extern ynm flagMarkerList_suppressError (flagMarkerList p_s, flagcode p_code, fileloc p_loc) /*@*/ ; extern void flagMarkerList_checkSuppressCounts (flagMarkerList p_s) /*@modifies g_msgstream@*/ ; extern bool flagMarkerList_inIgnore (flagMarkerList p_s, fileloc p_loc) /*@*/ ; /*@constant int flagMarkerListBASESIZE;@*/ # define flagMarkerListBASESIZE SMALLBASESIZE # else # error "Multiple include" # endif