/* ** Copyright (C) University of Virginia, Massachusetts Institue of Technology 1994-2001. ** See ../LICENSE for license information. ** */ /* ** lctype.h ** ** renamed from ctype.h to avoid confusion with standard ** header file */ # ifndef CTYPE_H # define CTYPE_H /* ** since this is the header file for the ctype module, we need ** to use an access comment to provide access to the representation. */ /* in forwardTypes: typedef int ctype; */ typedef enum { CT_UNKNOWN, CT_PRIM, CT_USER, CT_ABST, CT_ENUM, CT_PTR, CT_ARRAY, CT_FIXEDARRAY, CT_FCN, CT_STRUCT, CT_UNION, CT_ENUMLIST, /* bogus type for keeping unnamed enums around */ CT_BOOL, /* since booleans aren't really prim's but we don't want them to be user or abst, they are a separate type */ CT_CONJ, /* conjunction */ CT_EXPFCN } ctuid ; /*@access ctype@*/ /* hack alert! */ /*@constant int CTK_ELIPS;@*/ # define CTK_ELIPS -23 /*@constant int CTK_MISSINGPARAMS;@*/ # define CTK_MISSINGPARAMS -37 /*@constant int CT_FIRST;@*/ # define CT_FIRST 0 /*@constant int CTK_PREDEFINED;@*/ # define CTK_PREDEFINED (CTX_LAST + 1) /*@constant int CTK_PREDEFINED2;@*/ # define CTK_PREDEFINED2 (CTK_PREDEFINED + CTK_PREDEFINED) /*@constant int LAST_PREDEFINED;@*/ # define LAST_PREDEFINED (CTK_PREDEFINED + CTK_PREDEFINED2) /*@constant int CTP_VOID;@*/ # define CTP_VOID (CTX_VOID + CTK_PREDEFINED) /*@constant int CTP_CHAR;@*/ # define CTP_CHAR (CTX_CHAR + CTK_PREDEFINED) /*@constant int CTK_BASESIZE;@*/ # define CTK_BASESIZE BIGBASESIZE typedef enum { CTK_UNKNOWN = -3, CTK_INVALID = -2, CTK_DNE = -1, CTK_PLAIN = 0, /* these must be in order */ CTK_PTR = 1, CTK_ARRAY = 2, CTK_COMPLEX = 3 } ctkind ; extern int ctkind_toInt (ctkind p_x); # define ctkind_toInt(x) ((int)(x)) /* ** ctypes are integer indexes into ctype table ** ** the most common ctypes are hard wired (see cprim.h) */ /*@constant ctype ctype_undefined; @*/ # define ctype_undefined ((ctype) CTK_INVALID) /*@constant ctype ctype_dne; @*/ # define ctype_dne ((ctype) CTK_DNE) /*@constant ctype ctype_unknown; @*/ # define ctype_unknown CTX_UNKNOWN /*@constant ctype ctype_void; @*/ # define ctype_void CTX_VOID /*@constant ctype ctype_char; @*/ # define ctype_char CTX_CHAR /*@constant ctype ctype_uchar; @*/ # define ctype_uchar CTX_UCHAR /*@constant ctype ctype_double; @*/ # define ctype_double CTX_DOUBLE /*@constant ctype ctype_ldouble; @*/ # define ctype_ldouble CTX_LDOUBLE /*@constant ctype ctype_float; @*/ # define ctype_float CTX_FLOAT /*@constant ctype ctype_int; @*/ # define ctype_int CTX_INT /*@constant ctype ctype_uint; @*/ # define ctype_uint CTX_UINT /*@constant ctype ctype_sint; @*/ # define ctype_sint CTX_SINT /*@constant ctype ctype_lint; @*/ # define ctype_lint CTX_LINT /*@constant ctype ctype_usint; @*/ # define ctype_usint CTX_USINT /*@constant ctype ctype_ulint; @*/ # define ctype_ulint CTX_ULINT /*@constant ctype ctype_llint; @*/ # define ctype_llint CTX_LLINT /*@constant ctype ctype_ullint; @*/ # define ctype_ullint CTX_ULLINT /*@constant ctype ctype_bool; @*/ # define ctype_bool CTX_BOOL /*@constant ctype ctype_string; @*/ # define ctype_string CTP_CHAR /*@constant ctype ctype_anyintegral @*/ # define ctype_anyintegral CTX_ANYINTEGRAL /*@constant ctype ctype_unsignedintegral @*/ # define ctype_unsignedintegral CTX_UNSIGNEDINTEGRAL /*@constant ctype ctype_signedintegral @*/ # define ctype_signedintegral CTX_SIGNEDINTEGRAL /*@constant ctype ctype_voidPointer; @*/ # define ctype_voidPointer CTP_VOID extern ctype ctype_forceRealType (ctype p_c); extern bool ctype_forceMatch (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2); extern bool ctype_genMatch (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2, bool p_force, bool p_arg, bool p_def, bool p_deep); extern bool ctype_isSimple (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isAbstract (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isArray (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isFixedArray (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isIncompleteArray (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isArrayPtr (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isBool (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; /* matches type bool */ extern bool ctype_isManifestBool (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; /* declared as type bool */ extern bool ctype_isChar (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isUnsignedChar (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isSignedChar (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isString (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isConj (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isDirectBool (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isDirectInt(ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isEnum(ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isExpFcn (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isFirstVoid (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isForceRealBool (ctype *p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isForceRealInt (ctype *p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isForceRealNumeric (ctype *p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isFunction (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isArbitraryIntegral (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isUnsignedIntegral (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isSignedIntegral (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isInt (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRegularInt (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isMutable (ctype p_t) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isImmutableAbstract (ctype p_t) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isNumeric (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isPointer (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isReal (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@unused@*/ bool ctype_isFloat (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isDouble (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isSigned (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isUnsigned (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealAP (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealAbstract(ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealArray (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealBool (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealFunction (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealInt (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealNumeric (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealPointer (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealSU (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRealVoid (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isStruct (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isStructorUnion(ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isUA (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isUnion (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isVoid (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isVoidPointer (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isVisiblySharable (ctype p_t) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_match (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_matchArg (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_sameName (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2) /*@*/ ; extern /*@only@*/ cstring ctype_dump (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@observer@*/ cstring ctype_enumTag (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@observer@*/ cstring ctype_unparse (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@observer@*/ cstring ctype_unparseDeep (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@unused@*/ /*@observer@*/ cstring ctype_unparseSafe (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctkind ctkind_fromInt (int p_i) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_matchDef (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_undump (char **p_c); extern ctype ctype_adjustPointers(int p_np, ctype p_c); extern ctype ctype_baseArrayPtr (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_combine (ctype p_dominant, ctype p_modifier) ; extern ctype ctype_createAbstract (typeId p_u) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_createEnum (/*@keep@*/ cstring p_tag, /*@keep@*/ enumNameList p_el); extern ctype ctype_createForwardStruct (/*@only@*/ cstring p_n) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_createForwardUnion (/*@only@*/ cstring p_n) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_createStruct (/*@only@*/ cstring p_n, /*@only@*/ uentryList p_f); extern ctype ctype_createUnion (/*@only@*/ cstring p_n, /*@only@*/ uentryList p_f); extern ctype ctype_createUnnamedStruct (/*@only@*/ uentryList p_f) ; extern ctype ctype_createUnnamedUnion (/*@only@*/ uentryList p_f) ; extern ctype ctype_createUser (typeId p_u) ; extern bool ctype_isUnnamedSU (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isUser (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_expectFunction(ctype p_c) ; extern ctype ctype_fixArrayPtr (ctype p_c); extern ctype ctype_getBaseType (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_makeArray (ctype p_c); extern ctype ctype_makeFixedArray (ctype p_c, long p_size); extern ctype ctype_makeConj (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2); extern ctype ctype_makeParamsFunction (ctype p_base, /*@only@*/ uentryList p_p); extern ctype ctype_makeFunction (ctype p_base, /*@only@*/ uentryList p_p) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_makeNFParamsFunction (ctype p_base, /*@only@*/ uentryList p_p) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_makePointer (ctype p_c); extern ctype ctype_makeRawFunction (ctype p_base, /*@only@*/ uentryList p_p); extern ctype ctype_makeWideString (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isWideString (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_newBase (ctype p_c, ctype p_p) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_realType (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_realishType (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_removePointers (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_resolve (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_resolveNumerics (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2) /*@*/ ; extern ctype ctype_getReturnType (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern bool ctype_isRefCounted (ctype p_t) /*@*/ ; extern /*@observer@*/ uentryList ctype_argsFunction (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@observer@*/ uentryList ctype_getParams (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_getParams(c) ctype_argsFunction(c) extern /*@observer@*/ enumNameList ctype_elist (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@observer@*/ uentryList ctype_getFields (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; /* ** could do some run-time checks... */ extern cprim ctype_toCprim (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; /*@access cprim@*/ # define ctype_toCprim(c) ((cprim) (c)) /*@noaccess cprim@*/ extern int ctype_compare (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2) /*@*/ ; extern /*@unused@*/ int ctype_count (void); extern ctype ctype_makeExplicitConj (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2); extern typeId ctype_typeId (ctype p_c); extern ctype ctype_fromQual (qual p_q); extern bool ctype_isAnyFloat (ctype p_c); extern bool ctype_isStackAllocated (ctype p_c); /*@constant ctype ctype_missingParamsMarker; @*/ # define ctype_missingParamsMarker ((ctype)CTK_MISSINGPARAMS) extern bool ctype_isMissingParamsMarker (ctype p_ct) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_isMissingParamsMarker(ct) ((ct) == ctype_missingParamsMarker) extern bool ctype_equal (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2); # define ctype_equal(c1,c2) ((c1) == (c2)) extern bool ctype_almostEqual (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2); /*@constant ctype ctype_elipsMarker; @*/ # define ctype_elipsMarker ((ctype) CTK_ELIPS) extern bool ctype_isElips (ctype p_ct) /*@*/; # define ctype_isElips(ct) ((ct) == ctype_elipsMarker) extern bool ctype_isAP (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_isAP(c) ctype_isArrayPtr(c) extern bool ctype_isDefined (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_isDefined(c) ((c) != ctype_undefined) extern bool ctype_isKnown (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_isKnown(c) ((c) != CTX_UNKNOWN) extern bool ctype_isSU (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_isSU(c) ctype_isStructorUnion(c) extern bool ctype_isUndefined (ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_isUndefined(c) ((c) == ctype_undefined) extern bool ctype_isUnknown (ctype p_c) /*@*/; # define ctype_isUnknown(c) ((c) == CTX_UNKNOWN) extern bool ctype_isBogus (/*@sef@*/ ctype p_c) /*@*/ ; # define ctype_isBogus(c) (ctype_isUndefined(c) || ctype_isUnknown(c)) extern cstring ctype_unparseDeclaration (ctype p_c, /*@only@*/ cstring p_name); extern bool ctype_sameAltTypes (ctype p_c1, ctype p_c2) /*@*/ ; extern void ctype_dumpTable (FILE *p_f); extern void ctype_loadTable (FILE *p_f); extern void ctype_destroyMod (void); extern void ctype_initTable (void); extern /*@only@*/ cstring ctype_unparseTable (void); extern /*@unused@*/ void ctype_printTable (void); extern ctype ctype_widest (ctype, ctype) /*@*/ ; /* drl modified */ extern long int ctype_getArraySize (ctype p_c); /*end drl add functions */ /* Should only be used in uentry.c */ extern bool ctype_isUserBool (ctype p_ct) /*@*/ ; # else # error "Multiple include" # endif