tainted.c: (in function f) tainted.c:5:20: Invalid transfer from tainted s to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): f(..., s, ...) tainted.c:3:48: s becomes tainted tainted.c:3:74: us becomes untainted tainted.c: (in function test) tainted.c:12:18: Invalid transfer from tainted s to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., s, ...) tainted.c:9:34: s becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted tainted.c:17:18: Invalid transfer from tainted t to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., t, ...) tainted.c:15:3: t becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted tainted.c:20:18: Invalid transfer from tainted t to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., t, ...) tainted.c:19:3: t becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted Finished LCLint checking --- 4 code errors found, as expected tainted-bad.mts:18:7: Transfer clause uses unrecognized result state peach: untainted as tainted ==> peach tainted-bad.mts:14:17: Merge clause uses unrecognized second value junky: tainted X junky ==> error "Splat!" tainted-bad.mts:11:7: Annotation declaration uses unrecognized value name blue: maybetainted reference ==> blue tainted-bad.mts:5:21: Defaults declaration uses unrecognized value name stainted: stainted reference tainted-bad.mts:7:21: Duplicate defaults declaration for context parameter: untainted parameter tainted.c: (in function f) tainted.c:5:20: Invalid transfer from tainted s to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): f(..., s, ...) tainted.c:3:48: s becomes tainted tainted.c:3:74: us becomes untainted tainted.c: (in function test) tainted.c:12:18: Invalid transfer from tainted s to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., s, ...) tainted.c:9:34: s becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted tainted.c:17:18: Invalid transfer from tainted t to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., t, ...) tainted.c:15:3: t becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted tainted.c:20:18: Invalid transfer from tainted t to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., t, ...) tainted.c:15:3: t becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted Finished LCLint checking --- 9 code errors found, as expected tainted2.c: (in function test) tainted2.c:20:10: Invalid transfer from tainted stk to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): return stk tainted2.c:17:14: stk becomes tainted tainted2.c:4:2: becomes untainted Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected tainted3.c: (in function test) tainted3.c:7:19: Invalid transfer from tainted def to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): checkUntainted(..., def, ...) tainted3.c:4:36: def becomes tainted tainted3.c:1:53: def becomes untainted Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected tainted4.c: (in function test) tainted4.c:9:19: Invalid transfer from tainted def to untainted (*def): Possibly tainted storage used as untainted. tainted4.c:6:36: def becomes tainted Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found taintedmerge.c: (in function f) taintedmerge.c:11:18: Invalid transfer from tainted t to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., t, ...) taintedmerge.c:10:3: t becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted taintedmerge.c:14:18: Invalid transfer from tainted t to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., t, ...) taintedmerge.c:13:3: t becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted taintedmerge.c:16:10: Stack-allocated storage t reachable from return value: t Finished LCLint checking --- 3 code errors found, as expected taintedimplicit.c: (in function dangerouscall) taintedimplicit.c:17:18: Invalid transfer from tainted [result of taintme] to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., taintme(s), ...) taintedimplicit.c:17:18: becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s becomes untainted Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected sprintf.c: (in function sp) sprintf.c:11:18: Invalid transfer from tainted s to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., s, ...) sprintf.c:10:37: s becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s1 becomes untainted sprintf.c:14:18: Invalid transfer from tainted s to untainted (Possibly tainted storage used as untainted.): system(..., s, ...) sprintf.c:13:61: s becomes tainted tainted.xh:26:55: s1 becomes untainted Finished LCLint checking --- 2 code errors found, as expected