Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found impabstract.c: (in function f) impabstract.c:11:7: Left operand of < is abstract type (mint): m < 2 An abstraction barrier is broken. If necessary, use /*@access @*/ to allow access to an abstract type. (-abstract will suppress message) impabstract.c:13:14: Return value type mint does not match declared type int: m Underlying types match, but mint is an abstract type that is not accessible here. Finished LCLint checking --- 2 code errors found, as expected impabstract.c:2:28: Mutable abstract type cint declared without pointer indirection: int (violates assignment semantics) LCL semantics requires that a mutable type exhibits sharing semantics. In order for objects to be shared a indirection is necessary in the representation. A mutable type may be represented by a pointer or an abstract mutable type. Handles into static data are fine, too, but will generate this error message unless it is suppressed. (-mutrep will suppress message) impabstract.c:2:28: Datatype cint inconsistently declared as concrete type A function, variable or constant is redefined with a different type. (-incondefs will suppress message) impabstract.lcl:2:1: Specification of cint impabstract.c: (in function f) impabstract.c:6:7: Left operand of > is abstract type (cint): c > 3 An abstraction barrier is broken. If necessary, use /*@access @*/ to allow access to an abstract type. (-abstract will suppress message) impabstract.c:8:14: Return value type cint does not match declared type int: c Underlying types match, but cint is an abstract type that is not accessible here. Finished LCLint checking --- 4 code errors found, as expected