/* ** LCLint - annotation-assisted static program checker ** Copyright (C) 1994-2001 University of Virginia, ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your ** option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** The GNU General Public License is available from http://www.gnu.org/ or ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ** MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** For information on lclint: lclint-request@cs.virginia.edu ** To report a bug: lclint-bug@cs.virginia.edu ** For more information: http://lclint.cs.virginia.edu */ /* ** mtDeclarationNode.c */ # include "lclintMacros.nf" # include "basic.h" # include "mtgrammar.h" extern mtDeclarationNode mtDeclarationNode_create (mttok name, mtDeclarationPieces pieces) /*@*/ { mtDeclarationNode res = (mtDeclarationNode) dmalloc (sizeof (*res)); res->name = mttok_getText (name); res->loc = mttok_stealLoc (name); res->pieces = pieces; mttok_free (name); return res; } extern cstring mtDeclarationNode_unparse (mtDeclarationNode node) /*@*/ { return message ("state %s %q", node->name, mtDeclarationPieces_unparse (node->pieces)); } extern void mtDeclarationNode_process (mtDeclarationNode node, bool isglobal) { int i; int j; mtDeclarationPieces pieces; mtDeclarationPiece mtp; mtContextNode mtcontext; stateCombinationTable tsc; stateCombinationTable tmerge; cstringList mvals; metaStateInfo msinfo; int nvalues; pieces = node->pieces; /* ** First, we need to find the values piece. */ mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_VALUES); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isUndefined (mtp)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Metastate declaration missing values clause: %s", mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); return; } else { mtValuesNode mtv = mtDeclarationPiece_getValues (mtp); mvals = mtValuesNode_getValues (mtv); } /*@-usedef@*/ /*@i34 lclint should figure this out... */ nvalues = cstringList_size (mvals); /*@=usedef@*/ mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_CONTEXT); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isUndefined (mtp)) { ; /* No context, assume anywhere is okay. */ mtcontext = mtContextNode_createAny (); } else { mtcontext = mtDeclarationPiece_stealContext (mtp); } if (isglobal) { /* ** For global state, instead of a transfers piece, we have constraints. */ mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_TRANSFERS); if (!mtDeclarationPiece_isUndefined (mtp)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Global state declaration uses transfers clause. Should use preconditions and postconsitions clauses instead: %s", mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); mtContextNode_free (mtcontext); return; } mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_PRECONDITIONS); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isUndefined (mtp)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Metastate declaration missing preconditions clause: %s", mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); mtContextNode_free (mtcontext); return; } else { mtTransferClauseList mtransfers = mtDeclarationPiece_getPreconditions (mtp); tsc = stateCombinationTable_create (nvalues); mtTransferClauseList_elements (mtransfers, transfer) { cstring tfrom = mtTransferClause_getFrom (transfer); cstring tto = mtTransferClause_getTo (transfer); mtTransferAction taction = mtTransferClause_getAction (transfer); cstring vname = mtTransferAction_getValue (taction); int fromindex; int toindex; int vindex; DPRINTF (("Transfer: %s", mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer))); if (cstringList_contains (mvals, tfrom)) { fromindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, tfrom); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Precondition clause uses unrecognized caller value %s: %q", tfrom, mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer)), mtTransferClause_getLoc (transfer)); continue; } if (cstringList_contains (mvals, tto)) { toindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, tto); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Precondition clause uses unrecognized constraint value %s: %q", tto, mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer)), mtTransferClause_getLoc (transfer)); continue; } if (mtTransferAction_isError (taction)) { vindex = metaState_error; } else { if (cstringList_contains (mvals, vname)) { vindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, vname); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Precondition clause uses unrecognized result state %s: %q", vname, mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer)), mtTransferClause_getLoc (transfer)); continue; } } if (mtTransferAction_isError (taction)) { stateCombinationTable_set (tsc, fromindex, toindex, vindex, cstring_copy (mtTransferAction_getMessage (taction))); } else { stateCombinationTable_set (tsc, fromindex, toindex, vindex, cstring_undefined); } } end_mtTransferClauseList_elements ; } } else { mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_PRECONDITIONS); if (!mtDeclarationPiece_isUndefined (mtp)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Non-global state declaration uses preconditions clause. " "Should use transfers clause instead: %s", mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); mtContextNode_free (mtcontext); return; } mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_POSTCONDITIONS); if (!mtDeclarationPiece_isUndefined (mtp)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Non-global state declaration uses postconditions clause. " "Should use transfers clause instead: %s", mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); mtContextNode_free (mtcontext); return; } mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_TRANSFERS); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isUndefined (mtp)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Metastate declaration missing transfers clause: %s", mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); mtContextNode_free (mtcontext); return; } else { mtTransferClauseList mtransfers = mtDeclarationPiece_getTransfers (mtp); tsc = stateCombinationTable_create (nvalues); mtTransferClauseList_elements (mtransfers, transfer) { cstring tfrom = mtTransferClause_getFrom (transfer); cstring tto = mtTransferClause_getTo (transfer); mtTransferAction taction = mtTransferClause_getAction (transfer); cstring vname = mtTransferAction_getValue (taction); int fromindex; int toindex; int vindex; DPRINTF (("Transfer: %s", mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer))); if (cstringList_contains (mvals, tfrom)) { fromindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, tfrom); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Transfer clause uses unrecognized from value %s: %q", tfrom, mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer)), mtTransferClause_getLoc (transfer)); continue; } if (cstringList_contains (mvals, tto)) { toindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, tto); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Transfer clause uses unrecognized to value %s: %q", tto, mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer)), mtTransferClause_getLoc (transfer)); continue; } if (mtTransferAction_isError (taction)) { vindex = metaState_error; } else { if (cstringList_contains (mvals, vname)) { vindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, vname); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Transfer clause uses unrecognized result state %s: %q", vname, mtTransferClause_unparse (transfer)), mtTransferClause_getLoc (transfer)); continue; } } if (mtTransferAction_isError (taction)) { stateCombinationTable_set (tsc, fromindex, toindex, vindex, cstring_copy (mtTransferAction_getMessage (taction))); } else { stateCombinationTable_set (tsc, fromindex, toindex, vindex, cstring_undefined); } } end_mtTransferClauseList_elements ; } } mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_LOSERS); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isDefined (mtp)) { mtLoseReferenceList mlosers = mtDeclarationPiece_getLosers (mtp); mtLoseReferenceList_elements (mlosers, loseref) { cstring tfrom = mtLoseReference_getFrom (loseref); mtTransferAction taction = mtLoseReference_getAction (loseref); int fromindex; /* Losing reference is represented by transfer to nvalues */ int toindex = nvalues; int vindex = metaState_error; llassert (mtTransferAction_isError (taction)); if (cstringList_contains (mvals, tfrom)) { fromindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, tfrom); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Lose reference uses unrecognized from value %s: %q", tfrom, mtLoseReference_unparse (loseref)), mtLoseReference_getLoc (loseref)); continue; } /*@-usedef@*/ stateCombinationTable_set (tsc, fromindex, toindex, vindex, cstring_copy (mtTransferAction_getMessage (taction))); /*@=usedef@*/ } end_mtLoseReferenceList_elements ; } /*@-usedef@*/ DPRINTF (("metastate: %s", metaStateInfo_unparse (msinfo))); /*@=usedef@*/ tmerge = stateCombinationTable_create (nvalues); /* Default merge is to make all incompatible mergers errors. */ for (i = 0; i < nvalues; i++) { for (j = 0; j < nvalues; j++) { if (i != j) { stateCombinationTable_set (tmerge, i, j, metaState_error, cstring_makeLiteral ("Incompatible state merge (default behavior)")); } } } mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_MERGE); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isDefined (mtp)) { mtMergeNode mtmerge = mtDeclarationPiece_getMerge (mtp); mtMergeClauseList mclauses = mtMergeNode_getClauses (mtmerge); DPRINTF (("Merge node: %s", mtMergeNode_unparse (mtmerge))); mtMergeClauseList_elements (mclauses, merge) { mtMergeItem item1 = mtMergeClause_getItem1 (merge); mtMergeItem item2 = mtMergeClause_getItem2 (merge); mtTransferAction taction = mtMergeClause_getAction (merge); int low1index, high1index; int low2index, high2index; int vindex; DPRINTF (("Merge %s X %s => %s", mtMergeItem_unparse (item1), mtMergeItem_unparse (item2), mtTransferAction_unparse (taction))); if (!mtMergeItem_isStar (item1)) { if (cstringList_contains (mvals, mtMergeItem_getValue (item1))) { low1index = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, mtMergeItem_getValue (item1)); high1index = low1index; } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Merge clause uses unrecognized first value %s: %q", mtMergeItem_getValue (item1), mtMergeClause_unparse (merge)), mtMergeClause_getLoc (merge)); continue; } } else { low1index = 0; high1index = nvalues - 1; } if (!mtMergeItem_isStar (item2)) { if (cstringList_contains (mvals, mtMergeItem_getValue (item2))) { low2index = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, mtMergeItem_getValue (item2)); high2index = low2index; } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Merge clause uses unrecognized second value %s: %q", mtMergeItem_getValue (item2), mtMergeClause_unparse (merge)), mtMergeItem_getLoc (item2)); continue; } } else { low2index = 0; high2index = nvalues - 1; } if (mtTransferAction_isError (taction)) { vindex = metaState_error; } else { cstring vname = mtTransferAction_getValue (taction); if (cstringList_contains (mvals, vname)) { vindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, vname); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Merge clause uses unrecognized result state %s: %q", vname, mtMergeClause_unparse (merge)), mtTransferAction_getLoc (taction)); continue; } } for (i = low1index; i <= high1index; i++) { for (j = low2index; j <= high2index; j++) { /*@i32 check for multiple definitions! */ if (mtTransferAction_isError (taction)) { stateCombinationTable_update (tmerge, i, j, vindex, cstring_copy (mtTransferAction_getMessage (taction))); } else { stateCombinationTable_update (tmerge, i, j, vindex, cstring_undefined); } } } } end_mtMergeClauseList_elements ; } msinfo = metaStateInfo_create (cstring_copy (mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), cstringList_copy (mvals), mtcontext, /*@-usedef@*/ tsc, /*@=usedef@*/ tmerge, fileloc_copy (mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node))); mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_ANNOTATIONS); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isDefined (mtp)) { mtAnnotationsNode mtannots = mtDeclarationPiece_getAnnotations (mtp); mtAnnotationList mtalist = mtAnnotationsNode_getAnnotations (mtannots); DPRINTF (("Has annotations: %s", mtAnnotationList_unparse (mtalist))); mtAnnotationList_elements (mtalist, annot) { cstring aname = mtAnnotationDecl_getName (annot); cstring avalue = mtAnnotationDecl_getValue (annot); DPRINTF (("Process annotation: %s", mtAnnotationDecl_unparse (annot))); if (cstringList_contains (mvals, avalue)) { int vindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, avalue); mtContextNode acontext = mtAnnotationDecl_stealContext (annot); context_addAnnotation (annotationInfo_create (cstring_copy (aname), msinfo, acontext, vindex, fileloc_copy (mtAnnotationDecl_getLoc (annot)))); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Annotation declaration uses unrecognized value name %s: %q", avalue, mtAnnotationDecl_unparse (annot)), mtAnnotationDecl_getLoc (annot)); } } end_mtAnnotationList_elements ; } mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_DEFAULTS); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isDefined (mtp)) { mtDefaultsNode mdn = mtDeclarationPiece_getDefaults (mtp); mtDefaultsDeclList mdecls = mtDefaultsNode_getDecls (mdn); llassert (!isglobal); mtDefaultsDeclList_elements (mdecls, mdecl) { mtContextNode mcontext = mtDefaultsDecl_getContext (mdecl); cstring mvalue = mtDefaultsDecl_getValue (mdecl); if (cstringList_contains (mvals, mvalue)) { int vindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, mvalue); if (mtContextNode_isReference (mcontext)) { if (metaStateInfo_getDefaultRefValue (msinfo) != stateValue_error) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Duplicate defaults declaration for context %q: %q", mtContextNode_unparse (mcontext), mtDefaultsDecl_unparse (mdecl)), mtDefaultsDecl_getLoc (mdecl)); } else { metaStateInfo_setDefaultRefValue (msinfo, vindex); } } else if (mtContextNode_isParameter (mcontext)) { if (metaStateInfo_getDefaultParamValue (msinfo) != stateValue_error) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Duplicate defaults declaration for context %q: %q", mtContextNode_unparse (mcontext), mtDefaultsDecl_unparse (mdecl)), mtDefaultsDecl_getLoc (mdecl)); } else { metaStateInfo_setDefaultParamValue (msinfo, vindex); } } else if (mtContextNode_isResult (mcontext)) { if (metaStateInfo_getDefaultResultValue (msinfo) != stateValue_error) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Duplicate defaults declaration for context %q: %q", mtContextNode_unparse (mcontext), mtDefaultsDecl_unparse (mdecl)), mtDefaultsDecl_getLoc (mdecl)); } else { metaStateInfo_setDefaultResultValue (msinfo, vindex); } } else { BADBRANCH; } } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Defaults declaration uses unrecognized value name %s: %q", mvalue, mtDefaultsDecl_unparse (mdecl)), mtDefaultsDecl_getLoc (mdecl)); } } end_mtDefaultsDeclList_elements ; } mtp = mtDeclarationPieces_findPiece (pieces, MTP_DEFAULTVALUE); if (mtDeclarationPiece_isDefined (mtp)) { cstring mvalue = mtDeclarationPiece_getDefaultValue (mtp); llassert (isglobal); if (cstringList_contains (mvals, mvalue)) { int vindex = cstringList_getIndex (mvals, mvalue); if (metaStateInfo_getDefaultRefValue (msinfo) != stateValue_error) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Duplicate default value declaration for global state: %s", mvalue), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); } else { metaStateInfo_setDefaultRefValue (msinfo, vindex); } } else { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Default value declaration uses unrecognized value name: %s", mvalue), mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (node)); } } context_addMetaState (cstring_copy (mtDeclarationNode_getName (node)), msinfo); } extern void mtDeclarationNode_free (/*@only@*/ mtDeclarationNode node) { mtDeclarationPieces_free (node->pieces); cstring_free (node->name); fileloc_free (node->loc); sfree (node); } extern fileloc mtDeclarationNode_getLoc (mtDeclarationNode node) { return node->loc; } extern /*@observer@*/ cstring mtDeclarationNode_getName (mtDeclarationNode node) { return node->name; }