oldstyle.c: (in function f1) oldstyle.c:5:8: Dereference of non-pointer (int): *y oldstyle.c:10:5: Function f2 declared with 1 arg, specified with 2 oldstyle.lcl:2: Specification of f2 oldstyle.c:15:12: Parameter 2, y, of function f3 has inconsistent type: declared char, specified char * oldstyle.lcl:4:1: Specification of y: char * oldstyle2.c: (in function noShadow) oldstyle2.c:15:14: Statement after switch is not a case: int x oldstyle2.c: (in function unrecognized) oldstyle2.c:29:6: Unrecognized identifier: x Finished checking --- 5 code warnings, as expected