/* ** LCLint - annotation-assisted static program checker ** Copyright (C) 1994-2001 University of Virginia, ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your ** option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** The GNU General Public License is available from http://www.gnu.org/ or ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ** MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** For information on lclint: lclint-request@cs.virginia.edu ** To report a bug: lclint-bug@cs.virginia.edu ** For more information: http://lclint.cs.virginia.edu */ /* ** uentryList.c (from slist_template.c) */ # include "lclintMacros.nf" # include "basic.h" /*@only@*/ /*@notnull@*/ uentryList uentryList_new () { uentryList s = (uentryList) dmalloc (sizeof (*s)); s->nelements = 0; s->nspace = uentryListBASESIZE; s->elements = (uentry *) dmalloc (sizeof (*s->elements) * uentryListBASESIZE); s->current = 0; return (s); } /*@only@*/ uentryList uentryList_single (/*@keep@*/ uentry el) { uentryList s = (uentryList) dmalloc (sizeof (*s)); s->nelements = 1; s->nspace = uentryListBASESIZE - 1; s->elements = (uentry *) dmalloc (sizeof (*s->elements) * uentryListBASESIZE); s->elements[0] = el; s->current = 0; return (s); } static void uentryList_grow (uentryList s) { int i; uentry *newelements; llassert (!uentryList_isUndefined (s)); s->nspace += uentryListBASESIZE; newelements = (uentry *) dmalloc (sizeof (*newelements) * (s->nelements + s->nspace)); for (i = 0; i < s->nelements; i++) { newelements[i] = s->elements[i]; } sfree (s->elements); s->elements = newelements; } void uentryList_clear (uentryList s) { if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) { ; } else { s->nspace += s->nelements; s->nelements = 0; } } uentryList uentryList_add (uentryList s, /*@keep@*/ uentry el) { if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) { s = uentryList_new (); } if (s->nspace <= 0) uentryList_grow (s); s->nspace--; s->elements[s->nelements] = el; s->nelements++; return s; } /*@only@*/ cstring uentryList_unparse (uentryList s) { cstring st = cstring_undefined; int i; if (uentryList_isDefined (s)) { for (i = 0; i < uentryList_size (s); i++) { if (i == 0) { st = message ("%q;", uentry_unparse (s->elements[i])); } else st = message ("%q %q;", st, uentry_unparse (s->elements[i])); } } return (st); } /*@unused@*/ /*@only@*/ cstring uentryList_unparseFull (uentryList s) { cstring st = cstring_undefined; int i; if (uentryList_isDefined (s)) { for (i = 0; i < uentryList_size (s); i++) { if (i == 0) { st = message ("%q;", uentry_unparseFull (s->elements[i])); } else { st = message ("%q %q;", st, uentry_unparseFull (s->elements[i])); } } } return (st); } cstring uentryList_unparseParams (uentryList s) { int i; cstring st = cstring_undefined; if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) { return st; } else if (uentryList_isVoid (s)) { return (cstring_makeLiteral ("void")); } else { for (i = 0; i < uentryList_size (s); i++) { if (i == 0) { st = message ("%s", ctype_unparse (uentry_getType (s->elements[i]))); } else { st = message ("%q, %s", st, ctype_unparse (uentry_getType (s->elements[i]))); } } return st; } } bool uentryList_matchParams (uentryList p1, uentryList p2, bool force, bool arg) { int sz1 = uentryList_size (p1); int sz2 = uentryList_size (p2); int i; if (p1 == p2) return TRUE; if (uentryList_isMissingParams (p1) || uentryList_isMissingParams (p2)) { return TRUE; } if (sz1 != sz2) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < sz1; i++) { if (!ctype_genMatch (uentry_getType (p1->elements[i]), uentry_getType (p2->elements[i]), force, arg, FALSE, FALSE)) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /*@only@*/ cstring uentryList_unparseAbbrev (uentryList p) { bool first = TRUE; cstring s = cstring_undefined; int i = 0; if (uentryList_isUndefined (p)) return s; if (uentryList_size (p) == 0) return cstring_makeLiteral ("void"); for (i = 0; i < p->nelements && i < PRINTBREADTH; i++) { if (first) { s = message ("%q;", uentry_unparseAbbrev (p->elements[i])); first = FALSE; } else { s = message ("%q %q;", s, uentry_unparseAbbrev (p->elements[i])); } } if (i != uentryList_size (p)) s = message ("%q, ...", s); return (s); } static int uentryList_lookupDirectName (uentryList s, cstring name) { if (uentryList_isDefined (s)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < uentryList_size (s); i++) { if (cstring_equal (name, uentry_rawName (s->elements[i]))) { return i; } } } return -1; } int uentryList_lookupRealName (uentryList s, cstring name) { if (uentryList_isDefined (s)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < uentryList_size (s); i++) { cstring uname = uentry_getName (s->elements[i]); if (cstring_equal (name, uname)) { cstring_free (uname); return i; } cstring_free (uname); } } return -1; } uentryList uentryList_copy (uentryList s) { if (uentryList_isDefined (s)) { uentryList t = (uentryList) dmalloc (sizeof (*t)); int i; t->nelements = s->nelements; t->nspace = 0; t->current = s->current; if (s->nelements > 0) { t->elements = (uentry *) dmalloc (sizeof (*t->elements) * t->nelements); for (i = 0; i < s->nelements; i++) { t->elements[i] = uentry_copy (s->elements[i]); } } else { t->elements = NULL; } return t; } else { return uentryList_undefined; } } void uentryList_free (uentryList s) { if (!uentryList_isUndefined (s)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < s->nelements; i++) { uentry_free (s->elements[i]); } sfree (s->elements); sfree (s); } } bool uentryList_isVoid (uentryList cl) { if (cl != NULL && cl->nelements == 1) { return (ctype_isVoid (ctype_realType (uentry_getType (cl->elements[0])))); } return FALSE; } /*@exposed@*/ uentry uentryList_getN (uentryList p, int n) { llassert (uentryList_isDefined (p)); if (n < 0 || (n >= uentryList_size (p))) { llcontbug (message ("uentryList_getN: out of range: %d (size %d)", n, uentryList_size (p))); return uentry_undefined; } return (p->elements[n]); } void uentryList_fixMissingNames (uentryList cl) { uentryList_elements (cl, ce) { if (!uentry_hasRealName (ce)) { ctype ct = uentry_getType (ce); if (ctype_isUA (ct)) { uentry_setName (ce, usymtab_getTypeEntryName (ctype_typeId (ct))); } else { llbug (message ("uentryList_fixMissingNames: not UA: %s", ctype_unparse (ct))); } uentry_setType (ce, ctype_int); } } end_uentryList_elements; } void uentryList_fixImpParams (uentryList cl) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_PARAMIMPTEMP)) { uentryList_elements (cl, ce) { sRef s = uentry_getSref (ce); alkind ak = sRef_getAliasKind (s); if (alkind_isUnknown (ak) || alkind_isImplicit (ak)) { exkind ek = sRef_getExKind (s); if (exkind_isKnown (ek)) { sRef_setAliasKind (s, AK_IMPDEPENDENT, fileloc_undefined); } else { sRef_setAliasKind (s, AK_IMPTEMP, fileloc_undefined); } } else { } } end_uentryList_elements; } } int uentryList_compareParams (uentryList s, uentryList t) { int i, sz; if (s == t) return 0; if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return 1; if (uentryList_isUndefined (t)) return -1; sz = uentryList_size (s); INTCOMPARERETURN (uentryList_size (t), sz); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { COMPARERETURN (uentry_compare (s->elements[i], t->elements[i])); } return 0; } int uentryList_compareStrict (uentryList s, uentryList t) { int i, sz; if (s == t) { return 0; } if (uentryList_isMissingParams (s)) { if (uentryList_isMissingParams (t)) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } else { if (uentryList_isMissingParams (t)) { return -1; } else { sz = uentryList_size (s); INTCOMPARERETURN (uentryList_size (t), sz); for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { COMPARERETURN (uentry_compareStrict (s->elements[i], t->elements[i])); } return 0; } } } int uentryList_compareFields (uentryList s, uentryList t) { int i, sz; if (s == t) return 0; if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return 1; if (uentryList_isUndefined (t)) return -1; sz = uentryList_size (s); if (uentryList_size (t) != sz) { return (int_compare (sz, uentryList_size (t))); } for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { uentry se = s->elements[i]; uentry te = t->elements[i]; int namecmp = cstring_compare (uentry_rawName (se), uentry_rawName (te)); if (namecmp == 0) { int uc = uentry_compare (s->elements[i], t->elements[i]); if (uc != 0) { DPRINTF (("Bad compare: %s / %s", uentry_unparseFull (s->elements [i]), uentry_unparseFull (t->elements [i]))); return uc; } } else { return (namecmp); } } return 0; } /*@exposed@*/ uentry uentryList_current (uentryList s) { llassert (uentryList_isDefined (s)); llassert (!(s->current < 0 || (s->current >= s->nelements))); return (s->elements[s->current]); } cstring uentryList_dumpParams (uentryList s) { cstring st = cstring_undefined; if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return st; uentryList_elements (s, current) { DPRINTF (("Dump param: %s", uentry_unparse (current))); st = message ("%q%q,", st, uentry_dumpParam (current)); } end_uentryList_elements; return st; } /*@only@*/ cstring uentryList_dumpFields (uentryList s) { cstring st = cstring_undefined; if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return st; uentryList_elements (s, current) { if (!uentry_isVariable (current)) { llassert (uentry_isFunction (current)); DPRINTF (("Dump field: %s", uentry_unparse (current))); st = message ("%q!%q,", st, uentry_dump (current)); } else { DPRINTF (("Dump field: %s", uentry_unparse (current))); st = message ("%q%q,", st, uentry_dump (current)); } } end_uentryList_elements; return st; } /*@only@*/ uentryList uentryList_undumpFields (char **s, fileloc loc) { uentryList ul = uentryList_new (); while (**s != '\0' && **s != '}') { if (**s == '!') { reader_checkChar (s, '!'); ul = uentryList_add (ul, uentry_undump (ekind_function, loc, s)); } else { ul = uentryList_add (ul, uentry_undump (ekind_variable, loc, s)); } reader_checkChar (s, ','); } reader_checkChar (s, '}'); return ul; } /*@only@*/ uentryList uentryList_undump (char **s) { char c; uentryList pn = uentryList_new (); int paramno = 0; c = **s; while (c != '#' && c != '@' && c != ')') { uentry ue = uentry_undump (ekind_variable, g_currentloc, s); if (!uentry_isUndefined (ue)) { pn = uentryList_add (pn, ue); } else { uentry_free (ue); } reader_checkChar (s, ','); c = **s; paramno++; } reader_checkChar (s, ')'); return pn; } void uentryList_reset (uentryList s) { if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return; s->current = 0; } bool uentryList_isFinished (uentryList s) { if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return TRUE; return (s->current > s->nelements - 1); } void uentryList_advanceSafe (uentryList s) { if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return; s->current++; if (s->current > s->nelements) { s->current = s->nelements; } } int uentryList_size (uentryList s) { if (uentryList_isUndefined (s)) return 0; if (uentryList_isVoid (s)) return 0; return s->nelements; } bool uentryList_isMissingParams (uentryList s) { return (uentryList_isUndefined (s) || s->nelements == 0); } bool uentryList_hasReturned (uentryList ul) { uentryList_elements (ul, current) { if (uentry_isReturned (current)) return TRUE; } end_uentryList_elements; return FALSE; } /*@exposed@*/ uentry uentryList_lookupField (uentryList f, cstring name) { int i = uentryList_lookupDirectName (f, name); if (i >= 0) { return (uentryList_getN (f, i)); } else { return uentry_undefined; } } /*@only@*/ uentryList uentryList_mergeFields (/*@only@*/ uentryList f1, /*@only@*/ uentryList f2) { if (uentryList_isUndefined (f1)) { return (f2); } if (uentryList_isDefined (f2)) { uentryList_elements (f2, current) { uentry old = uentryList_lookupField (f1, uentry_rawName (current)); if (uentry_isValid (old)) { voptgenerror (FLG_SYNTAX, message ("Field name reused: %s", uentry_rawName (current)), uentry_whereDefined (current)); llgenmsg (message ("Previous use of %s", uentry_rawName (current)), uentry_whereDefined (old)); } /* okay to use exposed current since f2 is killed */ /*@-exposetrans@*/ /*@-dependenttrans@*/ f1 = uentryList_add (f1, current); /*@=exposetrans@*/ /*@=dependenttrans@*/ } end_uentryList_elements; sfree (f2->elements); sfree (f2); } return (f1); } void uentryList_showFieldDifference (uentryList p1, uentryList p2) { uentry cp1, cp2; int index; llassert (NOALIAS (p1, p2)); llassert (uentryList_isDefined (p1)); llassert (uentryList_isDefined (p2)); for (index = 0; index < p1->nelements; index++) { cp1 = p1->elements[index]; if (index == p2->nelements) { llgenindentmsg (message ("Field present in %s, missing in %rdeclaration: %q", uentry_specDeclName (cp1), uentry_isDeclared (cp1), uentry_unparse (cp1)), uentry_whereEither (cp1)); return; } cp2 = p2->elements[index]; if (!(cstring_equal (uentry_rawName (cp1), uentry_rawName (cp2)))) { llgenindentmsg (message ("Field %s in %s corresponds to %s in %rdeclaration", uentry_rawName (cp1), uentry_specOrDefName (cp1), uentry_rawName (cp2), uentry_isCodeDefined (cp1)), uentry_whereDefined (cp2)); uentry_showWhereLastPlain (cp1); return; } else { /* evs 2000-07-25 was ctype_match, should match uentryList_matchFields */ if (!ctype_almostEqual (uentry_getType (cp1), uentry_getType (cp2))) { llgenindentmsg (message ("Field %s %rdeclared as %s, %s as %s", uentry_rawName (cp2), uentry_isCodeDefined (cp1), ctype_unparse (uentry_getType (cp1)), uentry_specOrDefName (cp2), ctype_unparse (uentry_getType (cp2))), uentry_whereDefined (cp2)); uentry_showWhereLastPlain (cp1); return; } } } if (index != p2->nelements) { cp2 = p2->elements[index]; llgenindentmsg (message ("Extra field in new declaration: %q", uentry_unparse (cp2)), uentry_whereEither (cp2)); return; } llbug (message ("uentryList_showFieldDifference: match: %q / %q", uentryList_unparse (p1), uentryList_unparse (p2))); } bool uentryList_equivFields (uentryList p1, uentryList p2) { return (uentryList_compareFields (p1, p2) == 0); } bool uentryList_matchFields (uentryList p1, uentryList p2) { int index; uentry cp1, cp2; if (p1 == p2) { return (TRUE); } if (uentryList_isEmpty (p1) || uentryList_isEmpty (p2)) { return (TRUE); } if (uentryList_size (p1) != uentryList_size (p2)) { return FALSE; } for (index = 0; index < p1->nelements; index++) { cp1 = p1->elements[index]; cp2 = p2->elements[index]; /*@i32 ** ** Should compare uentry's --- need to fix report errors too. */ if (!(cstring_equal (uentry_rawName (cp1), uentry_rawName (cp2)) && (ctype_almostEqual (uentry_getType (cp1), uentry_getType (cp2))))) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }