pptest.c:26:21: Preprocessor command #else is not within a conditional pptest.c:28:30: Unbalanced #endif Preprocessing error for file: pptest.c *** Cannot continue. pptest.c:26:21: Preprocessor command #else is not within a conditional pptest.c:28:30: Unbalanced #endif Preprocessing error for file: pptest.c *** Cannot continue. pptest.c:26:21: Preprocessor command #else is not within a conditional pptest.c:28:30: Unbalanced #endif Preprocessing error for file: pptest.c *** Cannot continue. pptest.c:15:15: Parameter list for #define is not parseable pptest.c:22:41: Division by zero in #if pptest.c:26:21: Preprocessor command #else is not within a conditional pptest.c:28:30: Unbalanced #endif Preprocessing error for file: pptest.c *** Cannot continue. pptest2.c:1:21: invalid macro name pptest2.c:1:21: Missing white space after #define pptest2.c:3:13: invalid macro name pptest2.c:5:17: `defined' without an identifier pptest2.c:5:24: Division by zero in #if pptest2.c:5:25: mismatched parentheses in #if pptest2.c:11:1: Macro XFIG already defined pptest2.c:10: Previous definition of XFIG pptest2.c:12:1: Macro XFIG already defined pptest2.c:11: Previous definition of XFIG Preprocessing error for file: pptest2.c *** Cannot continue. Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found fielduse.c:7:18: Field bit of unnamed structure declared but not used Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found func.c: (in function x) func.c:17:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] **): (&pf) func.c:23:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] ***): (&ppf) func.c:24:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] **): ppf func.c:29:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] ****): (&pppf) func.c:30:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] ***): pppf func.c:31:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] **): (*pppf) func.c:35:3: Invalid left-hand side of assignment (function type [function (void) returns int]): f func.c:37:3: Assignment of [function (void) returns int] * to [function (void) returns int] **: ppf = pf func.c:40:3: Assignment of [function (void) returns int] ** to [function (void) returns int] ***: pppf = ppf Finished LCLint checking --- 9 code errors found, as expected Command Line: Setting mode checks after setting mode flags will override set values of flags: exportlocal func.c: (in function x) func.c:13:9: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): *f func.c:14:10: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): *f func.c:14:9: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): **f func.c:15:11: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): *f func.c:15:10: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): **f func.c:15:9: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): ***f func.c:17:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] **): (&pf) func.c:20:9: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): **pf func.c:21:10: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): **pf func.c:21:9: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): ***pf func.c:23:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] ***): (&ppf) func.c:24:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] **): ppf func.c:27:9: Dereference of function type ([function (void) returns int]): ***ppf func.c:29:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] ****): (&pppf) func.c:30:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] ***): pppf func.c:31:7: Call to non-function (type [function (void) returns int] **): (*pppf) func.c:35:3: Invalid left-hand side of assignment (function type [function (void) returns int]): f func.c:37:3: Assignment of [function (void) returns int] * to [function (void) returns int] **: ppf = pf func.c:40:3: Assignment of [function (void) returns int] ** to [function (void) returns int] ***: pppf = ppf func.c:3:6: Function x exported but not declared in header file func.c:43:1: Definition of x Finished LCLint checking --- 20 code errors found, as expected Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found unnamedstruct.c:10:7: Field name reused: x unnamedstruct.c:5:9: Previous use of x Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found