innerarray.c: (in function fn) innerarray.c:4:12: Parameter arr not used innerarray.c:9:13: Function parameter arr is incomplete type (inner array must have bounds): int [10][] innerarray.c: (in function fn2) innerarray.c:9:13: Parameter arr not used innerarray.c:14:13: Function parameter arr is incomplete type (inner array must have bounds): int [][] innerarray.c: (in function fn3) innerarray.c:14:13: Parameter arr not used innerarray.c: (in function fn4) innerarray.c:19:13: Parameter arr not used innerarray.c:24:13: Function parameter arr is incomplete type (inner array must have bounds): int [][10][][4] innerarray.c: (in function fn5) innerarray.c:24:13: Parameter arr not used innerarray.c: (in function main) innerarray.c:33:13: Passed storage array not completely defined (*array is undefined): fn (array) innerarray.c:32:7: Variable array2 declared but not used Finished checking --- 10 code warnings, as expected