buffertest1.c: (in function t1) buffertest1.c:5:3: Variable g used before definition buffertest1.c:5:3: Possible out-of-bounds store: Unable to resolve constraint: requires maxSet(g @ buffertest1.c:5:3) >= 100 needed to satisfy precondition: requires maxSet(g @ buffertest1.c:5:3) >= 100 buffertest1.c: (in function t2) buffertest1.c:20:3: Variable g used before definition buffertest1.c:21:3: Possible out-of-bounds store: Unable to resolve constraint: requires maxSet(g @ buffertest1.c:20:3) >= 1 needed to satisfy precondition: requires maxSet(g @ buffertest1.c:21:3) >= 0 buffertest1.c:21:10: Possible out-of-bounds read: Unable to resolve constraint: requires maxRead(g @ buffertest1.c:20:3) >= 2 needed to satisfy precondition: requires maxRead(g @ buffertest1.c:21:10) >= 1 Finished checking --- 5 code warnings, as expected