################################################## ### ### ### Makefile for LCLint testing ### ### ### ### designed for use with GNU make ### ### ### ################################################## SHELL = cmd.exe .SUFFIXES: .out .expect .c .lcl .h .lh .diff # -u show context SPLINT = ../bin/splint.exe ### This is horrible! Can't we make top_builddir absolute? SPLINTNEST = ../../bin/splint.exe SPLINTPNEST = $(SPLINTNEST) -nof SPLINTP = $(SPLINT) -nof # Make sure .splintrc files are not used so test results do not # depend on local settings. SPLINTRN = $(SPLINTP) -hints -booltype "bool" SPLINTR = $(SPLINTRN) -exportlocal +debugfcnconstraint SPLINTRNNEST = $(SPLINTPNEST) -hints -booltype bool SPLINTRNEST = $(SPLINTRNNEST) -exportlocal +debugfcnconstraint ### ### rcfiles not included becuase file names will not match exactly ### UNITTESTS = \ help \ abstptr abstract alias alttypes ansireserved argorder \ args arraydims arrayinit arraylit blocks break cases cast chararraylit charlit clauses commentchar compdestroy \ compoundliterals compoundstmt constannot controldepth csyntax czechnames czechoslovaknames deadparam \ decl divzero enum enumtag exports external fields flags forbody format freearray \ funcpointer functionmacro glob globals impabstract info init inparam internal iter keep libs \ linked lintcomments list longint loopexec looptesteffect \ macros macrosef merge mergenull modifies modtest moduncon \ mongoincludes mystrncat noeffect null nullret nullassign numabstract observer oldstyle outglob outparam \ parentype postnotnull preds prefixes printflike rc refcounts release repexpose \ returned sharing shifts sizesigns slovaknames \ specclauses \ special stack staticarray strings \ stringliteral \ structassign typequals typeof ud ulstypes union unioninit \ unnamedsu unreachable unsignedcompare \ unused ullint utypes void widestrings UNITEXPECTS = $(addsuffix .expect, $(UNITTESTS)) ### warnuse doesn't work yet! SUBDIRTESTS1 = metastate mergestate fileio \ simplebufferConstraintTests moreBufferTests moreBufferTests2 globalbufferannotation \ maxset strchr sizeoftest for manual SUBDIRTESTS1 = tests2.5 db1 db2 db3 SUBDIRTESTS2 = tainted tests2.2 tests2.4 SUBDIRTESTS = $(SUBDIRTESTS1) $(SUBDIRTESTS2) SPLINTTESTS = $(UNITTESTS) $(SUBDIRTESTS) QUICKTESTS = db3 all: quicktest DIFF = diff ### not real .c quicktest: $(SPLINTTESTS) .PHONY: help help: -@$(SPLINT) -@$(SPLINT) -help -@$(SPLINTP) -asdf -@$(SPLINTP) +boolint +boolint -@$(SPLINT) -help flags alpha ### Rules for tests start here .PHONY: abstptr abstptr: $(SPLINTR) abstptr -expect 9 $(SPLINTR) abstptr +voidabstract -expect 6 .PHONY: abstract abstract: $(SPLINTR) abst_t.lcl commentcmd.c -expect 15 .PHONY: alias alias: $(SPLINTR) +lh mut $(SPLINTR) mut alias +globalias -expect 19 $(SPLINTR) mut alias2 +globalias -expect 17 $(SPLINTR) +lh alias3 -expect 14 $(SPLINTR) +lh alias4 +boolint $(SPLINTR) alias4 -pred +retalias -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) +lh alias5 +memchecks -null -specundef -expect 5 .PHONY: alttypes alttypes: $(SPLINTR) alttypes.c -expect 2 ### ### evans 2001-06-07 - updated nameCheck.c to reflect C9X. ### Reports one new errors for ansireserved.c - wctomb is bad even as a local ### variable (could be a macro?) ### Reports 3 additional errors for +checks; no longer suppresses name errors ### in the presense of other errors. ### .PHONY: ansireserved ansireserved: $(SPLINTR) ansireserved.c +ansireserved -nolib -expect 9 $(SPLINTR) ansireserved.c +ansireserved +ansireservedlocal -nolib -expect 11 $(SPLINTRN) ansireserved.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheadervar -exportheader -expect 12 $(SPLINTR) ansireserved2.c +ansireserved -expect 1 .PHONY: argorder argorder: $(SPLINTR) argorder.c -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) argorder2 -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) argorder3.c -expect 8 $(SPLINTR) argorder4 -expect 9 $(SPLINTR) argorder4 -evalorder -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) argorder5.c +evalorderuncon -expect 3 .PHONY: args args: $(SPLINTR) args -noeffect -expect 12 .PHONY: arraydims arraydims: $(SPLINTR) arraydims.c -varuse -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) arraydims.c -initsize -varuse .PHONY: arrayinit arrayinit: $(SPLINTR) arrayinit.c -expect 9 .PHONY: arraylit arraylit: $(SPLINTR) arraylit.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) arraylit.c +stringliteralsmaller -expect 4 .PHONY: blocks blocks: $(SPLINTR) blocks.c -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) blocks.c +ifblock +elseifcomplete -expect 7 $(SPLINTR) blocks.c -ifempty +whileempty +whileblock -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) blocks.c -ifempty +forempty +forblock -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) blocks.c +allempty -expect 6 $(SPLINTRN) blocks.c +strict -exportlocal +partial -exportheader -expect 11 .PHONY: break break: $(SPLINTR) break.c -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) break.c +deepbreak -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) break.c +deepbreak -looploopbreak -expect 5 .PHONY: cases cases: $(SPLINTR) cases.c -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) cases2.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTRN) cases2.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheader -expect 3 $(SPLINTRN) cases2.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheader -branchstate -expect 3 .PHONY: cast cast: $(SPLINTR) cast -accessmodule -expect 20 $(SPLINTRN) cast2.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheader -expect 3 .PHONY: chararraylit chararraylit: $(SPLINTR) chararraylit.c -expect 2 ### Two addition errors detected with 2.5 with -numliteral. ### evans 2002-12-15: finds one more but in charlit .PHONY: charlit charlit: $(SPLINTR) +hints charlit.c -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) +hints -numliteral charlit.c -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) +hints charlit.c +charintliteral +ignoresigns -expect 1 .PHONY: clauses clauses: $(SPLINTR) clauses.c +memchecks -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) clauses2.c +memchecks $(SPLINTR) clauses3.c +memchecks -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) clauses3.c +memchecks +unixlib -expect 3 .PHONY: commentchar commentchar: $(SPLINTR) commentchar.c -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) -commentchar '#' commentchar.c -expect 4 .PHONY: controldepth controldepth: $(SPLINTR) +hints -controlnestdepth 2 controldepth.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) +hints -controlnestdepth 1 controldepth.c -expect 2 .PHONY: compdestroy compdestroy: $(SPLINTRN) compdestroy.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheader -expect 1 $(SPLINTRN) compdestroy.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheader +strictdestroy -expect 2 $(SPLINTRN) compdestroy.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheader +strictdestroy +strictusereleased -expect 3 $(SPLINTRN) compdestroy.c +strict +partial -exportheader -expect 4 .PHONY: compoundliterals compoundliterals: ${SPLINTRN} compoundliterals.c .PHONY: compoundstmt compoundstmt: ${SPLINTRN} compoundstmt.c -expect 3 .PHONY: constannot constannot: ${SPLINTRN} constannot.c +boundswrite -exportlocal -expect 2 .PHONY: csyntax csyntax: $(SPLINTR) +quiet -incondefs csyntax.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax2.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax3.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) +quiet -incondefs csyntax4.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax5.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax6.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax7.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax8.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax9.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax10.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax11.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax12.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax13.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax14.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax15.c $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax16.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) +quiet csyntax17.c -expect 3 .PHONY: czechnames czechnames: $(SPLINTR) czechnames.c $(SPLINTR) +hints +czech czechnames.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) +hints +czech -czechvars czechnames.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) +hints +czech -accessczech czechnames.c -expect 6 .PHONY: czechoslovaknames czechoslovaknames: $(SPLINTR) +hints +czechoslovak czechnames.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) +hints +czechoslovak slovaknames.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) +hints +czechoslovak +slovakvars slovaknames.c -expect 2 ### ### deadparam added 2001-05-27 ### .PHONY: deadparam deadparam: ${SPLINTR} deadparam.c -expect 3 # # Was expect 3 before 2.4. Earlier versions did not handle implicit # function pointers correctly. # .PHONY: decl decl: $(SPLINTR) decl.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTRN) decl.c +strict -exportlocal -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) decl2 -expect 4 .PHONY: divzero divzero: $(SPLINTR) divzero.c -varuse -expect 0 .PHONY: enum enum: $(SPLINTR) enum -expect 16 $(SPLINTR) enum -misscase -expect 14 .PHONY: enumtag enumtag: $(SPLINTR) enumtag.c -expect 2 .PHONY: exports exports: $(SPLINTR) exports.c +exporttype +exportvar +exportfcn +topuse +typeuse -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) exports.c +exportany -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) exports.c .PHONY: external external: $(SPLINTR) external.c +partial $(SPLINTR) external.c +partial +distinctexternalnames +ansi89limits -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) external.c -nolib +partial -externalnamelength 3 -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) external.c -nolib +partial -externalnamelength 3 +externalnamecaseinsensitive -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) external.c +partial -externalnamelength 3 -expect 4 .PHONY: fields fields: $(SPLINTR) fields.c +memchecks -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) fields2.c +memchecks -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) fields3.c +memchecks .PHONY: flags flags: $(SPLINTR) flags.c -expect 8 $(SPLINTR) +nocomments flags.c -expect 2 ### Added 2001-06-02 .PHONY: forbody forbody: ${SPLINTR} forbody.c -expect 2 ### Added 2001-06-03 .PHONY: format format: ${SPLINTR} format.c -expect 3 ${SPLINTR} format.c -formatconst # two new errors (invalid lhs) .PHONY: funcpointer funcpointer: $(SPLINTR) +memchecks +noparams funcpointer.c -expect 18 .PHONY: functionmacro functionmacro: $(SPLINTR) functionmacro.c -expect 2 .PHONY: glob glob: $(SPLINTR) glob -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) glob -globuse -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) glob +globunspec -expect 6 .PHONY: globals globals: $(SPLINTR) -modifies globals.c -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) -modifies globals.c +allglobals -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) -modifies globals.c +impcheckedglobals -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) -modifies globals.c -globals -checkstrictglobals -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) -modifies globals.c +globunspec -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) -modifies globals.c +globunspec +allglobals -expect 8 # Was -accessfile .PHONY: impabstract impabstract: $(SPLINTR) -accessmodule impabstract.c $(SPLINTR) -accessmodule +hints +impabstract impabstract.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) -accessmodule +hints +impabstract impabstract -expect 4 ### ### evans 2001-12-30: Handle unrecognized pre-processor directives ### (Reported by Pierluigi Sanzani) .PHONY: info info: ${SPLINTR} info.c -expect 4 ### evans 2001-10-14: Expected errors updated .PHONY: init init: $(SPLINTR) init.c -expect 14 $(SPLINTRN) init.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheadervar -expect 17 .PHONY: inparam inparam: $(SPLINTR) inparam.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) +impouts inparam.c -expect 1 .PHONY: internal internal: $(SPLINTR) internal.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) internal.c +distinctinternalnames -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) internal.c +distinctinternalnames +ansi89limits -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) internal.c -internalnamelen 28 -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) internal.c +internalnamecaseinsensitive -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) internal.c +internalnamecaseinsensitive +internalnamelookalike -expect 11 ### ### iter ### 2001-06-06: Error message for iter.lcl:3,6 fixed to iter.lcl:3:6 ### .PHONY: iter iter: $(SPLINTR) iter -expect 14 -lclexpect 1 $(SPLINTR) iter2.c -expect 12 .PHONY: keep keep: $(SPLINTR) keep.c +memchecks -expect 6 ### libs ### 2001-05-22: 2 new errors found (fixed spec of signal) ### 2001-05-30: 3 new errors found (formatconst) ### 2002-07-08: 2 new errors found (getc modifies errno) .PHONY: libs libs: $(SPLINTR) libs.c +longunsignedunsignedintegral -expect 18 $(SPLINTR) libs.c -expect 22 $(SPLINTR) libs.c +globunspec +modunspec -expect 25 $(SPLINTR) libs.c +strictlib +globunspec +modunspec -expect 44 .PHONY: lintcomments lintcomments: $(SPLINTR) lintcomments.c -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) lintcomments.c -warnlintcomments -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) lintcomments.c -lintcomments -expect 4 .PHONY: list list: $(SPLINTR) list.c -expect 3 ### ### 2002-12-12: Added test case for +longint and +shortint flags ### .PHONY: longint longint: $(SPLINTR) longint.c -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) longint.c +longint -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) longint.c +shortint -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) longint.c +shortint +longint -expect 0 ### ### 2002-01-01: Added test case for obvious loop execution. ### .PHONY: loopexec loopexec: $(SPLINTR) loopexec.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) loopexec.c -obviousloopexec -expect 3 .PHONY: looptesteffect looptesteffect: $(SPLINTR) looptesteffect.c -expect 1 .PHONY: macros macros: $(SPLINTR) macros -expect 17 $(SPLINTR) macros.c +allmacros -expect 34 $(SPLINTR) macros.c +fcnmacros -expect 31 .PHONY: macrosef macrosef: $(SPLINTR) macrosef -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) macrosef.c +allmacros -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) macrosef.c +allmacros +sefuncon -expect 4 .PHONY: merge merge: $(SPLINTRN) merge.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheadervar -exportheader -expect 3 .PHONY: mergenull mergenull: $(SPLINTRN) mergenull.c .PHONY: modifies modifies: $(SPLINTR) modifies.c modclient.c +impcheckedstatics +mustmod -expect 7 .PHONY: modtest modtest: $(SPLINTR) modtest -expect 10 $(SPLINTR) modtest +modunspec -expect 13 $(SPLINTR) modtest +mustmod -expect 14 .PHONY: moduncon moduncon: $(SPLINTR) moduncon.c +moduncon -memchecks -expect 4 $(SPLINTRN) moduncon.c +strict +impboundsconstraints -exportlocal -expect 22 .PHONY: mongoincludes mongoincludes: $(SPLINTR) mongoincludes.c -includenest 1 -expect 19 $(SPLINTR) mongoincludes.c -includenest 2 -expect 10 $(SPLINTR) mongoincludes.c -includenest 3 -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) mongoincludes.c -includenest 4 -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) mongoincludes.c -includenest 5 -expect 0 .PHONY: mystrncat mystrncat: $(SPLINTR) mystrncat.c +boundsread +boundswrite -expect 4 .PHONY: noeffect noeffect: ${SPLINTP} noeffect.c +allmacros +checks -expect 3 ### ### 2002-01-01: null1.c: expect increased to 15 because out must be defined ### checking detects one new error ### .PHONY: null null: $(SPLINTR) null1.c -expect 15 $(SPLINTR) null1.c -null -mustdefine -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) null2.c -expect 11 $(SPLINTR) null3.c -expect 15 $(SPLINTR) null3.c +unixlib -expect 16 $(SPLINTR) null4.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) null5.c -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) null6 -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) +quiet null6.lcl -dump null6 $(SPLINTR) null6.c -load null6 -expect 4 ### Added for 3.0 (bugs reported by Kevin Broady) .PHONY: nullret nullret: $(SPLINTR) nullret.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) -nullret nullret.c -expect 0 .PHONY: nullassign nullassign: $(SPLINTR) nullassign.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) -nullassign nullassign.c -expect 1 ### Added for 3.1 - evans 2002-12-14 .PHONY: numabstract numabstract: $(SPLINTR) numabstract.c -expect 11 $(SPLINTR) numabstract.c +numabstractlit -expect 9 $(SPLINTR) numabstract.c -numabstractcast -expect 10 # # Before 2.4, expected one more because error was reported both as # dependent and observer. # .PHONY: observer observer: $(SPLINTRN) observer +checks -exportlocal -exportheader -expect 9 $(SPLINTRN) observer.c +checks -exportlocal -exportheader -expect 8 $(SPLINTR) observer.c -expect 7 .PHONY: oldstyle oldstyle: $(SPLINTR) oldstyle oldstyle2.c -expect 5 .PHONY: outglob outglob: $(SPLINTR) outglob -expect 10 .PHONY: outparam outparam: $(SPLINTR) outparam -expect 12 ### evans 2001-08-26: postnotnull new .PHONY: postnotnull postnotnull: ${SPLINTR} postnotnull.c -expect 1 ### evans 2002-02-09: added parentype.c .PHONY: parentype parentype: ${SPLINTR} parentype.c # # Four new +fcnuse errors for -strict (evans 2001-07-22) # .PHONY: preds preds: $(SPLINTR) +hints preds.c -expect 6 $(SPLINTRN) +hints preds.c -weak -expect 1 $(SPLINTRN) +hints preds.c -strict +impboundsconstraints -exportlocal -exportheader -expect 10 .PHONY: prefixes prefixes: $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c +partial $(SPLINTRN) prefixes.c +allmacros +checks -exportlocal +partial -exportheader -exportheadervar -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -typeprefix "T" -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -typeprefix "^" -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -typeprefix "^*" -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -typeprefix "^%*" -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -typeprefix "^~*" -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -typeprefix "^" +typeprefixexclude -expect 7 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -filestaticprefix "^^" -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -filestaticprefix "^#" -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -filestaticprefix "^?&x" -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -globalprefix "G" -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -globalprefix "&G?_^" -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -externalprefix "G" -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -typeprefix "T" -externalprefix "G" -expect 4 # Herbert: this does not work under OS/2 # $(SPLINTR) prefixes.c -localprefix "?*" +localprefixexclude -expect 13 .PHONY: printflike printflike: $(SPLINTR) printflike.c -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) printflike.c -warnlintcomments -expect 5 .PHONY: rc rc: # herbert unsolved problem with quoting here! # $(SPLINTR) -DMYSTERY='"a flag\"wicked cool"' rc.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) -DMYSTERY=12 rc.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) -f rc1.splintrc rc.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) -UMYSTERY -f rc1.splintrc rc.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) -f rc3.splintrc.os2 rc.c -expect 1 .PHONY: rcfiles rcfiles: cd rcfiles; ${MAKE} SPLINT="-$(SPLINTPNEST)" .PHONY: refcounts refcounts: $(SPLINTR) refcounts.c -expect 7 .PHONY: release release: $(SPLINTR) release.c +memchecks -expect 1 .PHONY: repexpose repexpose: $(SPLINTR) +lh repexpose +memchecks -expect 12 $(SPLINTR) repexpose +memchecks +retalias -expect 15 $(SPLINTRN) repexpose +checks -exportlocal -expect 27 ### returned added 2001-05-27 ### (Bug discovered checking splint sources.) .PHONY: returned returned: ${SPLINTR} returned.c -expect 1 .PHONY: sharing sharing: $(SPLINTR) sharing1.c -expect 21 $(SPLINTR) sharing3.c -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) sharing4.c -expect 13 $(SPLINTR) sharing4.c -paramimptemp -expect 12 $(SPLINTR) sharing5.c -expect 6 .PHONY: shifts shifts: $(SPLINTR) shifts.c -expect 4 $(SPLINTR) shifts.c -shiftimplementation -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) shifts.c -shiftnegative -expect 1 #drl comment this out until sizesigns is added to cvs ### evans - added 2002-08-17: check warnings with arbitrary integral types sizesigns: $(SPLINTR) +strict sizesigns.c -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) +strict +matchanyintegral sizesigns.c -expect 4 .PHONY: slovaknames slovaknames: $(SPLINTR) +hints slovaknames.c -expect 1 $(SPLINTR) +hints slovaknames.c +accessslovak $(SPLINTR) +hints +slovak slovaknames.c -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) +hints +slovak -slovakvars slovaknames.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) +hints +slovak -accessslovak slovaknames.c -expect 7 .PHONY: specclauses specclauses: $(SPLINTR) specclauses.c -expect 6 $(SPLINTR) specclauses2.c -expect 8 $(SPLINTR) specclauses3.c -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) specclauses4.c -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) specclauses5.c -expect 3 .PHONY: specclauses1 specclauses1: $(SPLINTR) specclauses.c -expect 6 .PHONY: specclauses2 specclauses2: $(SPLINTR) specclauses2.c -expect 8 .PHONY: specclauses3 specclauses3: $(SPLINTR) specclauses3.c -expect 6 .PHONY: specclauses4 specclauses4: $(SPLINTR) specclauses4.c -expect 3 .PHONY: specclauses5 specclauses5: $(SPLINTR) specclauses5.c -expect 3 .PHONY: special special: $(SPLINTR) special -expect 20 $(SPLINTR) special -relaxquals -expect 22 .PHONY: stack stack: $(SPLINTR) stack.c -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) stack.c -stackref .PHONY: staticarray staticarray: $(SPLINTR) staticarray.c -expect 3 ### ### evans 2002-03-16: Default setting of stringliteralnoroomfinalnull changed ### .PHONY: stringliteral stringliteral: $(SPLINTR) stringliteral.c -stringliteralnoroomfinalnull -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) stringliteral.c -expect 4 .PHONY: strings strings: $(SPLINTR) strings.c -expect 3 $(SPLINTR) -readonlystrings -expect 1 strings.c $(SPLINTR) +modobserverstrict -maintype -expect 4 strings.c .PHONY: structassign structassign: $(SPLINTR) structassign.c -expect 4 .PHONY: typeof typeof: $(SPLINTR) typeof.c -expect 2 .PHONY: typequals typequals: $(SPLINTR) typequals.c tq.lcl -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) typequals.c -expect 2 .PHONY: ud ud: $(SPLINTR) ud.c -expect 9 $(SPLINTR) ud2 -specundef -expect 3 .PHONY: ulstypes ulstypes: $(SPLINTR) ulstypes.c -expect 8 $(SPLINTR) ulstypes.c +ignorequals $(SPLINTRN) ulstypes.c +strict -exportheader -exportheadervar -expect 28 # 3 more detected with version 2.5 (change in -numliteral setting) .PHONY: union union: $(SPLINTR) +memchecks union.c -expect 8 ### ### Added 2001-12-30: fixed union initializer checking in response to ### bug report from Jim Zelenka. ### .PHONY: unioninit unioninit: $(SPLINTR) unioninit.c -expect 2 .PHONY: unnamedsu unnamedsu: $(SPLINTR) unnamedsu.c -expect 0 .PHONY: unreachable unreachable: $(SPLINTR) unreachable.c -expect 5 $(SPLINTR) -unreachable unreachable.c -expect 2 $(SPLINTR) switch.c -expect 4 .PHONY: unsignedcompare unsignedcompare: ${SPLINTR} +posixlib unsignedcompare.c -expect 4 ### ### 2001-06-08 evans: 2 new errors after fixing ansireserved name checks ### .PHONY: unused unused: $(SPLINTRN) unused.c +checks -exportlocal -expect 5 $(SPLINTRN) unused.c +checks -exportlocal +topuse -expect 8 ### ### 2001-06-10: Provided by Jim Zalenka ### .PHONY: ullint ullint: ${SPLINTRN} ullint.c -expect 5 ${SPLINTRN} ullint.c +charint +charintliteral -expect 2 ### ### 2001-12-30: Poor warnings reported by Peter Deutsch ### ### 2002-07-03: removed warnings for datatype/macro definitions ### .PHONY: utypes utypes: ${SPLINTRN} utypes.c -expect 2 ### .PHONY: void void: ${SPLINTRN} void.c -expect 2 ### ### 2001-12-30: Problems with wide character strings reported by Nelson Beebe ### .PHONY: widestrings widestrings: ${SPLINTRN} widestrings.c -expect 2 ### ### New since 2.5q: ### .PHONY: linked linked: ${SPLINTR} linked.c -expect 4 ${SPLINTR} linked2.c -expect 3 ${SPLINTR} linked3.c -expect 5 ${SPLINTR} linked4.c -expect 6 ${SPLINTR} linked5.c -expect 4 ${SPLINTR} linked6.c -expect 4 .PHONY: freearray freearray: ${SPLINTR} freearray.c -expect 1 .PHONY: sizeof sizeof: $(SPLINTR) +bounds sizeof.c -expect 1 .PHONY: buffertest buffertest: $(SPLINTR) +bounds buffertest1.c -expect 5 .PHONY: $(SUBDIRTESTS1) $(SUBDIRTESTS1): $(MAKE) -C $@ SPLINT="$(SPLINTRNNEST)" .PHONY: $(SUBDIRTESTS2) $(SUBDIRTESTS2): $(MAKE) -C $@ SPLINT="$(SPLINTRNNEST)" -f Makefile.os2 # sizesigns.c sizesigns.expect \ # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. .NOEXPORT: