lintcomments.c: (in function f) lintcomments.c:8:33: Traditional lint comment /*FALLTHROUGH*/ used. This is interpreted by LCLint in the same way as most Unix lints, but it is preferable to replace it with the /*@fallthrough@*/ stylized comment lintcomments.c:9:30: Traditional lint comment /*FALLTHRU*/ used. This is interpreted by LCLint in the same way as most Unix lints, but it is preferable to replace it with the /*@fallthrough@*/ stylized comment lintcomments.c:11:13: Fall through case (no preceeding break) lintcomments.c:23:21: Traditional lint comment /*NOTREACHED*/ used. This is interpreted by LCLint in the same way as most Unix lints, but it is preferable to replace it with the /*@notreached@*/ stylized comment. Finished LCLint checking --- 4 code errors found, as expected lintcomments.c: (in function f) lintcomments.c:11:13: Fall through case (no preceeding break) Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected lintcomments.c: (in function f) lintcomments.c:9:10: Fall through case (no preceeding break) lintcomments.c:10:10: Fall through case (no preceeding break) lintcomments.c:11:13: Fall through case (no preceeding break) lintcomments.c:24:8: Unreachable code: i++ Finished LCLint checking --- 4 code errors found, as expected