decl.c: (in function main) decl.c:7:3: Call to non-function (type [function (int) returns int] **): x decl.c:8:2: Path with no return in function declared to return int Finished LCLint checking --- 2 code errors found, as expected decl.c:3:5: Function main declared without parameter list decl.c: (in function main) decl.c:7:3: Call to non-function (type [function (int) returns int] **): x decl.c:8:2: Path with no return in function declared to return int decl.c:1:5: Function test declared but not defined decl.c:1:5: Function test exported but not declared in header file Finished LCLint checking --- 5 code errors found, as expected decl2.c:3:6: Variable glob2 defined with inconsistent type (arrays and pointers are not identical in variable declarations): int * decl2.h:3:12: Previous declaration of glob2: int [] decl2.c:4:5: Variable glob2 redefined decl2.c:3:6: Previous definition of glob2 decl2.c:6:6: Variable glob3 redeclared with inconsistent type: char decl2.h:4:12: Previous declaration of glob3: int decl2.c:9:5: Variable glob redefined decl2.c:8:5: Previous definition of glob Finished LCLint checking --- 4 code errors found, as expected