flags.c:1:9: Variable x initialized to type char, expects int: 'c' flags.c:5:9: Variable y initialized to type char, expects int: 'c' flags.c:7:18: Warning: Value for linelen must be at least 20 (given 13) flags.c:11:5: Internal identifier xx2 is not distinguishable from xx1 in the first 2 characters (xx) flags.c:10:5: Declaration of xx1 flags.c:13:18: Semantic comment attempts to restore flag linelen. A flag for setting a value cannot be restored. flags.c:15:17: Semantic comment attempts to set global flag dump. A global flag cannot be set locally. flags.c:16:22: Flag macrovarprefix (in semantic comment) must be followed by an argument flags.c:17:26: Flag macrovarprefix (in semantic comment) must be followed by an argument flags.c:18:20: Flag linelen must be followed by a positive number number. Followed by asdf Finished checking --- 8 code warnings, as expected flags.c:1:9: Variable x initialized to type char, expects int: 'c' flags.c:5:9: Variable y initialized to type char, expects int: 'c' Finished checking --- 2 code warnings, as expected