/* ** LCLint - annotation-assisted static program checker ** Copyright (C) 1994-2001 University of Virginia, ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your ** option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** The GNU General Public License is available from http://www.gnu.org/ or ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ** MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** For information on lclint: lclint-request@cs.virginia.edu ** To report a bug: lclint-bug@cs.virginia.edu ** For more information: http://lclint.cs.virginia.edu */ /* ** general.c */ # include "lclintMacros.nf" # include "basic.h" # undef malloc # undef realloc # undef calloc # ifdef USEDMALLOC # include "dmalloc.h" # endif # include "portab.h" /* ** redefine undef'd memory ops */ # ifndef USEDMALLOC /*@-mustdefine@*/ void sfree (void *x) { if (x != NULL) { /* fprintf (stderr, "Freeing: %p\n", x); */ /* if ((unsigned long) x > 0xbf000000) { fprintf (stderr, "Looks bad!\n"); } */ free (x); /* fprintf (stderr, "Done.\n"); */ } } # endif void sfreeEventually (void *x) { if (x != NULL) { ; /* should keep in a table */ } /*@-mustfree@*/ } /*@=mustfree@*/ /* ** all memory should be allocated from dimalloc */ static long unsigned size_toLongUnsigned (size_t x) { long unsigned res = (long unsigned) x; llassert ((size_t) res == x); return res; } /*@out@*/ void *dimalloc (size_t size, const char *name, int line) { /* static void *lastaddr = 0; static int numallocs = 0; static int numbad = 0; */ /* was malloc, use calloc to initialize to zero */ void *ret = (void *) calloc (1, size); /* numallocs++; if (ret < lastaddr) { numbad++; fprintf (stderr, "Bad alloc: %d / %d\n", numbad, numallocs); } lastaddr = ret; */ if (ret == NULL) { if (size == 0) { llbug (message ("Zero allocation at %q.", fileloc_unparseRaw (cstring_fromChars (name), line))); } else { /* drl fix this so message doesn't run out of memory*/ llbuglit("Out of memory"); llfatalerrorLoc (message ("Out of memory. Allocating %w bytes at %s:%d.", size_toLongUnsigned (size), cstring_fromChars (name), line)); } } /*@-null@*/ /* null okay for size = 0 */ /* fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: Allocating: [%p / %d]\n", name, line, ret, size); */ return ret; /*@=null@*/ } void *dicalloc (size_t num, size_t size, const char *name, int line) { void *ret = (void *) calloc (num, size); if (ret == NULL) { llfatalerrorLoc (message ("Out of memory. Allocating %w bytes at %s:%d.", size_toLongUnsigned (size), cstring_fromChars (name), line)); } return ret; } void *direalloc (/*@out@*/ /*@null@*/ void *x, size_t size, char *name, int line) { void *ret; if (x == NULL) { ret = (void *) dmalloc (size); } else { ret = (void *) realloc (x, size); } if (ret == NULL) { llfatalerrorLoc (message ("Out of memory. Allocating %w bytes at %s:%d.", size_toLongUnsigned (size), cstring_fromChars (name), line)); } return ret; } /*@=mustdefine@*/ # ifndef NOLCL char *FormatInt (int i) { char temp[255]; /* assume the integer has at most 254 digits */ char *outs; sprintf (temp, "%i", i); outs = (char *) dmalloc (sizeof (*outs) * (1 + strlen (temp))); strcpy (outs, temp); return (outs); } # endif # ifndef NOLCL bool firstWord (char *s, char *w) { llassert (s != NULL); llassert (w != NULL); for (; *w != '\0'; w++, s++) { if (*w != *s || *s == '\0') return FALSE; } return TRUE; } # endif void mstring_markFree (char *s) { sfreeEventually (s); } char *mstring_spaces (int n) { int i; char *ret; char *ptr; llassert (n >= 0); ret = (char *) dmalloc (size_fromInt (n + 1)); ptr = ret; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { *ptr++ = ' '; } *ptr = '\0'; return ret; } bool mstring_containsChar (const char *s, char c) { if (mstring_isDefined (s)) { return (strchr (s, c) != NULL); } else { return FALSE; } } bool mstring_containsString (const char *s, const char *c) { if (mstring_isDefined (s)) { return (strstr (s, c) != NULL); } else { return FALSE; } } char *mstring_concat (const char *s1, const char *s2) { char *s = (char *) dmalloc (strlen (s1) + strlen (s2) + 1); strcpy (s, s1); strcat (s, s2); return s; } extern /*@only@*/ char * mstring_concatFree (/*@only@*/ char *s1, /*@only@*/ char *s2) { /* like mstring_concat but deallocates old strings */ char *s = (char *) dmalloc (strlen (s1) + strlen (s2) + 1); strcpy (s, s1); strcat (s, s2); sfree (s1); sfree (s2); return s; } extern /*@only@*/ char * mstring_concatFree1 (/*@only@*/ char *s1, const char *s2) { char *s = (char *) dmalloc (strlen (s1) + strlen (s2) + 1); strcpy (s, s1); strcat (s, s2); sfree (s1); return s; } extern /*@only@*/ char * mstring_append (/*@only@*/ char *s1, char c) { size_t l = strlen (s1); char *s; s = (char *) dmalloc (sizeof (*s) * (l + 2)); strcpy (s, s1); *(s + l) = c; *(s + l + 1) = '\0'; sfree (s1); return s; } extern char *mstring_copy (char *s1) { if (s1 == NULL) { return NULL; } else { char *s = (char *) dmalloc ((strlen (s1) + 1) * sizeof (*s)); strcpy (s, s1); return s; } } extern char *mstring_safePrint (char *s) { if (s == NULL) { return (""); } else { return s; } } extern char *mstring_create (int n) { char *s; s = dmalloc (sizeof (*s) * (n + 1)); *s = '\0'; return s; } void fputline (FILE *out, char *s) { if (strlen (s) > 0) { check (fputs (s, out) != EOF); } check (fputc ('\n', out) == (int) '\n'); } int int_log (int x) { int ret = 1; while (x > 10) { ret++; x /= 10; } return ret; } /*@-czechfcns@*/ long unsigned int longUnsigned_fromInt (int x) { llassert (x >= 0); return (long unsigned) x; } size_t size_fromInt (int x) { size_t res = (size_t) x; llassert ((int) res == x); return res; } int size_toInt (size_t x) { int res = (int) x; llassert ((size_t) res == x); return res; } long size_toLong (size_t x) { long res = (long) x; llassert ((size_t) res == x); return res; } /*@=czechfcns@*/ char char_fromInt (int x) { /* ** evans 2001-09-28 - changed assertion in response to Anthony Giorgio's comment ** that the old assertions failed for EBCDIC character set. Now we just check ** that the result is equal. */ char res = (char) x; llassert ((int) res == x); return res; } /*@-czechfcns@*/ int longUnsigned_toInt (long unsigned int x) { int res = (int) x; llassert ((long unsigned) res == x); return res; } int long_toInt (long int x) { int res = (int) x; /*@+ignorequals@*/ llassert (res == x); /*@=ignorequals@*/ return res; } /*@+czechfcns@*/ bool mstring_equalPrefix (const char *c1, const char *c2) { llassert (c1 != NULL); llassert (c2 != NULL); if (strncmp(c1, c2, strlen(c2)) == 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } bool mstring_equal (/*@null@*/ const char *s1, /*@null@*/ const char *s2) { if (s1 == NULL) { return (s2 == NULL); } else { if (s2 == NULL) { return FALSE; } else { return (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0); } } }