/* ** Splint - annotation-assisted static program checker ** Copyright (C) 1994-2003 University of Virginia, ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your ** option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** The GNU General Public License is available from http://www.gnu.org/ or ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ** MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** For information on splint: info@splint.org ** To report a bug: splint-bug@splint.org ** For more information: http://www.splint.org */ /* ** constraint.c */ /* #define DEBUGPRINT 1 */ # include /* for isdigit */ # include "splintMacros.nf" # include "basic.h" # include "cgrammar.h" # include "cgrammar_tokens.h" # include "exprChecks.h" # include "exprNodeSList.h" static /*@only@*/ cstring constraint_printDetailedPostCondition (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint p_c); static /*@notnull@*/ /*@special@*/ constraint constraint_makeNew (void) /*@post:isnull result->or, result->orig, result->generatingExpr, result->fcnPre @*/ /*@defines result->or, result->generatingExpr, result->orig, result->fcnPre @*/; static void advanceField (char **s) { reader_checkChar (s, '@'); } # if 0 static constraint makeConstraintParse2 (constraintExpr l, lltok relOp, exprNode cconstant) { char *t; int c; constraint ret; ret = constraint_makeNew (); llassert (constraintExpr_isDefined (l)); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_copy (l); if (relOp.tok == GE_OP) ret->ar = GTE; else if (relOp.tok == LE_OP) ret->ar = LTE; else if (relOp.tok == EQ_OP) ret->ar = EQ; else llfatalbug (message ("Unsupported relational operator")); t = cstring_toCharsSafe (exprNode_unparse (cconstant)); c = atoi ( t); ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeIntLiteral (c); ret->post = TRUE; DPRINTF (("GENERATED CONSTRAINT:")); DPRINTF ((message ("%s", constraint_print (ret)))); return ret; } # endif bool constraint_same (constraint c1, constraint c2) { llassert (c1 != NULL); llassert (c2 != NULL); if (c1->ar != c2->ar) { return FALSE; } if (!constraintExpr_similar (c1->lexpr, c2->lexpr)) { return FALSE; } if (!constraintExpr_similar (c1->expr, c2->expr)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } constraint makeConstraintParse3 (constraintExpr l, lltok relOp, constraintExpr r) { constraint ret; ret = constraint_makeNew (); llassert (constraintExpr_isDefined (l)); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_copy (l); if (lltok_getTok (relOp) == GE_OP) { ret->ar = GTE; } else if (lltok_getTok (relOp) == LE_OP) { ret->ar = LTE; } else if (lltok_getTok (relOp) == EQ_OP) { ret->ar = EQ; } else llfatalbug ( message ("Unsupported relational operator")); ret->expr = constraintExpr_copy (r); ret->post = TRUE; ret->orig = constraint_copy (ret); ret = constraint_simplify (ret); /* ret->orig = ret; */ DPRINTF (("GENERATED CONSTRAINT:")); DPRINTF ((message ("%s", constraint_print (ret)))); return ret; } constraint constraint_copy (/*@temp@*/ /*@observer@*/ constraint c) { constraint ret; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c)); ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_copy (c->lexpr); ret->ar = c->ar; ret->expr = constraintExpr_copy (c->expr); ret->post = c->post; /*@-assignexpose@*/ ret->generatingExpr = c->generatingExpr; /*@=assignexpose@*/ /*@i33 fix this*/ if (c->orig != NULL) ret->orig = constraint_copy (c->orig); else ret->orig = NULL; if (c->or != NULL) ret->or = constraint_copy (c->or); else ret->or = NULL; ret->fcnPre = c->fcnPre; return ret; } /*like copy expect it doesn't allocate memory for the constraint*/ void constraint_overWrite (constraint c1, constraint c2) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c1) && constraint_isDefined (c2)); llassert (c1 != c2); DPRINTF ((message ("OverWriteing constraint %q with %q", constraint_print (c1), constraint_print (c2)))); constraintExpr_free (c1->lexpr); constraintExpr_free (c1->expr); c1->lexpr = constraintExpr_copy (c2->lexpr); c1->ar = c2->ar; c1->expr = constraintExpr_copy (c2->expr); c1->post = c2->post; if (c1->orig != NULL) constraint_free (c1->orig); if (c2->orig != NULL) c1->orig = constraint_copy (c2->orig); else c1->orig = NULL; /*@i33 make sure that the or is freed correctly*/ if (c1->or != NULL) constraint_free (c1->or); if (c2->or != NULL) c1->or = constraint_copy (c2->or); else c1->or = NULL; c1->fcnPre = c2->fcnPre; /*@-assignexpose@*/ c1->generatingExpr = c2->generatingExpr; /*@=assignexpose@*/ } static /*@notnull@*/ /*@special@*/ constraint constraint_makeNew (void) /*@post:isnull result->or, result->orig, result->generatingExpr, result->fcnPre @*/ /*@defines result->or, result->generatingExpr, result->orig, result->fcnPre @*/ { constraint ret; ret = dmalloc (sizeof (*ret)); ret->lexpr = NULL; ret->expr = NULL; ret->ar = LT; ret->post = FALSE; ret->orig = NULL; ret->or = NULL; ret->generatingExpr = NULL; ret->fcnPre = NULL; return ret; } /*@access exprNode@*/ constraint constraint_addGeneratingExpr (/*@returned@*/ constraint c, /*@exposed@*/ exprNode e) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (c->generatingExpr == NULL) { c->generatingExpr = e; DPRINTF ((message ("setting generatingExpr for %s to %s", constraint_print (c), exprNode_unparse (e)) )); } else { DPRINTF ((message ("Not setting generatingExpr for %s to %s", constraint_print (c), exprNode_unparse (e)) )); } return c; } /*@noaccess exprNode@*/ constraint constraint_origAddGeneratingExpr (/*@returned@*/ constraint c, exprNode e) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (c->orig != constraint_undefined) { c->orig = constraint_addGeneratingExpr (c->orig, e); } else { DPRINTF ((message ("constraint_origAddGeneratingExpr: Not setting generatingExpr for %s to %s", constraint_print (c), exprNode_unparse (e)) )); } return c; } constraint constraint_setFcnPre (/*@returned@*/ constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (c->orig != constraint_undefined) { c->orig->fcnPre = TRUE; } else { c->fcnPre = TRUE; DPRINTF (( message ("Warning Setting fcnPre directly"))); } return c; } fileloc constraint_getFileloc (constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (exprNode_isDefined (c->generatingExpr)) return (fileloc_copy (exprNode_getfileloc (c->generatingExpr))); return (constraintExpr_getFileloc (c->lexpr)); } static bool checkForMaxSet (constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (constraintExpr_hasMaxSet (c->lexpr) || constraintExpr_hasMaxSet (c->expr)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } bool constraint_hasMaxSet (constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (checkForMaxSet (c)) return TRUE; if (c->orig != NULL) { if (checkForMaxSet (c->orig)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } constraint constraint_makeReadSafeExprNode (exprNode po, exprNode ind) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); po = po; ind = ind; ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeMaxReadExpr (po); ret->ar = GTE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (ind); ret->post = FALSE; return ret; } constraint constraint_makeWriteSafeInt ( exprNode po, int ind) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr =constraintExpr_makeMaxSetExpr (po); ret->ar = GTE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeIntLiteral (ind); /*@i1*/return ret; } constraint constraint_makeSRefSetBufferSize (sRef s, long int size) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeSRefMaxset (s); ret->ar = EQ; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeIntLiteral ((int)size); ret->post = TRUE; /*@i1*/return ret; } constraint constraint_makeSRefWriteSafeInt (sRef s, int ind) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeSRefMaxset ( s); ret->ar = GTE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeIntLiteral (ind); ret->post = TRUE; /*@i1*/return ret; } /* drl added 01/12/2000 makes the constraint: Ensures index <= MaxRead (buffer) */ constraint constraint_makeEnsureLteMaxRead (exprNode index, exprNode buffer) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (index); ret->ar = LTE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeMaxReadExpr (buffer); ret->post = TRUE; return ret; } constraint constraint_makeWriteSafeExprNode (exprNode po, exprNode ind) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr =constraintExpr_makeMaxSetExpr (po); ret->ar = GTE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (ind); /*@i1*/return ret; } constraint constraint_makeReadSafeInt ( exprNode t1, int index) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeMaxReadExpr (t1); ret->ar = GTE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeIntLiteral (index); ret->post = FALSE; return ret; } constraint constraint_makeSRefReadSafeInt (sRef s, int ind) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeSRefMaxRead (s); ret->ar = GTE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeIntLiteral (ind); ret->post = TRUE; /*@i1*/return ret; } constraint constraint_makeEnsureMaxReadAtLeast (exprNode t1, exprNode t2, fileloc sequencePoint) { constraint ret; ret = constraint_makeReadSafeExprNode (t1, t2); llassert (constraint_isDefined (ret) ); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_setFileloc (ret->lexpr, sequencePoint); ret->post = TRUE; return ret; } static constraint constraint_makeEnsuresOpConstraintExpr (/*@only@*/ constraintExpr c1, /*@only@*/ constraintExpr c2, fileloc sequencePoint, arithType ar) { constraint ret; llassert (constraintExpr_isDefined (c1) && constraintExpr_isDefined (c2)); ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = c1; ret->ar = ar; ret->post = TRUE; ret->expr = c2; ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_setFileloc (ret->lexpr, sequencePoint); return ret; } static constraint constraint_makeEnsuresOp (/*@dependent@*/ exprNode e1, /*@dependent@*/ exprNode e2, fileloc sequencePoint, arithType ar) { constraintExpr c1, c2; constraint ret; exprNode e; if (! (exprNode_isDefined (e1) && exprNode_isDefined (e2))) { llcontbug ((message ("null exprNode, Exprnodes are %s and %s", exprNode_unparse (e1), exprNode_unparse (e2)) )); } e = e1; c1 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); e = e2; c2 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); ret = constraint_makeEnsuresOpConstraintExpr (c1, c2, sequencePoint, ar); return ret; } /* make constraint ensures e1 == e2 */ constraint constraint_makeEnsureEqual (exprNode e1, exprNode e2, fileloc sequencePoint) { return ( constraint_makeEnsuresOp (e1, e2, sequencePoint, EQ)); } /*make constraint ensures e1 < e2 */ constraint constraint_makeEnsureLessThan (exprNode e1, exprNode e2, fileloc sequencePoint) { constraintExpr t1, t2; constraint t3; t1 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e1); t2 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e2); /*change this to e1 <= (e2 -1) */ t2 = constraintExpr_makeDecConstraintExpr (t2); t3 = constraint_makeEnsuresOpConstraintExpr (t1, t2, sequencePoint, LTE); t3 = constraint_simplify(t3); return (t3); } constraint constraint_makeEnsureLessThanEqual (exprNode e1, exprNode e2, fileloc sequencePoint) { return ( constraint_makeEnsuresOp (e1, e2, sequencePoint, LTE)); } constraint constraint_makeEnsureGreaterThan (exprNode e1, exprNode e2, fileloc sequencePoint) { constraintExpr t1, t2; constraint t3; t1 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e1); t2 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e2); /* change this to e1 >= (e2 + 1) */ t2 = constraintExpr_makeIncConstraintExpr (t2); t3 = constraint_makeEnsuresOpConstraintExpr (t1, t2, sequencePoint, GTE); t3 = constraint_simplify(t3); return t3; } constraint constraint_makeEnsureGreaterThanEqual (exprNode e1, exprNode e2, fileloc sequencePoint) { return ( constraint_makeEnsuresOp (e1, e2, sequencePoint, GTE)); } /* Makes the constraint e = e + f */ constraint constraint_makeAddAssign (exprNode e, exprNode f, fileloc sequencePoint) { constraintExpr x1, x2, y; constraint ret; ret = constraint_makeNew (); x1 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); x2 = constraintExpr_copy (x1); y = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (f); ret->lexpr = x1; ret->ar = EQ; ret->post = TRUE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeAddExpr (x2, y); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_setFileloc (ret->lexpr, sequencePoint); return ret; } /* Makes the constraint e = e - f */ constraint constraint_makeSubtractAssign (exprNode e, exprNode f, fileloc sequencePoint) { constraintExpr x1, x2, y; constraint ret; ret = constraint_makeNew (); x1 = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); x2 = constraintExpr_copy (x1); y = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (f); ret->lexpr = x1; ret->ar = EQ; ret->post = TRUE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeSubtractExpr (x2, y); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_setFileloc (ret->lexpr, sequencePoint); return ret; } constraint constraint_makeMaxSetSideEffectPostDecrement (exprNode e, fileloc sequencePoint) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); ret->ar = EQ; ret->post = TRUE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeDecConstraintExpr (ret->expr); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_setFileloc (ret->lexpr, sequencePoint); return ret; } constraint constraint_makeMaxSetSideEffectPostIncrement (exprNode e, fileloc sequencePoint) { constraint ret = constraint_makeNew (); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); ret->ar = EQ; ret->post = TRUE; ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeValueExpr (e); ret->expr = constraintExpr_makeIncConstraintExpr (ret->expr); ret->lexpr = constraintExpr_setFileloc (ret->lexpr, sequencePoint); return ret; } void constraint_free (/*@only@*/ constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c)); if (constraint_isDefined (c->orig)) constraint_free (c->orig); if ( constraint_isDefined (c->or)) constraint_free (c->or); constraintExpr_free (c->lexpr); constraintExpr_free (c->expr); c->orig = NULL; c->or = NULL; c->lexpr = NULL; c->expr = NULL; free (c); } cstring arithType_print (arithType ar) /*@*/ { cstring st = cstring_undefined; switch (ar) { case LT: st = cstring_makeLiteral ("<"); break; case LTE: st = cstring_makeLiteral ("<="); break; case GT: st = cstring_makeLiteral (">"); break; case GTE: st = cstring_makeLiteral (">="); break; case EQ: st = cstring_makeLiteral ("=="); break; case NONNEGATIVE: st = cstring_makeLiteral ("NONNEGATIVE"); break; case POSITIVE: st = cstring_makeLiteral ("POSITIVE"); break; default: llassert (FALSE); break; } return st; } void constraint_printErrorPostCondition (constraint c, fileloc loc) { cstring string; fileloc errorLoc, temp; string = constraint_printDetailedPostCondition (c); errorLoc = loc; loc = NULL; temp = constraint_getFileloc (c); if (context_getFlag (FLG_BOUNDSCOMPACTERRORMESSAGES ) ) { string = cstring_replaceChar(string, '\n', ' '); } if (fileloc_isDefined (temp)) { errorLoc = temp; voptgenerror ( FLG_CHECKPOST, string, errorLoc); fileloc_free (temp); } else { voptgenerror ( FLG_CHECKPOST, string, errorLoc); } } /*drl added 8-11-001*/ cstring constraint_printLocation (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint c) /*@*/ { cstring string, ret; fileloc errorLoc; string = constraint_print (c); errorLoc = constraint_getFileloc (c); ret = message ("constraint: %q @ %q", string, fileloc_unparse (errorLoc)); fileloc_free (errorLoc); return ret; } void constraint_printError (constraint c, fileloc loc) { cstring string; fileloc errorLoc, temp; bool isLikely; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); /*drl 11/26/2001 avoid printing tautological constraints */ if (constraint_isAlwaysTrue (c)) { return; } string = constraint_printDetailed (c); errorLoc = loc; temp = constraint_getFileloc (c); if (fileloc_isDefined (temp)) { errorLoc = temp; } else { llassert (FALSE); DPRINTF (("constraint %s had undefined fileloc %s", constraint_print (c), fileloc_unparse (temp))); fileloc_free (temp); errorLoc = fileloc_copy (errorLoc); } if (context_getFlag (FLG_BOUNDSCOMPACTERRORMESSAGES ) ) { string = cstring_replaceChar(string, '\n', ' '); } /*drl added 12/19/2002 print a different error fro "likely" bounds-errors*/ isLikely = constraint_isConstantOnly(c); if (isLikely) { if (c->post) { voptgenerror (FLG_FUNCTIONPOST, string, errorLoc); } else { if (constraint_hasMaxSet (c)) { voptgenerror (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSWRITE, string, errorLoc); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_LIKELYBOUNDSREAD, string, errorLoc); } } } else if (c->post) { voptgenerror (FLG_FUNCTIONPOST, string, errorLoc); } else { if (constraint_hasMaxSet (c)) { voptgenerror (FLG_BOUNDSWRITE, string, errorLoc); } else { voptgenerror (FLG_BOUNDSREAD, string, errorLoc); } } fileloc_free(errorLoc); } static cstring constraint_printDeep (constraint c) { cstring genExpr; cstring st = cstring_undefined; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); st = constraint_print(c); if (c->orig != constraint_undefined) { st = cstring_appendChar (st, '\n'); genExpr = exprNode_unparse (c->orig->generatingExpr); if (!c->post) { if (c->orig->fcnPre) { st = cstring_concatFree (st, message (" derived from %s precondition: %q", genExpr, constraint_printDeep (c->orig))); } else { st = cstring_concatFree (st, message (" needed to satisfy precondition:\n%q", constraint_printDeep (c->orig))); } } else { st = cstring_concatFree (st, message ("derived from: %q", constraint_printDeep (c->orig))); } } return st; } static /*@only@*/ cstring constraint_printDetailedPostCondition (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint c) { cstring st = cstring_undefined; cstring genExpr; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); st = message ("Unsatisfied ensures constraint condition:\nSplint is unable to verify the constraint %q", constraint_printDeep (c)); genExpr = exprNode_unparse (c->generatingExpr); if (context_getFlag (FLG_CONSTRAINTLOCATION)) { cstring temp; temp = message ("\nOriginal Generating expression %q: %s\n", fileloc_unparse ( exprNode_getfileloc (c->generatingExpr)), genExpr); st = cstring_concatFree (st, temp); if (constraint_hasMaxSet (c)) { temp = message ("Has MaxSet\n"); st = cstring_concatFree (st, temp); } } return st; } cstring constraint_printDetailed (constraint c) { cstring st = cstring_undefined; cstring temp = cstring_undefined; cstring genExpr; bool isLikely; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (!c->post) { st = message ("Unable to resolve constraint:\n%q", constraint_printDeep (c)); } else { st = message ("Block Post condition:\nThis function block has the post condition %q", constraint_printDeep (c)); } isLikely = constraint_isConstantOnly(c); if (isLikely) { if (constraint_hasMaxSet (c)) { temp = cstring_makeLiteral ("Likely out-of-bounds store:\n"); } else { temp = cstring_makeLiteral ("Likely out-of-bounds read:\n"); } } else { if (constraint_hasMaxSet (c)) { temp = cstring_makeLiteral ("Possible out-of-bounds store:\n"); } else { temp = cstring_makeLiteral ("Possible out-of-bounds read:\n"); } } genExpr = exprNode_unparse (c->generatingExpr); if (context_getFlag (FLG_CONSTRAINTLOCATION)) { cstring temp2; temp2 = message ("%s\n", genExpr); temp = cstring_concatFree (temp, temp2); } st = cstring_concatFree (temp,st); return st; } /*@only@*/ cstring constraint_print (constraint c) /*@*/ { cstring st = cstring_undefined; cstring type = cstring_undefined; llassert (c !=NULL); if (c->post) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_PARENCONSTRAINT)) { type = cstring_makeLiteral ("ensures: "); } else { type = cstring_makeLiteral ("ensures"); } } else { if (context_getFlag (FLG_PARENCONSTRAINT)) { type = cstring_makeLiteral ("requires: "); } else { type = cstring_makeLiteral ("requires"); } } if (context_getFlag (FLG_PARENCONSTRAINT)) { st = message ("%q: %q %q %q", type, constraintExpr_print (c->lexpr), arithType_print (c->ar), constraintExpr_print (c->expr) ); } else { st = message ("%q %q %q %q", type, constraintExpr_print (c->lexpr), arithType_print (c->ar), constraintExpr_print (c->expr) ); } return st; } cstring constraint_printOr (constraint c) /*@*/ { cstring ret; constraint temp; ret = cstring_undefined; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); temp = c; ret = cstring_concatFree (ret, constraint_print (temp)); temp = temp->or; while ( constraint_isDefined (temp)) { ret = cstring_concatFree (ret, cstring_makeLiteral (" OR ")); ret = cstring_concatFree (ret, constraint_print (temp)); temp = temp->or; } return ret; } /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_doSRefFixBaseParam (/*@returned@*/ /*@only@*/ constraint precondition, exprNodeList arglist) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (precondition) ); precondition->lexpr = constraintExpr_doSRefFixBaseParam (precondition->lexpr, arglist); precondition->expr = constraintExpr_doSRefFixBaseParam (precondition->expr, arglist); return precondition; } constraint constraint_doFixResult (constraint postcondition, /*@dependent@*/ exprNode fcnCall) { postcondition = constraint_copy (postcondition); llassert (constraint_isDefined (postcondition) ); postcondition->lexpr = constraintExpr_doFixResult (postcondition->lexpr, fcnCall); postcondition->expr = constraintExpr_doFixResult (postcondition->expr, fcnCall); return postcondition; } /*Commenting out temporally / *@only@* /constraint constraint_doSRefFixInvarConstraint(constraint invar, sRef s, ctype ct ) { invar = constraint_copy (invar); invar->lexpr = constraintExpr_doSRefFixInvarConstraint (invar->lexpr, s, ct); invar->expr = constraintExpr_doSRefFixInvarConstraint (invar->expr, s, ct); return invar; } */ /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_doSRefFixConstraintParam (constraint precondition, exprNodeList arglist) { precondition = constraint_copy (precondition); llassert (constraint_isDefined (precondition) ); precondition->lexpr = constraintExpr_doSRefFixConstraintParam (precondition->lexpr, arglist); precondition->expr = constraintExpr_doSRefFixConstraintParam (precondition->expr, arglist); precondition->fcnPre = FALSE; return constraint_simplify(precondition); } constraint constraint_preserveOrig (/*@returned@*/ constraint c) /*@modifies c @*/ { DPRINTF ((message ("Doing constraint_preserverOrig for %q ", constraint_printDetailed (c)))); llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (c->orig == constraint_undefined) c->orig = constraint_copy (c); else if (c->orig->fcnPre) { constraint temp; temp = c->orig; /* avoid infinite loop */ c->orig = NULL; c->orig = constraint_copy (c); /*drl 03/2/2003 if c != NULL then the copy of c will != null*/ llassert (constraint_isDefined (c->orig) ); if (c->orig->orig == NULL) { c->orig->orig = temp; temp = NULL; } else { llcontbug ((message ("Expected c->orig->orig to be null"))); constraint_free (c->orig->orig); c->orig->orig = temp; temp = NULL; } } else { DPRINTF ((message ("Not changing constraint"))); } DPRINTF ((message ("After Doing constraint_preserverOrig for %q ", constraint_printDetailed (c)))); return c; } /*@=fcnuse*/ /*@=assignexpose*/ /*@=czechfcns@*/ constraint constraint_togglePost (/*@returned@*/ constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); c->post = !c->post; return c; } constraint constraint_togglePostOrig (/*@returned@*/ constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (c->orig != NULL) c->orig = constraint_togglePost (c->orig); return c; } bool constraint_hasOrig ( /*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); if (c->orig == NULL) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } constraint constraint_undump (FILE *f) { constraint c; bool fcnPre; bool post; arithType ar; constraintExpr lexpr; constraintExpr expr; char * s; char *os; os = mstring_create (MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH); s = fgets (os, MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH, f); if (! mstring_isDefined(s) ) { llfatalbug(message("Library file is corrupted") ); } fcnPre = (bool) reader_getInt (&s); advanceField (&s); post = (bool) reader_getInt (&s); advanceField (&s); ar = (arithType) reader_getInt (&s); s = fgets (os, MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH, f); if (! mstring_isDefined(s) ) { llfatalbug(message("Library file is corrupted") ); } reader_checkChar (&s, 'l'); lexpr = constraintExpr_undump (f); s = fgets (os, MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH, f); reader_checkChar (&s, 'r'); if (! mstring_isDefined(s) ) { llfatalbug(message("Library file is corrupted") ); } expr = constraintExpr_undump (f); c = constraint_makeNew (); c->fcnPre = fcnPre; c->post = post; c->ar = ar; c->lexpr = lexpr; c->expr = expr; free (os); c = constraint_preserveOrig (c); return c; } void constraint_dump (/*@observer@*/ constraint c, FILE *f) { bool fcnPre; bool post; arithType ar; constraintExpr lexpr; constraintExpr expr; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); fcnPre = c->fcnPre; post = c->post; ar = c->ar; lexpr = c->lexpr; expr = c->expr; fprintf (f, "%d@%d@%d\n", (int) fcnPre, (int) post, (int) ar); fprintf (f,"l\n"); constraintExpr_dump (lexpr, f); fprintf (f,"r\n"); constraintExpr_dump (expr, f); } int constraint_compare (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ const constraint * c1, /*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ const constraint * c2) /*@*/ { fileloc loc1, loc2; int ret; llassert (constraint_isDefined (*c1)); llassert (constraint_isDefined (*c2)); if (constraint_isUndefined (*c1)) { if (constraint_isUndefined (*c2)) return 0; else return 1; } if (constraint_isUndefined (*c2)) { return -1; } loc1 = constraint_getFileloc (*c1); loc2 = constraint_getFileloc (*c2); ret = fileloc_compare (loc1, loc2); fileloc_free (loc1); fileloc_free (loc2); return ret; } bool constraint_isPost (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint c) { llassert (constraint_isDefined (c)); if (constraint_isUndefined (c)) return FALSE; return (c->post); } static int constraint_getDepth (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint c) { int l , r; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); l = constraintExpr_getDepth (c->lexpr); r = constraintExpr_getDepth (c->expr); if (l > r) { DPRINTF (( message ("constraint depth returning %d for %s", l, constraint_print (c)))); return l; } else { DPRINTF (( message ("constraint depth returning %d for %s", r, constraint_print (c)))); return r; } } bool constraint_tooDeep (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint c) { int temp; temp = constraint_getDepth (c); if (temp >= 20) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*drl added 12/19/2002*/ /*whether constraints consist only of terms which are constants*/ bool constraint_isConstantOnly (constraint c) { bool l, r; llassert (constraint_isDefined (c) ); l = constraintExpr_isConstantOnly(c->lexpr); r = constraintExpr_isConstantOnly(c->expr); if (l && r) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }