preds.c: (in function f) preds.c:10:7: Test expression for if not bool, type int: *p Test expression type is not boolean or int. (-predboolint will suppress message) preds.c:15:8: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !(*p) The operand of a boolean operator is not a boolean. Use +ptrnegate to allow ! to be used on pointers. (-boolops will suppress message) preds.c:20:7: Test expression for if is assignment expression: b1 = b2 The condition test is an assignment expression. Probably, you mean to use == instead of =. If an assignment is intended, add an extra parentheses nesting (e.g., if ((a = b)) ...) to suppress this message. (-predassign will suppress message) preds.c:25:7: Test expression for if not bool, type char: (c = 'a') Test expression type is not boolean. (-predboolothers will suppress message) preds.c:30:7: Use of == with bool variables (risks inconsistency because of multiple true values): b1 == b2 Two bool values are compared directly using a C primitive. This may produce unexpected results since all non-zero values are considered TRUE, so different TRUE values may not be equal. The file bool.h (included in lclint/lib) provides bool_equal for safe bool comparisons. (-boolcompare will suppress message) preds.c:35:7: Test expression for if not bool, type char: c Finished LCLint checking --- 6 code errors found, as expected preds.c: (in function f) preds.c:20:7: Test expression for if is assignment expression: b1 = b2 The condition test is an assignment expression. Probably, you mean to use == instead of =. If an assignment is intended, add an extra parentheses nesting (e.g., if ((a = b)) ...) to suppress this message. (-predassign will suppress message) Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected preds.c: (in function f) preds.c:5:8: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int *): !p The operand of ! operator is a pointer. (+ptrnegate will suppress message) preds.c:10:7: Test expression for if not bool, type int: *p Test expression type is not boolean or int. (-predboolint will suppress message) preds.c:15:8: Operand of ! is non-boolean (int): !(*p) The operand of a boolean operator is not a boolean. Use +ptrnegate to allow ! to be used on pointers. (-boolops will suppress message) preds.c:20:7: Test expression for if is assignment expression: b1 = b2 The condition test is an assignment expression. Probably, you mean to use == instead of =. If an assignment is intended, add an extra parentheses nesting (e.g., if ((a = b)) ...) to suppress this message. (-predassign will suppress message) preds.c:25:7: Test expression for if not bool, type char: (c = 'a') Test expression type is not boolean. (-predboolothers will suppress message) preds.c:30:7: Use of == with bool variables (risks inconsistency because of multiple true values): b1 == b2 Two bool values are compared directly using a C primitive. This may produce unexpected results since all non-zero values are considered TRUE, so different TRUE values may not be equal. The file bool.h (included in lclint/lib) provides bool_equal for safe bool comparisons. (-boolcompare will suppress message) preds.c:35:7: Test expression for if not bool, type char: c preds.c:3:5: Function f declared but not used A function is declared but not used. Use /*@unused@*/ in front of function header to suppress message. (-fcnuse will suppress message) preds.c:41:1: Definition of f Finished LCLint checking --- 8 code errors found, as expected