test4.c: (in function t) test4.c:6:3: Variable g used before definition test4.c:6:3: Unresolved constraint: Lclint is unable to resolve Requires: : MAXSET ((g @ test4.c:6:3 ) ) >= ( 100 ) needed to satisfy Requires: : MAXSET ((g @ test4.c:6:3 ) ) >= ( 100 ) test6.c:2:6: Function t defined more than once test4.c:15:1: Previous definition of t test6.c: (in function t) test6.c:5:4: Variable g used before definition test6.c:6:3: Unresolved constraint: Lclint is unable to resolve Requires: : MAXSET ((g @ test6.c:5:4 ) ) >= ( 1 ) needed to satisfy Requires: : MAXSET ((g @ test6.c:6:3 ) ) >= ( 0 ) test6.c:6:10: Unresolved constraint: Lclint is unable to resolve Requires: : MAXREAD ((g @ test6.c:5:4 ) ) >= ( 2 ) needed to satisfy Requires: : MAXREAD ((g @ test6.c:6:10 ) ) >= ( 1 ) Finished LCLint checking --- 6 code errors found