Warning: setting +typeuse redundant with current value exports.h:1:13: Type exported, but not specified: myint exports.h:3:12: Variable exported, but not specified: glob exports.h:5:12: Function exported, but not specified: f exports.h:1:13: Type myint declared but not used exports.h:3:12: Variable glob declared but not used exports.c:3:5: Definition of glob exports.h:5:12: Function f declared but not used exports.c:8:1: Definition of f Finished LCLint checking --- 6 code errors found, as expected exports.h:1:13: Type exported, but not specified: myint exports.h:3:12: Variable exported, but not specified: glob exports.h:5:12: Function exported, but not specified: f Finished LCLint checking --- 3 code errors found, as expected Finished LCLint checking --- no code errors found