Source files are .c, .h and .lcl files. If there is no suffix, Splint will look for .c and .lcl. Use splint -help for more information Topics: annotations (describes source-code annotations) comments (describes control comments) flags (describes flag categories) flags (describes flags in category) flags all (short description of all flags) flags alpha (list all flags alphabetically) flags full (full description of all flags) mail (information on mailing lists) modes (show mode settings) parseerrors (help on handling parser errors) prefixcodes (character codes in namespace prefixes) references (sources for more information) vars (environment variables) version (information on compilation, maintainer) Cannot find standard library: standard.lcd Check LARCH_PATH environment variable. Continuing without LCL init file: lclinit.lci Continuing without LSL init file: lslinit.lsi Unable to find CTrait.syms or CTrait.lsl. Check LARCH_PATH environment variable. Source files are .c, .h and .lcl files. If there is no suffix, Splint will look for .c and .lcl. Use splint -help for more information Topics: annotations (describes source-code annotations) comments (describes control comments) flags (describes flag categories) flags (describes flags in category) flags all (short description of all flags) flags alpha (list all flags alphabetically) flags full (full description of all flags) mail (information on mailing lists) modes (show mode settings) parseerrors (help on handling parser errors) prefixcodes (character codes in namespace prefixes) references (sources for more information) vars (environment variables) version (information on compilation, maintainer) Command Line: Unrecognized option: -asdf A flag is not recognized or used in an incorrect way (Use -badflag to inhibit warning) Finished checking --- no code processed Command Line: Setting +boolint redundant with current value Finished checking --- no code processed D I S U abstract abstractcompare accessall accessczech accessczechoslovak accessfile accessmodule accessslovak aliasunique allblock allempty allglobs allimponly allmacros alwaysexits annotationerror ansi89limits assignexpose badflag bitwisesigned boolcompare boolfalse boolint boolops booltrue booltype bounds boundscompacterrormessages boundsread boundswrite branchstate bufferoverflow bufferoverflowhigh bugslimit casebreak caseinsensitivefilenames castexpose castfcnptr charindex charint charintliteral charunsignedchar checkedglobalias checkmodglobalias checkpost checkstrictglobalias checkstrictglobs codeimponly commentchar commenterror compdef compdestroy compmempass constmacros constprefix constprefixexclude constuse continuecomment controlnestdepth cppnames csv csvoverwrite czech czechconsts czechfcns czechmacros czechoslovak czechoslovakconsts czechoslovakfcns czechoslovakmacros czechoslovaktypes czechoslovakvars czechtypes czechvars debugfcnconstraint declundef deepbreak deparrays dependenttrans distinctexternalnames distinctinternalnames dump duplicatecases duplicatequals elseifcomplete emptyret enumindex enumint enummembers enummemuse enumprefix enumprefixexclude errorstream errorstreamstderr errorstreamstdout evalorder evalorderuncon exitarg expect exportany exportconst exportfcn exportheader exportheadervar exportiter exportlocal exportmacro exporttype exportvar exposetrans externalnamecaseinsensitive externalnamelen externalprefix externalprefixexclude f fcnderef fcnmacros fcnpost fcnuse fielduse fileextensions filestaticprefix filestaticprefixexclude firstcase fixedformalarray floatdouble forblock forcehints forempty forloopexec formalarray formatcode formatconst formattype forwarddecl freshtrans fullinitblock globalias globalprefix globalprefixexclude globimponly globnoglobs globs globsimpmodsnothing globstate globuse gnuextensions grammar hasyield help hints htmlfileformat i ifblock ifempty ignorequals ignoresigns immediatetrans impabstract impcheckedglobs impcheckedspecglobs impcheckedstatics impcheckedstrictglobs impcheckedstrictspecglobs impcheckedstrictstatics impcheckmodglobs impcheckmodinternals impcheckmodspecglobs impcheckmodstatics impconj implementationoptional implictconstraint impouts imptype includenest incompletetype incondefs incondefslib indentspaces infloops infloopsuncon initallelements initsize internalglobs internalglobsnoglobs internalnamecaseinsensitive internalnamelen internalnamelookalike iso99limits isolib isoreserved isoreservedinternal iterbalance iterloopexec iterprefix iterprefixexclude iteryield its4low its4moderate its4mostrisky its4risky its4veryrisky keep keeptrans kepttrans larchpath lclexpect lclimportdir lcs legacy lh libmacros likely-boundsread likely-boundswrite likelybool likelybounds limit linelen lintcomments load localprefix localprefixexclude locindentspaces longint longintegral longsignedintegral longunsignedintegral longunsignedunsignedintegral loopexec looploopbreak looploopcontinue loopswitchbreak macroassign macroconstdecl macrodecl macroempty macrofcndecl macromatchname macroparams macroparens macroredef macroreturn macrostmt macrounrecog macrovarprefix macrovarprefixexclude maintype matchanyintegral matchfields mayaliasunique memchecks memimp memtrans messagestream messagestreamstderr messagestreamstdout misplacedsharequal misscase modfilesys modglobs modglobsnomods modglobsunchecked modinternalstrict modnomods modobserver modobserveruncon mods modsimpnoglobs modstrictglobsnomods moduncon modunconnomods modunspec mts multithreaded mustdefine mustfree mustfreefresh mustfreeonly mustmod mustnotalias mutrep namechecks needspec nestcomment nestedextern neverinclude newdecl newreftrans nextlinemacros noaccess nocomments noeffect noeffectuncon nof nolib noparams nopp noret null nullassign nullderef nullinit nullpass nullptrarith nullret nullstate nullterminated nullterminated numabstract numabstractcast numabstractindex numabstractlit numabstractprint numenummembers numliteral numstructfields observertrans obviousloopexec oldstyle onlytrans onlyunqglobaltrans orconstraint overload ownedtrans paramimptemp paramuse parenfileformat partial passunknown portability posixlib posixstrictlib predassign predbool predboolint predboolothers predboolptr preproc protoparammatch protoparamname protoparamprefix protoparamprefixexclude ptrarith ptrcompare ptrnegate quiet readonlystrings readonlytrans realcompare redecl redef redundantconstraints redundantsharequal refcounttrans relaxquals relaxtypes repeatunrecog repexpose retalias retexpose retimponly retval retvalbool retvalint retvalother sefparams sefuncon shadow sharedtrans shiftimplementation shiftnegative shortint showallconjs showalluses showcolumn showconstraintlocation showconstraintparens showdeephistory showfunc showloadloc showscan showsourceloc showsummary singleinclude sizeofformalarray sizeoftype skipisoheaders skipposixheaders skipsysheaders slashslashcomment slovak slovakconsts slovakfcns slovakmacros slovaktypes slovakvars specglobimponly specimponly specmacros specretimponly specstructimponly specundecl specundef stackref statemerge statetransfer staticinittrans statictrans stats streamoverwrite strictbranchstate strictdestroy strictlib strictops strictusereleased stringliterallen stringliteralnoroom stringliteralnoroomfinalnull stringliteralsmaller stringliteraltoolong structimponly supcounts superuser switchloopbreak switchswitchbreak syntax sysdirerrors sysdirexpandmacros sysdirs sysunrecog tagprefix tagprefixexclude temptrans timedist tmpcomments tmpdir toctou topuse trytorecover type typeprefix typeprefixexclude typeuse uncheckedglobalias uncheckedmacroprefix uncheckedmacroprefixexclude uniondef unixlib unixstandard unixstrictlib unqualifiedinittrans unqualifiedtrans unreachable unrecog unrecogcomments unrecogdirective unrecogflagcomments unsignedcompare unusedspecial usedef usereleased usevarargs varuse voidabstract warnflags warningstream warningstreamstderr warningstreamstdout warnlintcomments warnmissingglobs warnmissingglobsnoglobs warnposixheaders warnrc warnsysfiles warnunixlib warnuse whichlib whileblock whileempty whileloopexec zerobool