/* ** stdio.h - Unix Specification */ /* ** evans 2001-12-30: added from http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007908799/xsh/stdio.h.html */ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype BUFSIZ@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype FILENAME_MAX@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype FOPEN_MAX@*/ /*@constant lltX_bool _IOFBF@*/ /*@constant lltX_bool _IOLBF@*/ /*@constant lltX_bool _IONBF@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype L_ctermid@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype L_cuserid@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype L_tmpnam@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype SEEK_CUR@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype SEEK_END@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype SEEK_SET@*/ /*@constant unsignedintegraltype TMP_MAX@*/ /*@constant observer char *P_tmpdir@*/ void clearerr (FILE *stream) /*@modifies *stream@*/ ; /*@dependent@*/ char *ctermid (/*@returned@*/ /*@null@*/ char *) /*@*/ ; /* Result may be static pointer if parameter is NULL, otherwise is fresh. */ // *@requires maxSet(s) >= ( L_ctermid - 1) @*/ *ensures maxRead(s) <= ( L_ctermid - 1) /\ maxRead(s) >= 0 */ /*DRL 9-11-2001 I've modified the definition in ansi.h to remove modifies SystemState and I've added a requires and ensures*/ ; /*check returns*/ /* cuserid is in the 1988 version of POSIX but removed in 1990 */ char *cuserid (/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ /*@returned@*/ char *s) /*@warn legacy "cuserid is obsolete"@*/ /*@modifies *s@*/ // *@requires maxSet(s) >= ( L_ctermid - 1) @*/ *@ensures maxRead(s) <= ( L_ctermid - 1) /\ maxRead(s) >= 0 /\ maxRead(result) <= ( L_ctermid - 1) /\ maxRead(result) >= 0 @*/ ; /* in standard.h: int fclose (FILE *stream) @modifies *stream, errno, fileSystem;@ */ /*@null@*/ /*@dependent@*/ FILE *fdopen (int fd, const char *type) /*@modifies errno, fileSystem@*/; /* feof, ferror fflush, fgetc, fgetpos, fgets - in standard.h */ int fileno (/*@notnull@*/ FILE *) /*:errorcode -1:*/ /*@modifies errno@*/ ; void flockfile (/*@notnull@*/ FILE *f) /*@modifies f, fileSystem@*/ ; /* fopen, fprintf, fputc, fread, frepoen, fscanf, etc. in standard.h */ int fseeko (FILE *stream, off_t offset, int whence) /*:errorcode -1:*/ /*@modifies stream, errno@*/ ; off_t ftello(FILE *stream) /*:errorcode -1:*/ /*@modifies errno*/ ; int ftrylockfile(FILE *stream) /*:errorcode !0:*/ /*@modifies stream, fileSystem, errno*/ ; void funlockfile (FILE *stream) /*@modifies stream, fileSystem*/ ; int getc_unlocked(FILE *stream) /*@warn multithreaded "getc_unlocked is a thread unsafe version of getc"@*/ /*@modifies *stream, fileSystem, errno@*/ ; int getchar_unlocked (void) /*@warn multithreaded "getchar_unlocked is a thread unsafe version of getchar"@*/ /*@globals stdin@*/ /*@modifies *stdin, fileSystem@*/ ; /*@unchecked@*/ char *optarg; /*@unchecked@*/ int optind; /*@unchecked@*/ int optopt; /*@unchecked@*/ int opterr; /*@unchecked@*/ int optreset; int getopt (int argc, char * const *argv, const char *optstring) /*@warn legacy@*/ /*@globals optarg, optind, optopt, opterr, optreset@*/ /*@modifies optarg, optind, optopt@*/ /*@requires maxRead(argv) >= (argc - 1) @*/ ; int getw (FILE *stream) /*@warn legacy@*/ /*:errorcode EOF:*/ /*@modifies fileSystem, *stream, errno@*/ ; int pclose(FILE *stream) /*:errorcode -1:*/ /*@modifies fileSystem, *stream, errno@*/ ; /*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ FILE *popen (const char *command, const char *mode) /*:errorcode NULL:*/ /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/ ; int putc_unlocked (int, FILE *stream) /*@warn multithreaded "putc_unlocked is a thread unsafe version of putc"@*/ /*:errorcode EOF:*/ /*@modifies fileSystem, *stream, errno@*/ ; int putchar_unlocked(int) /*@warn multithreaded "putchar_unlocked is a thread unsafe version of putchar"@*/ /*:errorcode EOF:*/ /*@modifies fileSystem, *stdout, errno@*/ ; int putw(int, FILE *stream) /*@warn legacy@*/ /*:errorcode EOF:*/ /*@modifies fileSystem, *stdout, errno@*/ ; int remove (char *filename) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/ ; int rename (char *old, char *new) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/ ; void rewind (FILE *stream) /*@modifies *stream, fileSystem, errno@*/ ; /* evans 2002-07-09: snprintf moved to standard.h (its in ISO C99 now) */ /*@null@*/ char *tempnam (char *dir, /*@null@*/ char *pfx) /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/ /*@ensures maxSet(result) >= 0 /\ maxRead(result) >= 0 @*/ /*@warn toctou "Between the time a pathname is created and the file is opened, it is possible for some other process to create a file with the same name. Use tmpfile instead."*/ /*drl added errno 09-19-001 */ ; /*@null@*/ FILE *tmpfile (void) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/ /*drl added errno 09-19-001 */ ; /*@observer@*/ char *tmpnam (/*@out@*/ /*@null@*/ /*@returned@*/ char *s) /*@modifies *s, internalState @*/ // *@requires maxSet(s) >= (L_tmpnam - 1) @* /*@warn toctou "Between the time a pathname is created and the file is opened, another process may create a file with the same name. Use tmpfile instead."*/ ;