outglob.c: (in function g) outglob.c:5:20: Undef global x3 used before definition outglob.c: (in function f) outglob.c:15:14: Undef global x1 used before definition outglob.c:15:17: Function returns with global x2 undefined outglob.lcl:3: Storage x2 becomes undefined outglob.c:15:17: Function returns with global x3 undefined outglob.lcl:3: Storage x3 becomes undefined outglob.c:21:10: Undef global x1 used before definition outglob.c:22:10: Global x2 used by function undefined before call: g outglob.c:27:10: Undef global x3 used before definition outglob.c:37:14: Function returns with global x3 undefined outglob.lcl:3: Storage x3 becomes undefined outglob.c:41:13: Function returns with global x2 undefined outglob.lcl:3: Storage x2 becomes undefined outglob.c:41:13: Function returns with global x3 undefined outglob.lcl:3: Storage x3 becomes undefined Finished LCLint checking --- 10 code errors found, as expected