/* ** Splint - annotation-assisted static program checker ** Copyright (C) 1994-2002 University of Virginia, ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your ** option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** The GNU General Public License is available from http://www.gnu.org/ or ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ** MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** For information on splint: info@splint.org ** To report a bug: splint-bug@splint.org ** For more information: http://www.splint.org */ /* ** llerror.c ** ** error reporting procedures */ # include "splintMacros.nf" # include # include # include "llbasic.h" # include "llmain.h" # include "cpperror.h" # include "Headers/version.h" /* Visual C++ finds a different version.h on some path! */ /* Don't allow possibly-recursive assertion failures. */ # undef llassert # define llassert llassertprotect static void printIndentMessage (FILE *p_stream, /*@only@*/ cstring p_sc, int p_indent) /*@modifies *p_stream@*/ ; # ifndef NOLCL static int lclerrors = 0; # endif static size_t lastfileloclen = 10; static /*@only@*/ cstring lastmsg = cstring_undefined; static int mcount = 0; static /*@only@*/ cstring saveOneMessage = cstring_undefined; static /*@only@*/ fileloc lastparseerror = fileloc_undefined; static /*@only@*/ fileloc lastbug = fileloc_undefined; static bool llgenerrorreal (char *p_srcFile, int p_srcLine, /*@only@*/ cstring p_s, fileloc p_fl, bool p_iserror, bool p_indent) /*@modifies g_warningstream@*/ ; static bool llgenerroraux (char *p_srcFile, int p_srcLine, /*@only@*/ cstring p_s, fileloc p_fl, bool p_iserror, bool p_indent) /*@modifies g_warningstream@*/ ; static void printError (FILE *p_stream, /*@only@*/ cstring p_sc) /*@globals lastfileloclen @*/ /*@modifies *p_stream@*/ ; static void printMessage (FILE *p_stream, /*@only@*/ cstring p_s) /*@modifies *p_stream@*/ ; static void llgenhint (/*@only@*/ cstring p_s) /*@modifies g_warningstream@*/ ; static void showSourceLoc (char *srcFile, int srcLine) /*@modifies g_warningstream@*/ { if (context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWSOURCELOC)) { llgenhint (message ("%s:%d: Source code error generation point.", cstring_fromChars (srcFile), srcLine)); } } static /*@null@*/ char * maxcp (/*@null@*/ /*@returned@*/ char *a, /*@null@*/ /*@returned@*/ char *b) { if (a > b) return a; else return b; } static void printBugReport (void) { fprintf (g_errorstream, " *** Please report bug to %s ***\n", SPLINT_MAINTAINER); llflush (); /* don't exit (EXIT_FAILURE); */ } static bool s_needsPrepare = TRUE; void prepareMessage () { DPRINTF (("Prepare message: %s", bool_unparse (context_loadingLibrary ()))); showHerald (); if ((context_isPreprocessing () || context_loadingLibrary ()) && s_needsPrepare && context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWSCAN)) { llflush (); displayScanClose (); s_needsPrepare = FALSE; } llflush (); } void closeMessage (void) { if (context_isPreprocessing () && context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWSCAN)) { llflush (); displayScanOpen (cstring_makeLiteral ("< more preprocessing .")); llassertprotect (!s_needsPrepare); s_needsPrepare = TRUE; } else { llflush (); } } void llmsg (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { context_setNeednl (); prepareMessage (); printMessage (g_messagestream, s); closeMessage (); } void lldiagmsg (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { static bool inmsg = FALSE; if (inmsg) { fprintf (g_errorstream, "Recursive message call detected: %s\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (s)); llexit (LLFAILURE); } inmsg = TRUE; context_setNeednl (); prepareMessage (); printMessage (g_messagestream, s); closeMessage (); inmsg = FALSE; } void llmsgplain (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { context_setNeednl (); prepareMessage (); printMessage (g_messagestream, s); closeMessage (); } void llerror_flagWarning (cstring s) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_WARNFLAGS)) { showHerald (); if (fileloc_isBuiltin (g_currentloc)) { llmsg (message ("Warning: %q", s)); } else { llgenmsg (message ("Warning: %q", s), g_currentloc); } } else { cstring_free (s); } } static void llgenhint (/*@only@*/ cstring s) /*@modifies g_warningstream@*/ { int indent = context_getIndentSpaces () - 1; if (indent < 0) indent = 0; context_setNeednl (); printIndentMessage (g_warningstream, s, indent); } void llhint (cstring s) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_HINTS) && !(context_inSuppressRegion () || context_inSuppressZone (g_currentloc))) { llgenhint (s); } else { cstring_free (s); } } static void llshowhint (flagcode f) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_HINTS)) { if ((flagcode_numReported (f) == 0) || context_getFlag (FLG_FORCEHINTS)) { cstring desc = flagcodeHint (f); if (cstring_isDefined (desc)) { llgenhint (cstring_copy (desc)); } } } } static void llsuppresshint2 (char c, flagcode f1, flagcode f2) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_HINTS)) { if ((flagcode_numReported (f1) == 0 || flagcode_numReported (f2) == 0) || context_getFlag (FLG_FORCEHINTS)) { cstring desc = flagcodeHint (f1); context_setNeednl (); lastfileloclen = 8; if (cstring_isUndefined (desc)) { desc = flagcodeHint (f2); } if (flagcode_isNamePrefixFlag (f1)) { f1 = FLG_NAMECHECKS; } if (flagcode_isNamePrefixFlag (f2)) { f2 = FLG_NAMECHECKS; } if (f1 == f2) { if (cstring_isDefined (desc)) { llgenhint (message ("%s (Use %h%s to inhibit warning)", desc, c, flagcode_unparse (f1))); } else { llgenhint (message ("(Use %h%s to inhibit warning)", c, flagcode_unparse (f1))); } } else { if (cstring_isDefined (desc)) { llgenhint (message ("%s (Use either %h%s or %h%s to inhibit warning)", desc, c, flagcode_unparse (f1), c, flagcode_unparse (f2))); } else { llgenhint (message ("(Use either %h%s or %h%s to inhibit warning)", c, flagcode_unparse (f1), c, flagcode_unparse (f2))); } } } } } static void llsuppresshint (char c, flagcode f) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_HINTS)) { if ((flagcode_numReported (f) == 0) || context_getFlag (FLG_FORCEHINTS)) { cstring desc = flagcodeHint (f); context_setNeednl (); lastfileloclen = 8; if (flagcode_isNamePrefixFlag (f)) { f = FLG_NAMECHECKS; } if (cstring_isDefined (desc)) { llgenhint (message ("%s (Use %h%s to inhibit warning)", desc, c, flagcode_unparse (f))); } else { llgenhint (message ("(Use %h%s to inhibit warning)", c, flagcode_unparse (f))); } } } } static void llnosuppresshint (flagcode f) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_FORCEHINTS)) { cstring desc = flagcodeHint (f); context_setNeednl (); lastfileloclen = 8; if (cstring_isDefined (desc)) { printError (g_warningstream, message (" %s", desc)); } } } /*@constant int MAXSEARCH; @*/ # define MAXSEARCH 20 /*@constant int MINLINE; @*/ # define MINLINE 35 typedef /*@null@*/ /*@dependent@*/ char *nd_charp; static void mstring_split (/*@returned@*/ char **sp, /*@out@*/ nd_charp *tp, int maxline, /*@in@*/ int *indentchars) { char *nl; char *t; char *s = *sp; char *osp = *sp; *tp = NULL; DPRINTF (("Split: %s / %d", *sp, maxline)); if (maxline < MINLINELEN) { maxline = MINLINELEN; } if (*indentchars > 0) { s = *sp = mstring_concatFree1 (mstring_spaces (*indentchars), s); osp = s; } nl = strchr (s, '\n'); /* ** splitting: ** ** if there is a newline in first maxline characters, split there ** if line len is <= maxline, return no split ** if there is a ':' or ';' or ',' followed by ' ' in first maxline characters, ** split there unless the ' ' is followed by a '}', then ** split after '}' ** of the ';' is inside quotation marks ** if there is a space or tab in last maxsearch characters, split there ** else, split at maxline ** ** special code: slash [1-9] after a newline means indent the rest chars ** */ if ((nl != NULL) && ((nl - s) < maxline)) { *nl = '\0'; t = nl + 1; if (*t == '\0') { llassertprotect (*tp == NULL || (*tp > osp)); return; } if (*t >= '\1' && *t <= '\7') { *indentchars += (int) (*t - '\1') + 1; t++; } *tp = t; return; } else if (size_toInt (strlen (s)) < maxline) { llassertprotect (*tp == NULL || (*tp > osp)); return; } else { int i = 0; char savechar; char *lcolon, *lsemi, *lcomma; char *splitat; splitat = NULL; t = s + maxline - 1; savechar = *t; *t = '\0'; lcolon = strrchr (s, ':'); lsemi = strrchr (s, ';'); lcomma = strrchr (s, ','); *t = savechar; splitat = maxcp (lcolon, lsemi); if (splitat != NULL && ((int)(splitat - s) > MINLINE) && *(splitat) != '\0' && *(splitat + 1) == ' ' && (*(splitat + 2) != '}' && *(splitat + 2) != ',' && (*(splitat + 2) != '\0'))) { *(splitat + 1) = '\0'; t = splitat + 2; *tp = t; llassertprotect (*tp == NULL || (*tp > osp)); return; } if (lcomma != NULL && ((lcomma - s) > maxline - 5)) { splitat = lcomma; if (splitat != NULL && ((int)(splitat - s) > MINLINE) && *(splitat) != '\0' && *(splitat + 1) == ' ' && (*(splitat + 2) != '}' && (*(splitat + 2) != '\0'))) { *(splitat + 1) = '\0'; t = splitat + 2; *tp = t; llassertprotect (*tp == NULL || (*tp > osp)); return; } } while (*t != ' ' && *t != '\t' && i < MAXSEARCH) { t--; i++; } if (*t != ' ' && *t != '\t') { llassertprotect (maxline > 0); t = mstring_copy (s + maxline); *(s + maxline) = '\0'; if (*t == '\0') { sfree (t); llassertprotect (*tp == NULL || (*tp > osp)); return; } mstring_markFree (t); *tp = t; /* Won't be true since t is a copy: llassertprotect (*tp == NULL || (*tp > osp)); */ return; } else { *t = '\0'; t++; if (*t == '\0') return; /* ** returns unqualified as only */ *tp = t; # if 0 /* Hack to prevent error case for wierd strings. */ if (t <= osp) { *tp = NULL; return; } llassertprotect (*tp == NULL || (*tp > osp)); # endif return; } } BADBRANCH; } static void limitmessage (/*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc loc) { if (mcount > context_getLimit () + 1) { cstring_free (s); } else { cstring flstring = fileloc_unparse (loc); lastfileloclen = cstring_length (flstring); cstring_free (saveOneMessage); saveOneMessage = message ("%q: %q", flstring, s); } } static int parseerrorcount = 0; void cleanupMessages () { parseerrorcount = 0; if (context_unlimitedMessages ()) { ; } else { int unprinted = mcount - context_getLimit (); if (unprinted > 0) { if (unprinted == 1 && cstring_isDefined (saveOneMessage)) { prepareMessage (); printError (g_warningstream, saveOneMessage); closeMessage (); saveOneMessage = cstring_undefined; } else { if (cstring_isDefined (saveOneMessage)) { /* cstring_free (saveOneMessage); */ saveOneMessage = cstring_undefined; } fprintf (g_warningstream, "%s: (%d more similar errors unprinted)\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (fileloc_filename (g_currentloc)), mcount - context_getLimit ()); } } } mcount = 0; } void llgenmsg (/*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { cstring flstring = fileloc_unparse (fl); lastfileloclen = cstring_length (flstring); prepareMessage (); (void) printError (g_warningstream, message ("%q: %q", flstring, s)); closeMessage (); } void llgenindentmsg (/*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { cstring flstring = fileloc_unparse (fl); prepareMessage (); (void) printIndentMessage (g_warningstream, message ("%q: %q", flstring, s), context_getIndentSpaces ()); closeMessage (); } void llgenindentmsgnoloc (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { prepareMessage (); (void) printIndentMessage (g_warningstream, s, context_getIndentSpaces ()); closeMessage (); } static bool llgentypeerroraux (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode ocode, ctype t1, exprNode e1, ctype t2, exprNode e2, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { cstring hint = cstring_undefined; flagcode code = ocode; flagcode hcode = INVALID_FLAG; ctype ut1 = t1; ctype ut2 = t2; DPRINTF (("Type error [%s]: %s / %s : %s / %s", flagcode_unparse (ocode), exprNode_unparse (e1), exprNode_unparse (e2), ctype_unparse (t1), ctype_unparse (t2))); DPRINTF (("Bool: %s / %s", bool_unparse (ctype_isBool (t1)), bool_unparse (ctype_isBool (t2)))); /* ** Set the flag using the underlying types that didn't match. */ while (ctype_isPointer (ut1) && ctype_isPointer (ut2)) { ut1 = ctype_baseArrayPtr (ut1); ut2 = ctype_baseArrayPtr (ut2); } if ((ctype_isFloat (ut1) && ctype_isDouble (ut2)) || (ctype_isFloat (ut1) && ctype_isDouble (ut2))) { hcode = FLG_FLOATDOUBLE; } else if ((exprNode_isCharLit (e1) && ctype_isInt (ut2)) || (exprNode_isCharLit (e2) && ctype_isInt (ut1))) { hcode = FLG_CHARINTLITERAL; } else if ((exprNode_isNumLit (e1) && ctype_isReal (ut2)) || (exprNode_isNumLit (e2) && ctype_isReal (ut1))) { hcode = FLG_NUMLITERAL; } else if ((ctype_isManifestBool (ut1) && ctype_isInt (ut2)) || (ctype_isInt (ut1) && ctype_isManifestBool (ut2))) /* evs 2000-07-24: was ctype_isDirectBool */ { hcode = FLG_BOOLINT; } else if (((ctype_isChar (ut1) && !ctype_isInt (ut1)) && ctype_isInt (ut2)) || ((ctype_isInt (ut1) && (ctype_isChar (ut2) && !ctype_isInt (ut2))))) { hcode = FLG_CHARINT; } else if ((ctype_isInt (ut1) && ctype_isInt (ut2)) || (ctype_isChar (ut1) && ctype_isChar (ut2)) || (ctype_isDouble (ut1) && ctype_isDouble (ut2))) { if (!bool_equal (ctype_isSigned (ut1), ctype_isSigned (ut2))) { hcode = FLG_IGNORESIGNS; } else { hcode = FLG_IGNOREQUALS; } } else if (ctype_isArbitraryIntegral (ctype_realType (ut1))) { if (ctype_isArbitraryIntegral (ctype_realType (ut2))) { hcode = FLG_MATCHANYINTEGRAL; } else if (ctype_match (ut2, ctype_ulint)) { hcode = FLG_LONGUNSIGNEDINTEGRAL; } else if (ctype_match (ut2, ctype_lint)) { hcode = FLG_LONGINTEGRAL; } else if (ctype_isInt (ut2)) { hcode = FLG_MATCHANYINTEGRAL; } else { ; } } else if (ctype_isArbitraryIntegral (ctype_realType (ut2))) { ctype tr = ctype_realType (ut1); if (ctype_isArbitraryIntegral (tr)) { hcode = FLG_MATCHANYINTEGRAL; } else if (ctype_match (ut1, ctype_ulint)) { if (ctype_isUnsignedIntegral (tr)) { hcode = FLG_LONGUNSIGNEDUNSIGNEDINTEGRAL; } else if (ctype_isSignedIntegral (tr)) { ; } else { hcode = FLG_LONGUNSIGNEDINTEGRAL; } } else if (ctype_match (ut1, ctype_lint)) { if (ctype_isSignedIntegral (tr)) { hcode = FLG_LONGSIGNEDINTEGRAL; } else if (ctype_isSignedIntegral (tr)) { ; } else { hcode = FLG_LONGINTEGRAL; } } else if (ctype_isInt (ut1)) { hcode = FLG_MATCHANYINTEGRAL; } else { ; } } else { ; } if (hcode == INVALID_FLAG) { DPRINTF (("[%s] %s - %s / %s", ctype_unparse (ut1), bool_unparse (ctype_isEnum (ut1)), bool_unparse (ctype_isEnum (ctype_realType (ut1))), bool_unparse (ctype_isInt (ut2)))); if (ctype_isAbstract (ut1) && !ctype_isAbstract (ut2)) { uentry ue1 = usymtab_getTypeEntry (ctype_typeId (ut1)); ctype ct = uentry_getType (ue1); if (ctype_match (ct, ut2)) { code = FLG_ABSTRACT; hint = message ("Underlying types match, but %s is an " "abstract type that is not accessible here.", ctype_unparse (t1)); } } else if (ctype_isAbstract (ut2) && !ctype_isAbstract (ut1)) { uentry ue = usymtab_getTypeEntry (ctype_typeId (ut2)); ctype ct = uentry_getType (ue); if (ctype_match (ct, ut1)) { code = FLG_ABSTRACT; hint = message ("Underlying types match, but %s is an " "abstract type that is not accessible here.", ctype_unparse (t2)); } } else { ; /* Not an abstract mismatch. */ } if (hcode == INVALID_FLAG) { if ((ctype_isEnum (ut1) && ctype_isInt (ut2)) || (ctype_isEnum (ut2) && ctype_isInt (ut1))) { hcode = FLG_ENUMINT; } else if ((ctype_isEnum (ut1) && ctype_isInt (ut2)) || (ctype_isEnum (ut2) && ctype_isInt (ut1))) { hcode = FLG_ENUMINT; } else if ((ctype_isSignedChar (ut1) && ctype_isUnsignedChar (ut2)) || (ctype_isUnsignedChar (ut1) && ctype_isSignedChar (ut2))) { hcode = FLG_CHARUNSIGNEDCHAR; } else if (ctype_isNumeric (ut1) && ctype_isNumeric (ut2)) { hcode = FLG_RELAXTYPES; DPRINTF (("Setting relax types!")); } else { DPRINTF (("No special type rule: %s / %s", ctype_unparse (ut1), ctype_unparse (ut2))); } } } if (cstring_isDefined (hint)) { if (!context_suppressFlagMsg (ocode, fl)) { return llgenhinterror (code, s, hint, fl); } else { cstring_free (s); cstring_free (hint); return FALSE; } } else { if (llgenerroraux (srcFile, srcLine, s, fl, TRUE, FALSE)) { if (hcode != INVALID_FLAG && hcode != ocode) { code = hcode; llshowhint (code); } else { llsuppresshint ('-', code); } flagcode_recordError (code); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } } bool xllgentypeerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, ctype t1, exprNode e1, ctype t2, exprNode e2, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { return llgentypeerroraux (srcFile, srcLine, FLG_TYPE, t1, e1, t2, e2, s, fl); } bool xllgenformattypeerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, ctype t1, exprNode e1, ctype t2, exprNode e2, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { if (!context_suppressFlagMsg (FLG_FORMATTYPE, fl)) { return llgentypeerroraux (srcFile, srcLine, FLG_FORMATTYPE, t1, e1, t2, e2, s, fl); } else { cstring_free (s); return FALSE; } } bool xllgenerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode o, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { if (llgenerroraux (srcFile, srcLine, s, fl, TRUE, FALSE)) { llnosuppresshint (o); flagcode_recordError (o); closeMessage (); return TRUE; } else { flagcode_recordSuppressed (o); return FALSE; } } bool xllgenhinterror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode o, /*@only@*/ cstring s, /*@only@*/ cstring hint, fileloc fl) { if (!context_suppressFlagMsg (o, fl)) { if (llgenerroraux (srcFile, srcLine, s, fl, TRUE, FALSE)) { flagcode_recordError (o); if (context_getFlag (FLG_HINTS)) { llgenhint (hint); } else { cstring_free (hint); } closeMessage (); return TRUE; } cstring_free (hint); } else { cstring_free (hint); cstring_free (s); } flagcode_recordSuppressed (o); return FALSE; } static bool llrealerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { return (llgenerrorreal (srcFile, srcLine, s, fl, TRUE, FALSE)); } static bool llgenerroraux (char *srcFile, int srcLine, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl, bool iserror, bool indent) { if (context_inSuppressZone (fl)) { cstring_free (s); return FALSE; } if (llgenerrorreal (srcFile, srcLine, s, fl, iserror, indent)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } bool xllforceerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode code, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { flagcode_recordError (code); if (llgenerrorreal (srcFile, srcLine, s, fl, TRUE, FALSE)) { closeMessage (); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } static bool llgenerrorreal (char *srcFile, int srcLine, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl, bool iserror, bool indent) { cstring flstring; /* duplicate message (rescanning a header file */ if (!messageLog_add (context_messageLog (), fl, s)) { DPRINTF (("Duplicate message suppressed! %s / %s", fileloc_unparse (fl), s)); cstring_free (s); return FALSE; } /* ** If herald has not been displayed, display it before the first message. */ showHerald (); if (iserror) context_hasError (); if (context_unlimitedMessages ()) { ; } else { /* ** suppress excessive messages: ** check up to ':' ** */ char *sc = cstring_toCharsSafe (s); char *tmpmsg = strchr (sc, ':'); if (tmpmsg == NULL) { tmpmsg = sc; } else { char *savechar = tmpmsg; *tmpmsg = '\0'; tmpmsg = sc; *savechar = ':'; } if (cstring_equal (lastmsg, cstring_fromChars (tmpmsg))) { mcount++; if (mcount == (context_getLimit () + 1)) { limitmessage (s, fl); return FALSE; } if (mcount > (context_getLimit ())) { cstring_free (s); return FALSE; } } else { cleanupMessages (); mcount = 0; cstring_free (lastmsg); lastmsg = cstring_fromCharsNew (tmpmsg); } } DPRINTF (("Here...")); if (context_hasAliasAnnote ()) { char *sc = cstring_toCharsSafe (s); char *fcolon = strchr (sc, ':'); cstring a = context_getAliasAnnote (); if (fcolon == NULL) { s = message ("%q (%q)", s, a); } else { cstring afterColon; *fcolon = '\0'; afterColon = cstring_fromCharsNew (fcolon + 1); s = message ("%q (%q):%q", s, a, afterColon); } } if (context_hasMessageAnnote ()) { char *fcolon = strchr (cstring_toCharsSafe (s), ':'); if (fcolon == NULL) { /*@-dependenttrans@*/ /* s becomes dependent for fcolon */ s = message ("%q (%q)", s, context_getMessageAnnote ()); /*@=dependenttrans@*/ } else { cstring afterColon; *fcolon = '\0'; afterColon = cstring_fromCharsNew (fcolon + 1); /*@-dependenttrans@*/ /* s becomes dependent for fcolon */ s = message ("%q (%q):%q", s, context_getMessageAnnote (), afterColon); /*@=dependenttrans@*/ } } context_setNeednl (); prepareMessage (); if (context_showFunction ()) { cstring fname = fileloc_unparseFilename (g_currentloc); if (context_inIterDef ()) { fprintf (g_warningstream, "%s: (in iter %s)\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (fname), cstring_toCharsSafe (context_inFunctionName ())); } else if (context_inIterEnd ()) { fprintf (g_warningstream, "%s: (in iter finalizer %s)\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (fname), cstring_toCharsSafe (context_inFunctionName ())); } else if (context_inMacro ()) { fprintf (g_warningstream, "%s: (in macro %s)\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (fname), cstring_toCharsSafe (context_inFunctionName ())); } else { fprintf (g_warningstream, "%s: (in function %s)\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (fname), cstring_toCharsSafe (context_inFunctionName ())); } cstring_free (fname); context_setShownFunction (); } flstring = fileloc_unparse (fl); lastfileloclen = cstring_length (flstring); if (indent) { printError (g_warningstream, message (" %q: %q", flstring, s)); } else { printError (g_warningstream, message ("%q: %q", flstring, s)); } showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); return TRUE; } /* ** printMessage ** ** message contains no '\n' ** message fits in one line: print it ** message fits in two lines with 3-space indent after fileloc: print it ** split line with 5-space indent from left margin: print it ** */ static void printMessage (FILE *stream, /*@only@*/ cstring s) { printIndentMessage (stream, s, 0); } static void printIndentMessage (FILE *stream, /*@only@*/ cstring sc, int indent) { static bool inbody = FALSE; int maxlen = context_getLineLen (); char *s = cstring_toCharsSafe (sc); char *olds = NULL; llassertprotect (!inbody); inbody = TRUE; do { char *t = NULL; char *st = s; llassertprotect (st != olds); olds = st; mstring_split (&st, &t, maxlen, &indent); fprintf (stream, "%s\n", st); llassertprotect (t != s); s = t; } while (s != NULL) ; cstring_free (sc); inbody = FALSE; } static void printError (FILE *stream, /*@only@*/ cstring sc) { int maxlen = context_getLineLen (); size_t nspaces = lastfileloclen + 5; int nextlen = maxlen - nspaces; size_t len = cstring_length (sc); int indent = 0; char *s = cstring_toCharsSafe (sc); char *os = s; char *t = NULL; DPRINTF (("Print error: [%s]", sc)); if (size_toInt (len) < (maxlen + nextlen) && (strchr (s, '\n') == NULL)) { mstring_split (&s, &t, maxlen, &indent); fprintf (stream, "%s\n", s); if (t != NULL) { len = mstring_length (t); if (size_toInt (len) < (maxlen - 3) && (strchr (t, '\n') == NULL) && size_toInt (len) > (nextlen - 1)) { fprintf (stream, " %s\n", t); } else { char *spaces = (char *) dmalloc ((nspaces + 1) * sizeof (*spaces)); int i; for (i = 0; i < size_toInt (nspaces); i++) { spaces[i] = ' '; } spaces[nspaces] = '\0'; while (t != NULL) { char *st = t; mstring_split (&st, &t, nextlen, &indent); fprintf (stream, "%s%s\n", spaces, st); } sfree (spaces); } } } else { DPRINTF (("Here 1: [%s]", sc)); if (size_toInt (len) < (maxlen + maxlen - 1) && (strchr (s, '\n') != NULL)) { nspaces = ((maxlen + maxlen - 1) - len) / 2; if (nspaces < 1) nspaces = 1; nextlen = maxlen - nspaces; mstring_split (&s, &t, maxlen, &indent); fprintf (stream, "%s\n", s); if (t != NULL) { char *spaces = (char *) dmalloc ((nspaces + 1) * sizeof (*spaces)); int i; for (i = 0; i < size_toInt (nspaces); i++) { spaces[i] = ' '; } spaces[nspaces] = '\0'; while (t != NULL) { char *st = t; mstring_split (&st, &t, nextlen, &indent); fprintf (stream, "%s%s\n", spaces, st); } sfree (spaces); } } else { nspaces = 4; nextlen = maxlen - nspaces; DPRINTF (("Here 2: [%s]", s)); mstring_split (&s, &t, maxlen, &indent); DPRINTF (("Here 3: [%s] [%s]", s, t)); fprintf (stream, "%s\n", s); if (t != NULL) { char *spaces = (char *) dmalloc ((nspaces + 1) * sizeof (*spaces)); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < nspaces; i++) { spaces[i] = ' '; } spaces[nspaces] = '\0'; while (t != NULL) { char *st = t; DPRINTF (("Loop: [%s]", t)); mstring_split (&st, &t, nextlen, &indent); DPRINTF (("Split: [%s] [%s]", st, t)); fprintf (stream, "%s%s\n", spaces, st); DPRINTF (("Next...")); } sfree (spaces); } } } DPRINTF (("Done")); sfree (os); } void xllfatalbug (char *srcFile, int srcLine, /*@only@*/ cstring s) { prepareMessage (); printError (g_errorstream, message ("%q: *** Fatal bug: %q", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), s)); showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); printCodePoint (); printBugReport (); llexit (LLFAILURE); } # ifndef NOLCL void lclfatalbug (char *msg) { prepareMessage (); printError (g_errorstream, message ("*** Fatal Bug: %s", cstring_fromChars (msg))); printCodePoint (); printBugReport (); llexit (LLFAILURE); } # endif void checkParseError (void) { if (fileloc_withinLines (lastparseerror, g_currentloc, 10)) { llfatalerror (message ("%q: Cannot recover from parse error.", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc))); } } void llbugaux (cstring file, int line, /*@only@*/ cstring s) { /*@unchecked@*/ static int numbugs = 0; static bool inbug = FALSE; if (inbug) { cstring temps = fileloc_unparseRaw (file, line); fprintf (g_errorstream, "%s: Recursive bug detected: %s\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (temps), cstring_toCharsSafe (s)); cstring_free (temps); llexit (LLFAILURE); } inbug = TRUE; prepareMessage (); if (fileloc_withinLines (lastparseerror, g_currentloc, 7)) { llfatalerror (message ("%q: Cannot recover from parse error.", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc))); } (void) fflush (g_warningstream); printError (g_errorstream, message ("%q: *** Internal Bug at %q: %q [errno: %d]", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), fileloc_unparseRaw (file, line), s, errno)); /* printCodePoint (); no longer useful */ llflush (); /* ** This is confusing, and hardly ever useful. if (errno != 0) { perror ("Possible system error diagnostic: "); } ** */ printBugReport (); llflush (); numbugs++; if (numbugs > context_getBugsLimit () && fileloc_withinLines (lastbug, g_currentloc, 2)) { llfatalerror (message ("%q: Cannot recover from last bug. " "(If you really want Splint to try to continue, use -bugslimit .)", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc))); } fprintf (g_errorstream, " (attempting to continue, results may be incorrect)\n"); fileloc_free (lastbug); lastbug = fileloc_copy (g_currentloc); closeMessage (); inbug = FALSE; } # ifndef NOLCL void lclbug (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { prepareMessage (); printError (g_errorstream, message ("*** Internal Bug: %q", s)); printCodePoint (); printBugReport (); fprintf (g_errorstream, " (attempting to continue, results may be incorrect)\n"); closeMessage (); } # endif void xllfatalerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, cstring s) { prepareMessage (); printError (g_errorstream, s); printError (g_errorstream, cstring_makeLiteral ("*** Cannot continue.")); showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); llexit (LLFAILURE); } void xllfatalerrorLoc (char *srcFile, int srcLine, /*@only@*/ cstring s) { prepareMessage (); (void) fflush (g_warningstream); printError (g_errorstream, message ("%q: %q", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), s)); printError (g_errorstream, cstring_makeLiteral ("*** Cannot continue.")); showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); (void) fflush (g_warningstream); llexit (LLFAILURE); } # ifndef NOLCL bool lclHadError (void) { return (lclerrors > 0); } bool lclHadNewError (void) { static int lastcall = 0; if (lclerrors > lastcall) { lastcall = lclerrors; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } int lclNumberErrors (void) { return (lclerrors); } void xlclerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, ltoken t, /*@only@*/ cstring msg) { lclerrors++; if (ltoken_getCode (t) != NOTTOKEN) { cstring loc = ltoken_unparseLoc (t); lastfileloclen = cstring_length (loc); printError (g_warningstream, message ("%q: %q", loc, msg)); showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); } else { printError (g_warningstream, msg); showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); } } void lclplainerror (/*@only@*/ cstring msg) { lclerrors++; printError (g_warningstream, msg); } void lclfatalerror (ltoken t, /*@only@*/ cstring msg) { if (ltoken_getCode (t) != NOTTOKEN) { cstring loc = ltoken_unparseLoc (t); lastfileloclen = cstring_length (loc); printError (g_errorstream, message ("%q: %q", loc, msg)); } else { printError (g_errorstream, msg); } printError (g_errorstream, cstring_makeLiteral ("*** Cannot continue")); llexit (LLFAILURE); } void lclplainfatalerror (/*@only@*/ cstring msg) { (void) fflush (g_warningstream); printError (g_errorstream, message ("*** Cannot continue: %q", msg)); llexit (LLFAILURE); } void lclRedeclarationError (ltoken id) { cstring s = ltoken_getRawString (id); if (usymtab_existsEither (s)) { uentry le = usymtab_lookupEither (s); lclerror (id, message ("Respecification of %s", s)); llgenindentmsg (message ("Previous specification of %q", uentry_getName (le)), uentry_whereSpecified (le)); } else { lclerror (id, message ("Identifier redeclared: %s", s)); } } # endif void genppllerror (flagcode code, /*@only@*/ cstring s) { if (context_inSuppressZone (g_currentloc)) { cstring_free (s); } else { if (context_getFlag (code)) { if (!context_isInCommandLine ()) { displayScanClose (); } llerror (code, s); if (code != FLG_PREPROC) { llsuppresshint ('-', code); } if (!context_isInCommandLine ()) { displayScanOpen (cstring_makeLiteral ("< more preprocessing .")); } } else { cstring_free (s); } } } void genppllerrorhint (flagcode code, /*@only@*/ cstring s, /*@only@*/ cstring hint) { if (context_inSuppressZone (g_currentloc)) { cstring_free (s); cstring_free (hint); } else { if (context_getFlag (code)) { prepareMessage (); context_clearPreprocessing (); llerror (code, s); llgenhint (hint); context_setPreprocessing (); closeMessage (); } else { cstring_free (s); cstring_free (hint); } } } void ppllerror (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { genppllerror (FLG_PREPROC, s); } void pplldiagmsg (cstring s) { if (!context_isInCommandLine ()) { displayScanClose (); lldiagmsg (s); displayScanOpen (cstring_makeLiteral ("< more preprocessing .")); } else { lldiagmsg (s); } } void loadllmsg (cstring s) { displayScanClose (); lldiagmsg (s); displayScanOpen (cstring_makeLiteral ("< .")); } static void llreportparseerror (/*@only@*/ cstring s) { if (fileloc_withinLines (lastparseerror, g_currentloc, 5)) { cstring_free (s); } else { llerror (FLG_SYNTAX, s); fileloc_free (lastparseerror); lastparseerror = fileloc_copy (g_currentloc); } } bool xcppoptgenerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode o, /*@only@*/ cstring s, cppReader *pfile) { bool res = FALSE; fileloc loc = cppReader_getLoc (pfile); if (context_flagOn (o, loc)) { if (xlloptgenerror (srcFile, srcLine, o, s, loc)) { cppReader_printContainingFiles (pfile); res = TRUE; } } else { cstring_free (s); } fileloc_free (loc); return res; } bool xlloptgenerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode o, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc loc) { DPRINTF (("xllopt: %s", s)); if (llrealerror (srcFile, srcLine, s, loc)) { DPRINTF (("Here we are!")); llsuppresshint ('-', o); closeMessage (); flagcode_recordError (o); return TRUE; } else { DPRINTF (("Suppressed!")); flagcode_recordSuppressed (o); return FALSE; } } bool xoptgenerror2 (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode f1, flagcode f2, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc loc) { if (context_suppressFlagMsg (f1, loc)) { flagcode_recordSuppressed (f1); cstring_free (s); } else { if (context_suppressFlagMsg (f2, loc)) { flagcode_recordSuppressed (f2); cstring_free (s); } else { if (llrealerror (srcFile, srcLine, s, loc)) { llsuppresshint2 ('-', f1, f2); flagcode_recordError (f2); closeMessage (); return TRUE; } else { flagcode_recordSuppressed (f2); } } } return FALSE; } bool xoptgenerror2n (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode f1, flagcode f2, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc loc) { if (context_suppressFlagMsg (f1, loc)) { flagcode_recordSuppressed (f1); cstring_free (s); } else { if (context_suppressNotFlagMsg (f2, loc)) { flagcode_recordSuppressed (f2); cstring_free (s); } else { if (llrealerror (srcFile, srcLine, s, loc)) { llsuppresshint ('+', f2); flagcode_recordError (f2); closeMessage (); return TRUE; } flagcode_recordSuppressed (f2); } } return FALSE; } bool xllnoptgenerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagcode o, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc loc) { if (llrealerror (srcFile, srcLine, s, loc)) { llsuppresshint ('+', o); flagcode_recordError (o); closeMessage (); return TRUE; } flagcode_recordSuppressed (o); return FALSE; } void xllparseerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, cstring s) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_TRYTORECOVER)) { parseerrorcount++; if (parseerrorcount > GIVEUPPARSE) { if (cstring_isDefined (s)) { xllfatalerror (srcFile, srcLine, message ("%q: Parse Error: %q. " "Too many errors, giving up.", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), s)); } else { xllfatalerror (srcFile, srcLine, message ("%q: Parse Error. Too many errors, giving up.", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc))); } } else { if (cstring_isDefined (s)) { llreportparseerror (message ("Parse Error: %q. Attempting to continue.", s)); showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); } else { llreportparseerror (message ("Parse Error. Attempting to continue.")); showSourceLoc (srcFile, srcLine); } } } else { cstring msg; if (cstring_isDefined (s)) { msg = message ("Parse Error: %q.", s); } else { msg = message ("Parse Error."); } xllfatalerror (srcFile, srcLine, message ("%q: %s (For help on parse errors, " "see splint -help parseerrors.)", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), msg)); } } bool xfsgenerror (char *srcFile, int srcLine, flagSpec fs, /*@only@*/ cstring s, fileloc fl) { if (flagSpec_isOn (fs, fl)) { if (llgenerroraux (srcFile, srcLine, s, fl, TRUE, FALSE)) { llsuppresshint ('-', flagSpec_getFirstOn (fs, fl)); flagcode_recordError (flagSpec_getFirstOn (fs, fl)); return TRUE; } else { flagcode_recordSuppressed (flagSpec_getFirstOn (fs, fl)); return FALSE; } } else { flagcode_recordSuppressed (flagSpec_getDominant (fs)); cstring_free (s); return FALSE; } } bool doCheck (bool x, cstring pred, cstring file, int line) { if (!x) { llbug (message ("%q: Check Failed: %s", fileloc_unparseRaw (file, line), pred)); } return x; } /*@observer@*/ cstring lldecodeerror (/*@unused@*/ int errnum) { char *result; #ifndef VMS #ifndef HAVE_STRERROR result = NULL; #else result = strerror (errnum); #endif #else /* VMS */ /* VAXCRTL's strerror() takes an optional second argument, which only matters when the first argument is EVMSERR. However, it's simplest just to pass it unconditionally. `vaxc$errno' is declared in , and maintained by the library in parallel with `errno'. We assume that caller's `errnum' either matches the last setting of `errno' by the library or else does not have the value `EVMSERR'. */ result = strerror (errnum, vaxc$errno); #endif if (result == NULL) { result = cstring_toCharsSafe (message ("undocumented I/O error: %d", errnum)); } return cstring_fromChars (result); } void llquietbugaux (cstring s, /*@unused@*/ cstring file, /*@unused@*/ int line) { # if 0 # ifdef HOMEVERSION llflush (); printError (g_errorstream, message ("%q: *** Internal Bug at %q: %q [errno: %d]", fileloc_unparse (g_currentloc), fileloc_unparseRaw (file, line), s, errno)); printCodePoint (); llflush (); # endif # else cstring_free (s); # endif } void llflush (void) { (void) fflush (g_warningstream); (void) fflush (g_messagestream); } static bool s_scanOpen = FALSE; void displayScan (cstring msg) { llassert (!s_scanOpen); if (context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWSCAN)) { fprintf (g_messagestream, "< %s >\n", cstring_toCharsSafe (msg)); (void) fflush (g_messagestream); } cstring_free (msg); } void displayScanOpen (cstring msg) { llassert (!s_scanOpen); s_scanOpen = TRUE; if (context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWSCAN)) { fprintf (g_messagestream, "< %s", cstring_toCharsSafe (msg)); (void) fflush (g_messagestream); } cstring_free (msg); } void displayScanContinue (/*@temp@*/ cstring msg) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWSCAN)) { if (s_scanOpen) { fprintf (g_messagestream, "%s", cstring_toCharsSafe (msg)); (void) fflush (g_messagestream); } else { /* ** Don't call bug recursively */ fprintf (stderr, "*** Bug: scan continue scan not open\n"); } } } void displayScanClose (void) { if (s_scanOpen) { if (context_getFlag (FLG_SHOWSCAN)) { fprintf (g_messagestream, " >\n"); (void) fflush (g_messagestream); } } else { /* ** Don't call bug recursively */ fprintf (stderr, "*** Bug: scan close scan not open\n"); } s_scanOpen = FALSE; }