rc.c: (in function f) rc.c:3:10: Observer storage returned without qualification: "a flag\"wicked cool" rc.c:3:10: Storage becomes observer Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected rc.c: (in function f) rc.c:3:10: Return value type int does not match declared type char *: 12 Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected rc2.lclintrc:1:18: Warning: setting +boolint redundant with current value rc.c: (in function f) rc.c:3:10: Observer storage returned without qualification: "a silly\"flag\"\\" rc.c:3:10: Storage becomes observer Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected rc2.lclintrc:1:18: Warning: setting +boolint redundant with current value rc.c: (in function f) rc.c:3:10: Unrecognized identifier: MYSTERY Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected rc3.lclintrc:2:1: Bad flag syntax (+ or - expected, + is assumed): internalnamelen 73 rc3.lclintrc:5:24: Flag dump must be followed by an argument rc.c: (in function f) rc.c:3:10: Unrecognized identifier: MYSTERY Finished LCLint checking --- 1 code error found, as expected