Finished checking --- no warnings boolt.c: (in function test) boolt.c:7:16: Function test expects arg 1 to be pan_bool_t gets int: 2 Finished checking --- 1 code warning, as expected uconstants.c: (in function f) uconstants.c:2:16: Variable x0 declared but not used uconstants.c:3:21: Variable x1 declared but not used Finished checking --- 2 code warnings, as expected hoof.c: (in function main) hoof.c:12:16: Function init_arr expects arg 2 to be long int * gets int *: &j Finished checking --- 1 code warning, as expected Finished checking --- no warnings Finished checking --- no warnings booltest.c: (in function f) booltest.c:8:7: Test expression for if not bool, type int: i booltest.c:9:12: Return value type int does not match declared type bool: i Finished checking --- 2 code warnings, as expected Finished checking --- no warnings booltest.c: (in function f) booltest.c:9:12: Return value type int does not match declared type bool: i Finished checking --- 1 code warning, as expected Finished checking --- no warnings Finished checking --- no warnings immutable.c: (in function immutable_create) immutable.c:7:6: Arrow access from possibly null pointer res: res->x immutable.c:5:19: Storage res may become null immutable.c:8:10: Fresh storage returned as unqualified (should be only): res immutable.c:5:54: Fresh storage res allocated Finished checking --- 2 code warnings, as expected impabsmodule.c: (in function isTwo) impabsmodule.c:10:7: Variable var used before definition impabsmodule.c:10:12: Variable var2 used before definition Finished checking --- 2 code warnings, as expected