/* ** Splint - annotation-assisted static program checker ** Copyright (C) 1994-2002 University of Virginia, ** Massachusetts Institute of Technology ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the ** Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your ** option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** The GNU General Public License is available from http://www.gnu.org/ or ** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, ** MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** For information on splint: splint@cs.virginia.edu ** To report a bug: splint-bug@cs.virginia.edu ** For more information: http://www.splint.org */ /* ** constraintTerm.c */ /* #define DEBUGPRINT 1 */ # include /* for isdigit */ # include "splintMacros.nf" # include "basic.h" # include "cgrammar.h" # include "cgrammar_tokens.h" # include "exprChecks.h" # include "exprNodeSList.h" /*@-czechfcns@*/ /*@access exprNode @*/ bool constraintTerm_isDefined (constraintTerm t) { return t != NULL; } void constraintTerm_free (/*@only@*/ constraintTerm term) { llassert (constraintTerm_isDefined (term)); fileloc_free (term->loc); switch (term->kind) { case EXPRNODE: /* we don't free an exprNode*/ break; case SREF: /* sref */ sRef_free (term->value.sref); break; case INTLITERAL: /* don't free an int */ break; case ERRORBADCONSTRAINTTERMTYPE: default: /* type was set incorrectly */ llcontbug (message("constraintTerm_free type was set incorrectly")); } term->kind = ERRORBADCONSTRAINTTERMTYPE; free (term); } /*@only@*/ static/*@out@*/ constraintTerm new_constraintTermExpr (void) { constraintTerm ret; ret = dmalloc (sizeof (* ret ) ); ret->value.intlit = 0; return ret; } bool constraintTerm_isIntLiteral (constraintTerm term) { llassert(term != NULL); if (term->kind == INTLITERAL) return TRUE; return FALSE; } bool constraintTerm_isInitBlock (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraintTerm c) /*@*/ { llassert (c != NULL); if (c->kind == EXPRNODE) { if (exprNode_isInitBlock(c->value.expr) ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } bool constraintTerm_isExprNode (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraintTerm c) /*@*/ { llassert (c != NULL); if (c->kind == EXPRNODE) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } int constraintTerm_getInitBlockLength (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraintTerm c) /*@*/ { exprNodeList list; int ret; llassert (c != NULL); llassert (constraintTerm_isInitBlock (c) ); llassert (c->kind == EXPRNODE); llassert(exprNode_isDefined(c->value.expr) ); if (exprNode_isUndefined(c->value.expr) ) { return 1; } if (c->value.expr->edata == exprData_undefined) { return 1; } list = exprData_getArgs(c->value.expr->edata); ret = exprNodeList_size(list); return ret; } bool constraintTerm_isStringLiteral (constraintTerm c) /*@*/ { llassert (c != NULL); if (c->kind == EXPRNODE) { if (exprNode_knownStringValue(c->value.expr) ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } cstring constraintTerm_getStringLiteral (constraintTerm c) { llassert (c != NULL); llassert (constraintTerm_isStringLiteral (c) ); llassert (c->kind == EXPRNODE); return (cstring_copy ( multiVal_forceString (exprNode_getValue (c->value.expr) ) ) ); } constraintTerm constraintTerm_simplify (/*@returned@*/ constraintTerm term) /*@modifies term@*/ { if (term->kind == EXPRNODE) { if ( exprNode_knownIntValue (term->value.expr ) ) { long int temp; temp = exprNode_getLongValue (term->value.expr); term->value.intlit = (int)temp; term->kind = INTLITERAL; } } return term; } fileloc constraintTerm_getFileloc (constraintTerm t) { llassert (constraintTerm_isDefined (t)); return (fileloc_copy (t->loc) ); } constraintTermType constraintTerm_getKind (constraintTerm t) { llassert (constraintTerm_isDefined(t) ); return (t->kind); } /*@exposed@*/ sRef constraintTerm_getSRef (constraintTerm t) { llassert (constraintTerm_isDefined(t) ); llassert (t->kind == SREF); return (t->value.sref); } /*@only@*/ constraintTerm constraintTerm_makeExprNode (/*@dependent@*/ exprNode e) { constraintTerm ret = new_constraintTermExpr(); ret->loc = fileloc_copy(exprNode_getfileloc(e)); ret->value.expr = e; ret->kind = EXPRNODE; ret = constraintTerm_simplify(ret); return ret; } /*@only@*/ constraintTerm constraintTerm_makesRef (/*@temp@*/ /*@observer@*/ sRef s) { constraintTerm ret = new_constraintTermExpr(); ret->loc = fileloc_undefined; ret->value.sref = sRef_saveCopy(s); ret->kind = SREF; ret = constraintTerm_simplify(ret); return ret; } constraintTerm constraintTerm_copy (constraintTerm term) { constraintTerm ret; ret = new_constraintTermExpr(); ret->loc = fileloc_copy (term->loc); switch (term->kind) { case EXPRNODE: ret->value.expr = term->value.expr; break; case INTLITERAL: ret->value.intlit = term->value.intlit; break; case SREF: ret->value.sref = sRef_saveCopy(term->value.sref); break; default: BADEXIT; } ret->kind = term->kind; return ret; } constraintTerm constraintTerm_setFileloc (/*@returned@*/ constraintTerm term, fileloc loc) { llassert(term != NULL); if ( fileloc_isDefined( term->loc ) ) fileloc_free(term->loc); term->loc = fileloc_copy(loc); return term; } static cstring constraintTerm_getName (constraintTerm term) { cstring s; s = cstring_undefined; llassert (term != NULL); switch (term->kind) { case EXPRNODE: /*@i334*/ /*wtf*/ s = message ("%s", exprNode_unparse (term->value.expr) ); break; case INTLITERAL: s = message (" %d ", (int) term->value.intlit); break; case SREF: s = message ("%q", sRef_unparse (term->value.sref) ); break; default: BADEXIT; /*@notreached@*/ break; } return s; } constraintTerm constraintTerm_doSRefFixBaseParam (/*@returned@*/constraintTerm term, exprNodeList arglist) /*@modifies term@*/ { llassert (term != NULL); switch (term->kind) { case EXPRNODE: /*@i334*/ /*wtf*/ break; case INTLITERAL: break; case SREF: term->value.sref = sRef_fixBaseParam (term->value.sref, arglist); break; default: BADEXIT; } return term; } cstring constraintTerm_print (constraintTerm term) /*@*/ { cstring s; s = cstring_undefined; llassert (term != NULL); switch (term->kind) { case EXPRNODE: /*@i334*/ /*wtf*/ s = message ("%s @ %q", exprNode_unparse (term->value.expr), fileloc_unparse (term->loc) ); break; case INTLITERAL: s = message ("%d", (int)term->value.intlit); break; case SREF: s = message ("%q", sRef_unparseDebug (term->value.sref) ); break; default: BADEXIT; } return s; } constraintTerm constraintTerm_makeIntLiteral (long i) { constraintTerm ret = new_constraintTermExpr(); ret->value.intlit = i; ret->kind = INTLITERAL; ret->loc = fileloc_undefined; return ret; } bool constraintTerm_canGetValue (constraintTerm term) { if (term->kind == INTLITERAL) { return TRUE; } else if (term->kind == SREF) { if (sRef_hasValue (term->value.sref)) { multiVal mval = sRef_getValue (term->value.sref); return multiVal_isInt (mval); /* for now, only try to deal with int values */ } else { return FALSE; } } else if (term->kind == EXPRNODE) { return FALSE; } else { return FALSE; } } long constraintTerm_getValue (constraintTerm term) { llassert (constraintTerm_canGetValue (term)); if (term->kind == INTLITERAL) { return term->value.intlit; } else if (term->kind == SREF) { if (sRef_hasValue (term->value.sref)) { multiVal mval = sRef_getValue (term->value.sref); return multiVal_forceInt (mval); /* for now, only try to deal with int values */ } else { BADBRANCH; } } else if (term->kind == EXPRNODE) { BADBRANCH; } else { BADBRANCH; } BADEXIT; } /*drl added this 10.30.001 */ /*@exposed@*/ exprNode constraintTerm_getExprNode (constraintTerm t) { llassert (t != NULL); llassert (t->kind == EXPRNODE); return t->value.expr; } /*@exposed@*/ sRef constraintTerm_getsRef (constraintTerm t) { llassert (t != NULL); if (t->kind == EXPRNODE) { return exprNode_getSref(t->value.expr); } if (t->kind == SREF) { return t->value.sref; } return sRef_undefined; } bool constraintTerm_probSame (constraintTerm term1, constraintTerm term2) { cstring s1, s2; llassert (term1 !=NULL && term2 !=NULL); DPRINTF ((message ("Comparing srefs for %s and %s ", constraintTerm_print(term1), constraintTerm_print(term2) ) ) ); s1 = constraintTerm_getName (term1); s2 = constraintTerm_getName (term2); if (cstring_equal (s1, s2) ) { DPRINTF ((message (" %q and %q are same", s1, s2 ) ) ); return TRUE; } else { DPRINTF ((message (" %q and %q are not same", s1, s2 ) ) ); return FALSE; } } bool constraintTerm_similar (constraintTerm term1, constraintTerm term2) { sRef s1, s2; llassert (term1 !=NULL && term2 !=NULL); if (constraintTerm_canGetValue (term1) && constraintTerm_canGetValue (term2)) /* evans 2001-07-24: was (term1->kind == INTLITERAL) && (term2->kind == INTLITERAL) ) */ { long t1, t2; t1 = constraintTerm_getValue (term1); t2 = constraintTerm_getValue (term2); return (t1 == t2); } if (constraintTerm_canGetValue (term1) || constraintTerm_canGetValue (term2)) { /* evans 2001-07-24: is this right? */ /*@i534@*/ return FALSE; } s1 = constraintTerm_getsRef (term1); s2 = constraintTerm_getsRef (term2); if (!(sRef_isValid(s1) && sRef_isValid(s2))) { return FALSE; } DPRINTF((message ("Comparing srefs for %s and %s ", constraintTerm_print(term1), constraintTerm_print(term2) ) ) ); if (sRef_similarRelaxed(s1, s2) || sRef_sameName (s1, s2) ) { DPRINTF ((message (" %s and %s are same", constraintTerm_print(term1), constraintTerm_print(term2) ) )); return TRUE; } else { DPRINTF ((message (" %s and %s are not same", constraintTerm_print(term1), constraintTerm_print(term2) ) )); return FALSE; } } void constraintTerm_dump ( /*@observer@*/ constraintTerm t, FILE *f) { fileloc loc; constraintTermValue value; constraintTermType kind; uentry u; loc = t->loc; value = t->value; kind = t->kind; fprintf(f, "%d\n", (int) kind); switch (kind) { case EXPRNODE: u = exprNode_getUentry(t->value.expr); fprintf(f, "%s\n", cstring_toCharsSafe( uentry_rawName (u) ) ); break; case SREF: { sRef s; s = t->value.sref; if (sRef_isResult (s ) ) { fprintf(f, "Result\n"); } else if (sRef_isParam (s ) ) { int param; ctype ct; cstring ctString; ct = sRef_getType (s); param = sRef_getParam(s); ctString = ctype_dump(ct); fprintf(f, "Param %s %d\n", cstring_toCharsSafe(ctString), (int) param ); cstring_free(ctString); } else { u = sRef_getUentry(s); fprintf(f, "%s\n", cstring_toCharsSafe(uentry_rawName (u) ) ); } } break; case INTLITERAL: fprintf (f, "%ld\n", t->value.intlit); break; default: BADEXIT; } } /*@only@*/ constraintTerm constraintTerm_undump ( FILE *f) { constraintTermType kind; constraintTerm ret; uentry ue; char *str; char *os; os = mstring_create (MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH); str = fgets (os, MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH, f); kind = (constraintTermType) reader_getInt(&str); str = fgets(os, MAX_DUMP_LINE_LENGTH, f); switch (kind) { case SREF: { sRef s; char * term; term = reader_getWord(&str); if (strcmp (term, "Result") == 0 ) { s = sRef_makeResult (ctype_unknown); } else if (strcmp (term, "Param" ) == 0 ) { int param; char *str2, *ostr2; ctype t; reader_checkChar(&str, ' '); str2 = reader_getWord(&str); param = reader_getInt(&str); ostr2 = str2; t = ctype_undump(&str2) ; s = sRef_makeParam (param, t, stateInfo_makeLoc (g_currentloc)); free (ostr2); } else /* This must be an identified that we can search for in usymTab */ { cstring termStr = cstring_makeLiteralTemp(term); ue = usymtab_lookup (termStr); s = uentry_getSref(ue); } ret = constraintTerm_makesRef(s); free(term); } break; case EXPRNODE: { sRef s; char * term; cstring termStr; term = reader_getWord(&str); /* This must be an identifier that we can search for in usymTab */ termStr = cstring_makeLiteralTemp(term); ue = usymtab_lookup (termStr); s = uentry_getSref(ue); ret = constraintTerm_makesRef(s); free (term); } break; case INTLITERAL: { int i; i = reader_getInt(&str); ret = constraintTerm_makeIntLiteral (i); } break; default: BADEXIT; } free (os); return ret; }