/* ** unix.h */ /*@-nextlinemacros@*/ /* ** Extra stuff in some unixen, not in posix. */ /*@unchecked@*/ int signgam; typedef /*@integraltype@*/ clockid_t; extern void bcopy (char *b1, /*@out@*/ char *b2, int length) /*@modifies *b2@*/ ; /* Yes, the second parameter is the out param! */ extern int /*@alt lltX_bool@*/ bcmp (char *b1, char *b2, int length) /*@*/ ; /* Return value is NOT like strcmp! */ extern void bzero (/*@out@*/ char *b1, int length) /*@modifies *b1@*/ ; extern int ffs (int i) /*@*/ ; extern int symlink (char *name1, char *name2) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/ ; extern int setvbuf_unlocked (FILE *stream, /*@null@*/ /*@exposed@*/ char *buf, int mode, size_t size) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ; extern void setbuffer (FILE *stream, /*@null@*/ /*@exposed@*/ char *buf, int size) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ; extern void setlinebuf (FILE *stream) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ; extern int strerror_r (int errnum, /*@out@*/ char *strerrbuf, int buflen) /*@modifies strerrbuf@*/ ; extern size_t fread_unlocked (/*@out@*/ void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream) /*@modifies *stream, *ptr;@*/ ; extern size_t fwrite_unlocked (void *pointer, size_t size, size_t num_items, FILE *stream) /*@modifies *stream;@*/ ; extern void funlockfile (FILE *file) /*@modifies *file;@*/ ; extern void flockfile (FILE *file) /*@modifies *file@*/ ; extern void /*@alt void * @*/ memccpy (/*@returned@*/ /*@out@*/ void *s1, /*@unique@*/ void *s2, int c, size_t n) /*@modifies *s1@*/ ; extern int strcasecmp (char *s1, char *s2) /*@*/ ; extern int strncasecmp (char *s1, char *s2, int n) /*@*/ ; extern char *strdup (char *s) /*@*/ ; extern /*@null@*/ char *tempnam (char *dir, /*@null@*/ char *pfx) /*@modifies internalState@*/ ; extern /*@null@*/ /*@dependent@*/ char * index (/*@returned@*/ char *s, char c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@null@*/ /*@dependent@*/ char * rindex (/*@returned@*/ char *s, char c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ FILE *popen (char *command, char *ttype) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/ ; extern int pclose (FILE *stream) /*@modifies fileSystem, *stream, errno@*/ ; extern double cbrt (double x) /*@modifies errno@*/ ; extern double rint (double x) /*@*/ ; extern double trunc (double x) /*@*/ ; /*@constant int ENOTBLK@*/ /*@constant int ETXTBSY@*/ /*@constant int EWOULDBLOCK@*/ /*@constant int EINPROGRESS@*/ /*@constant int EALREADY@*/ /*@constant int ENOTSOCK@*/ /*@constant int EDESTADDRREQ@*/ /*@constant int EMSGSIZE@*/ /*@constant int EPROTOTYPE@*/ /*@constant int ENOPROTOOPT@*/ /*@constant int EPROTONOSUPPORT@*/ /*@constant int ESOCKTNOSUPPORT@*/ /*@constant int EOPNOTSUPP@*/ /*@constant int EPFNOSUPPORT@*/ /*@constant int EAFNOSUPPORT@*/ /*@constant int EADDRINUSE@*/ /*@constant int EADDRNOTAVAIL@*/ /*@constant int ENETDOWN@*/ /*@constant int ENETUNREACH@*/ /*@constant int ENETRESET@*/ /*@constant int ECONNABORTED@*/ /*@constant int ECONNRESET@*/ /*@constant int ENOBUFS@*/ /*@constant int EISCONN@*/ /*@constant int ENOTCONN@*/ /*@constant int ESHUTDOWN@*/ /*@constant int ETOOMANYREFS@*/ /*@constant int ETIMEDOUT@*/ /*@constant int ECONNREFUSED@*/ /*@constant int ENAMETOOLONG@*/ /*@constant int EHOSTDOWN@*/ /*@constant int EHOSTUNREACH@*/ /*@constant int ENOTEMPTY@*/ /*@constant int EPROCLIM@*/ /*@constant int EUSERS@*/ /*@constant int EDQUOT@*/ /*@constant int ESTALE@*/ /*@constant int EREMOTE@*/ /*@constant int ENOMSG@*/ /*@constant int EIDRM@*/ /*@constant int EALIGN@*/ /*@constant int EDEADLK@*/ /*@constant int ENOLCK@*/ /*@constant int ENOSYS@*/ /*@constant int EACTIVE@*/ /*@constant int ENOACTIVE@*/ /*@constant int ENORESOURCES@*/ /*@constant int ENOSYSTEM@*/ /*@constant int ENODUST@*/ /*@constant int EDUPNOCONN@*/ /*@constant int EDUPNODISCONN@*/ /*@constant int EDUPNOTCNTD@*/ /*@constant int EDUPNOTIDLE@*/ /*@constant int EDUPNOTWAIT@*/ /*@constant int EDUPNOTRUN@*/ /*@constant int EDUPBADOPCODE@*/ /*@constant int EDUPINTRANSIT@*/ /*@constant int EDUPTOOMANYCPUS@*/ /*@constant int ELOOP@*/ /*@constant int LOCK_MAX@*/ /*@constant int FCHR_MAX@*/ /*@constant int USI_MAX@*/ /*@constant int WORD_BIT@*/ /*@constant int LONG_BIT@*/ /*@constant long NAME_MAX@*/ /*@constant long NGROUPS_MAX@*/ /*@constant long MAX_INPUT@*/ /*@constant long MAX_CANON@*/ /*@constant int MAX_CHAR@*/ /*@constant long OPEN_MAX@*/ /*@constant int PASS_MAX@*/ /*@constant int PATH_MAX@*/ /*@constant int PID_MAX@*/ /*@constant int SYSPID_MAX@*/ /*@constant long PIPE_BUF@*/ /*@constant int PIPE_MAX@*/ /*@constant int PROC_MAX@*/ /*@constant int STD_BLK@*/ /*@constant int SYS_NMLN@*/ /*@constant int SYS_OPEN@*/ /*@constant int NZERO@*/ /*@constant int UID_MAX@*/ /*@constant long MB_LEN_MAX@*/ /*@constant int NL_ARGMAX@*/ /*@constant int NL_MSGMAX@*/ /*@constant int NL_NMAX@*/ /*@constant int NL_SETMAX@*/ /*@constant int NL_TEXTMAX@*/ /*@constant int NL_LBLMAX@*/ /*@constant int NL_LANGMAX @*/ /*@constant double M_E@*/ /*@constant double M_LOG2E@*/ /*@constant double M_LOG10E@*/ /*@constant double M_LN2@*/ /*@constant double M_LN10@*/ /*@constant double M_PI@*/ /*@constant double M_PI_2@*/ /*@constant double M_PI_4@*/ /*@constant double M_1_PI@*/ /*@constant double M_2_PI@*/ /*@constant double M_2_SQRTPI@*/ /*@constant double M_SQRT2@*/ /*@constant double M_SQRT1_2@*/ /*@constant double MAXFLOAT@*/ /*@constant double HUGE@*/ /*@constant int DOMAIN@*/ /*@constant int SING@*/ /*@constant int OVERFLOW@*/ /*@constant int UNDERFLOW@*/ /*@constant int TLOSS@*/ /*@constant int PLOSS@*/ extern /*@unchecked@*/ int daylight; extern /*@unchecked@*/ long timezone; extern /*@unchecked@*/ char *tzname[]; /*@-incondefs@*/ extern void tzset(void) /*@modifies daylight, timezone, tzname@*/ ; /*@=incondefs@*/ typedef unsigned char uchar_t; typedef unsigned short ushort_t; typedef unsigned int uint_t; typedef unsigned long ulong_t; typedef volatile unsigned char vuchar_t; typedef volatile unsigned short vushort_t; typedef volatile unsigned int vuint_t; typedef volatile unsigned long vulong_t; typedef long label_t; typedef int level_t; typedef /*@integraltype@*/ daddr_t; typedef char *caddr_t; typedef long *qaddr_t; typedef char *addr_t; typedef long physadr_t; typedef short cnt_t; typedef int chan_t; typedef unsigned long rlim_t; typedef int paddr_t; typedef /*@integraltype@*/ key_t; typedef void *mid_t; typedef char slab_t[12]; typedef ulong_t shmatt_t; typedef ulong_t msgqnum_t; typedef ulong_t msglen_t; typedef long timer_t; typedef uchar_t uchar; typedef ushort_t ushort; typedef uint_t uint; typedef ulong_t ulong; typedef uchar_t u_char; typedef ushort_t u_short; typedef uint_t u_int; typedef ulong_t u_long; typedef vuchar_t vu_char; typedef vushort_t vu_short; typedef vuint_t vu_int; typedef vulong_t vu_long; typedef long swblk_t; typedef u_long fixpt_t; typedef long segsz_t; typedef /*@abstract@*/ fd_set; int ttyname_r (int fg, /*@out@*/ char *buffer, int len) /*@modifies buffer@*/ ; int ioctl (int d, int /*@alt long@*/ request, /*@out@*/ void *arg) /*@modifies *arg, errno@*/ ; /* depends on request! */ pid_t vfork (void) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/ ; struct iovec { void *iov_base; size_t iov_len; }; /*@constant int UIO_MAXIOV@*/ /* BSD */ /*@constant int IOV_MAX@*/ /* supposedly SVR4 */ extern ssize_t readv (int fd, const struct iovec iov[], int iovcnt) /*@modifies iov[].iov_base, fileSystem, errno@*/; extern ssize_t writev (int fd, const struct iovec iov[], int iovcnt) /*@modifies errno@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * poll.h */ struct poll { int fd; short events; short revents; }; /*@constant short POLLIN@*/ /*@constant short POLLRDNORM@*/ /*@constant short POLLRDBAND@*/ /*@constant short POLLPRI@*/ /*@constant short POLLOUT@*/ /*@constant short POLLWRNORM@*/ /*@constant short POLLWRBAND@*/ /*@constant short POLLERR@*/ /*@constant short POLLHUP@*/ /*@constant short POLLNVAL@*/ extern int poll (struct poll pollfd[], unsigned long nfds, int timeout) /*@modifies pollfd[].revents, errno@*/ ; /* ** free does not take null */ /*@-incondefs@*/ extern void free (/*@notnull@*/ /*@out@*/ /*@only@*/ void *p) /*@modifies *p@*/ ; /*@=incondefs@*/ /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/socket.h */ /*@constant int SOCK_STREAM@*/ /*@constant int SOCK_DGRAM@*/ /*@constant int SOCK_RAW@*/ /*@constant int SOCK_RDM@*/ /*@constant int SOCK_SEQPACKET@*/ /*@constant int SO_DEBUG@*/ /*@constant int SO_ACCEPTCONN@*/ /*@constant int SO_REUSEADDR@*/ /*@constant int SO_KEEPALIVE@*/ /*@constant int SO_DONTROUTE@*/ /*@constant int SO_BROADCAST@*/ /*@constant int SO_USELOOPBACK@*/ /*@constant int SO_LINGER@*/ /*@constant int SO_OOBINLINE@*/ /*@constant int SO_REUSEPORT@*/ /*@constant int SO_SNDBUF@*/ /*@constant int SO_RCVBUF@*/ /*@constant int SO_SNDLOWAT@*/ /*@constant int SO_RCVLOWAT@*/ /*@constant int SO_SNDTIMEO@*/ /*@constant int SO_RCVTIMEO@*/ /*@constant int SO_ERROR@*/ /*@constant int SO_TYPE@*/ /*@constant int SOL_SOCKET@*/ /*@constant int AF_UNSPEC@*/ /*@constant int AF_LOCAL@*/ /*@constant int AF_UNIX@*/ /*@constant int AF_INET@*/ /*@constant int AF_IMPLINK@*/ /*@constant int AF_PUP@*/ /*@constant int AF_CHAOS@*/ /*@constant int AF_NS@*/ /*@constant int AF_ISO@*/ /*@constant int AF_OSI@*/ /*@constant int AF_ECMA@*/ /*@constant int AF_DATAKIT@*/ /*@constant int AF_CCITT@*/ /*@constant int AF_SNA@*/ /*@constant int AF_DECnet@*/ /*@constant int AF_DLI@*/ /*@constant int AF_LAT@*/ /*@constant int AF_HYLINK@*/ /*@constant int AF_APPLETALK@*/ /*@constant int AF_ROUTE@*/ /*@constant int AF_LINK@*/ /*@constant int pseudo_AF_XTP@*/ /*@constant int AF_COIP@*/ /*@constant int AF_CNT@*/ /*@constant int pseudo_AF_RTIP@*/ /*@constant int AF_IPX@*/ /*@constant int AF_SIP@*/ /*@constant int pseudo_AF_PIP@*/ /*@constant int AF_ISDN@*/ /*@constant int AF_E164@*/ /*@constant int AF_MAX@*/ /*@constant int MSG_OOB@*/ /*@constant int MSG_PEEK@*/ /*@constant int MSG_DONTROUTE@*/ /*@constant int MSG_EOR@*/ /*@constant int MSG_TRUNC@*/ /*@constant int MSG_CTRUNC@*/ /*@constant int MSG_WAITALL@*/ /*@constant int MSG_DONTWAIT@*/ /*@constant int MSG_EOF@*/ /*@constant int MSG_COMPAT@*/ /*@constant int PF_UNSPEC@*/ /*@constant int PF_LOCAL@*/ /*@constant int PF_UNIX@*/ /*@constant int PF_INET@*/ /*@constant int PF_IMPLINK@*/ /*@constant int PF_PUP@*/ /*@constant int PF_CHAOS@*/ /*@constant int PF_NS@*/ /*@constant int PF_ISO@*/ /*@constant int PF_OSI@*/ /*@constant int PF_ECMA@*/ /*@constant int PF_DATAKIT@*/ /*@constant int PF_CCITT@*/ /*@constant int PF_SNA@*/ /*@constant int PF_DECnet@*/ /*@constant int PF_DLI@*/ /*@constant int PF_LAT@*/ /*@constant int PF_HYLINK@*/ /*@constant int PF_APPLETALK@*/ /*@constant int PF_ROUTE@*/ /*@constant int PF_LINK@*/ /*@constant int PF_XTP@*/ /*@constant int PF_COIP@*/ /*@constant int PF_CNT@*/ /*@constant int PF_SIP@*/ /*@constant int PF_IPX@*/ /*@constant int PF_RTIP@*/ /*@constant int PF_PIP@*/ /*@constant int PF_ISDN@*/ /*@constant int PF_MAX@*/ /*@constant int NET_MAXID@*/ /*@constant int NET_RT_DUMP@*/ /*@constant int NET_RT_FLAGS@*/ /*@constant int NET_RT_IFLIST@*/ /*@constant int NET_RT_MAXID@*/ /*@constant int SOMAXCONN@*/ /*@constant int SCM_RIGHTS@*/ struct sockaddr { u_char sa_len; /* total length */ u_char sa_family; /* address family */ char sa_data[14]; /* actually longer; address value */ }; struct linger { int l_onoff; /* option on/off */ int l_linger; /* linger time */ }; struct sockproto { u_short sp_family; /* address family */ u_short sp_protocol; /* protocol */ }; struct msghdr { caddr_t msg_name; /* optional address */ u_int msg_namelen; /* size of address */ struct iovec *msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */ u_int msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */ caddr_t msg_control; /* ancillary data, see below */ u_int msg_controllen; /* ancillary data buffer len */ int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */ }; struct cmsghdr { u_int cmsg_len; /* data byte count, including hdr */ int cmsg_level; /* originating protocol */ int cmsg_type; /* protocol-specific type */ /* followed by u_char cmsg_data[]; */ }; extern int accept (int s, struct sockaddr *addr, int *addrlen) /*@modifies *addrlen, errno@*/; extern int bind (int s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen) /*@modifies errno, fileSystem@*/; extern int connect (int s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; int getpeername (int s, /*@out@*/ struct sockaddr *name, size_t *namelen) /*@modifies *name, *namelen, errno@*/; int getsockname (int s, struct sockaddr *address, size_t *address_len) /*?requires maxSet(address) > *address_len@*/ /*@modifies *address, *address_len, errno@*/; int getsockopt (int s, int level, int optname, /*@out@*/ void *optval, size_t *optlen) /*@modifies *optval, *optlen, errno@*/; extern int listen (int s, int backlog) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; extern ssize_t recv (int s, /*@out@*/ void *buf, size_t len, int flags) /*@modifies *buf, errno@*/; extern ssize_t recvfrom (int s, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, /*@null@*/ struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlen) /*@modifies *buf, *from, *fromlen, errno@*/; extern ssize_t recvmsg (int s, struct msghdr *msg, int flags) /*@modifies msg->msg_iov->iov_base[], errno@*/; extern ssize_t send (int s, const void *msg, size_t len, int flags) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern ssize_t sendto (int s, const void *msg, size_t len, int flags, const struct sockaddr *to, int tolen) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern ssize_t sendmsg (int s, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int setsockopt (int s, int level, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen) /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/; extern int shutdown (int s, int how) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int socket (int domain, int type, int protocol) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int socketpair (int d, int type, int protocol, /*@out@*/ int *sv) /*@modifies errno@*/; /*@constant int BADSIG@*/ /*@constant int SA_ONSTACK@*/ /*@constant int SA_RESTART@*/ /*@constant int SA_DISABLE@*/ /*@constant int SIGBUS@*/ /*@constant int SIGEMT@*/ /*@constant int SIGINFO@*/ /*@constant int SIGIO@*/ /*@constant int SIGIOT@*/ /*@constant int SIGPOLL@*/ /*@constant int SIGPROF@*/ /*@constant int SIGPWR@*/ /*@constant int SIGSYS@*/ /*@constant int SIGTRAP@*/ /*@constant int SIGURG@*/ /*@constant int SIGVTALRM@*/ /*@constant int SIGWINCH@*/ /*@constant int SIGXCPU@*/ /*@constant int SIGXFSZ@*/ extern void psignal (int sig, const char *msg) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/; /*@unchecked@*/ extern char *optarg; /*@unchecked@*/ extern int optind; /*@unchecked@*/ extern int optopt; /*@unchecked@*/ extern int opterr; /*@unchecked@*/ extern int optreset; extern int getopt (int argc, char * const *argv, const char *optstring) /*@globals optarg, optind, optopt, opterr, optreset@*/ /*@modifies optarg, optind, optopt@*/; extern int setenv (const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite) /*@globals environ@*/ /*@modifies *environ, errno@*/; extern int putenv (const char *string) /*@globals environ@*/ /*@modifies *environ, errno@*/; extern void unsetenv (const char *name) /*@globals environ@*/ /*@modifies *environ@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/wait.h */ extern int WCOREDUMP (int x) /*@*/; extern int W_EXITCODE (int ret, int sig) /*@*/; extern int W_STOPCODE (int sig) /*@*/; /*@constant int WAIT_ANY@*/ /*@constant int WAIT_MYPGRP@*/ /*@constant int WSTOPPED@*/ extern pid_t wait3 (int *statloc, int options, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ struct rusage *rusage) /*@modifies *statloc, *rusage, errno@*/; extern pid_t wait4 (pid_t p, int *statloc, int opt, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ struct rusage *r) /*@modifies *statloc, *r, errno@*/; struct timeval { long tv_sec; long tv_usec; } ; struct timespec { long ts_sec; long ts_nsec; } ; struct timezone { int tz_minuteswest; int tz_dsttime; } ; /*@constant int DST_NONE@*/ /*@constant int DST_USA@*/ /*@constant int DST_AUST@*/ /*@constant int DST_WET@*/ /*@constant int DST_MET@*/ /*@constant int DST_EET@*/ /*@constant int DST_CAN@*/ /*@constant int ITIMER_PROF@*/ /*@constant int ITIMER_REAL@*/ /*@constant int ITIMER_VIRTUAL@*/ struct itimerval { struct timeval it_interval; struct timeval it_value; }; struct clockinfo { int hz; int tick; int stathz; int profhz; }; extern int adjtime (const struct timeval *delta, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ struct timeval *olddelta) /*@modifies internalState, *olddelta, errno@*/; extern int getitimer (int which, /*@out@*/ struct itimerval *value) /*@modifies errno, *value*/; extern int gettimeofday (/*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ struct timeval *tp, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ struct timezone *tzp) /*@modifies *tp, *tzp, errno@*/; extern int setitimer (int which, struct itimerval *val, /*@null@*/ /*@out@*/ struct itimerval *oval) /*@modifies *oval, errno, internalState*/; extern int settimeofday (const struct timeval *t, const struct timezone *z) /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/; extern int utimes (const char *file, /*@null@*/ const struct timeval *times) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/mman.h */ /*@constant int PROT_READ@*/ /*@constant int PROT_WRITE@*/ /*@constant int PROT_EXEC@*/ /*@constant int MAP_SHARED@*/ /*@constant int MAP_PRIVATE@*/ /*@constant int MAP_COPY@*/ /*@constant int MAP_FIXED@*/ /*@constant int MAP_RENAME@*/ /*@constant int MAP_NORESERVE@*/ /*@constant int MAP_INHERIT@*/ /*@constant int MAP_NOEXTEND@*/ /*@constant int MAP_HASSEMAPHORE@*/ /*@constant int MS_ASYNC@*/ /*@constant int MS_INVALIDATE@*/ /*@constant int MAP_FILE@*/ /*@constant int MAP_ANON@*/ /*@constant int MADV_NORMAL@*/ /*@constant int MADV_RANDOM@*/ /*@constant int MADV_SEQUENTIAL@*/ /*@constant int MADV_WILLNEED@*/ /*@constant int MADV_DONTNEED@*/ extern caddr_t mmap (/*@null@*/ /*@returned@*/ caddr_t addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset) /*@modifies addr@*/; extern int madvise (caddr_t addr, int len, int behav) /*@*/; extern int mprotect (caddr_t addr, int len, int prot) /*@*/; extern int munmap (caddr_t addr, size_t len) /*@*/; extern int msync (caddr_t addr, int len, int flags) /*@*/; extern int mlock (caddr_t addr, size_t len) /*@*/; extern int munlock (caddr_t addr, size_t len) /*@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/ioctl.h */ struct winsize { unsigned short ws_row; unsigned short ws_col; unsigned short ws_xpixel; unsigned short ws_ypixel; }; /*@constant int TIOCMODG@*/ /*@constant int TIOCMODS@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_LE@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_DTR@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_RTS@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_ST@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_SR@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_CTS@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_CAR@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_CD@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_RNG@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_RI@*/ /*@constant int TIOCM_DSR@*/ /*@constant int TIOCEXCL@*/ /*@constant int TIOCNXCL@*/ /*@constant int TIOCFLUSH@*/ /*@constant int TIOCGETA@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSETA@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSETAW@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSETAF@*/ /*@constant int TIOCGETD@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSETD@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSBRK@*/ /*@constant int TIOCCBRK@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSDTR@*/ /*@constant int TIOCCDTR@*/ /*@constant int TIOCGPGRP@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSPGRP@*/ /*@constant int TIOCOUTQ@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSTI@*/ /*@constant int TIOCNOTTY@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_DATA@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_STOP@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_START@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_NOSTOP@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_DOSTOP@*/ /*@constant int TIOCPKT_IOCTL@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSTOP@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSTART@*/ /*@constant int TIOCMSET@*/ /*@constant int TIOCMBIS@*/ /*@constant int TIOCMBIC@*/ /*@constant int TIOCMGET@*/ /*@constant int TIOCREMOTE@*/ /*@constant int TIOCGWINSZ@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSWINSZ@*/ /*@constant int TIOCUCNTL@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSTAT@*/ /*@constant int TIOCCONS@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSCTTY@*/ /*@constant int TIOCEXT@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSIG@*/ /*@constant int TIOCDRAIN@*/ /*@constant int TIOCMSDTRWAIT@*/ /*@constant int TIOCMGDTRWAIT@*/ /*@constant int TIOCTIMESTAMP@*/ /*@constant int TIOCSDRAINWAIT@*/ /*@constant int TIOCGDRAINWAIT@*/ /*@constant int TTYDISC@*/ /*@constant int TABLDISC@*/ /*@constant int SLIPDISC@*/ /*@constant int PPPDISC@*/ /*@constant int MAXHOSTNAMELEN@*/ extern void FD_CLR (int n, fd_set *p) /*@modifies *p@*/; extern void FD_COPY (fd_set *f, /*@out@*/ fd_set *t) /*@modifies *t@*/; extern int /*@alt lltX_bool@*/ FD_ISSET (int n, fd_set *p) /*@*/; extern void FD_SET (int n, fd_set *p) /*@modifies *p@*/; extern void FD_ZERO (fd_set /*@out@*/ *p) /*@modifies *p@*/; extern int fchdir (int fd) /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/; extern int fchown (int fd, uid_t owner, gid_t group) /*@modifies errno, fileSystem@*/; extern int fsync (int fd) /*@modifies errno, fileSystem@*/; extern int ftruncate (int fd, off_t length) /*@modifies errno, fileSystem@*/; int gethostname (/*@out@*/ char *address, size_t address_len) /*:errorstatus@*/ /*@modifies address@*/ ; int initgroups (const char *name, int basegid) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern int lchown (const char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group) /*@modifies errno, fileSystem@*/; extern int readlink (const char *path, /*@out@*/ char *buf, int size) /*@modifies *buf, errno@*/ /*@ensures result <= size @*/; extern int select (int mfd, fd_set /*@null@*/ *r, fd_set /*@null@*/ *w, fd_set /*@null@*/ *e, struct timeval *t) /*@modifies *r, *w, *e, *t, errno@*/; extern int setegid (gid_t egid) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; extern int seteuid (uid_t euid) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; extern int setgroups (int ngroups, const gid_t *gidset) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; extern int setregid (gid_t rgid, gid_t egid) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; extern int setreuid (gid_t ruid, gid_t euid) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; extern void sync (void) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/; extern int symlink (const char *path, const char *path2) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/; extern int truncate (const char *name, off_t length) /*@modifies errno, fileSystem@*/; /*@constant int EBADRPC@*/ /*@constant int ERPCMISMATCH@*/ /*@constant int EPROGUNAVAIL@*/ /*@constant int EPROGMISMATCH@*/ /*@constant int EPROCUNAVAIL@*/ /*@constant int EFTYPE@*/ /*@constant int EAUTH@*/ /*@constant int ENEEDAUTH@*/ /*@constant int ELAST@*/ /*________________________________________________________________________ * tar.h */ /*@unchecked@*/ extern char *TMAGIC; /*@constant int TMAGLEN@*/ /*@unchecked@*/ extern char *TVERSION; /*@constant int TVERSLEN@*/ /*@constant int REGTYPE@*/ /*@constant int AREGTYPE@*/ /*@constant int LNKTYPE@*/ /*@constant int SYMTYPE@*/ /*@constant int CHRTYPE@*/ /*@constant int BLKTYPE@*/ /*@constant int DIRTYPE@*/ /*@constant int FIFOTYPE@*/ /*@constant int CONTTYPE@*/ /*@constant int TSUID@*/ /*@constant int TSGID@*/ /*@constant int TSVTX@*/ /*@constant int TUREAD@*/ /*@constant int TUWRITE@*/ /*@constant int TUEXEC@*/ /*@constant int TGREAD@*/ /*@constant int TGWRITE@*/ /*@constant int TGEXEC@*/ /*@constant int TOREAD@*/ /*@constant int TOWRITE@*/ /*@constant int TOEXEC@*/ struct ipc_perm { uid_t uid; /* user id */ gid_t gid; /* group id */ uid_t cuid; /* creator user id */ gid_t cgid; /* creator group id */ mode_t mode; /* r/w permission */ ulong seq; /* slot usage sequence number */ key_t key; /* user specified msg/sem/shm key */ } ; /*@constant int IPC_R@*/ /*@constant int IPC_W@*/ /*@constant int IPC_M@*/ /*@constant int IPC_CREAT@*/ /*@constant int IPC_EXCL@*/ /*@constant int IPC_NOWAIT@*/ /*@constant key_t IPC_PRIVATE@*/ /*@constant int IPC_RMID@*/ /*@constant int IPC_SET@*/ /*@constant int IPC_STAT@*/ /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/msg.h */ struct msqid_ds { struct ipc_perm msg_perm; /* msg queue permission bits */ struct msg *msg_first; /* first message in the queue */ struct msg *msg_last; /* last message in the queue */ u_long msg_cbytes; /* number of bytes in use on the queue */ u_long msg_qnum; /* number of msgs in the queue */ u_long msg_qbytes; /* max # of bytes on the queue */ pid_t msg_lspid; /* pid of last msgsnd() */ pid_t msg_lrpid; /* pid of last msgrcv() */ time_t msg_stime; /* time of last msgsnd() */ time_t msg_rtime; /* time of last msgrcv() */ time_t msg_ctime; /* time of last msgctl() */ }; struct mymesg { long mtype; /* message type (+ve integer) */ char mtext[]; /* message body */ }; /*@constant int MSG_NOERROR@*/ /*@constant int MSGMAX@*/ /*@constant int MSGMNB@*/ /*@constant int MSGMNI@*/ /*@constant int MSGTQL@*/ extern int msgctl (int id , int cmd, /*@out@*/ struct msqid_ds *buf) /*@modifies errno, *buf@*/; extern int msgget (key_t key, int flag) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int msgrcv (int id, /*@out@*/ void *ptr, size_t nbytes, long type, int flags) /*@modifies errno, *ptr@*/; extern int msgsnd (int id, const void *ptr, size_t nbytes, int flag) /*@modifies errno@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/sem.h */ struct semid_ds { struct ipc_perm sem_perm; struct sem *sem_base; ushort sem_nsems; time_t sem_otime; time_t sem_ctime; }; struct sem { ushort semval; pid_t sempid; ushort semncnt; ushort semzcnt; }; union semun { int val; struct semid_ds *buf; ushort *array; }; struct sembuf { ushort sem_num; short sem_op; short sem_flg; }; /*@constant int SEM_A@*/ /*@constant int SEMAEM@*/ /*@constant int SEMMNI@*/ /*@constant int SEMMNS@*/ /*@constant int SEMMNU@*/ /*@constant int SEMMSL@*/ /*@constant int SEMOPN@*/ /*@constant int SEM_R@*/ /*@constant int SEMUME@*/ /*@constant int SEM_UNDO@*/ /*@constant int SEMVMX@*/ /*@constant int GETVAL@*/ /*@constant int SETVAL@*/ /*@constant int GETPID@*/ /*@constant int GETNCNT@*/ /*@constant int GETZCNT@*/ /*@constant int GETALL@*/ /*@constant int SETALL@*/ /*@constant int ERMID@*/ extern int semctl (int id, int semnum, int cmd, union semun arg) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int semget (key_t key, int nsems, int flag) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int semop (int id, struct sembuf *semoparray, size_t nops) /*@modifies errno@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/shm.h */ struct shmid_ds { struct ipc_perm shm_perm; int shm_segsz; ushort shm_lkcnt; pid_t shm_lpid; pid_t shm_cpid; ulong shm_nattch; ulong shm_cnattch; time_t shm_atime; time_t shm_dtime; time_t shm_ctime; }; /*@constant int SHMLBA@*/ /*@constant int SHM_LOCK@*/ /*@constant int SHMMAX@*/ /*@constant int SHMMIN@*/ /*@constant int SHMMNI@*/ /*@constant int SHM_R@*/ /*@constant int SHM_RDONLY@*/ /*@constant int SHM_RND@*/ /*@constant int SHMSEG@*/ /*@constant int SHM_W@*/ /*@constant int SHM_UNLOCK@*/ void * shmat (int id, /*@null@*/ void *addr, int flag) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int shmctl (int id, int cmd, /*@out@*/ struct shmid_ds *buf) /*@modifies errno, *buf@*/; extern int shmdt (void *addr) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int shmget (key_t key, int size, int flag) /*@modifies errno@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * syslog.h */ /*@constant int LOG_EMERG@*/ /*@constant int LOG_ALERT@*/ /*@constant int LOG_CRIT@*/ /*@constant int LOG_ERR@*/ /*@constant int LOG_WARNING@*/ /*@constant int LOG_NOTICE@*/ /*@constant int LOG_INFO@*/ /*@constant int LOG_DEBUG@*/ /*@constant int LOG_KERN@*/ /*@constant int LOG_USER@*/ /*@constant int LOG_MAIL@*/ /*@constant int LOG_DAEMON@*/ /*@constant int LOG_AUTH@*/ /*@constant int LOG_SYSLOG@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LPR@*/ /*@constant int LOG_NEWS@*/ /*@constant int LOG_UUCP@*/ /*@constant int LOG_CRON@*/ /*@constant int LOG_AUTHPRIV@*/ /*@constant int LOG_FTP@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL0@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL1@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL2@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL3@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL4@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL5@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL6@*/ /*@constant int LOG_LOCAL7@*/ /*@constant int LOG_PID@*/ /*@constant int LOG_CONS@*/ /*@constant int LOG_ODELAY@*/ /*@constant int LOG_NDELAY@*/ /*@constant int LOG_NOWAIT@*/ /*@constant int LOG_PERROR@*/ extern int LOG_MASK (int pri) /*@*/; extern int LOG_UPTO (int pri) /*@*/; extern void closelog (void) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/; extern void openlog (const char *ident, int logopt, int facility) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/; extern int setlogmask (int maskpri) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern void /*@printflike@*/ syslog (int priority, const char *message, ...) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/; extern void vsyslog (int priority, const char *message, va_list args) /*@modifies fileSystem@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * pwd.h */ extern extern void endpwent (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern /*@null@*/ struct passwd * getpwent (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern int setpassent (int stayopen) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern int setpwent (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * grp.h */ extern void endgrent (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern /*@null@*/ struct group * getgrent (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern int setgrent (void) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern void setgrfile (const char *name) /*@modifies internalState@*/; extern int setgroupent (int stayopen) /*@modifies internalState@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/stat.h */ /*@constant int S_ISTXT@*/ /*@constant int S_IREAD@*/ /*@constant int S_IWRITE@*/ /*@constant int S_IEXEC@*/ /*@constant int S_IFMT@*/ /*@constant int S_IFIFO@*/ /*@constant int S_IFCHR@*/ /*@constant int S_IFDIR@*/ /*@constant int S_IFBLK@*/ /*@constant int S_IFREG@*/ /*@constant int S_IFLNK@*/ /*@constant int S_IFSOCK@*/ /*@constant int S_ISVTX@*/ /*@constant int S_ISVTX@*/ /*@constant int SF_SETTABLE@*/ /*@constant int SF_ARCHIVED@*/ /*@constant int ACCESSPERMS@*/ /*@constant int ALLPERMS@*/ /*@constant int DEFFILEMODE@*/ /*@constant int S_BLKSIZE@*/ /*@constant int SF_IMMUTABLE@*/ /*@constant int SF_APPEND@*/ /*@constant int UF_NODUMP@*/ /*@constant int UF_IMMUTABLE@*/ /*@constant int UF_APPEND@*/ extern int /*@alt lltX_bool@*/ S_ISLNK (/*@sef@*/ mode_t m) /*@*/; extern int /*@alt lltX_bool@*/ S_ISSOCK (/*@sef@*/ mode_t m) /*@*/; extern int chflags (const char *path, u_long flags) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/; extern int fchflags (int fd, u_long flags) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/; extern int fchmod (int fd, mode_t mode) /*@modifies fileSystem, errno@*/; extern int lstat (const char *path, /*@out@*/ struct stat *buf) /*@modifies errno, *buf@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * stropts.h */ /*@constant int FMNAMESZ@*/ /*@constant int MSG_BAND@*/ /*@constant int MSG_HIPRI@*/ /*@constant int RS_HIPRI@*/ /*@constant int S_INPUT@*/ /*@constant int S_RDNORM@*/ /*@constant int S_RDBAND@*/ /*@constant int S_BANDURG@*/ /*@constant int S_HIPRI@*/ /*@constant int S_OUTPUT@*/ /*@constant int S_WRNORM@*/ /*@constant int S_WRBAND@*/ /*@constant int S_MSG@*/ /*@constant int S_ERROR@*/ /*@constant int S_HANGUP@*/ struct strbuf { int maxlen; int len; char *buf; } struct str_mlist { char l_name[]; } struct str_list { int sl_nmods; struct str_mlist *sl_modlist; } extern int getmsg (int fd, /*@out@*/ struct strbuf *c, /*@out@*/ struct strbuf *d, int *f) /*@modifies *c, *d, errno@*/; extern int getpmsg (int fd, /*@out@*/ struct strbuf *c, /*@out@*/ struct strbuf *d, int *b, int *f) /*@modifies *b, *c, *d, errno@*/; extern int putmsg (int fd, const struct strbuf *c, const struct strbuf *d, int *f) /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/; extern int putpmsg (int fd, const struct strbuf *c, const struct strbuf *d, int b, int *f) /*@modifies internalState, errno@*/; /*________________________________________________________________________ * sys/resource.h */ /*@constant int RLIMIT_CPU@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_FSIZE@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_DATA@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_STACK@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_CORE@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_RSS@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_MEMLOCK@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_NPROC@*/ /*@constant int RLIMIT_NOFILE@*/ /*@constant int RLIM_NLIMITS@*/ /*@constant int RLIM_INFINITY@*/ /*@constant int PRIO_MIN@*/ /*@constant int PRIO_MAX@*/ /*@constant int PRIO_PROCESS@*/ /*@constant int PRIO_PGRP@*/ /*@constant int PRIO_USER@*/ /*@constant int RUSAGE_SELF@*/ /*@constant int RUSAGE_CHILDREN@*/ struct rusage { struct timeval ru_utime; /* user time used */ struct timeval ru_stime; /* system time used */ long ru_maxrss; /* max resident set size */ long ru_ixrss; /* integral shared memory size */ long ru_idrss; /* integral unshared data " */ long ru_isrss; /* integral unshared stack " */ long ru_minflt; /* page reclaims */ long ru_majflt; /* page faults */ long ru_nswap; /* swaps */ long ru_inblock; /* block input operations */ long ru_oublock; /* block output operations */ long ru_msgsnd; /* messages sent */ long ru_msgrcv; /* messages received */ long ru_nsignals; /* signals received */ long ru_nvcsw; /* voluntary context switches */ long ru_nivcsw; /* involuntary " */ }; struct rlimit { long rlim_cur; long rlim_max; }; struct loadavg { unsigned long ldavg[3]; long fscale; }; extern int getpriority (int which, int who) /*@modifies errno@*/; extern int getrlimit (int res, /*@out@*/ struct rlimit *rlp) /*@modifies *rlp, errno@*/; extern int getrusage (int who, /*@out@*/ struct rusage *rusage) /*@modifies *rusage, errno@*/; extern int setpriority (int which, int who, int prio) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; extern int setrlimit (int resource, const struct rlimit *rlp) /*@modifies errno, internalState@*/; /* ** in */ struct servent { /*@observer@*/ char *s_name; /* Official service name. */ /*@observer@*/ char **s_aliases; /* Alias list. */ int s_port; /* Port number. */ /*@observer@*/ char *s_proto; /* Protocol to use. */ } ; /*@observer@*/ /*@dependent@*/ /*@null@*/ struct servent *getservbyname (const char *name, /*@null@*/ const char *proto) /*@warn multithreaded "Unsafe in multithreaded applications, use getsrvbyname_r instead"@*/ ; struct servent *getservbyname_r (const char *name, /*@null@*/ const char *proto, /*@out@*/ /*@returned@*/ struct servent *result, /*@out@*/ char *buffer, int buflen) /*@requires maxSet (buffer) >= buflen@*/ ; /*@observer@*/ /*@dependent@*/ struct servent *getservbyport (int port, /*@null@*/ const char *proto) /*@warn multithreaded "Unsafe in multithreaded applications, use getservbyport_r instead"@*/ ; struct servent *getservbyport_r (int port, /*@null@*/ const char *proto, /*@out@*/ /*@returned@*/ struct servent *result, /*@out@*/ char *buffer, int buflen) /*@requires maxSet (buffer) >= buflen@*/ ; /*@null@*/ struct servent *getservent (void); /*@null@*/ struct servent *getservent_r (struct servent *result, char *buffer, int buflen); int setservent (int stayopen); int endservent (void); extern int h_errno; /*@null@*/ /*@observer@*/ struct hostent *gethostbyname (/*@nullterminated@*/ /*@notnull@*/ const char *name) /*@warn multithreaded "Unsafe in multithreaded applications, use gethostbyname_r instead"@*/ /*@modifies h_errno@*/ ; struct hostent *gethostbyname_r (/*@nullterminated@*/ const char *name, /*@notnull@*/ /*@returned@*/ struct hostent *hent, /*@out@*/ /*@exposed@*/ char *buffer, int bufsize, /*@out@*/ int *h_errnop) /*@requires maxSet(buffer) >= bufsize@*/ ; /*@null@*/ /*@observer@*/ struct hostent *gethostbyaddr (/*@notnull@*/ const void *addr, size_t addrlen, int type) /*@requires maxRead(addr) == addrlen@*/ /*@i534 ??? is this right? */ /*@warn multithreaded "Unsafe in multithreaded applications, use gethostbyaddr_r instead"@*/ /*@modifies h_errno@*/ ; struct hostent *gethostbyaddr_r (/*@notnull@*/ const void *addr, size_t addrlen, int type, /*@returned@*/ /*@out@*/ struct hostent *hent, /*@exposed@*/ /*@out@*/ char *buffer, int bufsize, /*@out@*/ int *h_errnop) /*@requires maxRead(addr) == addrlen /\ maxSet(buffer) >= bufsize@*/ /*@i534 ??? is this right? */ ; /*@observer@*/ /*@null@*/ struct hostent *gethostent (void) /*@warn multithreaded "Unsafe in multithreaded applications, use gethostent_r instead"@*/ ; struct hostent *gethostent_r (/*@out@*/ /*@returned@*/ struct hostent *hent, /*@exposed@*/ /*@out@*/ char *buffer, int bufsize) /*@requires maxSet(buffer) >= bufsize@*/ ; /*@i534 need to annotate these: */ struct hostent *fgethostent(FILE *f); struct hostent *fgethostent_r(FILE*f, struct hostent *hent, char buffer, int bufsize); void sethostent(int stayopen); void endhostent(void); void herror(const char *string); char *hstrerror(int err); struct hostent { /*@observer@*/ /*@nullterminated@*/ char *h_name; /* official name of host */ /*@observer@*/ /*@nullterminated@*/ char * /*:observer@*/ /*:nullterminated@*/ *h_aliases; /* alias list */ int h_addrtype; /* host address type*/ int h_length; /* length ofaddress*/ /*@observer@*/ /*@nullterminated@*/ char * /*:observer@*/ /*:nullterminated@*/ *h_addr_list; /* list of addressesfrom name server */ /*@observer@*/ /*@nullterminated@*/ char *h_addr; /* first address in list (backward compatibility) */ } ; /* ** arpa/inet.h */ typedef uint32_t in_addr_t; struct in_addr { in_addr_t s_addr; }; typedef uint16_t in_port_t; in_addr_t htonl (in_addr_t hostlong) /*@*/ ; in_port_t htons (in_port_t hostshort) /*@*/ ; in_addr_t ntohl (in_addr_t netlong) /*@*/ ; in_port_t ntohs (in_port_t netshort) /*@*/ ; /* ** unistd.h */ int chroot (/*@notnull@*/ /*@nullterminated@*/ const char *path) /*:statusreturn@*/ /*@warn superuser "Only super-user processes may call chroot."@*/ /*: other wanings? */ ; int fchroot (int fildes) /*:statusreturn@*/ /*@warn superuser "Only super-user processes may call fchroot."@*/ ;