#ifndef __constraint_h__ #define __constraint_h__ typedef enum { LT, LTE, GT, GTE, EQ, NONNEGATIVE, POSITIVE } arithType; struct s_constraint { constraint orig; constraint or; bool fcnPre; constraintExpr lexpr; arithType ar; constraintExpr expr; bool post; /*@exposed@*/ /*@dependent@*/ exprNode generatingExpr; } ; /*@constant null constraint constraint_undefined; @*/ # define constraint_undefined ((constraint)NULL) extern /*@falsewhennull@*/ bool constraint_isDefined (constraint p_e) /*@*/ ; extern /*@unused@*/ /*@nullwhentrue@*/ bool constraint_isUndefined (constraint p_e) /*@*/ ; extern /*@nullwhentrue@*/ /*@unused@*/ bool constraint_isError (constraint p_e) /*@*/ ; # define constraint_isDefined(e) ((e) != constraint_undefined) # define constraint_isUndefined(e) ((e) == constraint_undefined) # define constraint_isError(e) ((e) == constraint_undefined) extern void constraint_free (/*@only@*/ constraint p_c); /* constraint makeConstraintParse (sRef x, lltok relOp, exprNode cconstant); */ /*@-czechfcns*/ extern constraint constraint_makeReadSafeExprNode (/*@observer@*/ exprNode p_po, /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_ind); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeWriteSafeExprNode (/*@observer@*/ exprNode p_po, /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_ind); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeReadSafeInt (/*@observer@*/ exprNode p_t1, int p_index); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeEnsureMaxReadAtLeast (/*@observer@*/ exprNode p_t1, /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_t2, fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern void constraint_overWrite (constraint p_c1, /*@observer@*/ constraint p_c2) /*@modifies p_c1 @*/; extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_copy (/*@temp@*/ constraint p_c); extern bool fileloc_closer (/*@observer@*/ fileloc p_loc1, /*@observer@*/ fileloc p_loc2, /*@observer@*/ fileloc p_loc3) /*@*/; extern /*@only@*/ cstring arithType_print (arithType p_ar) /*@*/; extern /*@only@*/ fileloc constraint_getFileloc (constraint p_c); extern /*@only@*/ cstring constraint_unparse (/*@temp@*/ constraint p_c) /*@*/; extern /*@only@*/ cstring constraint_unparseOr (/*@temp@*/ constraint p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@only@*/ cstring constraint_unparseDetailed (constraint p_c) /*@*/ ; extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeWriteSafeInt (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_po, int p_ind); extern exprNode exprNode_copyConstraints (/*@returned@*/ exprNode p_dst, exprNode p_src) /*@modifies p_dst @*/; extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeEnsureEqual (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e1, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e2, fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeMaxSetSideEffectPostIncrement (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e, fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern constraint constraint_preserveOrig (/*@returned@*/ constraint p_c) /*@modifies p_c @*/; extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_doSRefFixBaseParam (/*@returned@*/ /*@only@*/ constraint p_precondition, exprNodeList p_arglist); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeEnsureLessThan (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e1, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e2, fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeEnsureLessThanEqual (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e1, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e2, fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeEnsureGreaterThan (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e1, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e2, fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeEnsureGreaterThanEqual (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e1, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e2, fileloc p_sequencePoint); /*drl add 11/28/2000 */ extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeSRefWriteSafeInt (sRef p_s, int p_ind); extern /*@unused@*/ /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeSRefReadSafeInt (sRef p_s, int p_ind); /*drl add 11/26/2000 */ extern void constraint_printError (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint p_c, /*@temp@*/ /*@observer@*/ fileloc p_loc); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_doSRefFixConstraintParam (constraint p_precondition, /*@temp@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNodeList p_arglist); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeSRefSetBufferSize (sRef p_s, long int p_size); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_doFixResult (constraint p_postcondition, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_fcnCall); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeEnsureLteMaxRead(/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_index, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_buffer); extern /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_makeMaxSetSideEffectPostDecrement (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e, fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern bool constraint_search (constraint p_c, constraintExpr p_old); extern /*@only@*/ constraint makeConstraintParse3 (constraintExpr p_l, lltok p_relOp, constraintExpr p_r); extern constraint constraint_addGeneratingExpr (/*@returned@*/ constraint p_c, /*@dependent@*/ /*@exposed@*/ exprNode p_e); extern bool constraint_hasMaxSet(constraint p_c); /*from constraintGenreation.c*/ extern void exprNode_exprTraverse (exprNode p_e, bool p_definatelv, bool p_definaterv, /*@temp@*/ /*@observer@*/ fileloc p_sequencePoint); extern /*@only@*/ constraintList exprNode_traversRequiresConstraints (exprNode p_e); extern /*@only@*/ constraintList exprNode_traversEnsuresConstraints (exprNode p_e); extern constraint constraint_togglePost (/*@returned@*/ constraint p_c); extern bool constraint_same (constraint p_c1, constraint p_c2) ; extern void constraint_printErrorPostCondition (constraint p_c, fileloc p_loc) ; extern cstring constraint_printLocation (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint p_c) /*@*/; /*drl add 8-11-001*/ extern constraint constraint_setFcnPre (/*@returned@*/ constraint p_c) ; extern constraint constraint_origAddGeneratingExpr (/*@returned@*/ constraint p_c, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e) ; extern bool /*@alt void@*/ exprNode_generateConstraints (/*@temp@*/ exprNode p_e) ; constraint constraint_togglePostOrig (/*@returned@*/ constraint p_c); bool constraint_hasOrig( /*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint p_c); constraint constraint_makeAddAssign (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_f, fileloc p_sequencePoint); constraint constraint_makeSubtractAssign (/*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_e, /*@dependent@*/ /*@observer@*/ exprNode p_f, fileloc p_sequencePoint); /*@only@*/ constraint constraint_undump (FILE * p_f); void constraint_dump (/*@observer@*/ constraint p_c, FILE * p_f); extern void exprNode_forLoopHeuristics( /*@dependent@*/ exprNode p_e, /*@dependent@*/ exprNode p_forPred, /*@dependent@*/ exprNode p_forBody); int constraint_compare (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ const constraint * p_c1, /*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ const constraint * p_c2) /*@*/; bool constraint_isPost (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint p_c); bool constraint_tooDeep (/*@observer@*/ /*@temp@*/ constraint p_c); void exprNode_findValue( exprNode p_e); /*drl 1/6/2001: I didn't think these functions were solid enough to include in the stable release of splint.*/ /*drl added 12/30/01 */ /* extern / *@only@* / constraint constraint_doSRefFixInvarConstraint(constraint p_invar, sRef p_s, ctype p_ct ); */ /*drl added 12/19 */ bool constraint_isConstantOnly (constraint p_c); /*@=czechfcns*/ /* drl possible problem : warning take this out */ #include "constraintResolve.h" #include "constraintOutput.h" #else #error Multiple include #endif