]> andersk Git - splint.git/blame - imports/math.lcs
Fixed declarations of inptr_t and uintptr_t.
[splint.git] / imports / math.lcs
885824d3 1%PASSED Output from LCLint 2.0
4%LCLsort bool immutable nil nil
5%LCLsort Bool synonym bool nil
6%LCLsort int primitive nil nil
7%LCLsort char primitive nil nil
8%LCLsort void primitive nil nil
9%LCLsort _char_Obj obj char nil
10%LCLsort __char_Obj_Ptr ptr _char_Obj nil
11%LCLsort __char_Obj_Arr arr _char_Obj nil
12%LCLsort _char_Vec vec char __char_Obj_Arr
13%LCLsort float primitive nil nil
14%LCLsort double primitive nil nil
15%LCLsort _eerrno0e_Enum enum eerrno0e nil
16%LCLsort EDUPTOOMANYCPUS enumMem nil nil
17%LCLsort EDUPINTRANSIT enumMem nil nil
18%LCLsort EDUPBADOPCODE enumMem nil nil
19%LCLsort EDUPNOTRUN enumMem nil nil
20%LCLsort EDUPNOTWAIT enumMem nil nil
21%LCLsort EDUPNOTIDLE enumMem nil nil
22%LCLsort EDUPNOTCNTD enumMem nil nil
23%LCLsort EDUPNODISCONN enumMem nil nil
24%LCLsort EDUPNOCONN enumMem nil nil
25%LCLsort ENODUST enumMem nil nil
26%LCLsort ENOSYSTEM enumMem nil nil
27%LCLsort ENORESOURCES enumMem nil nil
28%LCLsort ENOACTIVE enumMem nil nil
29%LCLsort EACTIVE enumMem nil nil
30%LCLsort ENOSYS enumMem nil nil
31%LCLsort ENOLCK enumMem nil nil
32%LCLsort EDEADLK enumMem nil nil
33%LCLsort EALIGN enumMem nil nil
34%LCLsort EIDRM enumMem nil nil
35%LCLsort ENOMSG enumMem nil nil
36%LCLsort EREMOTE enumMem nil nil
37%LCLsort ESTALE enumMem nil nil
38%LCLsort EDQUOT enumMem nil nil
39%LCLsort EUSERS enumMem nil nil
40%LCLsort EPROCLIM enumMem nil nil
41%LCLsort ENOTEMPTY enumMem nil nil
42%LCLsort EHOSTUNREACH enumMem nil nil
43%LCLsort EHOSTDOWN enumMem nil nil
44%LCLsort ENAMETOOLONG enumMem nil nil
45%LCLsort ELOOP enumMem nil nil
46%LCLsort ECONNREFUSED enumMem nil nil
47%LCLsort ETIMEDOUT enumMem nil nil
48%LCLsort ETOOMANYREFS enumMem nil nil
49%LCLsort ESHUTDOWN enumMem nil nil
50%LCLsort ENOTCONN enumMem nil nil
51%LCLsort EISCONN enumMem nil nil
52%LCLsort ENOBUFS enumMem nil nil
53%LCLsort ECONNRESET enumMem nil nil
54%LCLsort ECONNABORTED enumMem nil nil
55%LCLsort ENETRESET enumMem nil nil
56%LCLsort ENETUNREACH enumMem nil nil
57%LCLsort ENETDOWN enumMem nil nil
58%LCLsort EADDRNOTAVAIL enumMem nil nil
59%LCLsort EADDRINUSE enumMem nil nil
60%LCLsort EAFNOSUPPORT enumMem nil nil
61%LCLsort EPFNOSUPPORT enumMem nil nil
62%LCLsort EOPNOTSUPP enumMem nil nil
63%LCLsort ESOCKTNOSUPPORT enumMem nil nil
64%LCLsort EPROTONOSUPPORT enumMem nil nil
65%LCLsort ENOPROTOOPT enumMem nil nil
66%LCLsort EPROTOTYPE enumMem nil nil
67%LCLsort EMSGSIZE enumMem nil nil
68%LCLsort EDESTADDRREQ enumMem nil nil
69%LCLsort ENOTSOCK enumMem nil nil
70%LCLsort EALREADY enumMem nil nil
71%LCLsort EINPROGRESS enumMem nil nil
72%LCLsort EWOULDBLOCK enumMem nil nil
73%LCLsort ERANGE enumMem nil nil
74%LCLsort EDOM enumMem nil nil
75%LCLsort EPIPE enumMem nil nil
76%LCLsort EMLINK enumMem nil nil
77%LCLsort EROFS enumMem nil nil
78%LCLsort ESPIPE enumMem nil nil
79%LCLsort ENOSPC enumMem nil nil
80%LCLsort EFBIG enumMem nil nil
81%LCLsort ETXTBSY enumMem nil nil
82%LCLsort ENOTTY enumMem nil nil
83%LCLsort EMFILE enumMem nil nil
84%LCLsort ENFILE enumMem nil nil
85%LCLsort EINVAL enumMem nil nil
86%LCLsort EISDIR enumMem nil nil
87%LCLsort ENOTDIR enumMem nil nil
88%LCLsort ENODEV enumMem nil nil
89%LCLsort EXDEV enumMem nil nil
90%LCLsort EEXIST enumMem nil nil
91%LCLsort EBUSY enumMem nil nil
92%LCLsort ENOTBLK enumMem nil nil
93%LCLsort EFAULT enumMem nil nil
94%LCLsort EACCES enumMem nil nil
95%LCLsort ENOMEM enumMem nil nil
96%LCLsort EAGAIN enumMem nil nil
97%LCLsort ECHILD enumMem nil nil
98%LCLsort EBADF enumMem nil nil
99%LCLsort ENOEXEC enumMem nil nil
100%LCLsort E2BIG enumMem nil nil
101%LCLsort ENXIO enumMem nil nil
102%LCLsort EIO enumMem nil nil
103%LCLsort EINTR enumMem nil nil
104%LCLsort ESRCH enumMem nil nil
105%LCLsort ENOENT enumMem nil nil
106%LCLsort EPERM enumMem nil nil
107%LCLsort enumEnd nil nil nil
108%LCLsort __eerrno0e_Enum_Obj obj _eerrno0e_Enum nil
109%LCLsort _int_Obj obj int nil
110%LCLsort _lconv_Struct str lconv nil
111%LCLsort n_sign_posn strMem _char_Obj nil
112%LCLsort p_sign_posn strMem _char_Obj nil
113%LCLsort n_sep_by_space strMem _char_Obj nil
114%LCLsort n_cs_precedes strMem _char_Obj nil
115%LCLsort p_sep_by_space strMem _char_Obj nil
116%LCLsort p_cs_precedes strMem _char_Obj nil
117%LCLsort frac_digits strMem _char_Obj nil
118%LCLsort int_frac_digits strMem _char_Obj nil
119%LCLsort negative_sign strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
120%LCLsort positive_sign strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
121%LCLsort mon_grouping strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
122%LCLsort mon_thousands_sep strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
123%LCLsort mon_decimal_point strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
124%LCLsort currency_symbol strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
125%LCLsort int_curr_symbol strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
126%LCLsort grouping strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
127%LCLsort thousands_sep strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
128%LCLsort decimal_point strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
129%LCLsort strEnd nil nil nil
130%LCLsort ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj obj __char_Obj_Ptr nil
131%LCLsort _lconv_Struct_Tuple tup _lconv_Struct nil
132%LCLsort __lconv_Struct_Ptr ptr _lconv_Struct nil
133%LCLsort __lconv_Struct_Arr arr _lconv_Struct nil
134%LCLsort __lconv_Struct_Tuple_Vec vec _lconv_Struct_Tuple __lconv_Struct_Arr
135%LCLsort ___lconv synonym _lconv_Struct nil
136%LCLsort _exception_Struct str exception nil
137%LCLsort retval strMem _double_Obj nil
138%LCLsort arg2 strMem _double_Obj nil
139%LCLsort arg1 strMem _double_Obj nil
140%LCLsort name strMem ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj nil
141%LCLsort ttype strMem _int_Obj nil
142%LCLsort strEnd nil nil nil
143%LCLsort _double_Obj obj double nil
144%LCLsort _exception_Struct_Tuple tup _exception_Struct nil
145%LCLsort __exception_Struct_Ptr ptr _exception_Struct nil
146%LCLsort __exception_Struct_Arr arr _exception_Struct nil
147%LCLsort __exception_Struct_Tuple_Vec vec _exception_Struct_Tuple __exception_Struct_Arr
148%LCLsort ___exception synonym _exception_Struct nil
149%LCLsort __int_Obj_Ptr ptr _int_Obj nil
150%LCLsort __int_Obj_Arr arr _int_Obj nil
151%LCLsort _int_Vec vec int __int_Obj_Arr
152%LCLsort __double_Obj_Ptr ptr _double_Obj nil
153%LCLsort __double_Obj_Arr arr _double_Obj nil
154%LCLsort _double_Vec vec double __double_Obj_Arr
155%LCLsort _emath1e_Enum enum emath1e nil
156%LCLsort PLOSS enumMem nil nil
157%LCLsort TLOSS enumMem nil nil
158%LCLsort UNDERFLOW enumMem nil nil
159%LCLsort OVERFLOW enumMem nil nil
160%LCLsort SING enumMem nil nil
161%LCLsort DOMAIN enumMem nil nil
162%LCLsort enumEnd nil nil nil
163%LCLsort __emath1e_Enum_Obj obj _emath1e_Enum nil
166%LCLop ENOMSG : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
167%LCLop mod :int, int -> int
168%LCLop EIDRM : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
169%LCLop min :int, int -> int
170%LCLop EALIGN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
171%LCLop max :int, int -> int
172%LCLop EDEADLK : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
173%LCLop 0 : -> int
174%LCLop 0 : -> double
175%LCLop ENOLCK : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
176%LCLop 1 : -> int
177%LCLop 1 : -> double
178%LCLop if __ then __ else __ :bool, bool, bool -> bool
179%LCLop if __ then __ else __ :bool, int, int -> int
180%LCLop if __ then __ else __ :bool, double, double -> double
181%LCLop if __ then __ else __ :bool, _char_Vec, _char_Vec -> _char_Vec
182%LCLop if __ then __ else __ :bool, char, char -> char
183%LCLop ENOSYS : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
184%LCLop EACTIVE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
185%LCLop __ < __ :int, int -> bool
186%LCLop __ < __ :double, double -> bool
187%LCLop ENOACTIVE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
188%LCLop empty : -> _char_Vec
189%LCLop __ > __ :int, int -> bool
190%LCLop __ > __ :double, double -> bool
191%LCLop ENORESOURCES : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
192%LCLop ENOSYSTEM : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
193%LCLop ENODUST : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
194%LCLop count :char, _char_Vec -> int
195%LCLop EDUPNOCONN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
196%LCLop head :_char_Vec -> char
197%LCLop __ \inv :double -> double
198%LCLop EDUPNODISCONN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
199%LCLop init :_char_Vec -> _char_Vec
200%LCLop EDUPNOTCNTD : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
201%LCLop isEmpty :_char_Vec -> bool
202%LCLop EDUPNOTIDLE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
203%LCLop last :_char_Vec -> char
204%LCLop EDUPNOTWAIT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
205%LCLop len :_char_Vec -> int
206%LCLop __ \implies __ :bool, bool -> bool
207%LCLop EDUPNOTRUN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
208%LCLop prefix :_char_Vec, int -> _char_Vec
209%LCLop __ / __ :double, double -> double
210%LCLop EDUPBADOPCODE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
211%LCLop removePrefix :_char_Vec, int -> _char_Vec
212%LCLop EDUPINTRANSIT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
213%LCLop substring :_char_Vec, int, int -> _char_Vec
214%LCLop __ || __ :_char_Vec, _char_Vec -> _char_Vec
215%LCLop EDUPTOOMANYCPUS : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
216%LCLop tail :_char_Vec -> _char_Vec
217%LCLop __ \in __ :char, _char_Vec -> bool
218%LCLop nullTerminated :_char_Vec -> bool
219%LCLop throughNull :_char_Vec -> _char_Vec
220%LCLop sameStr :_char_Vec, _char_Vec -> bool
221%LCLop __ \select decimal_point :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
222%LCLop __ \select decimal_point :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
223%LCLop lenStr :_char_Vec -> int
224%LCLop __ \select thousands_sep :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
225%LCLop __ \select thousands_sep :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
226%LCLop times10plus :int, int -> int
227%LCLop __ \field_arrow decimal_point :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
228%LCLop __ \select grouping :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
229%LCLop __ \select grouping :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
230%LCLop plus1 :int -> int
231%LCLop __ \field_arrow thousands_sep :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
232%LCLop __ \select int_curr_symbol :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
233%LCLop __ \select int_curr_symbol :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
234%LCLop 2 : -> int
235%LCLop __ \field_arrow grouping :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
236%LCLop __ \select currency_symbol :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
237%LCLop __ \select currency_symbol :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
238%LCLop 3 : -> int
239%LCLtag exception struct
240%LCLop __ \field_arrow int_curr_symbol :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
241%LCLop __ \select mon_decimal_point :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
242%LCLop __ \select mon_decimal_point :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
243%LCLop 4 : -> int
244%LCLop __ \field_arrow currency_symbol :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
245%LCLop __ \select mon_thousands_sep :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
246%LCLop __ \select mon_thousands_sep :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
247%LCLop 5 : -> int
248%LCLop __ \field_arrow mon_decimal_point :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
249%LCLop __ \select mon_grouping :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
250%LCLop __ \select mon_grouping :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
251%LCLop 6 : -> int
252%LCLop __ \field_arrow mon_thousands_sep :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
253%LCLop __ \select positive_sign :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
254%LCLop __ \select positive_sign :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
255%LCLop 7 : -> int
256%LCLop __ \field_arrow mon_grouping :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
257%LCLop __ \select negative_sign :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
258%LCLop __ \select negative_sign :_lconv_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
259%LCLop 8 : -> int
260%LCLop __ \field_arrow positive_sign :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
261%LCLop __ \select int_frac_digits :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
262%LCLop __ \select int_frac_digits :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
263%LCLop 9 : -> int
264%LCLop __ \field_arrow negative_sign :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
265%LCLop __ \select frac_digits :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
266%LCLop __ \select frac_digits :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
267%LCLop __ \field_arrow int_frac_digits :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
268%LCLop __ \select p_cs_precedes :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
269%LCLop __ \select p_cs_precedes :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
270%LCLop __ \field_arrow frac_digits :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
271%LCLop __ \select p_sep_by_space :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
272%LCLop __ \select p_sep_by_space :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
273%LCLop __ \field_arrow p_cs_precedes :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
274%LCLop __ \select n_cs_precedes :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
275%LCLop __ \select n_cs_precedes :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
276%LCLop __ \field_arrow p_sep_by_space :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
277%LCLop __ \select n_sep_by_space :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
278%LCLop __ \select n_sep_by_space :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
279%LCLop __ \field_arrow n_cs_precedes :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
280%LCLop __ \select p_sign_posn :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
281%LCLop __ \select p_sign_posn :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
282%LCLop __ \field_arrow n_sep_by_space :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
283%LCLop __ \select n_sign_posn :_lconv_Struct_Tuple -> char
284%LCLop __ \select n_sign_posn :_lconv_Struct -> _char_Obj
285%LCLop __ \field_arrow p_sign_posn :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
286%LCLop __ \field_arrow n_sign_posn :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> _char_Obj
287%LCLop __ * __ :int, int -> int
288%LCLop __ * __ :double, double -> double
289%LCLop true : -> bool
290%LCLop false : -> bool
291%LCLop __ \and __ :bool, bool -> bool
292%LCLop __ \or __ :bool, bool -> bool
293%LCLop __ \eq __ :bool, bool -> bool
294%LCLop __ \eq __ :int, int -> bool
295%LCLop __ \eq __ :double, double -> bool
296%LCLop __ \eq __ :_char_Vec, _char_Vec -> bool
297%LCLop __ \eq __ :char, char -> bool
298%LCLop \not __ :bool -> bool
299%LCLop __ \neq __ :bool, bool -> bool
300%LCLop __ \neq __ :int, int -> bool
301%LCLop __ \neq __ :double, double -> bool
302%LCLop __ \neq __ :_char_Vec, _char_Vec -> bool
303%LCLop __ \neq __ :char, char -> bool
304%LCLop { __ } :char -> _char_Vec
305%LCLop EPERM : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
306%LCLop ENOENT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
307%LCLop ESRCH : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
308%LCLop EINTR : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
309%LCLop __ \select ttype :_exception_Struct_Tuple -> int
310%LCLop __ \select ttype :_exception_Struct -> _int_Obj
311%LCLop EIO : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
312%LCLop __ \select name :_exception_Struct_Tuple -> __char_Obj_Ptr
313%LCLop __ \select name :_exception_Struct -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
314%LCLop ENXIO : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
315%LCLop __ \field_arrow ttype :__exception_Struct_Ptr -> _int_Obj
316%LCLop __ \select arg1 :_exception_Struct_Tuple -> double
317%LCLop __ \select arg1 :_exception_Struct -> _double_Obj
318%LCLop E2BIG : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
319%LCLop __ \field_arrow name :__exception_Struct_Ptr -> ___char_Obj_Ptr_Obj
320%LCLop __ \select arg2 :_exception_Struct_Tuple -> double
321%LCLop __ \select arg2 :_exception_Struct -> _double_Obj
322%LCLop ENOEXEC : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
323%LCLop __ \field_arrow arg1 :__exception_Struct_Ptr -> _double_Obj
324%LCLop __ \select retval :_exception_Struct_Tuple -> double
325%LCLop __ \select retval :_exception_Struct -> _double_Obj
326%LCLop EBADF : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
327%LCLop __ \field_arrow arg2 :__exception_Struct_Ptr -> _double_Obj
328%LCLop ECHILD : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
329%LCLop __ \field_arrow retval :__exception_Struct_Ptr -> _double_Obj
330%LCLop EAGAIN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
331%LCLop __ [] :__char_Obj_Ptr -> __char_Obj_Arr
332%LCLop __ [] :__lconv_Struct_Ptr -> __lconv_Struct_Arr
333%LCLop __ [] :__exception_Struct_Ptr -> __exception_Struct_Arr
334%LCLop __ [] :__int_Obj_Ptr -> __int_Obj_Arr
335%LCLop __ [] :__double_Obj_Ptr -> __double_Obj_Arr
336%LCLop ENOMEM : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
337%LCLop EACCES : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
338%LCLop __ [__] :_char_Vec, int -> char
339%LCLop __ [__] :__char_Obj_Arr, int -> _char_Obj
340%LCLop __ [__] :__lconv_Struct_Tuple_Vec, int -> _lconv_Struct_Tuple
341%LCLop __ [__] :__lconv_Struct_Arr, int -> _lconv_Struct
342%LCLop __ [__] :__exception_Struct_Tuple_Vec, int -> _exception_Struct_Tuple
343%LCLop __ [__] :__exception_Struct_Arr, int -> _exception_Struct
344%LCLop __ [__] :_int_Vec, int -> int
345%LCLop __ [__] :__int_Obj_Arr, int -> _int_Obj
346%LCLop __ [__] :_double_Vec, int -> double
347%LCLop __ [__] :__double_Obj_Arr, int -> _double_Obj
348%LCLop EFAULT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
349%LCLop __ |- __ :_char_Vec, char -> _char_Vec
350%LCLop ENOTBLK : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
351%LCLop EBUSY : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
352%LCLop __ -| __ :char, _char_Vec -> _char_Vec
353%LCLop [__, __, __, __, __] :double, double, double, __char_Obj_Ptr, int -> _exception_Struct_Tuple
354%LCLop EEXIST : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
355%LCLop EXDEV : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
356%LCLop ENODEV : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
357%LCLop ENOTDIR : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
358%LCLop __ \leq __ :int, int -> bool
359%LCLop __ \leq __ :double, double -> bool
360%LCLop EISDIR : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
361%LCLop EINVAL : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
362%LCLop __ \geq __ :int, int -> bool
363%LCLop __ \geq __ :double, double -> bool
364%LCLop ENFILE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
365%LCLop EMFILE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
366%LCLop ENOTTY : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
367%LCLop ETXTBSY : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
368%LCLop null : -> char
369%LCLop EFBIG : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
370%LCLop ENOSPC : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
371%LCLop ESPIPE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
372%LCLop EROFS : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
373%LCLop EMLINK : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
374%LCLop EPIPE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
375%LCLop EDOM : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
376%LCLop ERANGE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
377%LCLop EWOULDBLOCK : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
378%LCLop EINPROGRESS : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
379%LCLop EALREADY : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
380%LCLop ENOTSOCK : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
381%LCLop EDESTADDRREQ : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
382%LCLop EMSGSIZE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
383%LCLop EPROTOTYPE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
384%LCLop ENOPROTOOPT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
385%LCLop [__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __] :char, char, char, char, char, char, char, char, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr -> _lconv_Struct_Tuple
386%LCLop EPROTONOSUPPORT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
387%LCLop ESOCKTNOSUPPORT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
388%LCLop EOPNOTSUPP : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
389%LCLop EPFNOSUPPORT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
390%LCLop EAFNOSUPPORT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
391%LCLop EADDRINUSE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
392%LCLop EADDRNOTAVAIL : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
393%LCLop NIL : -> __char_Obj_Ptr
394%LCLop NIL : -> __lconv_Struct_Ptr
395%LCLop NIL : -> __exception_Struct_Ptr
396%LCLop NIL : -> __int_Obj_Ptr
397%LCLop NIL : -> __double_Obj_Ptr
398%LCLop ENETDOWN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
399%LCLop ENETUNREACH : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
400%LCLop ENETRESET : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
401%LCLop ECONNABORTED : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
402%LCLop ECONNRESET : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
403%LCLop ENOBUFS : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
404%LCLop EISCONN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
405%LCLop - __ :int -> int
406%LCLop - __ :double -> double
407%LCLop ENOTCONN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
408%LCLop __ + __ :__char_Obj_Ptr, int -> __char_Obj_Ptr
409%LCLop __ + __ :int, __char_Obj_Ptr -> __char_Obj_Ptr
410%LCLop __ + __ :int, int -> int
411%LCLop __ + __ :double, double -> double
412%LCLop __ + __ :__lconv_Struct_Ptr, int -> __lconv_Struct_Ptr
413%LCLop __ + __ :int, __lconv_Struct_Ptr -> __lconv_Struct_Ptr
414%LCLop __ + __ :__exception_Struct_Ptr, int -> __exception_Struct_Ptr
415%LCLop __ + __ :int, __exception_Struct_Ptr -> __exception_Struct_Ptr
416%LCLop __ + __ :__int_Obj_Ptr, int -> __int_Obj_Ptr
417%LCLop __ + __ :int, __int_Obj_Ptr -> __int_Obj_Ptr
418%LCLop __ + __ :__double_Obj_Ptr, int -> __double_Obj_Ptr
419%LCLop __ + __ :int, __double_Obj_Ptr -> __double_Obj_Ptr
420%LCLop ESHUTDOWN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
421%LCLop __ - __ :__char_Obj_Ptr, int -> __char_Obj_Ptr
422%LCLop __ - __ :__char_Obj_Ptr, __char_Obj_Ptr -> int
423%LCLop __ - __ :int, int -> int
424%LCLop __ - __ :double, double -> double
425%LCLop __ - __ :__lconv_Struct_Ptr, int -> __lconv_Struct_Ptr
426%LCLop __ - __ :__lconv_Struct_Ptr, __lconv_Struct_Ptr -> int
427%LCLop __ - __ :__exception_Struct_Ptr, int -> __exception_Struct_Ptr
428%LCLop __ - __ :__exception_Struct_Ptr, __exception_Struct_Ptr -> int
429%LCLop __ - __ :__int_Obj_Ptr, int -> __int_Obj_Ptr
430%LCLop __ - __ :__int_Obj_Ptr, __int_Obj_Ptr -> int
431%LCLop __ - __ :__double_Obj_Ptr, int -> __double_Obj_Ptr
432%LCLop __ - __ :__double_Obj_Ptr, __double_Obj_Ptr -> int
433%LCLop sizeof :bool -> int
434%LCLop sizeof :int -> int
435%LCLop sizeof :char -> int
436%LCLop sizeof :void -> int
437%LCLop sizeof :float -> int
438%LCLop sizeof :double -> int
439%LCLop sizeof :_eerrno0e_Enum -> int
440%LCLop sizeof :_emath1e_Enum -> int
441%LCLop DOMAIN : -> _emath1e_Enum
442%LCLop ETOOMANYREFS : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
443%LCLop SING : -> _emath1e_Enum
444%LCLop ETIMEDOUT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
445%LCLop OVERFLOW : -> _emath1e_Enum
446%LCLop ECONNREFUSED : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
447%LCLop isSub :_char_Vec, int -> bool
448%LCLop isSub :__char_Obj_Arr, int -> bool
449%LCLop isSub :__lconv_Struct_Tuple_Vec, int -> bool
450%LCLop isSub :__lconv_Struct_Arr, int -> bool
451%LCLop isSub :__exception_Struct_Tuple_Vec, int -> bool
452%LCLop isSub :__exception_Struct_Arr, int -> bool
453%LCLop isSub :_int_Vec, int -> bool
454%LCLop isSub :__int_Obj_Arr, int -> bool
455%LCLop isSub :_double_Vec, int -> bool
456%LCLop isSub :__double_Obj_Arr, int -> bool
457%LCLtag lconv struct
458%LCLop UNDERFLOW : -> _emath1e_Enum
459%LCLop ELOOP : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
460%LCLop TLOSS : -> _emath1e_Enum
461%LCLop ENAMETOOLONG : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
462%LCLop PLOSS : -> _emath1e_Enum
463%LCLop EHOSTDOWN : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
464%LCLop EHOSTUNREACH : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
465%LCLop ENOTEMPTY : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
466%LCLop succ :int -> int
467%LCLop EPROCLIM : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
468%LCLop pred :int -> int
469%LCLop EUSERS : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
470%LCLop EDQUOT : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
471%LCLop ESTALE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
472%LCLop abs :int -> int
473%LCLop abs :double -> double
474%LCLop EREMOTE : -> _eerrno0e_Enum
475%LCLop div :int, int -> int
476%LCLtype float float exposed
477%LCLtype bool bool immutable
478%LCLconst FALSE bool
479%LCLconst TRUE bool
480%LCLvar errno _int_Obj
481%LCLvar signgam _int_Obj
482%LCLtype __exception ___exception exposed
483%LCLfcn acos : double -> double
485%LCLfcn acosh : double -> double
487%LCLfcn asin : double -> double
489%LCLfcn asinh : double -> double
491%LCLfcn atan : double -> double
493%LCLfcn atanh : double -> double
495%LCLfcn atan2 : double, double -> double
497%LCLfcn cbrt : double -> double
499%LCLfcn ceil : double -> double
501%LCLfcn cos : double -> double
503%LCLfcn cosh : double -> double
505%LCLfcn exp : double -> double
507%LCLfcn fabs : double -> double
509%LCLfcn floor : double -> double
511%LCLfcn fmod : double, double -> double
513%LCLfcn frexp : double, __int_Obj_Ptr -> double
515%LCLfcn ldexp : double, int -> double
517%LCLfcn log : double -> double
519%LCLfcn log10 : double -> double
521%LCLfcn modf : double, __double_Obj_Ptr -> double
523%LCLfcn pow : double, double -> double
525%LCLfcn rint : double -> double
527%LCLfcn sin : double -> double
529%LCLfcn sinh : double -> double
531%LCLfcn sqrt : double -> double
533%LCLfcn tan : double -> double
535%LCLfcn tanh : double -> double
537%LCLfcn trunc : double -> double
539%LCLfcn j0 : double -> double
541%LCLfcn j1 : double -> double
543%LCLfcn jn : int, double -> double
545%LCLfcn y0 : double -> double
547%LCLfcn y1 : double -> double
549%LCLfcn yn : int, double -> double
551%LCLfcn erf : double -> double
553%LCLfcn erfc : double -> double
555%LCLfcn gamma : double -> double
557%LCLfcn lgamma : double -> double
559%LCLfcn hypot : double, double -> double
561%LCLfcn isnan : -> int
563%LCLfcn matherr : __exception_Struct_Ptr -> int
565%LCLconst M_E double
566%LCLconst M_LOG2E double
567%LCLconst M_LOG10E double
568%LCLconst M_LN2 double
569%LCLconst M_LN10 double
570%LCLconst M_PI double
571%LCLconst M_PI_2 double
572%LCLconst M_PI_4 double
573%LCLconst M_1_PI double
574%LCLconst M_2_PI double
575%LCLconst M_2_SQRTPI double
576%LCLconst M_SQRT2 double
577%LCLconst M_SQRT1_2 double
578%LCLconst MAXFLOAT double
579%LCLconst HUGE double
580%LCLenumConst DOMAIN _emath1e_Enum
581%LCLenumConst SING _emath1e_Enum
582%LCLenumConst OVERFLOW _emath1e_Enum
583%LCLenumConst UNDERFLOW _emath1e_Enum
584%LCLenumConst TLOSS _emath1e_Enum
585%LCLenumConst PLOSS _emath1e_Enum
586%LCLvar _matherrors __emath1e_Enum_Obj
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