/* $Id$ * * This is the file cluster.c for the Moira Client, which allows users * to quickly and easily maintain most parts of the Moira database. * It Contains: * * Created: 4/22/88 * By: Chris D. Peterson * * Copyright (C) 1988-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ /* BTW: for anyone who cares MCD is short for Machine, Cluster, Data. */ #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "f_defs.h" #include "globals.h" #include #ifdef HAVE_UNAME #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #include #endif /* _WIN32 */ #include #include #include #include void PrintAliases(char **info); static void PrintMachine(char **info); struct mqelem *GetMCInfo(int type, char *name1, char *name2); struct mqelem *GetMachineByOwner(char *type, char *name); char **AskMCDInfo(char **info, int type, Bool name); int CheckAndRemoveFromCluster(char *name, Bool ask_user); int CheckAndRemoveCnames(char *name, Bool ask_user); int CheckAndRemoveMachines(char *name, Bool ask_first); static char *PrintContainerInfo(char **info); static void RealUpdateContainer(char **info, Bool junk); static void RealDeleteContainer(char **info, Bool one_container); static void RealRemoveMachineFromContainer(char **info, Bool one_contmap); #define MACHINE 0 #define CLUSTER 1 #define DATA 2 #define MAP 3 #define SUBNET 4 #define CNAME 5 #define CONTAINER 6 #define CONTMAP 7 #define M_DEFAULT_TYPE DEFAULT_NONE #define C_DEFAULT_DESCRIPT DEFAULT_NONE #define C_DEFAULT_LOCATION DEFAULT_NONE #define CON_DEFAULT_TYPE DEFAULT_NONE #define CD_DEFAULT_LABEL DEFAULT_NONE #define CD_DEFAULT_DATA DEFAULT_NONE #define S_DEFAULT_LOW "" #define S_DEFAULT_HIGH "" static char *states[] = { "Reserved (0)", "Active (1)", "None (2)", "Deleted (3)" }; static char *subnet_states[] = { "Reserved (0)", "Billable (1)", "Private (2)", "Resnet (3)", "Infrastructure (4)" }; static char *MacState(int state) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; if (state < 0 || state > 3) { sprintf(buf, "Unknown (%d)", state); return buf; } return states[state]; } static char *SubnetState(int state) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; if (state < 0 || state > 4) { sprintf(buf, "Unknown (%d)", state); return buf; } return subnet_states[state]; } /* -------------------- Set Defaults -------------------- */ /* Function Name: SetMachineDefaults * Description: sets machine defaults. * Arguments: info - an array to put the defaults into. * name - Canonacalized name of the machine. * Returns: info - the array. */ static char **SetMachineDefaults(char **info, char *name) { info[M_NAME] = strdup(name); info[M_VENDOR] = strdup(M_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[M_MODEL] = strdup(M_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[M_OS] = strdup(M_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[M_LOC] = strdup(M_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[M_CONTACT] = strdup(M_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[M_BILL_CONTACT] = strdup(M_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[M_ACCT_NUMBER] = strdup(""); info[M_USE] = strdup("0"); info[M_STAT] = strdup("1"); info[M_SUBNET] = strdup("NONE"); info[M_ADDR] = strdup("unique"); info[M_OWNER_TYPE] = strdup("NONE"); info[M_OWNER_NAME] = strdup("NONE"); info[M_ACOMMENT] = strdup(""); info[M_OCOMMENT] = strdup(""); info[17] = info[18] = NULL; return info; } /* Function Name: SetClusterDefaults * Description: sets Cluster defaults. * Arguments: info - an array to put the defaults into. * name - name of the Cluster. * Returns: info - the array. */ static char **SetClusterDefaults(char **info, char *name) { info[C_NAME] = strdup(name); info[C_DESCRIPT] = strdup(C_DEFAULT_DESCRIPT); info[C_LOCATION] = strdup(C_DEFAULT_LOCATION); info[C_MODBY] = info[C_MODTIME] = info[C_MODWITH] = info[C_END] = NULL; return info; } static char **SetContainerDefaults(char **info, char *name) { info[CON_NAME] = strdup(name); info[CON_DESCRIPT] = strdup(CON_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[CON_LOCATION] = strdup(CON_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[CON_CONTACT] = strdup(CON_DEFAULT_TYPE); info[CON_OWNER_TYPE] = strdup("NONE"); info[CON_OWNER_NAME] = strdup("NONE"); info[CON_MEMACE_TYPE] = strdup("NONE"); info[CON_MEMACE_NAME] = strdup("NONE"); info[CON_MODBY] = info[CON_MODTIME] = info[CON_MODWITH] = NULL; info[CON_END] = NULL; return info; } /* Function Name: SetSubnetDefaults * Description: sets Subnet defaults. * Arguments: info - an array to put the defaults into. * name - name of the Subnet. * Returns: info - the array. */ static char **SetSubnetDefaults(char **info, char *name) { char buf[256]; info[SN_NAME] = strdup(name); info[SN_DESC] = strdup(""); info[SN_STATUS] = strdup("1"); info[SN_CONTACT] = strdup(DEFAULT_NONE); info[SN_ACCT_NUMBER] = strdup(""); sprintf(buf, "%ld", ntohl(inet_addr(""))); info[SN_ADDRESS] = strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "%ld", ntohl(inet_addr(""))); info[SN_MASK] = strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "%ld", ntohl(inet_addr(S_DEFAULT_LOW))); info[SN_LOW] = strdup(buf); sprintf(buf, "%ld", ntohl(inet_addr(S_DEFAULT_HIGH))); info[SN_HIGH] = strdup(buf); info[SN_PREFIX] = strdup(""); info[SN_ACE_TYPE] = strdup("LIST"); info[SN_ACE_NAME] = strdup("network"); info[SN_MODBY] = info[SN_MODTIME] = info[SN_MODWITH] = info[SN_END] = NULL; return info; } /* -------------------- General Functions -------------------- */ static char aliasbuf[256]; void PrintAliases(char **info) { if (strlen(aliasbuf) == 0) sprintf(aliasbuf, "Aliases: %s", info[0]); else { strcat(aliasbuf, ", "); strcat(aliasbuf, info[0]); } } /* Function Name: PrintMachInfo * Description: This function Prints out the Machine info in * a coherent form. * Arguments: info - array of information about a machine. * Returns: The name of the Machine */ static char *PrintMachInfo(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ], tbuf[256]; char *args[3]; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; int stat; Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Machine: %s", info[M_NAME]); Put_message(buf); args[0] = "*"; args[1] = info[M_NAME]; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_hostalias", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { if (stat != MR_NO_MATCH) com_err(program_name, stat, " looking up aliases"); } else { aliasbuf[0] = 0; Loop(QueueTop(elem), (void (*)(char **)) PrintAliases); FreeQueue(elem); Put_message(aliasbuf); } sprintf(tbuf, "%s %s", info[M_OWNER_TYPE], strcmp(info[M_OWNER_TYPE], "NONE") ? info[M_OWNER_NAME] : ""); sprintf(buf, "Address: %-16s Network: %-16s", info[M_ADDR], info[M_SUBNET]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Owner: %-16s Use data: %s", tbuf, info[M_INUSE]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Status: %-16s Changed: %s", MacState(atoi(info[M_STAT])), info[M_STAT_CHNG]); Put_message(buf); Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Vendor: %-16s Location: %s", info[M_VENDOR], info[M_LOC]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Model: %-16s Contact: %s", info[M_MODEL], info[M_CONTACT]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "OS: %-16s Billing Contact: %s", info[M_OS], info[M_BILL_CONTACT]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Opt: %-16s Account Number: %s", info[M_USE], info[M_ACCT_NUMBER]); Put_message(buf); Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Adm cmt: %s", info[M_ACOMMENT]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Op cmt: %s", info[M_OCOMMENT]); Put_message(buf); Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Created by %s on %s", info[M_CREATOR], info[M_CREATED]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[M_MODBY], info[M_MODTIME], info[M_MODWITH]); Put_message(buf); /* Do a get_subnet for the machine's subnet. We need to know if it's * Private. */ args[0] = info[M_SUBNET]; stat = do_mr_query("get_subnet", 1, args, StoreInfo, &elem); if (stat) com_err(program_name, stat, " looking up subnet info"); if (atoi(((char **)elem->q_data)[2]) == SNET_STATUS_PRIVATE) { Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Warning: This host is on a private subnet."); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Billing information shown is superceded by billing information for the subnet."); Put_message(buf); } return info[M_NAME]; } /* Function Name: PrintMachine * Description: Prints the name of a machine record * Arguments: info - array of information about the machine. * Returns: nothing. */ static void PrintMachine(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "Machine: %s", info[M_NAME]); Put_message(buf); } /* Function Name: PrintCname * Description: Prints the Data on a host alias * Arguments: info a pointer to the data array. * Returns: The name of the alias. */ static char *PrintCname(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "Alias: %-32s Canonical Name: %s", info[0], info[1]); Put_message(buf); return info[0]; } /* Function Name: PrintClusterInfo * Description: This function Prints out the cluster info * in a coherent form. * Arguments: info - array of information about a cluster. * Returns: The name of the cluster. */ static char *PrintClusterInfo(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Cluster: %s", info[C_NAME]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Description: %s", info[C_DESCRIPT]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Location: %s", info[C_LOCATION]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[C_MODBY], info[C_MODTIME], info[C_MODWITH]); Put_message(buf); return info[C_NAME]; } /* Function Name: PrintClusterData * Description: Prints the Data on a cluster * Arguments: info a pointer to the data array. * Returns: The name of the cluster. */ static char *PrintClusterData(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Cluster: %-20s Label: %-15s Data: %s", info[CD_NAME], info[CD_LABEL], info[CD_DATA]); Put_message(buf); return info[CD_NAME]; } /* Function Name: PrintMCMap * Description: Prints the data about a machine to cluster mapping. * Arguments: info a pointer to the data array. * Returns: none */ static char *PrintMCMap(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "Cluster: %-30s Machine: %-20s", info[MAP_CLUSTER], info[MAP_MACHINE]); Put_message(buf); return ""; /* Used by QueryLoop(). */ } /* Function Name: PrintSubnetInfo * Description: This function Prints out the subnet info * in a coherent form. * Arguments: info - array of information about a subnet. * Returns: The name of the subnet. */ static char *PrintSubnetInfo(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; struct in_addr addr, mask, low, high; Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, " Network: %s", info[SN_NAME]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, " Description: %s", info[SN_DESC]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, " Status: %s", SubnetState(atoi(info[SN_STATUS]))); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, " Contact: %s", info[SN_CONTACT]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, " Account Number: %s", info[SN_ACCT_NUMBER]); Put_message(buf); addr.s_addr = htonl(atoi(info[SN_ADDRESS])); mask.s_addr = htonl(atoi(info[SN_MASK])); low.s_addr = htonl(atoi(info[SN_LOW])); high.s_addr = htonl(atoi(info[SN_HIGH])); /* screwy sequence is here because inet_ntoa returns a pointer to a static buf. If it were all one sprintf, the last value would appear 4 times. */ sprintf(buf, " Address: %s Mask: ", inet_ntoa(addr)); strcat(buf, inet_ntoa(mask)); strcat(buf, "\n High: "); strcat(buf, inet_ntoa(high)); strcat(buf, " Low: "); strcat(buf, inet_ntoa(low)); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Hostname prefix: %s", info[SN_PREFIX]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, " Owner: %s %s\n", info[SN_ACE_TYPE], strcmp(info[SN_ACE_TYPE], "NONE") ? info[SN_ACE_NAME] : ""); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[SN_MODBY], info[SN_MODTIME], info[SN_MODWITH]); Put_message(buf); return info[SN_NAME]; } /* Function Name: GetMCInfo. * Description: This function stores info about a machine. * type - type of data we are trying to retrieve. * name1 - the name of argv[0] for the call. * name2 - the name of argv[1] for the call. * Returns: the top element of a queue containing the data or NULL. */ struct mqelem *GetMCInfo(int type, char *name1, char *name2) { int stat; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; char *args[5]; switch (type) { case MACHINE: args[0] = name1; args[1] = args[2] = args[3] = "*"; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_host", 4, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "Machine '%s' is not in the database.", name1); Put_message(buf); } else com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machine."); return NULL; } break; case CNAME: args[0] = name1; args[1] = name2; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_hostalias", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_hostalias."); return NULL; } break; case SUBNET: if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_subnet", 1, &name1, StoreInfo, &elem))) { if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "Network '%s' is not in the database.", name1); Put_message(buf); } else com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_subnet."); return NULL; } break; case CLUSTER: if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_cluster", 1, &name1, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_cluster."); return NULL; } break; case MAP: args[MAP_MACHINE] = name1; args[MAP_CLUSTER] = name2; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_machine_to_cluster_map", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machine_to_cluster_map."); return NULL; } break; case DATA: args[CD_NAME] = name1; args[CD_LABEL] = name2; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_cluster_data", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_cluster_data."); return NULL; } break; case CONTAINER: args[CON_NAME] = name1; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_container", 1, &name1, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_container."); return NULL; } break; case CONTMAP: args[0] = name1; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_machine_to_container_map", 1, &name1, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machine_to_container_map."); return NULL; } } return QueueTop(elem); } /* Function Name: AskMCDInfo. * Description: This function askes the user for information about a * machine and saves it into a structure. * Arguments: info - a pointer the information to ask about * type - type of information - MACHINE * CLUSTER * DATA * CONTAINER * name - T/F : change the name of this type. * Returns: none. */ char **AskMCDInfo(char **info, int type, Bool name) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *newname, *oldnewname; switch (type) { case MACHINE: sprintf(temp_buf, "\nSetting the information for the Machine %s...", info[M_NAME]); break; case SUBNET: sprintf(temp_buf, "Setting the information for the Network %s...", info[SN_NAME]); break; case CLUSTER: sprintf(temp_buf, "Setting the information for the Cluster %s...", info[C_NAME]); break; case DATA: sprintf(temp_buf, "Setting the Data for the Cluster %s...", info[CD_NAME]); break; case CONTAINER: sprintf(temp_buf, "Setting the Data for the Container %s...", info[CON_NAME]); break; } Put_message(temp_buf); if (name) { switch (type) { case MACHINE: newname = strdup(info[M_NAME]); if (GetValueFromUser("The new name for this machine? ", &newname) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; oldnewname = strdup(newname); newname = canonicalize_hostname(newname); if (strcasecmp(newname, oldnewname) && *oldnewname != '"') { sprintf(temp_buf, "Warning: '%s' canonicalized to '%s'\n", oldnewname, newname); Put_message(temp_buf); } free(oldnewname); break; case SUBNET: newname = strdup(info[SN_NAME]); if (GetValueFromUser("The new name for this network? ", &newname) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; break; case CLUSTER: newname = strdup(info[C_NAME]); if (GetValueFromUser("The new name for this cluster? ", &newname) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; break; case CONTAINER: newname = strdup(info[CON_NAME]); if (GetValueFromUser("The new name for this container? ", &newname) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; break; default: Put_message("Unknown type in AskMCDInfo, programmer botch"); return NULL; } } switch (type) { case MACHINE: if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's vendor", &info[M_VENDOR]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's model", &info[M_MODEL]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's operating system", &info[M_OS]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's location", &info[M_LOC]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's contact", &info[M_CONTACT]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's billing contact", &info[M_BILL_CONTACT]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's billing account number", &info[M_ACCT_NUMBER]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; while (1) { int i; if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's status (? for help)", &info[M_STAT]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (isdigit(info[M_STAT][0])) break; Put_message("Valid status numbers:"); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) Put_message(states[i]); } /* there appears to be some argument mismatch between the client * and the server.. so here is this argument shuffler. * I have since modified this to always shuffle the arguments.. * not just do so when performing a modify all fields request. * The SetMachinedefaults() has been changed to reflect this. * pray for us and may we attain enlightenment through structures. */ if (name) { /* info did not come from SetMachineDefaults(), which does not * initialize entry 10 (M_STAT_CHNG), therefore we can * free it. */ /* This is an update of an existing machine and the structure * was filled in thru a query to the db which does fill in this * field. */ free(info[10]); } info[10] = info[M_SUBNET]; info[11] = info[M_ADDR]; info[12] = info[M_OWNER_TYPE]; info[13] = info[M_OWNER_NAME]; info[14] = info[M_ACOMMENT]; info[15] = info[M_OCOMMENT]; if (name) { if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's network (or 'none')", &info[10]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; } if (GetValueFromUser("Machine's address (or 'unassigned' or 'unique')", &info[11]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetTypeFromUser("Machine's owner type", "ace_type", &info[12]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (strcmp(info[12], "NONE") && GetValueFromUser("Owner's Name", &info[13]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (!strcmp(info[12], "KERBEROS")) { char *canon; mrcl_validate_kerberos_member(info[13], &canon); if (mrcl_get_message()) Put_message(mrcl_get_message()); free(info[13]); info[13] = canon; } if (GetValueFromUser("Administrative comment", &info[14]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Operational comment", &info[15]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; info[16] = NULL; FreeAndClear(&info[17], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[18], TRUE); break; case SUBNET: if (GetValueFromUser("Network description", &info[SN_DESC]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; while (1) { int i; if (GetValueFromUser("Network's status (? for help)", &info[SN_STATUS]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (isdigit(info[SN_STATUS][0])) break; Put_message("Valid status numbers:"); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) Put_message(subnet_states[i]); } if (GetValueFromUser("Network's contact", &info[SN_CONTACT]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Network's billing account number", &info[SN_ACCT_NUMBER]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetAddressFromUser("Network address", &info[SN_ADDRESS]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetAddressFromUser("Network mask", &info[SN_MASK]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (atoi(info[SN_LOW]) == (int)ntohl(inet_addr(S_DEFAULT_LOW))) { struct in_addr low; unsigned long mask, addr; addr = atoi(info[SN_ADDRESS]); mask = atoi(info[SN_MASK]); low.s_addr = atoi(info[SN_LOW]); low.s_addr = (low.s_addr & ~mask) | (addr & mask); free(info[SN_LOW]); sprintf(temp_buf, "%ld", low.s_addr); info[SN_LOW] = strdup(temp_buf); } if (GetAddressFromUser("Lowest assignable address", &info[SN_LOW]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (atoi(info[SN_HIGH]) == (int)ntohl(inet_addr(S_DEFAULT_HIGH))) { struct in_addr high; unsigned long mask, addr; addr = atoi(info[SN_ADDRESS]); mask = atoi(info[SN_MASK]); high.s_addr = atoi(info[SN_HIGH]); high.s_addr = (high.s_addr & ~mask) | (addr & mask); free(info[SN_HIGH]); sprintf(temp_buf, "%ld", high.s_addr); info[SN_HIGH] = strdup(temp_buf); } if (GetAddressFromUser("Highest assignable address", &info[SN_HIGH]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Hostname prefix", &info[SN_PREFIX]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetTypeFromUser("Owner type", "ace_type", &info[SN_ACE_TYPE]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (strcmp(info[SN_ACE_TYPE], "NONE") && GetValueFromUser("Owner name", &info[SN_ACE_NAME]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (!strcmp(info[SN_ACE_TYPE], "KERBEROS")) { char *canon; mrcl_validate_kerberos_member(info[SN_ACE_NAME], &canon); if (mrcl_get_message()) Put_message(mrcl_get_message()); free(info[SN_ACE_NAME]); info[SN_ACE_NAME] = canon; } FreeAndClear(&info[SN_MODTIME], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[SN_MODBY], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[SN_MODWITH], TRUE); break; case CLUSTER: if (GetValueFromUser("Cluster's Description:", &info[C_DESCRIPT]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Cluster's Location:", &info[C_LOCATION]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; FreeAndClear(&info[C_MODTIME], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[C_MODBY], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[C_MODWITH], TRUE); break; case DATA: if (GetValueFromUser("Label defining this data?", &info[CD_LABEL]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("The data itself ? ", &info[CD_DATA]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; break; case CONTAINER: if (GetValueFromUser("Container's Description:", &info[CON_DESCRIPT]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Container's Location:", &info[CON_LOCATION]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Container's Contact:", &info[CON_CONTACT]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (GetTypeFromUser("Container's owner type", "ace_type", &info[CON_OWNER_TYPE]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (strcmp(info[CON_OWNER_TYPE], "NONE") && GetValueFromUser("Owner's Name", &info[CON_OWNER_NAME]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (!strcmp(info[CON_OWNER_TYPE], "KERBEROS")) { char *canon; mrcl_validate_kerberos_member(info[CON_OWNER_NAME], &canon); if (mrcl_get_message()) Put_message(mrcl_get_message()); free(info[CON_OWNER_NAME]); info[CON_OWNER_NAME] = canon; } if (GetTypeFromUser("Container's Membership ACL", "ace_type", &info[CON_MEMACE_TYPE]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (strcmp(info[CON_MEMACE_TYPE], "NONE") && GetValueFromUser("Membership ACL", &info[CON_MEMACE_NAME]) == SUB_ERROR) return NULL; if (!strcmp(info[CON_MEMACE_TYPE], "KERBEROS")) { char *canon; mrcl_validate_kerberos_member(info[CON_MEMACE_NAME], &canon); if (mrcl_get_message()) Put_message(mrcl_get_message()); free(info[CON_MEMACE_NAME]); info[CON_MEMACE_NAME] = canon; } FreeAndClear(&info[CON_MODTIME], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[CON_MODBY], TRUE); FreeAndClear(&info[CON_MODWITH], TRUE); break; } /* * Slide the newname into the #2 slot, this screws up all future references * to this list. */ if (name) SlipInNewName(info, newname); return info; } /* ----------- Machine Menu ----------- */ /* Function Name: ShowMachineInfo * Description: This function shows the information about a machine. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the machine in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowMachineInfo(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; char *tmpname; tmpname = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); top = GetMCInfo(MACHINE, tmpname, NULL); Loop(top, ((void (*)(char **)) PrintMachInfo)); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: ShowMachineQuery * Description: This function shows the information about a machine. * or group of machines, which may be selected through a * number of criteria. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the machine in argv[1], * the address of the machine in argv[2], * the location of the machine in argv[3], * and the contact name in argv[4]. * any of these may be wildcards. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowMachineQuery(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; struct mqelem *top, *elem = NULL; char *args[5]; if (!strcmp(argv[1], "") && !strcmp(argv[2], "") && !strcmp(argv[3], "") && !strcmp(argv[4], "")) { Put_message("You must specify at least one parameter of the query."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (*argv[1]) args[0] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); else args[0] = "*"; if (*argv[2]) args[1] = argv[2]; else args[1] = "*"; if (*argv[3]) args[2] = argv[3]; else args[2] = "*"; if (*argv[4]) args[3] = argv[4]; else args[3] = "*"; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_host", 4, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) Put_message("No machine(s) found matching query in the database."); else com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machine."); return DM_NORMAL; } top = QueueTop(elem); Loop(top, ((void (*)(char **)) PrintMachInfo)); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: AddMachine * Description: This function adds a new machine to the database. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the network in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int AddMachine(int argc, char **argv) { char **args, *info[MAX_ARGS_SIZE], *name, buf[256], *xargs[5]; char **rinfo; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; int stat; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) /* Checks for wildcards. */ return DM_NORMAL; /* * get the network record */ if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "none") && (stat = do_mr_query("get_subnet", 1, &argv[1], StoreInfo, &elem))) { if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) { char buf[128]; sprintf(buf, "Network '%s' is not in the database.", argv[1]); Put_message(buf); } else com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_subnet."); return DM_NORMAL; } /* * Check to see if this machine already exists. */ name = strdup(""); /* want to put prefix here */ if (GetValueFromUser("Machine name", &name) == SUB_ERROR) return 0; name = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(name)); xargs[0] = name; xargs[1] = xargs[2] = xargs[3] = "*"; if (!(stat = do_mr_query("get_host", 4, xargs, NULL, NULL))) { sprintf(buf, "The machine '%s' already exists.", name); Put_message(buf); free(name); return DM_NORMAL; } else if (stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " while checking machine '%s' in AddMachine.", name); free(name); return DM_NORMAL; } rinfo = SetMachineDefaults(info, name); rinfo[M_SUBNET] = strdup(argv[1]); if (!(args = AskMCDInfo(rinfo, MACHINE, FALSE))) { Put_message("Aborted."); return DM_NORMAL; } /* * Actually create the new Machine. */ if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_host", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddMachine."); FreeInfo(info); free(name); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealUpdateMachine * Description: Performs the actual update of the machine data. * Arguments: info - the information on the machine to update. * junk - an UNUSED Boolean. * Returns: none. */ static void RealUpdateMachine(char **info, Bool junk) { int stat; char **args = AskMCDInfo(info, MACHINE, TRUE); if (!args) { Put_message("Aborted."); return; } if ((stat = do_mr_query("update_host", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in UpdateMachine."); else Put_message("Machine successfully updated."); } /* Function Name: UpdateMachine * Description: This function adds a new machine to the database. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the machine in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int UpdateMachine(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; char *tmpname; tmpname = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); top = GetMCInfo(MACHINE, tmpname, NULL); QueryLoop(top, NullPrint, RealUpdateMachine, "Update the machine"); FreeQueue(top); free(tmpname); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: CheckAndRemoveFromCluster * Description: This func tests to see if a machine is in a cluster. * and if so then removes it * Arguments: name - name of the machine (already Canonicalized). * ask_user- query the user before removing if from clusters? * Returns: MR_ERROR if machine left in a cluster, or mr_error. */ int CheckAndRemoveFromCluster(char *name, Bool ask_user) { int stat, ret_value; Bool delete_it; char *args[10], temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *ptr; struct mqelem *top, *elem = NULL; ret_value = SUB_NORMAL; /* initialize ret_value. */ args[0] = name; args[1] = "*"; stat = do_mr_query("get_machine_to_cluster_map", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem); if (stat && stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machine_to_cluster_map."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (stat == MR_SUCCESS) { elem = top = QueueTop(elem); if (ask_user) { sprintf(temp_buf, "%s is assigned to the following clusters.", name); Put_message(temp_buf); Loop(top, (void (*)(char **)) PrintMCMap); ptr = "Remove this machine from ** ALL ** these clusters?"; if (YesNoQuestion(ptr, FALSE) == TRUE) /* may return -1. */ delete_it = TRUE; else { Put_message("Aborting..."); FreeQueue(top); return SUB_ERROR; } } else delete_it = TRUE; if (delete_it) { while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_machine_from_cluster", 2, info, NULL, NULL))) { ret_value = SUB_ERROR; com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_machine_from_cluster."); sprintf(temp_buf, "Machine %s ** NOT ** removed from cluster %s.", info[MAP_MACHINE], info[MAP_CLUSTER]); Put_message(temp_buf); } elem = elem->q_forw; } } } return ret_value; } /* Function Name: CheckAndRemoveCnames * Description: This func tests to see if a machine has cnames, * and if so then removes them. * Arguments: name - name of the machine (already Canonicalized). * ask_user- query the user before removing cnames? * Returns: MR_ERROR if machine left with a cname, or mr_error. */ int CheckAndRemoveCnames(char *name, Bool ask_user) { int stat, ret_value; Bool delete_it; char *args[10], temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *ptr; struct mqelem *top, *elem = NULL; ret_value = SUB_NORMAL; args[0] = "*"; args[1] = name; stat = do_mr_query("get_hostalias", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem); if (stat && stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_hostalias."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (stat == MR_SUCCESS) { elem = top = QueueTop(elem); if (ask_user) { sprintf(temp_buf, "%s has the following cnames.", name); Put_message(temp_buf); Loop(top, (void (*)(char **)) PrintCname); ptr = "Remove ** ALL ** these cnames?"; if (YesNoQuestion(ptr, FALSE) == TRUE) /* may return -1. */ delete_it = TRUE; else { Put_message("Aborting..."); FreeQueue(top); return SUB_ERROR; } } else delete_it = TRUE; if (delete_it) { while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_hostalias", 2, info, NULL, NULL))) { ret_value = SUB_ERROR; com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_hostalias."); sprintf(temp_buf, "Cname %s ** NOT ** removed from host %s.", info[0], info[1]); Put_message(temp_buf); } elem = elem->q_forw; } } } return ret_value; } /* Function Name: RealDeleteMachine * Description: Actually Deletes the Machine. * Arguments: info - nescessary information stored as an array of char *'s * one_machine - a boolean, true if there is only one item in * the query. * Returns: none. */ static void RealDeleteMachine(char **info, Bool one_machine) { int stat; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(temp_buf, "Are you sure you want to delete the machine %s (y/n)? ", info[M_NAME]); if (!one_machine || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if (CheckAndRemoveFromCluster(info[M_NAME], TRUE) != SUB_ERROR) { if (CheckAndRemoveCnames(info[M_NAME], TRUE) != SUB_ERROR) { if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_host", 1, &info[M_NAME], NULL, NULL))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in DeleteMachine."); sprintf(temp_buf, "%s ** NOT ** deleted.", info[M_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } else { sprintf(temp_buf, "%s successfully Deleted.", info[M_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } } } } } /* Function Name: DeleteMachine * Description: This function removes a machine from the data base. * Arguments: argc, argv - the machines name int argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ /* Perhaps we should remove the cluster if it has no machine now. */ int DeleteMachine(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; char *tmpname; tmpname = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); top = GetMCInfo(MACHINE, tmpname, (char *) NULL); QueryLoop(top, PrintMachInfo, RealDeleteMachine, "Delete the machine"); FreeQueue(top); free(tmpname); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: ShowCname * Description: This function shows machine aliases * Arguments: argc, argv - the alias argv[1], the real name in argv[2] * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowCname(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; char *tmpalias, *tmpname; tmpalias = partial_canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); tmpname = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[2])); top = GetMCInfo(CNAME, tmpalias, tmpname); Put_message(""); /* blank line on screen */ Loop(top, ((void (*)(char **)) PrintCname)); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } int AddCname(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; char *args[10]; args[0] = partial_canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); args[1] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[2])); stat = do_mr_query("add_hostalias", 2, args, NULL, NULL); switch (stat) { case MR_SUCCESS: break; case MR_EXISTS: Put_message("That alias name is already in use."); break; case MR_PERM: Put_message("Permission denied. " "(Regular users can only add two aliases to a host."); break; default: com_err(program_name, stat, " in add_hostalias"); } return DM_NORMAL; } int DeleteCname(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; char *args[10]; args[0] = partial_canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); args[1] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[2])); stat = do_mr_query("delete_hostalias", 2, args, NULL, NULL); if (stat) com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_hostalias"); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: AddMachineToCluster * Description: This function adds a machine to a cluster * Arguments: argc, argv - The machine name is argv[1]. * The cluster name in argv[2]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int AddMachineToCluster(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; char *machine, *cluster, temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *args[10]; Bool add_it, one_machine, one_cluster; struct mqelem *melem, *mtop, *celem, *ctop; machine = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); if (strcasecmp(machine, argv[1]) && *argv[1] != '"') { sprintf(temp_buf, "Warning: '%s' canonicalized to '%s'.", argv[1], machine); Put_message(temp_buf); } cluster = argv[2]; celem = ctop = GetMCInfo(CLUSTER, cluster, NULL); melem = mtop = GetMCInfo(MACHINE, machine, NULL); free(machine); one_machine = (QueueCount(mtop) == 1); one_cluster = (QueueCount(ctop) == 1); /* No good way to use QueryLoop() here, sigh */ while (melem) { char **minfo = melem->q_data; while (celem) { char **cinfo = celem->q_data; if (one_machine && one_cluster) add_it = TRUE; else { sprintf(temp_buf, "Add machine %s to cluster %s (y/n/q) ?", minfo[M_NAME], cinfo[C_NAME]); switch (YesNoQuitQuestion(temp_buf, FALSE)) { case TRUE: add_it = TRUE; break; case FALSE: add_it = FALSE; break; default: Put_message("Aborting..."); FreeQueue(ctop); FreeQueue(mtop); return DM_NORMAL; } } if (add_it) { args[0] = minfo[M_NAME]; args[1] = cinfo[C_NAME]; stat = do_mr_query("add_machine_to_cluster", 2, args, NULL, NULL); switch (stat) { case MR_SUCCESS: break; case MR_EXISTS: sprintf(temp_buf, "%s is already in cluster %s", minfo[M_NAME], cinfo[C_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); break; default: com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddMachineToCluster."); break; } } celem = celem->q_forw; } celem = ctop; /* reset cluster element. */ melem = melem->q_forw; } FreeQueue(ctop); FreeQueue(mtop); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealRemoveMachineFromCluster * Description: This function actually removes the machine from its * cluster. * Arguments: info - all information nescessary to perform the removal. * one_map - True if there is only one case, and we should * confirm. * Returns: none. */ static void RealRemoveMachineFromCluster(char **info, Bool one_map) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; int stat; sprintf(temp_buf, "Remove %s from the cluster %s", info[MAP_MACHINE], info[MAP_CLUSTER]); if (!one_map || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_machine_from_cluster", 2, info, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_machine_from_cluster"); else { sprintf(temp_buf, "%s has been removed from the cluster %s.", info[MAP_MACHINE], info[MAP_CLUSTER]); Put_message(temp_buf); } } else Put_message("Machine not removed."); } /* Function Name: RemoveMachineFromCluster * Description: Removes this machine form a specific cluster. * Arguments: argc, argv - Name of machine in argv[1]. * Name of cluster in argv[2]. * Returns: none. */ int RemoveMachineFromCluster(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *elem = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ], *args[10]; int stat; args[MAP_MACHINE] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); if (strcasecmp(args[MAP_MACHINE], argv[1]) && *argv[1] != '"') { sprintf(buf, "Warning: '%s' canonicalized to '%s'.", argv[1], args[MAP_MACHINE]); Put_message(buf); } args[MAP_CLUSTER] = argv[2]; args[MAP_END] = NULL; stat = do_mr_query("get_machine_to_cluster_map", CountArgs(args), args, StoreInfo, &elem); if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) { sprintf(buf, "The machine %s is not in the cluster %s.", args[MAP_MACHINE], args[MAP_CLUSTER]); Put_message(buf); free(args[MAP_MACHINE]); return DM_NORMAL; } if (stat != MR_SUCCESS) com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_machine_from_cluster"); elem = QueueTop(elem); QueryLoop(elem, PrintMCMap, RealRemoveMachineFromCluster, "Remove this machine from this cluster"); FreeQueue(elem); free(args[MAP_MACHINE]); return DM_NORMAL; } /* ---------- Subnet Menu -------- */ /* Function Name: ShowSubnetInfo * Description: Gets information about a subnet given its name. * Arguments: argc, argc - the name of the subnet in in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowSubnetInfo(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(SUBNET, argv[1], (char *) NULL); Loop(top, (void (*)(char **)) PrintSubnetInfo); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: AddSubnet * Description: Creates a new subnet. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the new subnet is argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int AddSubnet(int argc, char **argv) { char **args, *info[MAX_ARGS_SIZE], *name = argv[1]; int stat; /* * Check to see if this subnet already exists. */ if (!ValidName(name)) return DM_NORMAL; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_subnet", 1, &name, NULL, NULL)) == MR_SUCCESS) { Put_message("This subnet already exists."); return DM_NORMAL; } else if (stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddSubnet."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (!(args = AskMCDInfo(SetSubnetDefaults(info, name), SUBNET, FALSE))) { Put_message("Aborted."); FreeInfo(info); return DM_NORMAL; } /* * Actually create the new Subnet. */ if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_subnet", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddSubnet."); FreeInfo(info); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealUpdateSubnet * Description: This function actually performs the subnet update. * Arguments: info - all information nesc. for updating the subnet. * junk - an UNUSED boolean. * Returns: none. */ static void RealUpdateSubnet(char **info, Bool junk) { int stat; char **args = AskMCDInfo(info, SUBNET, TRUE); if (!args) { Put_message("Aborted."); return; } if ((stat = do_mr_query("update_subnet", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in UpdateSubnet."); else Put_message("Subnet successfully updated."); } /* Function Name: UpdateSubnet * Description: This Function Updates a subnet * Arguments: name of the subnet in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int UpdateSubnet(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(SUBNET, argv[1], NULL); QueryLoop(top, NullPrint, RealUpdateSubnet, "Update the subnet"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealDeleteSubnet * Description: Actually performs the subnet deletion. * Arguments: info - all information about this subnet. * one_subnet - If true then there was only one subnet in * the queue, and we should confirm. * Returns: none. */ static void RealDeleteSubnet(char **info, Bool one_subnet) { int stat; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(temp_buf, "Are you sure the you want to delete the subnet %s (y/n) ?", info[C_NAME]); if (!one_subnet || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_subnet", 1, &info[C_NAME], NULL, NULL))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_subnet."); sprintf(temp_buf, "Subnet %s ** NOT ** deleted.", info[C_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } else { sprintf(temp_buf, "subnet %s successfully deleted.", info[C_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } } } /* Function Name: DeleteSubnet * Description: This function removes a subnet from the database. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the subnet is stored in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int DeleteSubnet(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(SUBNET, argv[1], NULL); QueryLoop(top, PrintSubnetInfo, RealDeleteSubnet, "Delete the subnet"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* ---------- Cluster Menu -------- */ /* Function Name: ShowClusterInfo * Description: Gets information about a cluser given its name. * Arguments: argc, argc - the name of the cluster in in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowClusterInfo(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(CLUSTER, argv[1], NULL); Loop(top, (void (*)(char **)) PrintClusterInfo); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: AddCluster * Description: Creates a new cluster. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the new cluster is argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int AddCluster(int argc, char **argv) { char **args, *info[MAX_ARGS_SIZE], *name = argv[1]; int stat; /* * Check to see if this cluster already exists. */ if (!ValidName(name)) return DM_NORMAL; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_cluster", 1, &name, NULL, NULL)) == MR_SUCCESS) { Put_message("This cluster already exists."); return DM_NORMAL; } else if (stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddCluster."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (!(args = AskMCDInfo(SetClusterDefaults(info, name), CLUSTER, FALSE))) { Put_message("Aborted."); FreeInfo(info); return DM_NORMAL; } /* * Actually create the new Cluster. */ if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_cluster", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddCluster."); FreeInfo(info); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealUpdateCluster * Description: This function actually performs the cluster update. * Arguments: info - all information nesc. for updating the cluster. * junk - an UNUSED boolean. * Returns: none. */ static void RealUpdateCluster(char **info, Bool junk) { int stat; char **args = AskMCDInfo(info, CLUSTER, TRUE); if (!args) { Put_message("Aborted."); return; } if ((stat = do_mr_query("update_cluster", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in UpdateCluster."); else Put_message("Cluster successfully updated."); } /* Function Name: UpdateCluster * Description: This Function Updates a cluster * Arguments: name of the cluster in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int UpdateCluster(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(CLUSTER, argv[1], NULL); QueryLoop(top, NullPrint, RealUpdateCluster, "Update the cluster"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: CheckAndRemoveMachine * Description: This function checks and removes all machines from a * cluster. * Arguments: name - name of the cluster. * ask_first - if TRUE, then we will query the user, before * deletion. * Returns: SUB_ERROR if all machines not removed. */ int CheckAndRemoveMachines(char *name, Bool ask_first) { int stat, ret_value; Bool delete_it; char *args[10], temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *ptr; struct mqelem *top, *elem = NULL; ret_value = SUB_NORMAL; args[MAP_MACHINE] = "*"; args[MAP_CLUSTER] = name; stat = do_mr_query("get_machine_to_cluster_map", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem); if (stat && stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machine_to_cluster_map."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (stat == MR_SUCCESS) { elem = top = QueueTop(elem); if (ask_first) { sprintf(temp_buf, "The cluster %s has the following machines in it:", name); Put_message(temp_buf); while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; Print(1, &info[MAP_MACHINE], (char *) NULL); elem = elem->q_forw; } ptr = "Remove ** ALL ** these machines from this cluster?"; if (YesNoQuestion(ptr, FALSE) == TRUE) /* may return -1. */ delete_it = TRUE; else { Put_message("Aborting..."); FreeQueue(top); return SUB_ERROR; } } else delete_it = TRUE; if (delete_it) { elem = top; while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_machine_from_cluster", 2, info, NULL, NULL))) { ret_value = SUB_ERROR; com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_machine_from_cluster."); sprintf(temp_buf, "Machine %s ** NOT ** removed from cluster %s.", info[MAP_MACHINE], info[MAP_CLUSTER]); Put_message(temp_buf); } elem = elem->q_forw; } } } return ret_value; } /* Function Name: RealDeleteCluster * Description: Actually performs the cluster deletion. * Arguments: info - all information about this cluster. * one_cluster - If true then there was only one cluster in * the queue, and we should confirm. * Returns: none. */ static void RealDeleteCluster(char **info, Bool one_cluster) { int stat; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(temp_buf, "Are you sure the you want to delete the cluster %s (y/n) ?", info[C_NAME]); if (!one_cluster || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if (CheckAndRemoveMachines(info[C_NAME], TRUE) != SUB_ERROR) { if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_cluster", 1, &info[C_NAME], NULL, NULL))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_cluster."); sprintf(temp_buf, "Cluster %s ** NOT ** deleted.", info[C_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } else { sprintf(temp_buf, "cluster %s successfully deleted.", info[C_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } } } } /* Function Name: DeleteCluster * Description: This function removes a cluster from the database. * Arguments: argc, argv - the name of the cluster is stored in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int DeleteCluster(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(CLUSTER, argv[1], NULL); QueryLoop(top, PrintClusterInfo, RealDeleteCluster, "Delete the cluster"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* ----------- Cluster Data Menu -------------- */ /* Function Name: ShowClusterData * Description: This function shows the services for one cluster. * Arguments: argc, argv - The name of the cluster is argv[1]. * The label of the data in argv[2]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int ShowClusterData(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *elem, *top; char **info; top = elem = GetMCInfo(DATA, argv[1], argv[2]); while (elem) { info = elem->q_data; PrintClusterData(info); elem = elem->q_forw; } FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: AddClusterData * Description: This function adds some data to the cluster. * Arguments: argv, argc: argv[1] - the name of the cluster. * argv[2] - the label of the data. * argv[3] - the data. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int AddClusterData(int argc, char **argv) { int stat, i; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (IS_EMPTY(argv[i])) { Put_message("Cluster data cannot be an empty string."); return DM_NORMAL; } } if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_cluster_data", 3, argv + 1, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddClusterData."); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RealRemoveClusterData * Description: actually removes the cluster data. * Arguments: info - all info necessary to remove the cluster, in an array * of strings. * one_item - if true then the queue has only one elem and we * should confirm. * Returns: none. */ static void RealRemoveClusterData(char **info, Bool one_item) { int stat; char *temp_ptr; Put_message(" "); temp_ptr = "Are you sure that you want to remove this cluster data (y/n) ?"; PrintClusterData(info); if (!one_item || Confirm(temp_ptr)) { if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_cluster_data", 3, info, NULL, NULL))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in DeleteClusterData."); Put_message("Data not removed."); } else Put_message("Removal successful."); } } /* Function Name: RemoveClusterData * Description: This function removes data on a given cluster. * Arguments: argv, argc: argv[1] - the name of the cluster. * argv[2] - the label of the data. * argv[3] - the data. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int RemoveClusterData(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(DATA, argv[1], argv[2]); QueryLoop(top, PrintClusterData, RealRemoveClusterData, "Remove data from cluster"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: MachineToClusterMap * Description: This Retrieves the mapping between machine and cluster * Arguments: argc, argv - argv[1] -> machine name or wildcard. * argv[2] -> cluster name or wildcard. * Returns: none. */ int MachineToClusterMap(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *elem, *top; char *tmpname, temp_buf[256]; tmpname = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); if (strcasecmp(tmpname, argv[1]) && *argv[1] != '"') { sprintf(temp_buf, "Warning: '%s' canonicalized to '%s'.", argv[1], tmpname); Put_message(temp_buf); } top = elem = GetMCInfo(MAP, tmpname, argv[2]); Put_message(""); /* blank line on screen */ while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; PrintMCMap(info); elem = elem->q_forw; } FreeQueue(top); free(tmpname); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: MachineByOwner * Description: This function prints all machines which are owned by * a given user or group. * Arguments: none. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int MachineByOwner(int argc, char **argv) { char buf[BUFSIZ], temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *type, *name; struct mqelem *top; type = strdup("USER"); if (GetTypeFromUser("Type of owner", "ace_type", &type) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; sprintf(buf, "Name of %s", type); name = strdup(user); if (GetValueFromUser(buf, &name) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; switch (YesNoQuestion("Do you want a recursive search (y/n)", FALSE)) { case TRUE: sprintf(temp_buf, "R%s", type); /* "USER to "RUSER", etc. */ free(type); type = strdup(temp_buf); break; case FALSE: break; default: return DM_NORMAL; } top = GetMachineByOwner(type, name); Loop(top, PrintMachine); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: GetMachineByOwner * Description: This function stores information retrieved by * the get_host_by_owner query * Arguments: type - an ace_type, argv[0] for the query * name - name of machine, argv[1] for the query * Returns: the top element of a queue returning the data, or NULL. */ struct mqelem *GetMachineByOwner(char *type, char *name) { char *args[2]; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; int status; args[0] = type; args[1] = name; if ((status = do_mr_query("get_host_by_owner", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem))) { com_err(program_name, status, " in get_host_by_owner"); return NULL; } return QueueTop(elem); } int MachineByAcctNumber(int argc, char **argv) { char *args[0], *account_number; int status; struct mqelem *elem = NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Account Number", &account_number) == SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; args[0] = account_number; if (status = do_mr_query("get_host_by_account_number", 1, args, StoreInfo, &elem)) { com_err(program_name, status, " in get_host_by_account_number"); return DM_NORMAL; } Loop(QueueTop(elem), (void (*)(char **)) PrintMachInfo); FreeQueue(elem); return DM_NORMAL; } int ShowContainerInfo(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(CONTAINER, argv[1], NULL); Loop(top, (void (*)(char **)) PrintContainerInfo); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } static char *PrintContainerInfo(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ], tbuf[256]; Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, "Container: %-16s", info[CON_NAME]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Description: %-16s", info[CON_DESCRIPT]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, "Location: %-16s Contact: %s", info[CON_LOCATION], info[CON_CONTACT]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(tbuf, "%s %s", info[CON_OWNER_TYPE], strcmp(info[CON_OWNER_TYPE], "NONE") ? info[CON_OWNER_NAME] : ""); sprintf(buf, "Owner: %-16s", tbuf); Put_message(buf); sprintf(tbuf, "%s %s", info[CON_MEMACE_TYPE], strcmp(info[CON_MEMACE_TYPE], "NONE") ? info[CON_MEMACE_NAME] : ""); sprintf(buf, "Membership ACL: %-16s", tbuf); Put_message(buf); Put_message(""); sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[CON_MODBY], info[CON_MODTIME], info[CON_MODWITH]); Put_message(buf); return info[CON_NAME]; } static char *PrintContainer(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "Container: %s", info[CON_NAME]); Put_message(buf); } static char *PrintMContMap(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "Container: %-30s Machine: %-20s", info[1], info[0]); Put_message(buf); return ""; } int AddContainer(int argc, char **argv) { char **args, *info[MAX_ARGS_SIZE], *name = argv[1]; int stat; /* Can't use ValidName() because spaces are allowed in container names */ if (IS_EMPTY(name)) { Put_message("Please use a non-empty name."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (strchr(name, '*') || strchr(name, '?')) { Put_message("Wildcards not accepted here."); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Check if this cluster already exists. */ if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_container", 1, &name, NULL, NULL)) == MR_SUCCESS) { Put_message("This container already exists."); return DM_NORMAL; } else if (stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddContainer."); return DM_NORMAL; } if (!(args = AskMCDInfo(SetContainerDefaults(info, name), CONTAINER, FALSE))) { Put_message("Aborted."); FreeInfo(info); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Create the new container. */ if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_container", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddContainer."); FreeInfo(info); return DM_NORMAL; } int UpdateContainer(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(CONTAINER, argv[1], NULL); QueryLoop(top, NullPrint, RealUpdateContainer, "Update the container"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } static void RealUpdateContainer(char **info, Bool junk) { int stat; char **args = AskMCDInfo(info, CONTAINER, TRUE); if (!args) { Put_message("Aborted."); return; } if ((stat = do_mr_query("update_container", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in UpdateContainer."); else Put_message("Container successfully updated."); } int DeleteContainer(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *top; top = GetMCInfo(CONTAINER, argv[1], NULL); QueryLoop(top, PrintClusterInfo, RealDeleteContainer, "Delete the container"); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } static void RealDeleteContainer(char **info, Bool one_container) { int stat; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(temp_buf, "Are you sure you want to delete the container %s (y/n) ?", info[CON_NAME]); if (!one_container || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if (CheckAndRemoveMachinesFromContainer(info[CON_NAME], TRUE) != SUB_ERROR) { if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_container", 1, &info[CON_NAME], NULL, NULL))) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_container."); sprintf(temp_buf, "Container %s ** NOT ** deleted.", info[CON_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } else { sprintf(temp_buf, "Container %s successfully deleted.", info[CON_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); } } } } int CheckAndRemoveMachinesFromContainer(char *name, Bool ask_first) { int stat, ret_value; Bool delete_it; char *args[10], temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *ptr; struct mqelem *top, *elem = NULL; ret_value = SUB_NORMAL; args[0] = name; args[1] = "0"; stat = do_mr_query("get_machines_of_container", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem); if (stat && stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machines_of_container"); return DM_NORMAL; } if (stat == MR_SUCCESS) { elem = top = QueueTop(elem); if (ask_first) { sprintf(temp_buf, "The container %s has the following machines in it:", name); Put_message(temp_buf); while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; Print(1, &info[0], (char *) NULL); elem = elem->q_forw; } ptr = "Remove ** ALL ** these machines from this container?"; if (YesNoQuestion(ptr, FALSE) == TRUE) /* may return -1. */ delete_it = TRUE; else { Put_message("Aborting..."); FreeQueue(top); return SUB_ERROR; } } else delete_it = TRUE; if (delete_it) { elem = top; while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_machine_from_container", 2, info, NULL, NULL))) { ret_value = SUB_ERROR; com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_machine_from_container."); sprintf(temp_buf, "Machine %s ** NOT ** removed from container %s.", info[0], info[1]); Put_message(temp_buf); } elem = elem->q_forw; } } } return ret_value; } int GetSubContainers(int argc, char **argv) { char *args[2]; struct mqelem *elem = NULL, *top = NULL; int stat; args[0] = argv[1]; if (YesNoQuestion("Do you want a recursive search?", TRUE) == TRUE) args[1] = "1"; else args[1] = "0"; if (stat = do_mr_query("get_subcontainers_of_container", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem)) com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_subcontainers_of_container"); top = QueueTop(elem); Loop(top, ((void (*)(char **)) PrintContainer)); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; } int MachineToContainerMap(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *elem, *top; char *tmpname, temp_buf[256]; tmpname = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); if (strcasecmp(tmpname, argv[1]) && *argv[1] != '"') { sprintf(temp_buf, "Warning: '%s' canonicalized to '%s'.", argv[1], tmpname); Put_message(temp_buf); } top = elem = GetMCInfo(CONTMAP, tmpname, NULL); Put_message(""); while (elem) { char **info = elem->q_data; PrintMContMap(info); elem = elem->q_forw; } FreeQueue(top); free(tmpname); return DM_NORMAL; } int AddMachineToContainer(int argc, char **argv) { int stat; char *machine, *container, temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *args[10]; Bool add_it, one_machine, one_container; struct mqelem *melem, *mtop, *celem, *ctop; machine = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); if (strcasecmp(machine, argv[1]) && *argv[1] != '"') { sprintf(temp_buf, "Warning: '%s' canonicalized to '%s'.", argv[1], machine); Put_message(temp_buf); } container = argv[2]; celem = ctop = GetMCInfo(CONTAINER, container, NULL); melem = mtop = GetMCInfo(MACHINE, machine, NULL); free(machine); one_machine = (QueueCount(mtop) == 1); one_container = (QueueCount(ctop) == 1); while (melem) { char **minfo = melem->q_data; while (celem) { char **cinfo = celem->q_data; if (one_machine && one_container) add_it = TRUE; else { sprintf(temp_buf, "Add machine %s to container %s (y/n/q) ?", minfo[M_NAME], cinfo[CON_NAME]); switch (YesNoQuestion(temp_buf, FALSE)) { case TRUE: add_it = TRUE; break; case FALSE: add_it = FALSE; break; default: Put_message("Aborting..."); FreeQueue(ctop); FreeQueue(mtop); return DM_NORMAL; } } if (add_it) { args[0] = minfo[M_NAME]; args[1] = cinfo[CON_NAME]; stat = do_mr_query("add_machine_to_container", 2, args, NULL, NULL); switch (stat) { case MR_SUCCESS: break; case MR_EXISTS: sprintf(temp_buf, "%s is already in container %s", minfo[M_NAME], cinfo[CON_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); break; default: com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddMachineToContainer."); break; } } celem = celem->q_forw; } celem = ctop; melem = melem->q_forw; } FreeQueue(ctop); FreeQueue(mtop); return DM_NORMAL; } int RemoveMachineFromContainer(int argc, char **argv) { struct mqelem *elem = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ], *args[10]; int stat; args[0] = canonicalize_hostname(strdup(argv[1])); if (strcasecmp(args[0], argv[1]) && *argv[1] != '"') { sprintf(buf, "Warning: '%s' canonicalized to '%s'.", argv[1], args[0]); Put_message(buf); } args[1] = argv[2]; args[2] = NULL; stat = do_mr_query("get_machine_to_container_map", 1, args, StoreInfo, &elem); if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) { sprintf(buf, "The machine %s is not in the container %s.", args[0], args[1]); Put_message(buf); free(args[0]); return DM_NORMAL; } if (stat != MR_SUCCESS) com_err(program_name, stat, " in deleter_machine_from_container"); elem = QueueTop(elem); QueryLoop(elem, PrintMContMap, RealRemoveMachineFromContainer, "Remove this machine from this container"); FreeQueue(elem); free(args[0]); return DM_NORMAL; } static void RealRemoveMachineFromContainer(char **info, Bool one_contmap) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; int stat; sprintf(temp_buf, "Remove %s from the container %s", info[0], info[1]); if (!one_contmap || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if ((stat = do_mr_query("delete_machine_from_container", 2, info, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, stat, " in delete_machine_from_container"); else { sprintf(temp_buf, "%s has been removed from the container %s.", info[0], info[1]); Put_message(temp_buf); } } else Put_message("Machine not removed."); } int GetMachinesOfContainer(int argc, char **argv) { char *args[2]; struct mqelem *elem = NULL, *top = NULL; int stat; args[0] = argv[1]; if (YesNoQuestion("Do you want a recursive search?", TRUE) == TRUE) args[1] = "1"; else args[1] = "0"; if (stat = do_mr_query("get_machines_of_container", 2, args, StoreInfo, &elem)) com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_machines_of_container"); top = QueueTop(elem); Loop(top, ((void (*)(char **)) PrintMContMap)); FreeQueue(top); return DM_NORMAL; }