# Makefile generated by imake - do not edit! # $XConsortium: imake.c,v 1.86 93/10/11 12:12:36 rws Exp $ # # This makefile is automatically generated by imake... do not modify # or you may lose your changes when imake generates makefiles again. # Ignore this message if you are not using imake. # # $Source$ # NEWTOP=. BUILDTOP=. INCLUDE= -I$(BUILDTOP)/include -I$(BUILDTOP)/lib -I/usr/athena/include \ $(SS_INCL) CFLAGS=$(DBG) $(INCLUDE) $(DEFINES) $(GLOBAL_CDEFS) LINTFLAGS=$(INCLUDE) $(DEFINES) $(GLOBAL_CDEFS) # $Source$ # CURSES= -L/usr/css/lib -lcurses -ltermcap OSDEFS= -DPOSIX -DSOLARIS -I/usr/openwin/include OSLIBS= -L/usr/ccs/lib -lcurses -ltermcap -lresolv \ -lsocket -lnsl -lc /usr/ucblib/libucb.a -lelf -ldl CURSES= GLOBAL_CDEFS= -DHESIOD -DZEPHYR -DGDSS -DATHENA -DDBMS=INGRES -I/usr/athena/include $(OSDEFS) SRCTOP=/mit/moiradev/src DESTDIR= USRDIR= /usr ETCDIR= /usr/athena/etc PROGDIR=/usr/athena/bin LIBDIR= /usr/athena/lib LINTLIBDIR = /usr/lib/lint INCLDIR= /usr/athena/include MANDIR= /usr/athena/man LZEHPYR=-lzephyr LIBGDSS= /mit/gdss/`machtype`/libgdss.a GDSSINC= -I/mit/gdss/include LINTLIBFLAG=-C MR_LIB=$(BUILDTOP)/lib/libmoira.a MR_LIBDEP=$(MR_LIB) MR_LINTLIB=$(BUILDTOP)/lib/llib-lmoira.ln GDB_LIB=$(BUILDTOP)/gdb/libmrgdb.a GDB_LIBDEP=$(GDB_LIB) GDB_LINTLIB=$(BUILDTOP)/gdb/llib-lmrgdb.ln COMPILE_ET= compile_et COM_ERR = -lcom_err MAKE_COMMANDS= mk_cmds SS_LIB = -lss LLIB = -L/usr/athena/lib CLIBS= $(MR_LIB) $(GDB_LIB) $(LLIB) $(LZEPHYR) $(COM_ERR) -lkrb -ldes -lhesiod SQL_LIB= /usr/ingres/lib/libingres.a -lm ARCHIVE= ar cru RANLIB= /bin/true INSTALLFILE= install -c -m 444 INSTALLLIB= install -c -m 444 INSTALLPROG= install -c -m 555 INSTALLRAW= install LD=ld AS=as LINT=lint CC=gcc -traditional CCRO=$(CC) -R HCC=$(CC) CPP=$(CC) -E DBG=-O HCFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) TAGGER=etags MAKE=make RM=rm -f MV=mv CP=cp LN=ln -s LPR=lpr -p CHMOD=chmod AWK=awk DEPEND=makedepend IMAKE=imake -I$(BUILDTOP)/util/imake.includes # $Source$ # # $Header$ # # Copyright 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. # # For copying and distribution information, # please see the file . # # Imakefile for top level directory. # CODE=Imakefile CLIENTDIRS=util include gdb lib clients man update SVRDIRS=server db backup dbck dcm gen reg_svr incremental regtape SUBDIRS=$(CLIENTDIRS) all:: world:: make ${MFLAGS} clean-imake make ${MFLAGS} Makefile make ${MFLAGS} Makefiles make ${MFLAGS} depend make ${MFLAGS} all clean-imake: cd util/imake; make clean imake:: cd util/imake; make install:: -mkdir ${DESTDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${USRDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${ETCDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${PROGDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${LINTLIBDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${INCLDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR} -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man1 -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man3 -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man5 -mkdir ${DESTDIR}${MANDIR}/man8 -mkdir ./bin et: cd util/et; make ${MFLAGS} DEPEND="$(BUILDTOP)/../../$(DEPEND)" depend; make ${MFLAGS} all ss: cd util/ss; make ${MFLAGS} DEPEND="$(BUILDTOP)/../../$(DEPEND)" depend; make ${MFLAGS} all makedepend: cd util/makedepend; make all:: @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making" all "in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) all ; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done install:: @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making" install "in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) install ; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done clean:: @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making" clean "in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) clean ; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done depend:: @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making" depend "in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) depend ; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done tags:: @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making" tags "in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) tags ; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done print:: @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making" print "in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) print ; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done src:: @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making" src "in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) src ; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done Makefiles:: @echo "### Making Makefiles in" `pwd` @for d in $(SUBDIRS); \ do \ (cd $$d; echo "### Making Makefile in" `pwd`; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) SRCTOP=$(SRCTOP) \ NEWTOP=../$(BUILDTOP) \ BUILDTOP=../$(BUILDTOP) \ -f ../Makefile \ Makefile; \ $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) SRCTOP=$(SRCTOP) \ NEWTOP=../$(BUILDTOP) \ Makefiles; \ echo "### Done with" `pwd`); \ done depend:: $(SRCS) @echo "### Now computing dependencies" @$(DEPEND) -s "# DO NOT DELETE" -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRCS) clean:: $(RM) *~ \#* *.bak $(TAGSFILE) tags:: $(TAGGER) *.c *.h Makefile:: -$(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak $(IMAKE) -DNEW_TOP=$(NEWTOP) -s Makefile print:: ${CODE} ${LPR} ${CODE} src:: ${CODE} ${CODE}: $(RM) $@ -$(LN) ${SRCDIR}/$@ $@ install:: Makefiles:: # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE