Bugs ---- "Query complete." is printed twice after alis, dlis, and others. fflush() before the vfork(), strangely, does not fix this. The _exit() in next_incremental() may allow memory leakage from the incremental updates, as well as leaving other things (?) not cleaned up. Maybe this should be investigated. Timeouts may sometimes be other errors. Need to parse the error message string when the error number is 39100 to figure out if it is a timeout or not. gnfq/gqot do not handle wildcards in /. (Could they? Do they need it?) They do handle wildcards for filesystem names. Try to improve performance: --------------------------- gqot/dqot Improvements ------------ Add case insensitivity: List names, others(?) Abstraction for string retrieval Other ----- rsve, dsin, sshi have range variable problems