/* This is the file f_defs.h for the SMS Client, which allows a nieve * user to quickly and easily maintain most parts of the SMS database. * It Contains: useful definitions. * * Created: 4/12/88 * By: Chris D. Peterson * * $Source$ * $Author$ * $Header$ * * Copyright 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * * For further information on copyright and distribution * see the file mit-copyright.h */ #include "mit-copyright.h" #ifndef _f_defs_ #define _f_defs_ /* general Library functions. */ char * malloc(); /* attach.c */ int GetFS(); /* Get information about named filsys. */ int AddFS(); /* Adds a new Filsys to the database. */ int ChangeFS(); /* Changes information in a Filsys entry. */ int DeleteFS(); /* Delete a filesystem from the database. */ int GetFSAlias(); /* Gets the value for a Filsys alias. */ int CreateFSAlias(); /* Creates a new alias in the database. */ int DeleteFSAlias(); /* Deletes an FS alias from the database. */ int AttachHelp(); /* Help information specific to filsys. */ /* cluster.c */ int ShowMachineInfo(); /* Show information on a(many) machine(s). */ int AddMachine(); /* add a new machine to teh database. */ int UpdateMachine(); /* updates machine information. */ int DeleteMachine(); /* delete a machine from the database. */ int MachineToClusterMap(); /* show machines in clusters. */ int AddMachineToCluster(); /* add a machine to a new cluster. */ int RemoveMachineFromCluster(); /* remove a machine from a cluster. */ int ShowClusterInfo(); /* Show information about a cluster. */ int AddCluster(); /* adds a new cluster to the database. */ int UpdateCluster(); /* updates information about a cluster. */ int DeleteCluster(); /* removes a cluste from the database. */ int ShowClusterInfo(); /* show information about a cluster. */ int MachinesInCluster(); /* list all machines in a give cluster. */ int AddCluster(); int UpdateCluster(); /* add, update, and delete clusters. */ int DeleteCluster(); int ShowClusterData(); /* Show, add, and remove data */ int AddClusterData(); /* associated with a cluster. */ int RemoveClusterData(); /* delete.c */ int DeleteList(), DeleteUser(); /* lists.c */ int ListByMember(); /* list all list to which a member belongs. */ int ListByAdministrator(); /* list all list to which a given member can administer. */ int ListAllGroups(); int ListAllPublicMailLists(); /* List misc. types of lists. */ int ListAllMailLists(); int AddMember(), DeleteMember(); /* add and delete mamber of current list. */ int ListAllMembers(); int ListUserMembers(); /* List various members of the current list. */ int ListListMembers(); int ListStringMembers(); int ShowListInfo(); /* show info about a list. */ int UpdateList(); /* change info about a list. */ int InterRemoveItemFromLists(); /* Interactivly remove an item from all lists*/ int ListmaintMemberMenuEntry(); /* entry and exit functions for member menu. */ int ListmaintMemberMenuExit(); int ListHelp(); /* help function for lists. */ /* nfs.c */ int ShowNFSService(); /* functions that manipulate nfs physical */ int AddNFSService(); /* services. */ int UpdateNFSService(); int DeleteNFSService(); /* pobox.c */ int GetUserPOBox(); /* operate on user post office boxes. */ int SetUserPOBox(); int RemoveUserPOBox(); /* quota.c */ int ShowDefaultQuota(); /* show or change system default quota. */ int ChangeDefaultQuota(); int ShowUserQuota(); /* modify a user's quota. */ int ChangeUserQuota(); int AddUserQuota(); int RemoveUserQuota(); /* user.c */ int ShowUserByLogin(); /* misc. ways to show user. */ int ShowUserByName(); int ShowUserByClass(); int AddNewUser(); /* add a new user to the database. */ int RegisterUser(); /* register a user. */ int UpdateUser(); /* modify info about a user. */ int DeactivateUser(); /* change a user's status to DELETED */ int ChangeUserPOBox(); /* change the PO box of a user. */ int DeleteUserByUid(); /* detete a user by uid. */ /* utils.c */ /* * For descriptions of all of these functions see the * internals documentation. */ void EncryptMITID(); /* Encrypts an mit id number. */ void FreeInfo(); /* Frees a NULL terminated array of strings. */ void FreeQueue(); /* Frees an entire queue. */ void FreeAndClear(); /* Frees a single pointer. */ void Loop(); /* Performs an operation on every item in a queue. */ void QueryLoop(); /* Queries the user before performing an operation on every item in a queue. */ void RemoveHyphens(); /* Removes the hyphens from a string. */ void SlipInNewName(); /* Slips a new name into an argument list in the correct place. */ int CountArgs(); /* Counts the strings in a NULL terminated array. */ int GetValueFromUser(); /* Updates value by asking the user. */ int GetYesNoValueFromUser(); /* Updates a yes/no value by asking the user.*/ int GetFSTypes(); /* Gets Filesystem types from a user. */ int NullFunc(); /* NULL return function. */ int Print(); /* Prints out array of strings. */ int PrintByType(); /* Prints out array of strings by type. */ int PrintHelp(); /* Prints out help information. */ int StoreInfo(); /* Stores info returned from and SMS query in a queue. */ int Scream(); /* Query Return function that yells if called*/ int ToggleVerboseMode(); /* Turns on and off the verbose variable. */ char *CanonicalizeHostname(); /* this is what it does. */ char *NullPrint(); /* Prints nothing, returns argv[0]. */ char *Strsave(); /* allocated space for a copy of the string. */ struct qelem * QueueTop(); /* Finds the top of a queue. */ Bool Confirm(); /* Confirms a delete operation, with user. */ Bool YesNoQuestion(); /* Asks a user a yes no type question. */ Bool YesNoQuitQuestion(); /* Asks a user a yes - no - quit question. */ #endif _f_defs_ /* Do Not Add Anything After This Line */