/* $Id$ * * This generates a list of everyone's poboxes for the mitdir. * * Copyright (C) 1992-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; RCSID("$Header$"); char *whoami = "pobox.gen"; char *db = "moira/moira"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *out = stdout; char *outf = NULL, outft[MAXPATHLEN]; int i; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char login[USERS_LOGIN_SIZE], id[USERS_CLEARID_SIZE]; char string[STRINGS_STRING_SIZE]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL CONNECT :db; if (argc == 2) { outf = argv[1]; sprintf(outft, "%s~", outf); if (!(out = fopen(outft, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to open %s for output\n", outf); exit(MR_OCONFIG); } } else if (argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [outfile]\n", argv[0]); exit(MR_ARGS); } else outf = NULL; /* The following is declarative, not executed, * and so is dependent on where it is in the file, * not in the order of execution of statements. */ EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR GOTO sqlerr; EXEC SQL DECLARE x CURSOR FOR SELECT clearid, login FROM users WHERE status != 3 AND potype != 'NONE' AND potype != 'SMTP'; EXEC SQL OPEN x; while (1) { EXEC SQL FETCH x INTO :id, :login; if (sqlca.sqlcode) break; strtrim(login); strtrim(id); if (isdigit(id[0])) fprintf(out, "%s %s@MIT.EDU\n", id, login); } EXEC SQL CLOSE x; EXEC SQL DECLARE y CURSOR FOR SELECT u.clearid, s.string FROM users u, strings s WHERE u.status != 3 and u.potype = 'SMTP' and u.box_id = s.string_id; EXEC SQL OPEN y; while (1) { EXEC SQL FETCH y INTO :id, :string; if (sqlca.sqlcode) break; strtrim(string); strtrim(id); if (isdigit(id[0])) { if ((i = strlen(string)) > 7 && !strcasecmp(".local", string + i - 6)) { string[i - 6] = '\0'; fprintf(out, "%s %s.mit.edu\n", id, string); } else if (!strchr(string, '@')) fprintf(out, "%s %s@mit.edu\n", id, string); else fprintf(out, "%s %s\n", id, string); } } EXEC SQL CLOSE y; EXEC SQL COMMIT; if (fclose(out)) { perror("close failed"); exit(MR_CCONFIG); } if (outf) fix_file(outf); exit(MR_SUCCESS); sqlerr: db_error(sqlca.sqlcode); exit(MR_DBMS_ERR); }