/* $Id$ * * This is the file pobox.c for the Moira Client, which allows users * to quickly and easily maintain most parts of the Moira database. * It Contains: Functions for handling the poboxes. * * Created: 7/10/88 * By: Chris D. Peterson * * Copyright (C) 1988-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "f_defs.h" #include "globals.h" #include #include #include RCSID("$Header$"); /* Function Name: PrintPOBox * Description: Yet another specialized print function. * Arguments: info - all info about this PO_box. * Returns: MR_CONT */ static void PrintPOBox(char **info) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "User: %-10s Box: %-35s Type: %s", info[PO_NAME], info[PO_BOX], info[PO_TYPE]); Put_message(buf); if (info[6]) { sprintf(buf, "Address: %s", info[PO_ADDR]); Put_message(buf); sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[5], info[4], info[6]); Put_message(buf); } else { sprintf(buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[4], info[3], info[5]); Put_message(buf); } } /* Function Name: RealPrintPOMachines * Description: Actually does the printing for PrintPOMachines. * Arguments: info, - name of machines in info[1]. * Returns: none. */ static void RealPrintPOMachines(char **info) { Print(1, info + 1, NULL); } /* Function Name: PrintPOMachines * Description: Prints all current post offices. * Arguments: none. * Returns: SUB_ERROR if the machines could not be printed. */ static int PrintPOMachines(void) { int status; static char *args[] = {"pop", NULL}; struct mqelem *top = NULL; if ((status = do_mr_query("get_server_locations", CountArgs(args), args, StoreInfo, &top))) { com_err(program_name, status, " in get_server_locations."); return SUB_ERROR; } top = QueueTop(top); Loop(top, RealPrintPOMachines); FreeQueue(top); return SUB_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: GetUserPOBox * Description: prints the users POBox information. * Arguments: argc, argv - name of the user in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int GetUserPOBox(int argc, char **argv) { int status; struct mqelem *top = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ]; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return DM_NORMAL; switch ((status = do_mr_query("get_pobox", 1, argv + 1, StoreInfo, &top))) { case MR_NO_MATCH: Put_message("This user has no P.O. Box."); break; case MR_SUCCESS: sprintf(buf, "Current pobox for user %s: \n", argv[1]); Put_message(""); top = QueueTop(top); Loop(top, PrintPOBox); /* should only return 1 box. */ FreeQueue(top); break; default: com_err(program_name, status, " in get_pobox."); } return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: GetNewLocalPOBox * Description: get the machine for a new local pop Box for the user. * Arguments: local_user - name of the local user. * Returns: machine - name of the machine for then new pop box, or NULL. */ static char *GetNewLocalPOBox(char *local_user) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(temp_buf, "%s %s", "Pick one of the following", "machines for this user's Post Office."); Put_message(temp_buf); Put_message(""); if (PrintPOMachines() == SUB_NORMAL) { Put_message(""); if (!Prompt_input("Which Machine? ", temp_buf, BUFSIZ)) return (char *) SUB_ERROR; return canonicalize_hostname(strdup(temp_buf)); } Put_message("Could not get machines to choose from, quitting."); return (char *) SUB_ERROR; } static int InsertSortedImapPart(int argc, char **argv, void *arg) { struct mqelem *new = NULL; struct mqelem *elem, *prev, **parts = arg; int avail = atoi(argv[NFS_SIZE]) - atoi(argv[NFS_ALLOC]); /* Dup the argv into a new mqelem. */ StoreInfo(argc, argv, &new); if (!*parts) { *parts = new; return MR_CONT; } /* Find the right place in parts for it. */ elem = *parts; prev = NULL; while (elem) { char **xargv = elem->q_data; if (atoi(xargv[NFS_SIZE]) - atoi(xargv[NFS_ALLOC]) < avail) break; prev = elem; elem = elem->q_forw; } if (prev) AddQueue(new, prev); else { new->q_forw = *parts; (*parts)->q_back = new; *parts = new; } return MR_CONT; } static int AddImapPartitions(char *server, struct mqelem **parts) { char *argv[2]; int status; argv[0] = server; argv[1] = "*"; status = do_mr_query("get_nfsphys", 2, argv, InsertSortedImapPart, parts); if (status) { com_err(program_name, status, " in AddImapPartitions"); return SUB_ERROR; } return SUB_NORMAL; } char *CreateImapBox(char *user) { int status; struct mqelem *elem = NULL, *servers = NULL, *partitions = NULL; char *server = NULL, *partition = NULL; char *argv[11], *fsname, temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; static char *default_imap_quota = NULL; if (!default_imap_quota) { char **vargv; argv[0] = "def_imap_quota"; status = do_mr_query("get_value", 1, argv, StoreInfo, &elem); if (status) { com_err(program_name, status, " getting default IMAP quota"); return (char *)SUB_ERROR; } vargv = elem->q_data; default_imap_quota = strdup(vargv[0]); FreeQueue(elem); } argv[0] = "POSTOFFICE"; status = do_mr_query("get_server_locations", 1, argv, StoreInfo, &servers); if (status) { com_err(program_name, status, " in GetImapBox."); return (char *)SUB_ERROR; } servers = QueueTop(servers); /* Get an IMAP server. */ while (!server) { server = strdup("[ANY]"); if (GetValueFromUser("IMAP Server? ['?' for a list]", &server) != SUB_NORMAL) { free(server); FreeQueue(servers); return (char *)SUB_ERROR; } if (!strcmp(server, "?")) { elem = servers; while (elem) { char **sargv = elem->q_data; sprintf(temp_buf, " %s\n", sargv[1]); Put_message(temp_buf); elem = elem->q_forw; } free(server); server = NULL; } } server = canonicalize_hostname(server); /* Get the partitions on that server. */ if (!strcasecmp(server, "[ANY]")) { char **sargv; elem = servers; while (elem && !status) { sargv = elem->q_data; status = AddImapPartitions(sargv[1], &partitions); elem = elem->q_forw; } if (partitions) { sargv = partitions->q_data; server = strdup(sargv[NFS_NAME]); partition = strdup(sargv[NFS_DIR]); } } else status = AddImapPartitions(server, &partitions); partitions = QueueTop(partitions); FreeQueue(servers); if (status || !partitions) { if (!partitions) com_err(program_name, 0, "No registered nfsphys on %s.", server); else FreeQueue(partitions); free(server); return (char *)SUB_ERROR; } /* Pick a partition */ while (!partition) { char **pargv = partitions->q_data; partition = strdup(pargv[NFS_DIR]); if (GetValueFromUser("Partition? ['?' for a list]", &partition) != SUB_NORMAL) { free(server); free(partition); FreeQueue(partitions); return (char *)SUB_ERROR; } elem = partitions; if (!strcmp(partition, "?")) { while (elem) { char **pargv = elem->q_data; sprintf(temp_buf, " %s (%s available, %d free)", pargv[NFS_DIR], pargv[NFS_SIZE], atoi(pargv[NFS_SIZE]) - atoi(pargv[NFS_ALLOC])); Put_message(temp_buf); elem = elem->q_forw; } free(partition); partition = NULL; } else { while (elem) { char **pargv = elem->q_data; if (!strcmp(partition, pargv[NFS_DIR])) break; elem = elem->q_forw; } if (!elem) { com_err(program_name, 0, "No such partition %s", partition); free(partition); partition = NULL; } } } FreeQueue(partitions); fsname = malloc(strlen(user) + 4); sprintf(fsname, "%s.po", user); argv[FS_NAME] = fsname; argv[FS_TYPE] = "IMAP"; argv[FS_MACHINE] = server; argv[FS_PACK] = partition; argv[FS_M_POINT] = ""; argv[FS_ACCESS] = "w"; argv[FS_COMMENTS] = "IMAP box"; argv[FS_OWNER] = user; argv[FS_OWNERS] = "wheel"; argv[FS_CREATE] = "1"; argv[FS_L_TYPE] = "USER"; status = do_mr_query("add_filesys", 11, argv, NULL, NULL); free(server); free(partition); if (status) { com_err(program_name, status, " creating IMAP filesys in CreateImapBox"); free(fsname); return (char *)SUB_ERROR; } argv[Q_FILESYS] = fsname; argv[Q_TYPE] = "USER"; argv[Q_NAME] = user; argv[Q_QUOTA] = default_imap_quota; status = do_mr_query("add_quota", 4, argv, NULL, NULL); if (status) { com_err(program_name, status, " setting quota in CreateImapBox"); free(fsname); return (char *)SUB_ERROR; } else return fsname; } /* Function Name: SetUserPOBox * Description: Addes or Chnages the P.O. Box for a user. * Arguments: argc, argv - the login name of the user in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int SetUserPOBox(int argc, char **argv) { int status; char *type, temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *local_user, *args[10], *box; struct mqelem *top = NULL; local_user = argv[1]; if (!ValidName(local_user)) return DM_NORMAL; /* Print the current PO Box info */ switch ((status = do_mr_query("get_pobox", 1, argv + 1, StoreInfo, &top))) { case MR_SUCCESS: sprintf(temp_buf, "Current pobox for user %s: \n", local_user); Put_message(""); top = QueueTop(top); Loop(top, PrintPOBox); /* should only return 1 box. */ FreeQueue(top); break; case MR_NO_MATCH: Put_message("This user has no P.O. Box."); break; default: com_err(program_name, status, " in get_pobox."); return DM_NORMAL; } Put_message(""); sprintf(temp_buf, "Assign %s a local PO Box (y/n)", local_user); switch (YesNoQuestion(temp_buf, TRUE)) { case TRUE: switch (YesNoQuestion("Use Previous Local Box (y/n)", TRUE)) { case TRUE: switch ((status = do_mr_query("set_pobox_pop", 1, &local_user, NULL, NULL))) { case MR_SUCCESS: return DM_NORMAL; case MR_MACHINE: sprintf(temp_buf, "%s did not have a previous local PO Box.", local_user); Put_message(temp_buf); default: com_err(program_name, status, " in set_pobox_pop."); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Fall through from MR_MACHINE case. */ case FALSE: type = strdup("IMAP"); if (GetValueFromUser("Kind of Local PO Box?", &type) == SUB_ERROR) { free(type); return DM_NORMAL; } if (!strcasecmp(type, "POP")) { free(type); type = "POP"; if ((box = GetNewLocalPOBox(local_user)) == (char *) SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; } else if (!strcasecmp(type, "IMAP")) { free(type); type = "IMAP"; switch (YesNoQuestion("Create IMAP filesystem (y/n)", TRUE)) { case TRUE: if ((box = CreateImapBox(local_user)) == (char *) SUB_ERROR) return DM_NORMAL; break; case FALSE: box = malloc(strlen(local_user) + 4); sprintf(box, "%s.po", local_user); break; default: return DM_NORMAL; } } else { sprintf(temp_buf, "Unknown local PO Box type %s", type); Put_message(temp_buf); free(type); return DM_NORMAL; } break; default: return DM_NORMAL; } break; case FALSE: type = "SMTP"; sprintf(temp_buf, "Set up a foreign PO Box for %s (y/n)", local_user); switch (YesNoQuestion(temp_buf, TRUE)) { case TRUE: if (!Prompt_input("Foreign PO Box for this user? ", temp_buf, BUFSIZ)) return DM_NORMAL; if (mrcl_validate_pobox_smtp(local_user, temp_buf, &box) != MRCL_SUCCESS) return DM_NORMAL; break; case FALSE: default: return DM_NORMAL; /* ^C hit. */ } break; default: /* ^C hit. */ Put_message("Aborted."); return DM_NORMAL; } args[PO_NAME] = local_user; args[PO_TYPE] = type; args[PO_BOX] = box; args[3] = NULL; if ((status = do_mr_query("set_pobox", CountArgs(args), args, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, status, " in ChangeUserPOBox"); else Put_message("PO Box assigned."); free(box); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: SplitUserPOBox * Description: Splits the user's PO Box between local and SMTP * Arguments: argc, argv - name of user in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int SplitUserPOBox(int argc, char **argv) { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *args[3], *box; int status; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return DM_NORMAL; if (!Prompt_input("Foreign PO Box for this user? ", temp_buf, BUFSIZ)) return DM_NORMAL; if (mrcl_validate_pobox_smtp(argv[1], temp_buf, &box) != MRCL_SUCCESS) return DM_NORMAL; args[0] = argv[1]; args[1] = "SPLIT"; args[2] = box; status = do_mr_query("set_pobox", 3, args, NULL, NULL); if (status == MR_MACHINE) Put_message("User has no local PO Box--PO Box unchanged."); else if (status) com_err(program_name, status, " in SplitUserPOBox"); else Put_message("PO Box split."); free(box); return DM_NORMAL; } /* Function Name: RemoveUserPOBox * Description: Removes this users POBox. * Arguments: argc, argv - name of user in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int RemoveUserPOBox(int argc, char **argv) { int status; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return DM_NORMAL; sprintf(temp_buf, "Are you sure that you want to remove %s's PO Box (y/n)", argv[1]); if (Confirm(temp_buf)) { if ((status = do_mr_query("delete_pobox", 1, argv + 1, NULL, NULL))) com_err(program_name, status, " in delete_pobox."); else Put_message("PO Box removed."); } return DM_NORMAL; }