P if fixed in preen step * if not offered to fix *if not actually checked ================================ PHASE 1: looking for duplicates Each users_id must be unique Alloc new ID Each login name must be unique (if -f flag not specified) If full names match, delete; else unregister Each mach_id must be unique Alloc new ID * Each machine name must be unique (if -f flag not specified) Each clu_id must be unique Alloc new ID * Each cluster must have a unique name (if -f flag not specified) Each list_id must be unique Alloc new ID * Each list must have a unique name (if -f flag not specified) Each filsys_id must be unique Alloc new ID Each nfsphys_id must be unique Alloc new ID Each strings_id must be unique Delete duplicate * Each string must have a unique value * Each user can appear at most once in the krbmap (if -f flag not specified) * Each principal can appear at most once in the krbmap (if -f flag not specified) PHASE 2: checking references Each user's POP pobox must be on a real machine Delete pobox Each user's SMTP pobox must have a string Delete pobox P Every entry in the machine-cluster map must reference machine & cluster Delete entry P Every piece of cluster data must be attached to a real cluster. Delete data P Every LIST list ACE must exist Make list it's own acl P Every USER list ACE must exist Make list it's own acl P Every member must be a member of a real list Delete the member P Every USER member must be a real user Delete the member P Every LIST member must be a real list Delete the member P Every STRING member must be a real string Delete the member P Every KERBEROS member must be a real string Delete the member P Every service USER owner must be a real user Make user 0 own service P Every service LIST owner must be a real list Make list 0 own service Every server/host tuple must refer to a real machine Delete tuple Every filesys must be on a real machine Put it on machine 0 P Every filesys' owning user must exist Make it user 0 P Every filesys' owning group must exist Make it list 0 Every fsgroup must exist Delete the fsgroup Every fsgroup must be of type FSGROUP Change type P Every fsgroup member must exist Delete member Every NFS filesys' phys_id must exist P Set to correct one if found else create one Every NFS physical's machine must exist Delete entry P Every quota must be for a real user Delete quota Every quota must be on a real filesys Delete quota P Every quota's phys_id must match the filesys' phys_id Fix phys_id P Every user in the krbmap must exist Delete map entry P Every string in the krbmap must exist Delete map entry **Zephyr checks * Every hostaccess must be for a real machine * Every hostaccess USER must exist * Every hostaccess LIST must exist P Every palladium server must be on a real machine Delete the palladium entry * Every list used in capacls must exist PHASE 3: finding unused objects Every machine must be in at least one cluster (if -w flag not specified) Print warning Every list must have at least one member (if -w flag not specified) Print warning P Every string must be used at least once Delete string PHASE 4: checking counts * Every POP pobox must be on a POP server P The count of POP boxes must match value1 of the service/host tuple update count P The total quota on an NFSphys must match the recorded allocation update count