/* $Id $ * * Verify that all Moira updates are successful * * Copyright (C) 1988-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include RCSID("$Header$"); char *atot(char *itime); int process_server(int argc, char **argv, void *sqv); void disp_svc(char **argv, char *msg); int process_host(int argc, char **argv, void *sqv); void disp_sh(char **argv, char *msg); int usage(void); static int count = 0; static char *whoami; static struct timeval now; struct service { char name[17]; char update_int[10]; }; /* turn an ascii string containing the number of seconds since the epoch * into an ascii string containing the corresponding time & date */ char *atot(char *itime) { time_t time; char *ct; time = atoi(itime); ct = ctime(&time); ct[24] = 0; return &ct[4]; } /* Decide if the server has an error or not. Also, save the name and * interval for later use. */ int process_server(int argc, char **argv, void *sqv) { struct service *s; struct save_queue *sq = sqv; if (atoi(argv[SVC_ENABLE])) { s = malloc(sizeof(struct service)); strcpy(s->name, argv[SVC_SERVICE]); strcpy(s->update_int, argv[SVC_INTERVAL]); sq_save_data(sq, s); } if (atoi(argv[SVC_HARDERROR]) && atoi(argv[SVC_ENABLE])) disp_svc(argv, "Error needs to be reset\n"); else if (atoi(argv[SVC_HARDERROR]) || (!atoi(argv[SVC_ENABLE]) && atoi(argv[SVC_DFCHECK]))) disp_svc(argv, "Should this be enabled?\n"); else if (atoi(argv[SVC_ENABLE]) && 60 * atoi(argv[SVC_INTERVAL]) + 86400 + atoi(argv[SVC_DFCHECK]) < now.tv_sec) disp_svc(argv, "Service has not been updated\n"); return MR_CONT; } /* Format the information about a service. */ void disp_svc(char **argv, char *msg) { char *tmp = strdup(atot(argv[SVC_DFGEN])); printf("Service %s Interval %s %s/%s/%s %s\n", argv[SVC_SERVICE], argv[SVC_INTERVAL], atoi(argv[SVC_ENABLE]) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", atoi(argv[SVC_INPROGRESS]) ? "InProgress" : "Idle", atoi(argv[SVC_HARDERROR]) ? "Error" : "NoError", atoi(argv[SVC_HARDERROR]) ? argv[SVC_ERRMSG] : ""); printf(" Generated %s; Last checked %s\n", tmp, atot(argv[SVC_DFCHECK])); printf(" Last modified by %s at %s with %s\n", argv[SVC_MODBY], argv[SVC_MODTIME], argv[SVC_MODWITH]); printf(" * %s\n", msg); count++; free(tmp); } /* Decide if the host has an error or not. */ int process_host(int argc, char **argv, void *sqv) { struct service *s = NULL; struct save_queue *sq = sqv, *sq1; char *update_int = NULL; for (sq1 = sq->q_next; sq1 != sq; sq1 = sq1->q_next) { if ((s = (struct service *)sq1->q_data) && !strcmp(s->name, argv[SH_SERVICE])) break; } if (s && !strcmp(s->name, argv[SH_SERVICE])) update_int = s->update_int; if (atoi(argv[SH_HOSTERROR]) && atoi(argv[SH_ENABLE])) disp_sh(argv, "Error needs to be reset\n"); else if (atoi(argv[SH_HOSTERROR]) || (!atoi(argv[SH_ENABLE]) && atoi(argv[SH_LASTTRY]))) disp_sh(argv, "Should this be enabled?\n"); else if (atoi(argv[SH_ENABLE]) && update_int && 60 * atoi(update_int) + 86400 + atoi(argv[SH_LASTSUCCESS]) < now.tv_sec) disp_sh(argv, "Host has not been updated\n"); return MR_CONT; } /* Format the information about a host. */ void disp_sh(char **argv, char *msg) { char *tmp = strdup(atot(argv[SH_LASTTRY])); printf("Host %s:%s %s/%s/%s/%s/%s %s\n", argv[SH_SERVICE], argv[SH_MACHINE], atoi(argv[SH_ENABLE]) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled", atoi(argv[SH_SUCCESS]) ? "Success" : "Failure", atoi(argv[SH_INPROGRESS]) ? "InProgress" : "Idle", atoi(argv[SH_OVERRIDE]) ? "Override" : "Normal", atoi(argv[SH_HOSTERROR]) ? "Error" : "NoError", atoi(argv[SH_HOSTERROR]) ? argv[SH_ERRMSG] : ""); printf(" Last try %s; Last success %s\n", tmp, atot(argv[SH_LASTSUCCESS])); printf(" Last modified by %s at %s with %s\n", argv[SH_MODBY], argv[SH_MODTIME], argv[SH_MODWITH]); printf(" * %s\n", msg); count++; free(tmp); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *args[2], buf[BUFSIZ], *motd; struct save_queue *sq; int status; int auth_required = 1; if ((whoami = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == NULL) whoami = argv[0]; else whoami++; if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-noauth")) auth_required = 0; else if (argc > 1) usage(); status = mr_connect(NULL); if (status) { sprintf(buf, "\nConnection to the Moira server failed."); goto punt; } status = mr_motd(&motd); if (status) { com_err(whoami, status, " unable to check server status"); exit(2); } if (motd) { fprintf(stderr, "The Moira server is currently unavailable:\n%s\n", motd); mr_disconnect(); exit(2); } status = mr_auth("mrcheck"); if (status && auth_required) { sprintf(buf, "\nAuthorization failure -- run \"kinit\" and try again"); goto punt; } gettimeofday(&now, 0); sq = sq_create(); /* Check services first */ args[0] = "*"; if ((status = mr_query("get_server_info", 1, args, process_server, sq)) && status != MR_NO_MATCH) com_err(whoami, status, " while getting servers"); args[1] = "*"; if ((status = mr_query("get_server_host_info", 2, args, process_host, sq)) && status != MR_NO_MATCH) com_err(whoami, status, " while getting servers"); if (!count) printf("Nothing has failed at this time\n"); else printf("%d thing%s ha%s failed at this time\n", count, count == 1 ? "" : "s", count == 1 ? "s" : "ve"); mr_disconnect(); exit(0); punt: com_err(whoami, status, buf); mr_disconnect(); exit(1); } int usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-noauth]\n", whoami); exit(1); }