/* $Header$ * * (c) Copyright 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; static char * MONTHNAMES[] = {"january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december"}; static int MONTHDAYS[] = {0,0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334}; /****************************************************************/ /** Return the difference between the modtime & table modtime **/ /** in flag variable. Return 0 if success, else errno. **/ /****************************************************************/ int ModDiff (flag, tbl, ModTime) int *flag; char *tbl; time_t ModTime; { time_t filetimeno; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char filetime[48], *tbl_name; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; *flag = 0; tbl_name = tbl; EXEC SQL SELECT TO_CHAR(modtime, 'DD-mon-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') INTO :filetime FROM tblstats WHERE table_name = :tbl_name; if (sqlca.sqlcode != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Moddiff Query failed: %d\n", sqlca.sqlcode); return(MR_DATE); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("about to call Date2Sec, flag = 0x%x\n", flag); #endif if (Date2Sec (filetime, &filetimeno)) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to parse mod. date for file %s\n", tbl); return(MR_DATE); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("got time, flag = 0x%x\n", flag); #endif *flag = (int) (filetimeno - ModTime); return(0); } /***************************************************/ /** convert Unix-time (# of seconds since 1970) **/ /** from a date-time string **/ /** Return 1 if failure, 0 if success **/ /***************************************************/ Date2Sec(DS, UTime) char *DS; time_t *UTime; { static int defzone = -1; int Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Sec, Err, TotalDays, Iter; struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; if (defzone == -1) { if (gettimeofday(&tv, &tz)) defzone = 0; else defzone = tz.tz_minuteswest; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Date2Sec(\"%s\", %d)\n", DS, *UTime); #endif Err = ParseDateString (DS, &Day, &Month, &Year, &Hour, &Minute,&Sec); #ifdef DEBUG printf("date=%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d, err=%d\n", Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Sec, Err); #endif if (Err) return (Err); if (Year < 1970) { for (TotalDays = 0, Iter = 1969; Iter > Year; Iter--) { TotalDays += NumdaysY(Iter);} #ifdef DEBUG printf("Days in years : %d\n", TotalDays); #endif TotalDays += (NumdaysY(Year) - NumdaysM(Month, Year) - Day); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Days after months & days: %d\n", TotalDays); #endif *UTime = -((((24 * TotalDays) + 24 - Hour) * 60 - Minute) * 60 - Sec) + defzone; return (0); } else { for (TotalDays = 0, Iter = 1970; Iter < Year; Iter++) { TotalDays += NumdaysY(Iter);} #ifdef DEBUG printf("Days in years : %d\n", TotalDays); #endif TotalDays += NumdaysM(Month, Year); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Days after months: %d\n", TotalDays); #endif TotalDays += (Day - 1); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Days after Days : %d\n", TotalDays); printf("Calculating seconds...(UTime = 0x%x)\n", *UTime); #endif *UTime = (((24 * TotalDays) + Hour) * 60 + Minute) * 60 + Sec + defzone; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Calculated value of %d\n", *UTime); #endif return (0); } } /*****************************************/ /** Return the # of days in the Year **/ /*****************************************/ static int NumdaysY(Year) int Year; { return (365 + Leapyear(Year)); } /*****************************************/ /** Return the # of days in the Month **/ /*****************************************/ static int NumdaysM(Month, Year) int Month, Year; { if ((Month > 2) && (Leapyear (Year))) return (MONTHDAYS[Month] + 1); else return (MONTHDAYS[Month]); } /*****************************************/ /** Return 1 if a leapyear, else 0 **/ /*****************************************/ static int Leapyear (Year) int Year; { if ((Year % 4) && (!(Year % 100) || (Year % 1000))) return (0); else return (1); } /************************************************/ /** Compute numeric breakdown of date string **/ /** Return 0 if success, 1 if failure **/ /************************************************/ static int ParseDateString (DS, Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Sec) char *DS; int *Day, *Month, *Year, *Hour, *Minute, *Sec; { int Gotten; char *M, *D, *Temp; int Y=0, H=0, Min=0, S=0, DayNum=0, MonthNum=0; M = (char *)malloc(strlen(DS) + 2); D = (char *)malloc(strlen(DS) + 2); if (!(M && D)) return (1); Gotten = sscanf (DS, "%[^-]-%[^-]-%d %d:%d:%d", D, M, &Y, &H, &Min, &S); if (Gotten < 3) Gotten = sscanf (DS, "%[^/]/%[^/]/%d %d:%d:%d", D, M, &Y, &H, &Min, &S); if (Gotten < 3) Gotten = sscanf (DS, "%s %[^,], %d %d:%d:%d", M, D, &Y, &H, &Min, &S); #ifdef DEBUG printf ("Month = %s\nDay = %s\nYear = %d\n", M, D, Y); printf ("Hour = %d\nMin= %d\nSec = %d\n", H, Min, S); #endif if ((Gotten < 3) || !(D && M && Y)) { free(M); free(D); return (1);} /* Couldn't scan in a date */ if (atoi(M)) { /* Month not text, so M/D/Y not D/M/Y */ Temp = M; M = D; D = Temp;} DayNum = atoi(D); MonthNum = MonthNo(M); free(M); free(D); #ifdef DEBUG printf ("Month = %d\nDay = %d\nYear = %d\n", MonthNum, DayNum, Y); #endif if ((DayNum < 1) || (DayNum > 31)) return (1); /* Bad Day */ if (!MonthNum) return (1); /* Bad Month */ if ((Y < 1) || (Y > 10000)) return (1); /* Bad Year */ if (Gotten == 4) return(1); /* Bad Time (Hour only) */ if ((Gotten > 4) && (H < 0) || (H > 24)) return(1); /* Bad Hour */ if ((Gotten > 4) && ((Min < 0) || (Min > 59))) return(1); /* Bad Minute */ if ((Gotten > 5) && ((S < 0) || (S > 59))) return(1); /* Bad Second */ *Day = DayNum; *Month = MonthNum; if (Y < 100) /* For abreviations like 90 for 1990 */ Y += 1900; /* (Yes, it will be wrong in 2000) */ *Year = Y; if (Gotten > 4) { *Hour = H; *Minute = Min; } else { *Hour = 0; *Minute = 0;} if (Gotten > 5) *Sec = S; else *Sec = 0; return(0); } /***********************************************************/ /** Return the Month number of a Month number or string **/ /***********************************************************/ static int MonthNo (M) char *M; { int Count; if (atoi(M)) { if ((atoi(M) > 0) && (atoi(M) < 13)) return (atoi(M)); else return (0); } for (Count = 0; Count < 12; Count++) { if (!strcasecmp (M, MONTHNAMES[Count]) || !strncasecmp(M, MONTHNAMES[Count], 3)) return (Count + 1); } return (0); }