/* $Id$ * * Program to add users en masse to the moira database * * by Mark Rosenstein, July 1992. * * Copyright (C) 1992-1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include RCSID("$Header$"); #ifdef ATHENA #define DEFAULT_SHELL "/bin/athena/tcsh" #else #define DEFAULT_SHELL "/bin/csh" #endif /* flags from command line */ char *class, *comment, *status_str, *shell, *filename; int reg_only, reg, verbose, nodupcheck, securereg; /* argument parsing macro */ #define argis(a, b) (!strcmp(*arg + 1, a) || !strcmp(*arg + 1, b)) char *whoami; int duplicate, errors; extern int ureg_init(void); extern int grab_login(char *first, char *last, char *idnumber, char *hashidnumber, char *login); extern int set_password(char *first, char *last, char *idnumber, char *hashidnumber, char *password); void usage(char **argv); int usercheck(int argc, char **argv, void *qargv); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int status, lineno; char **arg = argv, *qargv[U_END]; char *motd, *p, *first, *middle, *last, *id, *login, *passwd, *server; char buf[BUFSIZ], idbuf[32]; FILE *input; /* clear all flags & lists */ reg_only = reg = verbose = lineno = nodupcheck = errors = securereg = 0; server = NULL; filename = "-"; shell = DEFAULT_SHELL; class = "TEMP"; comment = ""; status_str = "0"; whoami = argv[0]; /* parse args */ while (++arg - argv < argc) { if (**arg == '-') { if (argis("c", "class")) { if (arg - argv < argc - 1) { ++arg; class = *arg; } else usage(argv); } else if (argis("C", "comment")) { if (arg - argv < argc - 1) { ++arg; comment = *arg; } else usage(argv); } else if (argis("s", "status")) { if (arg - argv < argc - 1) { ++arg; status_str = *arg; } else usage(argv); } else if (argis("h", "shell")) { if (arg - argv < argc - 1) { ++arg; shell = *arg; } else usage(argv); } else if (argis("6", "secure")) securereg++; else if (argis("r", "reg_only")) reg_only++; else if (argis("R", "register")) reg++; else if (argis("f", "file")) { if (arg - argv < argc - 1) { ++arg; filename = *arg; } else usage(argv); } else if (argis("v", "verbose")) verbose++; else if (argis("d", "nodupcheck")) nodupcheck++; else if (argis("S", "server") || argis("db", "database")) { if (arg - argv < argc - 1) { ++arg; server = *arg; } else usage(argv); } else usage(argv); } else usage(argv); } if (!strcmp(filename, "-")) input = stdin; else { input = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!input) { com_err(whoami, errno, "opening input file %s", filename); exit(2); } } if (!reg_only) { /* fire up Moira */ if ((status = mr_connect(server))) { com_err(whoami, status, "unable to connect to the Moira server"); exit(2); } if ((status = mr_motd(&motd))) { com_err(whoami, status, "unable to check server status"); exit(2); } if (motd) { fprintf(stderr, "The Moira server is currently unavailable:\n%s\n", motd); mr_disconnect(); exit(2); } if ((status = mr_auth("addusr"))) { if (status == MR_USER_AUTH) com_err(whoami, status, ""); else { com_err(whoami, status, "unable to authenticate to Moira"); exit(2); } } } if (reg || reg_only) ureg_init(); qargv[U_NAME] = UNIQUE_LOGIN; qargv[U_UID] = UNIQUE_UID; qargv[U_SHELL] = shell; qargv[U_STATE] = status_str; qargv[U_CLASS] = class; qargv[U_COMMENT] = comment; qargv[U_SIGNATURE] = ""; qargv[U_SECURE] = securereg ? "1" : "0"; while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, input)) { /* throw away terminating newline */ p = &buf[strlen(buf) - 1]; if (*p == '\n') *p = '\0'; lineno++; if (strlen(buf) == 0) continue; /* Last name is first thing on line */ last = buf; /* First name follows a comma */ p = strchr(last, ','); if (!p) { com_err(whoami, MR_BAD_CHAR, "Missing comma on line %d", lineno); errors++; continue; } *p++ = '\0'; first = p; while (*p) /* find end-of-line */ p++; if (reg_only || reg) { while (!isspace(*p)) p--; if (p <= first) { com_err(whoami, 0, "Missing password on line %d", lineno); errors++; continue; } passwd = strtrim(&p[1]); *p-- = '\0'; /* previous field is login name */ while (isspace(*p)) p--; while (!isspace(*p)) p--; if (p <= first) { com_err(whoami, 0, "Missing login on line %d", lineno); errors++; continue; } login = strtrim(&p[1]); *p-- = '\0'; } else { /* ID is last thing on line */ p--; } while (isspace(*p)) p--; while (!isspace(*p)) p--; if (p <= first) { com_err(whoami, 0, "Missing ID on line %d", lineno); errors++; continue; } id = &p[1]; *p-- = '\0'; /* If something between first name & ID, it's middle name */ while (isspace(*p)) p--; while (!isspace(*p)) p--; if (p <= first) middle = ""; else { middle = &p[1]; *p = '\0'; } qargv[U_FIRST] = strtrim(first); qargv[U_MIDDLE] = strtrim(middle); qargv[U_LAST] = strtrim(last); qargv[U_MITID] = strtrim(id); FixCase(qargv[U_FIRST]); FixCase(qargv[U_MIDDLE]); FixCase(qargv[U_LAST]); RemoveHyphens(qargv[U_MITID]); if (!reg_only) { if (!nodupcheck) { char *dargv[2]; dargv[0] = qargv[U_FIRST]; dargv[1] = qargv[U_LAST]; duplicate = 0; status = mr_query("get_user_account_by_name", 2, dargv, usercheck, qargv); if (status && status != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(whoami, status, "checking to see if user %s %s already exists", qargv[0], qargv[1]); com_err(whoami, 0, "NOT ADDING USER"); errors++; continue; } if (duplicate > 0) { com_err(whoami, MR_EXISTS, "user %s %s already exists", qargv[0], qargv[1]); com_err(whoami, 0, "NOT ADDING USER"); errors++; continue; } else if (duplicate < 0) { com_err(whoami, MR_EXISTS, "user %s %s already exists with different ID number", qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_LAST]); com_err(whoami, 0, "ADDING user anyway"); } } status = mr_query("add_user_account", U_SECURE + 1, qargv, NULL, NULL); if (status) { com_err(whoami, status, "adding user %s %s", first, last); errors++; } else if (verbose) { printf("Added user %s %s %s (%s)\n", qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_MIDDLE], qargv[U_LAST], qargv[U_MITID]); } } if (reg || reg_only) { EncryptID(idbuf, qargv[U_MITID], qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_LAST]); status = grab_login(qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_LAST], qargv[U_MITID], idbuf, login); if (status) { com_err(whoami, status, "while registering (login) %s %s", qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_LAST]); errors++; continue; } else if (verbose) { printf("Registered user %s %s as %s\n", qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_LAST], login); } status = set_password(qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_LAST], qargv[U_MITID], idbuf, passwd); if (status) { com_err(whoami, status, "While registering (passwd) %s %s", qargv[U_FIRST], qargv[U_LAST]); errors++; continue; } else if (verbose) printf("Set password for user %s\n", login); } } exit(errors); } void usage(char **argv) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Options are\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -f | -file filename (default STDIN)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -c | -class class (default TEMP)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -C | -comment \"comment\" (default \"\")\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s | -status status (default 0)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -h | -shell shell (default %s)\n", DEFAULT_SHELL); fprintf(stderr, " -r | -reg_only\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -R | -register (and add to database)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v | -verbose\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d | -nodupcheck (don't check for duplicates)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -db | -database host:port\n"); exit(1); } /* query callback routine to check for duplicate users */ int usercheck(int argc, char **argv, void *qargv) { if (!strcmp(argv[U_MITID], ((char **)qargv)[U_MITID])) duplicate++; else duplicate--; return MR_CONT; }