package regapplet; import java.awt.*; import*; import*; import java.util.Properties; import mit.cipher.*; public class Worker implements Runnable { public static final int SENDNAME = 0; public static final int SENDWORDS = 1; public static final int SENDLOGIN = 2; public static final int SENDPASSWD = 3; public static final int INIT = 4; public static final int DIALOG = 5; public static final int INIT1 = 6; public static final int SENDPIN = 7; int oldstate = INIT; int state = INIT; int nextstate = INIT; Socket sock = null; Sender send; Parser parse; public Regapplet applet; public Worker(Regapplet tapplet) { applet = tapplet; } public void run () { try { switch (state) { case DIALOG: state = nextstate; switch (state) { case SENDWORDS: applet.showWordsDiag(); break; case SENDPIN: applet.showPinDiag(); break; case SENDNAME: applet.showNameDiag(); break; case SENDLOGIN: applet.showLoginDiag(); break; case SENDPASSWD: applet.showPassDiag(); break; case INIT: applet.worker.close(); applet.workthread = null; applet.worker = null; if (applet.isStandalone) { System.exit(0); } applet.showInit(); break; } return; case INIT: if (Regapplet.doRules) { state = INIT1; applet.showRules(); // Hmm. the lines below caused problems on the Mac // Thread z = new Thread(new Seeder()); // Generate numbers in thread // z.start(); return; } // Fall through case INIT1: applet.showMessage("Connecting to Server..."); try { String host; if (applet.isStandalone) { host = (System.getProperties()).getProperty("host", ""); if (host == null || host.equals("")) { System.err.println("Cannot learn host name (application) using localhost"); host = "localhost"; } } else { URL cb = applet.getCodeBase(); String protocol = cb.getProtocol(); if (protocol.equals("file") || protocol.equals("FILE")) { System.err.println("Applet: FILE protocol in use, connecting to localhost"); host = "localhost"; } else { host = cb.getHost(); } } sock = new Socket(host, 9001); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); applet.showError1(true);; state = DIALOG; nextstate = INIT; return; // try { // Thread.sleep(5000); // } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException ae) { // // Ignore exception for now // } // applet.showInit(); // return; } send = new Sender(sock); parse = new Parser(sock, this); parse.encap = send.encap; // Mumble, they need to share // this break; // We now expect a GETN after connect // applet.showNameDiag(); // state = SENDNAME; // return; case SENDNAME: applet.showMessage("Please wait..."); send.SendNameData(applet.FirstName.getText(), applet.MiddleName.getText(), applet.LastName.getText(), applet.MITID.getText()); break; case SENDWORDS: applet.showMessage("Please wait..."); send.SendWords(applet.Word1.getText(), applet.Word2.getText(), applet.Word3.getText(), applet.Word4.getText(), applet.Word5.getText(), applet.Word6.getText()); break; case SENDPIN: applet.showMessage("Please wait..."); send.SendPin(applet.Pin.getText()); break; case SENDLOGIN: applet.showMessage("Please wait..."); send.SendLogin(applet.LoginName.getText()); break; case SENDPASSWD: if (!(applet.Password1.getText().equals(applet.Password2.getText()))) { applet.Password1.setText(""); applet.Password2.setText(""); applet.showMessage("Entered Passwords do not match, try again"); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException e) { } applet.showPassDiag(); return; } applet.showMessage("Please wait..."); send.SendPassword(applet.Password1.getText()); break; }; // Add code to parse results and switch on new state } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); applet.showError(true); state = DIALOG; nextstate = INIT; // Moby reset applet } catch (MITCipherException e) { applet.showError(true); state = DIALOG; nextstate = INIT; e.printStackTrace(); // Moby reset applet here too. } catch (RegAppletException a) { a.printStackTrace(); applet.showError(true); state = DIALOG; nextstate = INIT; } } public void setState(int i) { state = i; } public void setState(int i, int j) { state = i; nextstate = j; } public void close() { if (sock != null) { try { sock.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } sock = null; } } public void finalize() { if (sock != null) { System.err.println("Worker Finalized with open socket! Closing it."); close(); } } }