#if (!defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)) static char rcsid_module_c[] = "$Header$"; #endif /* This is the file attach.c for the MOIRA Client, which allows a nieve * user to quickly and easily maintain most parts of the MOIRA database. * It Contains: Functions for maintaining data used by Hesiod * to map courses/projects/users to their file systems, * and maintain filesys info. * * Created: 5/4/88 * By: Chris D. Peterson * * $Source$ * $Author$ * $Header$ * * Copyright 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * * For further information on copyright and distribution * see the file mit-copyright.h */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mit-copyright.h" #include "defs.h" #include "f_defs.h" #include "globals.h" #define FS_ALIAS_TYPE "FILESYS" #define LABEL 0 #define MACHINE 1 #define GROUP 2 #define ALIAS 3 #define NO_MACHINE ("\\[NONE\\]") /* C will remove one of the /'s here, * and the other quotes the [ for * ingres' regexp facility. */ #define NO_MACHINE_BAD ("[NONE]") #define DEFAULT_TYPE ("NFS") #define DEFAULT_MACHINE DEFAULT_NONE #define DEFAULT_PACK DEFAULT_NONE #define DEFAULT_ACCESS ("w") #define DEFAULT_COMMENTS DEFAULT_COMMENT #define DEFAULT_OWNER (user) #define DEFAULT_OWNERS (user) #define DEFAULT_CREATE DEFAULT_YES #define DEFAULT_L_TYPE ("PROJECT") #define DEFAULT_CELL ("athena.mit.edu") /* Function Name: SetDefaults * Description: sets the default values for filesystem additions. * Arguments: info - an array of char pointers to recieve defaults. * Returns: char ** (this array, now filled). */ static char ** SetDefaults(info, name) char ** info; char * name; { char buf[BUFSIZ]; info[FS_NAME] = Strsave(name); info[FS_TYPE] = Strsave(DEFAULT_TYPE); info[FS_MACHINE] = Strsave(DEFAULT_MACHINE); info[FS_PACK] = Strsave(DEFAULT_PACK); sprintf(buf, "/mit/%s", name); info[FS_M_POINT] = Strsave(buf); info[FS_ACCESS] = Strsave(DEFAULT_ACCESS); info[FS_COMMENTS] = Strsave(DEFAULT_COMMENTS); info[FS_OWNER] = Strsave(DEFAULT_OWNER); info[FS_OWNERS] = Strsave(DEFAULT_OWNERS); info[FS_CREATE] = Strsave(DEFAULT_CREATE); info[FS_L_TYPE] = Strsave(DEFAULT_L_TYPE); info[FS_MODTIME] = info[FS_MODBY] = info[FS_MODWITH] = info[FS_END] = NULL; return(info); } /* Function Name: GetFSInfo * Description: Stores the info in a queue. * Arguments: type - type of information to get. * name - name of the item to get information on. * Returns: a pointer to the first element in the queue. */ static struct qelem * GetFSInfo(type, name) int type; char *name; { int stat; struct qelem * elem = NULL; char * args[5]; switch (type) { case LABEL: if ( (stat = do_mr_query("get_filesys_by_label", 1, &name, StoreInfo, (char *)&elem)) != 0) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in GetFSInfo"); return(NULL); } break; case MACHINE: if ( (stat = do_mr_query("get_filesys_by_machine", 1, &name, StoreInfo, (char *)&elem)) != 0) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in GetFSInfo"); return(NULL); } break; case GROUP: if ( (stat = do_mr_query("get_filesys_by_group", 1, &name, StoreInfo, (char *)&elem)) != 0) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in GetFSInfo"); return(NULL); } break; case ALIAS: args[ALIAS_NAME] = name; args[ALIAS_TYPE] = FS_ALIAS_TYPE; args[ALIAS_TRANS] = "*"; if ( (stat = do_mr_query("get_alias", 3, args, StoreInfo, (char *) &elem)) != 0) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in get_alias."); return(NULL); } } return(QueueTop(elem)); } /* Function Name: PrintFSAlias * Description: Prints a filesystem alias * Arguments: info - an array contains the strings of info. * Returns: the name of the filesys - used be QueryLoop(). */ static char * PrintFSAlias(info) char ** info; { char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf,"Alias: %-25s Filesystem: %s",info[ALIAS_NAME], info[ALIAS_TRANS]); Put_message(buf); return(info[ALIAS_NAME]); } static int fsgCount = 1; static char * PrintFSGMembers(info) char ** info; { char print_buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(print_buf, " %d. Filesystem: %-32s (sort key: %s)", fsgCount++, info[0], info[1]); Put_message(print_buf); return(info[0]); } /* Function Name: PrintFSInfo * Description: Prints the filesystem information. * Arguments: info - a pointer to the filesystem information. * Returns: none. */ static char * PrintFSInfo(info) char ** info; { char print_buf[BUFSIZ]; FORMFEED; if (!strcmp(info[FS_TYPE], "FSGROUP") || !strcmp(info[FS_TYPE], "MUL")) { int stat; struct qelem *elem = NULL; if (!strcmp(info[FS_TYPE], "MUL")) sprintf(print_buf,"%20s Multiple Filesystem: %s", " ", info[FS_NAME]); else sprintf(print_buf,"%20s Filesystem Group: %s", " ", info[FS_NAME]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf,"Comments: %s",info[FS_COMMENTS]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[FS_MODBY], info[FS_MODTIME], info[FS_MODWITH]); Put_message(print_buf); Put_message("Containing the filesystems (in order):"); if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_fsgroup_members", 1, &info[FS_NAME], StoreInfo, (char *)&elem)) != 0) { if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) Put_message(" [no members]"); else com_err(program_name, stat, " in PrintFSInfo"); } else { fsgCount = 1; Loop(QueueTop(elem), (void *) PrintFSGMembers); FreeQueue(elem); } } else { sprintf(print_buf,"%20s Filesystem: %s", " ", info[FS_NAME]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf,"Type: %-40s Machine: %-15s", info[FS_TYPE], info[FS_MACHINE]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf,"Default Access: %-2s Packname: %-17s Mountpoint %s ", info[FS_ACCESS], info[FS_PACK], info[FS_M_POINT]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf,"Comments: %s",info[FS_COMMENTS]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf, "User Ownership: %-30s Group Ownership: %s", info[FS_OWNER], info[FS_OWNERS]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf, "Auto Create: %-34s Locker Type: %s", atoi(info[FS_CREATE]) ? "ON" : "OFF", info[FS_L_TYPE]); Put_message(print_buf); sprintf(print_buf, MOD_FORMAT, info[FS_MODBY], info[FS_MODTIME], info[FS_MODWITH]); Put_message(print_buf); } return(info[FS_NAME]); } char *canonicalize_cell(c) char *c; { struct stat stbuf; char path[512]; int count; sprintf(path, "/afs/%s", c); if (lstat(path, &stbuf) || !stbuf.st_mode&S_IFLNK) return(c); count = readlink(path, path, sizeof(path)); if (count < 1) return(c); path[count] = 0; free(c); return(strsave(path)); } int GetAliasValue(argc, argv, retval) int argc; char **argv; char **retval; { *retval = strsave(argv[2]); return(MR_CONT); } /* Function Name: AskFSInfo. * Description: This function askes the user for information about a * machine and saves it into a structure. * Arguments: info - a pointer the the structure to put the * info into. * name - add a newname field? (T/F) * Returns: none. */ static char ** AskFSInfo(info, name) char ** info; Bool name; { char temp_buf[BUFSIZ], *newname, access_type[32]; int fsgroup = 0, newdefaults = 0; Put_message(""); sprintf(temp_buf, "Changing Attributes of filesystem %s.", info[FS_NAME]); Put_message(temp_buf); Put_message(""); if (name) { newname = Strsave(info[FS_NAME]); if (GetValueFromUser("The new name for this filesystem", &newname) == SUB_ERROR) return(NULL); } strcpy(temp_buf, info[FS_TYPE]); if (GetTypeFromUser("Filesystem's Type", "filesys", &info[FS_TYPE]) == SUB_ERROR) return(NULL); if (!strcasecmp(info[FS_TYPE], "FSGROUP") || !strcasecmp(info[FS_TYPE], "MUL")) fsgroup++; if (strcasecmp(info[FS_TYPE], temp_buf)) newdefaults++; if (fsgroup) { free(info[FS_MACHINE]); info[FS_MACHINE] = Strsave(NO_MACHINE); } else { if (!strcmp(info[FS_MACHINE], NO_MACHINE_BAD)) { free(info[FS_MACHINE]); info[FS_MACHINE] = Strsave(NO_MACHINE); } if (!strcasecmp(info[FS_TYPE], "AFS")) { if (!name || newdefaults) { free(info[FS_MACHINE]); info[FS_MACHINE] = strsave(DEFAULT_CELL); } if (GetValueFromUser("Filesystem's Cell", &info[FS_MACHINE]) == SUB_ERROR) return(NULL); info[FS_MACHINE] = canonicalize_cell(info[FS_MACHINE]); } else { if (GetValueFromUser("Filesystem's Machine", &info[FS_MACHINE]) == SUB_ERROR) return(NULL); info[FS_MACHINE] = canonicalize_hostname(info[FS_MACHINE]); } } if (!fsgroup) { if (!strcasecmp(info[FS_TYPE], "AFS")) { char *path, *args[3], *p; int status, depth, i; if (GetTypeFromUser("Filesystem's lockertype", "lockertype", &info[FS_L_TYPE]) == SUB_ERROR) return(NULL); if (!name || newdefaults) { free(info[FS_PACK]); lowercase(info[FS_MACHINE]); sprintf(temp_buf, "%s:%s", info[FS_MACHINE], info[FS_L_TYPE]); args[0] = temp_buf; args[1] = "AFSPATH"; args[2] = "*"; path = "???"; status = do_mr_query("get_alias", 3, args, GetAliasValue, &path); if (status == MR_SUCCESS) { p = index(path, ':'); if (p) { *p = 0; depth = atoi(++p); } else depth = 0; sprintf(temp_buf, "/afs/%s/%s", info[FS_MACHINE], path); if (depth >= 0) { for (p=info[FS_NAME]; *p&&(p-info[FS_NAME])q_data)[0]); FreeQueue(top); } } if (def_quota != NULL) { sprintf(buf, "Give user %s a quota of %s on filesys %s (Y/N)", info[FS_NAME], def_quota, info[FS_NAME]); if (YesNoQuestion(buf, 1) == TRUE) { argv[Q_NAME] = argv[Q_FILESYS] = info[FS_NAME]; argv[Q_TYPE] = "USER"; argv[Q_QUOTA] = def_quota; if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_quota", Q_QUOTA+1, argv, Scream, (char *) NULL)) != MR_SUCCESS) { com_err(program_name, stat, " while adding quota"); } } } } FreeInfo(info); return (DM_NORMAL); } /* Function Name: SortAfter * Description: choose a sortkey to cause an item to be added after * the count element in the queue * Arguments: queue of filesys names & sortkeys, queue count pointer * Returns: sort key to use. */ /* ARGSUSED */ char * SortAfter(elem, count) struct qelem *elem; int count; { char *prev, *next, prevnext, *key, keybuf[9]; /* first find the two keys we need to insert between */ prev = "A"; for (; count > 0; count--) { prev = ((char **)elem->q_data)[1]; if (elem->q_forw) elem = elem->q_forw; else break; } if (count > 0) next = "Z"; else next = ((char **)elem->q_data)[1]; /* now copy the matching characters */ for (key = keybuf; *prev && *prev == *next; next++) { *key++ = *prev++; } /* and set the last character */ if (*prev == 0) *prev = prevnext = 'A'; else prevnext = prev[1]; if (prevnext == 0) prevnext = 'A'; if (*next == 0) *next = 'Z'; if (*next - *prev > 1) { *key++ = (*next + *prev)/2; } else { *key++ = *prev; *key++ = (prevnext + 'Z')/2; } *key = 0; return(Strsave(keybuf)); } /* Function Name: AddFSToGroup * Description: add a filesystem to an FS group * Arguments: arc, argv - name of group in argv[1], filesys in argv[2]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ /* ARGSUSED */ int AddFSToGroup(argc, argv) char **argv; int argc; { int stat, count; struct qelem *elem = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ], *args[5], *bufp; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_fsgroup_members", 1, argv+1, StoreInfo, (char *)&elem)) != 0) { if (stat != MR_NO_MATCH) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddFSToGroup"); } if (elem == NULL) { args[0] = argv[1]; args[1] = argv[2]; args[2] = "M"; stat = do_mr_query("add_filesys_to_fsgroup", 3, args, Scream, NULL); if (stat) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddFSToGroup"); return(DM_NORMAL); } elem = QueueTop(elem); fsgCount = 1; Loop(elem, (void *) PrintFSGMembers); sprintf(buf, "%d", QueueCount(elem)); bufp = Strsave(buf); if (GetValueFromUser("Enter number of filesystem it should follow (0 to make it first):", &bufp) == SUB_ERROR) return(DM_NORMAL); count = atoi(bufp); free(bufp); args[2] = SortAfter(elem, count); FreeQueue(QueueTop(elem)); args[0] = argv[1]; args[1] = argv[2]; stat = do_mr_query("add_filesys_to_fsgroup", 3, args, Scream, NULL); if (stat == MR_EXISTS) { Put_message("That filesystem is already a member of the group."); Put_message("Use the order command if you want to change the sorting order."); } else if (stat) com_err(program_name, stat, " in AddFSToGroup"); return(DM_NORMAL); } /* Function Name: RemoveFSFromGroup * Description: delete a filesystem from an FS group * Arguments: arc, argv - name of group in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ /* ARGSUSED */ int RemoveFSFromGroup(argc, argv) char **argv; int argc; { int stat; char buf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(buf, "Delete filesystem %s from FS group %s", argv[2], argv[1]); if (!Confirm(buf)) return(DM_NORMAL); if ((stat = do_mr_query("remove_filesys_from_fsgroup", 2, argv+1, Scream, NULL)) != 0) { com_err(program_name, stat, ", not removed."); } return(DM_NORMAL); } /* Function Name: ChangeFSGroupOrder * Description: change the sortkey on a filesys in an FSgroup * Arguments: arc, argv - name of group in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ /* ARGSUSED */ int ChangeFSGroupOrder(argc, argv) char **argv; int argc; { int stat, src, dst, i; struct qelem *elem = NULL, *top, *tmpelem; char buf[BUFSIZ], *bufp, *args[3]; if ((stat = do_mr_query("get_fsgroup_members", 1, argv+1, StoreInfo, (char *)&elem)) != 0) { if (stat == MR_NO_MATCH) { sprintf(buf, "Ether %s is not a filesystem group or it has no members", argv[1]); Put_message(buf); } else com_err(program_name, stat, " in ChangeFSGroupOrder"); return(DM_NORMAL); } top = QueueTop(elem); fsgCount = 1; Loop(top, (void *) PrintFSGMembers); while (1) { bufp = Strsave("1"); if (GetValueFromUser("Enter number of the filesystem to move:", &bufp) == SUB_ERROR) return(DM_NORMAL); src = atoi(bufp); free(bufp); if (src < 0) { Put_message("You must enter a positive number (or 0 to abort)."); continue; } else if (src == 0) { Put_message("Aborted."); return(DM_NORMAL); } for (elem = top, i = src; i-- > 1 && elem->q_forw; elem = elem->q_forw); if (i > 0) { Put_message("You entered a number that is too high"); continue; } break; } while (1) { bufp = Strsave("0"); if (GetValueFromUser("Enter number of filesystem it should follow (0 to make it first):", &bufp) == SUB_ERROR) return(DM_NORMAL); dst = atoi(bufp); free(bufp); if (src == dst || src == dst + 1) { Put_message("That has no effect on the sorting order!"); return(DM_NORMAL); } if (dst < 0) { Put_message("You must enter a non-negative number."); continue; } for (tmpelem = top, i = dst; i-- > 1 && tmpelem->q_forw; tmpelem = tmpelem->q_forw); if (i > 0) { Put_message("You entered a number that is too high"); continue; } break; } args[2] = SortAfter(top, dst); args[0] = argv[1]; args[1] = ((char **)elem->q_data)[0]; if ((stat = do_mr_query("remove_filesys_from_fsgroup", 2, args, Scream, NULL)) != 0) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in ChangeFSGroupOrder"); return(DM_NORMAL); } if ((stat = do_mr_query("add_filesys_to_fsgroup", 3, args, Scream, NULL)) != 0) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in ChangeFSGroupOrder"); } return(DM_NORMAL); } /* -------------- Top Level Menu ---------------- */ /* Function Name: GetFSAlias * Description: Gets the value for a Filesystem Alias. * Arguments: argc, argv - name of alias in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. * NOTES: There should only be one filesystem per alias, thus * this will work correctly. */ /* ARGSUSED */ int GetFSAlias(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { struct qelem *top; top = GetFSInfo(ALIAS, argv[1]); Put_message(" "); /* blank line. */ Loop(top, (void *) PrintFSAlias); FreeQueue(top); return(DM_NORMAL); } /* Function Name: CreateFSAlias * Description: Create an alias name for a filesystem * Arguments: argc, argv - name of alias in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. * NOTES: This requires (name, type, transl) I get {name, translation} * from the user. I provide type, which is well-known. */ /* ARGSUSED */ int CreateFSAlias(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int stat; struct qelem *elem, *top; char *args[MAX_ARGS_SIZE], buf[BUFSIZ], **info; elem = NULL; if (!ValidName(argv[1])) return(DM_NORMAL); args[ALIAS_NAME] = Strsave(argv[1]); args[ALIAS_TYPE] = Strsave(FS_ALIAS_TYPE); args[ALIAS_TRANS] = Strsave("*"); /* * Check to see if this alias already exists in the database, if so then * print out values, free memory used and then exit. */ if ( (stat = do_mr_query("get_alias", 3, args, StoreInfo, (char *)&elem)) == 0) { top = elem = QueueTop(elem); while (elem != NULL) { info = (char **) elem->q_data; sprintf(buf,"The alias: %s currently describes the filesystem %s", info[ALIAS_NAME], info[ALIAS_TRANS]); Put_message(buf); elem = elem->q_forw; } FreeQueue(top); return(DM_NORMAL); } else if ( stat != MR_NO_MATCH) { com_err(program_name, stat, " in CreateFSAlias."); return(DM_NORMAL); } args[ALIAS_TRANS]= Strsave(""); args[ALIAS_END] = NULL; if (GetValueFromUser("Which filesystem will this alias point to?", &args[ALIAS_TRANS]) == SUB_ERROR) return(DM_NORMAL); if ( (stat = do_mr_query("add_alias", 3, args, NullFunc, NULL)) != 0) com_err(program_name, stat, " in CreateFSAlias."); FreeInfo(args); return (DM_NORMAL); } /* Function Name: RealDeleteFSAlias * Description: Does the real deletion work. * Arguments: info - array of char *'s containing all useful info. * one_item - a Boolean that is true if only one item * in queue that dumped us here. * Returns: none. */ void RealDeleteFSAlias(info, one_item) char ** info; Bool one_item; { int stat; char temp_buf[BUFSIZ]; /* * Deletetions are performed if the user hits 'y' on a list of multiple * filesystem, or if the user confirms on a unique alias. */ sprintf(temp_buf, "Are you sure that you want to delete the filesystem alias %s", info[ALIAS_NAME]); if(!one_item || Confirm(temp_buf)) { if ( (stat = do_mr_query("delete_alias", CountArgs(info), info, Scream, NULL)) != 0 ) com_err(program_name, stat, " filesystem alias not deleted."); else Put_message("Filesystem alias deleted."); } else Put_message("Filesystem alias not deleted."); } /* Function Name: DeleteFSAlias * Description: Delete an alias name for a filesystem * Arguments: argc, argv - name of alias in argv[1]. * Returns: DM_NORMAL. * NOTES: This requires (name, type, transl) I get {name, translation} * from the user. I provide type, which is well-known. */ /* ARGSUSED */ int DeleteFSAlias(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { struct qelem *elem = GetFSInfo(ALIAS, argv[1]); QueryLoop(elem, PrintFSAlias, RealDeleteFSAlias, "Delete the Filesystem Alias"); FreeQueue(elem); return (DM_NORMAL); } /* Function Name: AttachHelp * Description: Print help info on attachmaint. * Arguments: none * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int AttachHelp() { static char *message[] = { "These are the options:", "", "get - get information about a filesystem.", "add - add a new filesystem to the data base.", "update - update the information in the database on a filesystem.", "delete - delete a filesystem from the database.", "check - check information about association of a name and a filesys.", "alias - associate a name with a filesystem.", "unalias - disassociate a name with a filesystem.", "verbose - toggle the request for delete confirmation.", NULL, }; return(PrintHelp(message)); } /* Function Name: FSGroupHelp * Description: Print help info on fsgroups. * Arguments: none * Returns: DM_NORMAL. */ int FSGroupHelp() { static char *message[] = { "A filesystem group is a named sorted list of filesystems.", "", "To create, modify, or delete a group itself, use the menu above", " this one, and manipulate a filesystem of type FSGROUP.", "Options here are:", " get - get info about a group and show its members", " add - add a new member to a group.", " remove - remove a member from a group.", " order - change the sorting order of a group.", NULL }; return(PrintHelp(message)); }