[This is a still-under-construction rewrite of the afssync instructions, adapted to the Ingres/Maxine -> Oracle/SPARC port, and is also being updated and simplified.] The executables are in /moira/bin/ on the moira server, with sources in /mit/moiradev/src/afssync/. Most of the commands are run on the Moira server. #### Set up a workspace #### mkdir -p /moira/sync cd /moira/sync #### This is preparation for the resync, to save non-Moira users. #### First, get a recent copy of the prdb, and extract non-Moira entries: /moira/bin/udebug aggy -port 7002 rcp -px root@aggy:/usr/afs/db/prdb.DB0 prdb.old /moira/bin/udebug aggy -port 7002 If the two udebugs show that the version changed, lather-rinse-repeat. (udebug can be found in afsuser; "aggy" here and below is some DB server) (Also check for "0 of them for write" at the end. It might matter.) /moira/bin/pt_util -x -m -u -g -d prdb.extra -p prdb.old perl /moira/bin/pt_util.pl < prdb.extra > prdb.extra.sort to extract and prepare the personal groups and special user entries in the old prdb for being reincorporated into the new prdb. awk -F\| '$8 == 3 {print $1}' /backup/backup_1/users > /tmp/deactivated perl -e 'for(`cat /tmp/deactivated`) { chop; $ex{$_}=1;} \ $punt=0; foreach $L (`cat prdb.extra.sort`){ \ @w=split(/ /,$L); $_=$w[0]; if ( /:/ ) \ {@x=split(/:/,$w[0]); if($ex{$x[0]}) {$punt=1;}else{$punt=0;}} \ print $L unless $punt==1;}' > prdb.extra.trimmed to remove the personal groups for users who are deactivated awk '/^[^ ][^:]*@/ {printf "KERBEROS:%s\n",$1}' prdb.extra > foreign blanche afs-foreign-users -f foreign Get a list of all the @andrew.cmu.edu type (non- athena.mit.edu cell) users, and sync the Moira list afs-foreign-users to this list. Moira then adds those entries to the group system:afs-foreign-users, thus keeping them from being lost in the prdb resync. Sanity checking the diffs before running the blanche command is recommended. awk '/^[^ 0-9][^:@]*$/ {printf "KERBEROS:%s@ATHENA.MIT.EDU\n",$1}' \ prdb.extra > oddities awk '/^[^ ][0-9.]* .*$/ {printf "KERBEROS:%s\n",$1}' prdb.extra >> oddities echo "LIST:afs-foreign-users" >> oddities blanche afs-odd-entities -f oddities Do the equivalent of afs-foreign-users for domestic users. We make the afs-foreign-users list a member of the more general afs-odd-entities. Sanity checking the diffs before running the blanche command is recommended. WAIT for the incremental updates from the `blanche` changes to complete. #### Now the actual resync begins. Incremental updates must stop. #### touch /moira/afs/noafs to disable AFS incremental updates during the synchronization. The afs.incr (?) will wait 30 minutes on an incremental update before timing out, so the resync should complete in that time, or list changes in Moira might need to be propagated by hand. /moira/bin/afssync prdb.moira to dump the prdb data that is in Moira (users, groups, and group memberships). This step takes about ten minutes, but can be done concurrently with the next few steps. REPEAT the above commands, thus regenerating prdb.trimmed from a now completely-up-to-date prdb. *** Make sure the "afssync" command has completed *** cp prdb.moira prdb.new /moira/bin/pt_util -w -d prdb.extra.trimmed -p prdb.new \ >& prdb.extra.err This use of pt_util will presumably log errors about failed user creations and list additions. (To start over, do both the `cp` and `pt_util` again.) You can filter out the "User or group doesn't exist" type of lines that were caused by a user deactivation with something like: awk -F\| '$8 == 3 {print $1}' /backup/backup_1/users > /tmp/deactivated perl -e 'for(`cat /tmp/deactivated`){ chop; $ex{$_}=1;} \ foreach $L (`cat prdb.extra.err`){ $f=0; \ @w=split(/[ :]/,$L); for(@w){ $f=1 if $ex{$_}; } \ next if $f; print $L; }' Now, back to the resync. The only remaining errors should be errors creating system:foo groups, be cause they already exist. These generally mean that that group has an odd user on it (root instance, IP acl, etc.) and can safely be ignored. Errors of the form: Error while creating dcctdw:foo: Badly formed name (group prefix doesn't match owner?) are probably an indication that a user with personal groups had a username change (in the past they have also meant that a user with personal groups was deactivated and the uid was re-used (this was becasue we didn't trim the prdb.extra.sort file in the past.)) Assuming htese errors are due to a username change, the groups should be renamed, and you should regenerate prdb.extra.trimmed starting with a fresh prdb from aggy. (You may want to abort and rm /moira/afs/noafs and try again later.) pts listmax > prdb.listmax foreach i ( ) rsh $i -l root -x /bin/athena/detach -a # detach packs rsh $i -l root -x rm -f /usr/afs/db/{prdb.new,pre-resync-prdb} rcp -px prdb.new root@${i}:/usr/afs/db/prdb.new end # staging foreach i ( ) bos shutdown $i ptserver -wait bos exec $i "mv /usr/afs/db/prdb.DB0 /usr/afs/db/pre-resync-prdb; rm /usr/afs/db/prdb.DB*; mv /usr/afs/db/prdb.new /usr/afs/db/prdb.DB0" end foreach i ( ) bos restart $i ptserver end /moira/bin/udebug prill -port 7002 to watch the status of the servers to make sure things are going well, where "prill" is preferred db server (the sync site). Make sure the beacons are working, and that once quorom is established (~90 seconds) that the servers are resynchronizing their notions of the databases and that the "dbcurrent" and "up" fields all become set and the state goes to "1f". Also, if "sdi" isn't running, watch out for large rx packet queues on port 7002 using rxdebug, as the fileservers may get excessively backlogged, and restart servers, if necessary, if the congestion remains excessive. pts listmax cat prdb.listmax and if the id maxima are lower than the saved ones, reset them appropriately to the saved ones using `pts setmax`. pts ex system:administrators as a good spot check, especially since it has special people. (also spot check one of the personal groups and perhaps, something like the membership of rcmd.ronald-ann) rm /moira/afs/noafs to remove the lock file and let Moira's afs incrementals continue. NOTES 1. Don't do this when you're tired... There may be no cleanup procedure available, with certain mistakes. 2. /moira/afs/noafs is only good for 30 minutes. Keep track of the critical log, and you may have to do some operations by hand when the operation is complete. Also, if requests depend on other requests, they may be processed out of order, and fail, and may need to be done by hand.