/* $Id$ * * This generates the web server user & group data. * * tom@mit.edu * * Copyright 1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" EXEC SQL INCLUDE sqlca; RCSID("$Header$"); #ifndef WWW_SUBDIR #define WWW_SUBDIR "www" #endif #define MAX_RECSIZE 10240 char *whoami = "www.gen"; char *db = "moira/moira"; void filsys(FILE *out); void group(FILE *out); char www_dir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *colors[] = {"red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "mauve", "spooge", "rose", "ivory", "mitbeige", "twinkie", "midnightblue", "grey", "lilac", "orange", "purple", "ronhoffmanngreen"}; int ncolors = 16; int main(int argc, char **argv) { char outgrp[MAXPATHLEN]; char outfs[MAXPATHLEN]; char wkgrp[MAXPATHLEN]; char wkfs[MAXPATHLEN]; char cmd[BUFSIZ]; FILE *outgrpf; FILE *outfsf; struct stat sb; char *c; int flag; initialize_sms_error_table(); if (argc == 1) sprintf(www_dir, "%s/%s", DCM_DIR, WWW_SUBDIR); else { sprintf(www_dir, "%s", argv[1]); /* fake out dcm - we'll append .out later */ if (c = strrchr(www_dir, '.')) *c = '\0'; } if (argc > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [outdir]\n", argv[0]); exit(MR_ARGS); } if (stat(www_dir, &sb) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { if (mkdir(www_dir, 0700) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to make directory %s (%s))\n", whoami, www_dir, strerror(errno)); exit(MR_CCONFIG); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot stat %s (%s)\n", whoami, www_dir, strerror(errno)); exit(MR_CCONFIG); } } else if(!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s not a directory\n" , whoami, www_dir); exit(MR_CCONFIG); } EXEC SQL CONNECT :db; sprintf(outgrp, "%s/group", www_dir); sprintf(outfs, "%s/filsys", www_dir); sprintf(wkgrp, "%s/group~", www_dir); sprintf(wkfs, "%s/filsys~", www_dir); flag = 0; if (stat(outfs, &sb) == 0) { if (ModDiff (&flag, "filesys", sb.st_mtime)) exit(MR_DATE); } if (flag < 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s does not need to be rebuilt.\n", whoami, outfs); else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: building fs database...\n", whoami); if (!(outfsf = fopen(wkfs, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open %s for writing (%s)\n", whoami, wkfs, strerror(errno)); exit(MR_OCONFIG); } filsys(outfsf); if (fclose(outfsf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: close of %s failed (%s)", whoami, wkfs, strerror(errno)); exit(MR_CCONFIG); } fix_file(outfs); } flag = 0; if (stat(outgrp, &sb) == 0) { if (ModDiff (&flag, "list", sb.st_mtime) || ModDiff (&flag, "users", sb.st_mtime)) exit(MR_DATE); } if (flag < 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s does not need to be rebuilt.\n", whoami, outgrp); else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: building group database...\n", whoami); if (!(outgrpf = fopen(wkgrp, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open %s for writing (%s)\n", whoami, wkgrp, strerror(errno)); exit(MR_OCONFIG); } group(outgrpf); if (fclose(outgrpf)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: close of %s failed (%s)", whoami, wkgrp, strerror(errno)); exit(MR_CCONFIG); } fix_file(outgrp); } fprintf(stderr, "%s: building tar file...\n", whoami); sprintf(cmd, "(cd %s; tar cf - . ) > %s.out", www_dir, www_dir); if (system(cmd)) exit(MR_TAR_FAIL); exit(MR_SUCCESS); } void filsys(FILE *out) { char *c; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char label[FILESYS_LABEL_SIZE], path[FILESYS_NAME_SIZE]; char type[FILESYS_TYPE_SIZE], key[FSGROUP_KEY_SIZE]; int status, fid; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR GOTO sqlerr; EXEC SQL DECLARE filsys_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT label, name, type, filsys_id FROM filesys WHERE type='AFS' or type='FSGROUP' ORDER by label; EXEC SQL OPEN filsys_cursor; while (1) { EXEC SQL FETCH filsys_cursor INTO :label, :path, :type, :fid; if (sqlca.sqlcode) break; if (!*strtrim(label)) continue; if (!strcmp(strtrim(type), "FSGROUP")) { *path = '\0'; EXEC SQL DECLARE group_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT f.name, g.key FROM filesys f, fsgroup g WHERE f.filsys_id = g.filsys_id AND f.type='AFS' AND g.group_id = :fid ORDER BY g.key; EXEC SQL OPEN group_cursor; EXEC SQL FETCH group_cursor INTO :path, :key; EXEC SQL CLOSE group_cursor; } if (!*strtrim(path)) continue; fprintf(out, "%s:%s\n", label, path); } EXEC SQL CLOSE filsys_cursor; EXEC SQL COMMIT; return; sqlerr: db_error(sqlca.sqlcode); exit(MR_DBMS_ERR); } void group(FILE *out) { int first; int recsize; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char user[USERS_LOGIN_SIZE]; char list[LIST_NAME_SIZE]; char parent[LIST_NAME_SIZE]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR GOTO sqlerr; EXEC SQL DECLARE user_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT login FROM users WHERE status=1 OR status=2 ORDER by login; EXEC SQL OPEN user_cursor; while (1) { EXEC SQL FETCH user_cursor INTO :user; if (sqlca.sqlcode) break; strtrim(user); if (!isalpha(*user)) continue; recsize = strlen(user) + 3; first = 1; fprintf(out, "%s:xjOhFdLKGK84w:", user); EXEC SQL DECLARE member_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT l.name from list l, imembers i, users u WHERE u.login=:user AND u.users_id=i.member_id AND i.member_type='USER' AND i.list_id=l.list_id AND l.grouplist != 0 and l.active != 0 ORDER by l.name; EXEC SQL OPEN member_cursor; while (1) { EXEC SQL FETCH member_cursor INTO :list; if (sqlca.sqlcode) break; strtrim(list); fprintf(out, "%s%s", first ? "" : ",", list); recsize += strlen(list) + 1; first = 0; if (recsize > MAX_RECSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "truncated group list for %s\n", user); break; } } EXEC SQL CLOSE member_cursor; EXEC SQL COMMIT; fprintf(out, "\n"); } EXEC SQL CLOSE user_cursor; EXEC SQL COMMIT; return; sqlerr: db_error(sqlca.sqlcode); exit(MR_DBMS_ERR); }